Me, You and the EU!

Just in case people think only Americans are stupid or crazy enough to bow before the Monsanto Beast: heads up! With legislation like this in the works, it’s no longer conspiracy *theory* that genetically engineered food companies intend to control any and all seeds, and thus any and all food on this planet. I’m not reblogging this post as a scare tactic, but as a warning to everyone:

Buy organic heirloom seeds now, while you still can. Learn how to save your own seeds now, while you can still get organic and heirloom plants started so they eventually go to seed. Colette writes a nice post about the power of non-compliance, and includes a link to a petition if you still feel inclined towards such actions. More important than petitions, imo, is the gathering and storing of seeds, which are cheap now, but truly more valuable than gold.

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland


Missy Cat sleeps on the bed at Bealtaine CottageThe EU are trying to ban Heritage Seeds!

Bealtaine Cottage SeedsThere is a new regulation in the making as I type that will ban, yes, BAN, all old and rare varieties of seeds.

Bealtaine Cottage VerandaNot only ban these seeds of biodiversity and extreme importance to the health of the land and Nature, but will, in effect, threaten the exchange of seeds as I have been doing over recent months.

Old church pew at Bealtaine Cottage PermacultureThis ban will also prevent seeds of diversity from being sold!

So, the EU wants us all to bow down before Monsanto?

Well, I for one, will not!

Bealtaine Cottage Seeds from David in the USThe EU should be banning this monster called Monsanto and all the seeds of death it produces, not our seed heritage, nurtured and passed onto us by our grandparents!

Bealtaine Cottage standing stone in permaculture gardens“Monsanto’s GMO seed is neither ecological nor economic or socially sustainable. It is eco–cide and genocide.” ~ Dr Vandana Shiva

Bealtaine Cottage thinning trees“The courage to say no to…

View original post 117 more words

5 responses to this post.

  1. “More important than petitions, imo, is the gathering and storing of seeds, which are cheap now, but truly more valuable than gold.”

    Agreed! Thanx for posting. G



  2. Posted by Cindy Miller on April 25, 2013 at 8:58 pm

    I work at a Living History Museum and all we use are Heritage seeds, this is the MOST ridiculous thing I have ever heard of, shall we just forget about all history while we are at it?
    We must learn from history, not destroy it!



    • I agree, Cindy, and the world would be wise to look at some history lest we repeat it, or worse. Good for you working at a Living History Museum! Very cool.



  3. […] Act but now trying to make it illegal for states to have their own GMO labeling laws, I get mad. When I see the EU making anything but genetically engineered seed illegal to save, share or sell, I want to scream. When I see armed forces attacking and shutting down innocent Amish farmers for […]



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