
Just a few garden pix today, plus a reminder. If you missed spring and summer planting, you still have time to plant cool weather crops like spinach, lettuce, mustard and bok choy. I started some inside today to replace lettuce and spinach that already bolted.

The Garden Tower 2 continues to produce loads of greens.

A few varieties of lettuce remain, and I need to harvest the New Kuroda carrots to see how well these shorties grew. I knew I wouldn’t have room for long carrots, but tried these as an experiment in the shallow top. Most of the tower filled in with collards, kale, basil, nasturtium, and chard.

Red hot poker compliments the Garden Tower 2:

As the orange daylilies fade away, echinacea (purple coneflower) and hyssop bloom in the same pot. The bees approve!

9 responses to this post.

  1. Tour garden tower looks amazing. When you planted it initially did you plant seeds or starts?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Thank you, Dawn! I have a combination of perennials and annuals I started as seeds, as well as some starts I got from stores.

      I got most of my seeds from . They have heirloom varieties to suit your taste, color palate or growing needs.



      • To clarify … in early spring, I scattered lettuce and carrot seeds across the top. The rest of the tower got planted with seeds I started indoors and then transplanted, as well as some I got as starts from stores. I’ve not had good luck direct seeding the Garden Tower pockets, but the top worked fine.



      • Thank you Laura for the tip!?😘

        Liked by 1 person


  2. So lush and lovely!  Thanks for sharing! Have a blessed week!

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Posted by Michelle Barrett on July 21, 2021 at 1:36 pm

    I love your garden it’s gorgeous! I am working on my own little outdoor garden, my husband put chicken wire almost all the way around it thinking the wild life won’t think to go all the way around to get to the small opening he left so I could get in and out of the garden. They did. So I built a stick wall and weaved in young tender sticks to create a wall. Now I just have to climb the adjacent privacy fence to get in lol. My indoor plants and veggies are getting bigger and surprising me every day.
    I’m really looking forward to this full moon I have alot I need to let go of. The position that I told you about, I applied for it, interviewed then got denied and the reasoning is beyond my comprehension in this moment. This is weighing heavily on me and my self worth and I usually use the full moon as a release.
    Not to mention new tarot and crystals that I want charged.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Thank you, Michelle! Yes, those critters are persistent. Our neighbor who used to trap and relocate groundhogs for me might be haunting our yard. I’ve only seen two total all year, and both of those only once. They hightailed it outta here.

      Sorry to hear about that position. I feel like the mantra “If not this, then something better” is the correct one in this situation. Something else will come through. Maybe that one was just to get you reaching bigger.

      Big blessings,

      Liked by 1 person


      • Posted by Michelle Barrett on July 21, 2021 at 4:03 pm

        Oh no! My parents did that I remember as a kid one year we had a mouse problem and the cats were not earning there keep. My dad would trap the mouse in a coffee can and drive it to work out in battle creek and let it go. My mom swore those mice found there way back. The bunnies are bad this year. We have a family living under our porch and I think they are taking a advantage of my greens. I do leave them my extras from my harvests but they won’t touch them they want from the stalk!

        That’s exactly what I was thinking I had a strange encounter with a coworker whom I have never seen before, now I’m seeing her everywhere and she evin sent me a message. We have been chatting like old friends. So I’m thinking she was placed in my path for a purpose.

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