New Moon in Sagittarius ~ December 12, 2023

NOTE: There will be no New Moon video this month, only this write-up.

My December 2023 Forecast shared:

December 12 New Moon in Sagittarius, 6:32 p.m. Eastern US time. The Sabian Symbol for this 12/12 New Moon is: “(SAGITTARIUS 21°): A CHILD AND A DOG WEARING BORROWED EYEGLASSES. KEYNOTE: The use of imagination and make-believe in anticipating higher stages of development.” How fun is that?! The New Moon loosely trines the North Node in Aries, so get ready to find out. Destiny will have a hand in whatever unfolds. The New Moon also exactly trines (within minutes) the US natal Chiron, bringing supportive energy and potential big picture healing to the philosophical divide in today’s America.

This New Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, adding a distortion field. A bigger picture exists and wants to come through, but we need to shift perspective in order to perceive it. Adding to this distortion field, Mercury stations Retrograde in Capricorn the very next day, and will return to Sagittarius on December 23rd.

On a personal note, Mercury stations Rx right on top of my North Node destiny point. The Sabian Symbol for that degree is:

“(CAPRICORN 9°): AN ANGEL CARRYING A HARP. KEYNOTE: The revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at the core of any life situation. … The technique it implies is that of ATTUNEMENT to the rhythm of universal life. Angels are to be considered personalizations of various aspects of this life, and totally subservient to its rhythms and purposes.”

Even if Mercury doesn’t hit your chart in such a precise way, we’ll all be working with these energies for the next five weeks. Mercury stations Direct on New Year’s Day very close to this New Moon in Sagittarius point. Some of us might enter a kind of time warp or alternate timeline detour for the next month or so. If you feel that, know you’re not alone. I have been shown this potential many times in dreams.

Mars crosses that same 8+ Capricorn Mercury Rx station point on January 16, 2024. With Mars, we could feel the activation up to a week in advance, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for doors opening in early January. Once Mercury Direct crosses that same 8+ (rounded up to 9) Capricorn degree on January 20-21, 2024, our understanding of things will seem very different. The Sun and Pluto both enter Aquarius together on that same day, as Mercury wraps up his full retrospective through early Capricorn and late Sagittarius. This is one of those mega-transit periods where heaven and Earth undergo radical transformation, along with our inner and unconscious realms.

Things could get painfully weird around January 20-21st. Cue: “AN ANGEL CARRYING A HARP [and …] The revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at the core of any life situation.” Look for silver linings and blessings in disguise.

For clues to what might arise at the time of this December 12th New Moon in Sagittarius, look back to the Full Moon in Gemini on December 12, 2019. That one occurred at 12:12 a.m. Eastern US time on 12/12. I remember it well, because that was a powerhouse day whose seismic shifts have unfolded over the past four years. Perhaps you remember that date, too. In magical practice, they say it takes a New Moon to bring forth whatever you engaged on the Full Moon. This particular cycle from Full Moon to New Moon is a lot longer than usual!

This year’s New Moon in Sagittarius quincunxes Uranus at 19+ Taurus, bringing another layer of radical change and liberation. The New Moon also conjuncts Iris the Rainbow Goddess and a Kuiper Belt object known as Huya–named for the Venezuelan “rainmaker” god. The mythology refers to actual rain, but that quincunx with revolutionary Uranus could evoke other definitions of “rainmaker”:

rainmaker /rān′mā″kər/


  1. One who is known for achieving excellent results in a profession or field, such as business or politics.
  2. One who is believed to be capable of producing rain, as through magical or ritual actions.
  3. A native american medicine man who induces rain by rituals.

This New Moon happens to coincide with a court-ordered deadline to release the Seth Rich files. If–and that’s a very big if–the FBI complies, things could get interesting. The Ascendant for the Washington, D.C. chart conjuncts the 13° Cancer US natal Sun, which means the US might start looking more like its original blueprint. We shall see. Again, this New Moon reaches backwards and forwards through time, meaning some of its potential may take awhile to play out on the public stage.

One thing’s certain, the world will look different in late January due to energies triggered by this December 12th New Moon. The change in perspective leads us back to the Sabian Symbol: “(SAGITTARIUS 21°): A CHILD AND A DOG WEARING BORROWED EYEGLASSES. KEYNOTE: The use of imagination and make-believe in anticipating higher stages of development.” Sagittarius wants to engage the bigger picture, to find and proclaim the truth with a capital T.

I’ve posted this video before. No dogs, but there are some borrowed sunglasses. The song and dance capture our electric and childlike potential to change perspective (and thus, reality itself) in these extraordinary times.

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!

9 responses to this post.

  1. […] New Moon in Sagittarius ~ December 12, 2023 […]

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  2. Posted by corinataylor on December 8, 2023 at 11:38 am

    Thanks Laura! Happy New Moon in Sagittarius to you as well. 🙏🧚🏼‍♀️🌚🏹🤓

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Sagittarius 🌙 moons always feel good to me ✨️ 😉

    Liked by 1 person


  4. You’re very welcome. Shared on FB too. Sounds like quite the ride for next 6 weeks dear Laura

    Liked by 1 person


  5. […] my New Moon in Sagittarius post, I mentioned how we entered a surreal phase from December 12th‘s New Moon, Mercury stationing […]



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