December 4, 2021 New Moon in Sagittarius, Solar Eclipse

My December 2021 Forecast noted:

December 4 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, 2:43 a.m. Eastern. This New Moon Solar Eclipse could bring dark history to light. Even fortunate new beginnings exact a cost and demand retribution. An extremely karmic eclipse that can trigger optimism, while also bringing accountability.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs conjunct Mercury the Messenger, in the same sign as the transiting South Node. Connection with the South Node marks this as a karmic event. Mercury’s presence reveals that information about the past will bring new understanding. Eclipse effects last six months, so this event functions more as a collective starting gun than the finish line. As a collective, we will need to process information and accept responsibility for what came before. These instructions get amplified by the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon Solar Eclipse degree. Dane Rudhyar‘s description suggests the situation’s gravitas:


KEYNOTE: The karma of past actions as it affects opportunities presented by a new cycle.

What the “widow’s past” is remains obscure but the point is that even as a past cycle is closed — a phase of married life ends — the karma of whatever deeds or misdeeds this cycle witnessed will almost inevitably intrude into the new life period. Also, once a cycle of activity is concluded, much that was unclear or unconsciously motivated in the events it witnessed can now more easily come to the clear consciousness of the mind. It is possible to joyously herald the dawn from high above the actual stresses of existence (the preceding symbol), but the new day may be found loaded and darkened by the unfinished business of many a yesterday.

This is the third stage of the fifty-first five-fold sequence. Mankind is “the widow,” because our soon-to-be-concluded Piscean Age has buried most of the ideals it once revered and proclaimed. Yet the New Age will have to deal with many oppressive ghosts. This is a symbol of RETRIBUTION.

We can see a theme to this Eclipse Season. My Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse post shared the Sabian Symbol for that event: A WOMAN, PAST HER CHANGE OF LIFE, EXPERIENCES A NEW LOVE. In both cases we find an older woman, a widow or a crone — an ending and a new beginning. The November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse previewed the US Pluto Return, which first goes exact on February 20, 2022 yet will color all of 2022 with two more exact hits. The December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse reminds us that even with new birth — a happy ending and regeneration — the past doesn’t just evaporate.

We will need to deal with whatever came before, even as we move into the new.

And yet, there’s hope — and a sense of something so much bigger in play. The November 19 Lunar Eclipse exactly quincunxed the Galactic Center. This suggests a dynamic, creative, paradoxical connection ushering in a kind of cosmic rebirth. On December 4, 2021 the Solar Eclipse and Mercury the Messenger conjunct something called the Great Attractor. The video below explains what the Great Attractor is. In short, layman’s terms, it’s a point pulling all nearby galaxies to its core:

Gravity and gravitas — things are coming together faster than they’re falling apart. At this time, the plutino Huya closely conjuncts the Great Attractor, adding support for processing karmic implications of past events. According to Trans-Neptunian Astrology:

(38628) Huya, healing of past lives

(38628) Huya is related with the transformation of fixed patterns from past lives into a free and flexible expression of life. There is a very interesting description in the book of Annie Marquier (2000): “Free Your Self: Releasing Your Unconscious Defense Patterns”, or in the book of Daniel Meurois (1999): “Karmic Diseases”.

(38628) Huya is also related with psychological therapy, especially with the elimination of mental virus, like in the movies “American Beauty” (1999), “Kirikou and the Sorceress” (1998), “28 Days” (2000) and “Ugly Coyote” (2000).

We have cosmic support for the karmic challenges we face. We can look forward to a release from heavy history — but that release will come through reckoning how and why those things occurred. The process doesn’t always feel comfortable, but it occurs in perfect timing.

The vastness and complexity of the current awakening and transformation cannot be described in words. As Helen Keller said, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” When in doubt, trust your own expanding heart, which beats in time with the entire Cosmos.

9 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Rich Moser on December 1, 2021 at 7:34 pm

    Hi, I don’t have a video link in the e-mail…..


    Liked by 1 person


  2. Posted by seattle72 on December 1, 2021 at 7:40 pm

    Yipes, I feel the gravitas from this post!

    This reminds me of having a month long bout of nightmares of my lifetimes’ of traumatic moments a couple months back. Good times.

    I got the memo my soul intends for me to engage in multi-dimensional healing. That made so much sense as when I understood that, I flashed back to the distance symbol showing up in a very prominent and specific way during my Level II Reiki class, like when you discover an easter egg in a video game. It formed in the center of the room, as tall as me and spun around as if to say “here is another key for your journey”. The instructor was a bit surprised.

    This year I’ve really begun to understand my responsibility (that R word again) in my life choices, blaming my parents no longer serves, time to grow up and show up. It’s tough to heal when you don’t own your role.

    Also, you’re probably aware we have entered a stretch of palindrome dates. Fun stuff!

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Exciting times, even through the challenges… As we are now on that cusp of the wheel turning as things flip as we see what goes around come around…

    ” the karma of whatever deeds or misdeeds this cycle witnessed will almost inevitably intrude into the new life period. Also, once a cycle of activity is concluded, much that was unclear or unconsciously motivated in the events it witnessed can now more easily come to the clear consciousness of the mind.”

    I have a gut feeling as we go through December we will all witness these events as they unfold.. As we discover more clarity of our situations and experiences..

    I listened to Pam Gregory the other day on the New Moon.. And she was explaining it very similar.. As we go through a planetary cycle which may well sweep clean and clear up that which needs addressing… A rebirth indeed…
    So Thank you Laura, So good to be back within your wisdom pages of knowledge..

    Love and Blessings as we bare witness to this time, A time we all agreed to partake in..
    Much love x ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Yes, it’s interesting that so many astrologers are reading this one in almost exactly the same way. There’s usually at least some variety, but everyone seems to be feeling the karmic weight of this one. The world is changing — and some of it is changing in very positive ways. Much love xx ❤



  4. […] Laura Bruno offers a particularly inspired reading for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse. […]

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  5. […] « December 4, 2021 New Moon in Sagittarius, Solar Eclipse […]



  6. […] or “star kindler” from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth cosmology, and the Galactic Center acts like a birth […]



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