Posts Tagged ‘Honeybees’

Bees and Trees

Two inspiring links and messages today …

The first from reader Nikkoale:

Hi, Laura. I saw a facebook post that I wanted to share with you, so that took me off hunting for where it originated. I wasn’t able to find the photo from this website, but I did find this fantastic article.

I love the info I gleened from this. I don’t see that many honey bees out here, but we have hundreds of them on my mint while it’s blooming — lots and lots of different species. I’m glad to see that the pollinators are in good shape here. And we’ll work to keep it that way. 🙂 And, of course, I like the honey bees, too.

The photo/advice was how to make native bee homes. This guy cut grass/plant stems into 6-inch lengths and bundled them up (several dozen in a bundle) to make homemade/natural native bee nests. I thought it was pretty cool.

But here’s the link to his site.

Blessings and love from here in the “south”. 🙂 Nikkoale

and the second, from reader Karen:

Hi Laura,

I saw a facebook post today about tree sisters. Essentially, from my quick dive into their story and website, a woman crashed into a tree and was given the spontaneous download to reforest the tropics and reinstate feminine consciousness and make it as natural to give back to nature as we currently feel it is to take. I thought of you right away and wanted to share this with you.

Then I thought not only of you but of all you do for both the trees and for women through your personal life and your blog, and I wanted to say thank you and show you a little bit of how much I appreciate you, so…. I bought you a tree!

Tree-Brother Change Perk
Thank you! We will plant a tree in the name of the woman in your life: your partner, mother, sister… and we will send you an invite to When 1000 Goddesses Gather to gift to her.

Sometime in November I’m supposed to get an email invitation to send you in case this gathering interests you – I believe it’s an online meditation. In the meantime, there’s a tree being planted in your name to help the rainforest, the animals who are losing habitat, and the women. yay!

Have a wonderful week!

Karen’s email happened to arrive just as I was outside playing tree tetris with a new order from Raintree Nursery — two more hazelnuts, three honeyberry bushes, kinnickinnic, salal, a third paw paw, and another goumi berry bush. Of course, they all have their own ideas about where they’d most love to live, which makes for musical plants on this fine autumn afternoon. I came inside to Karen’s lovely email. Yay, trees!