Towards an Imaginal Ecology

A deep exploration of the power of the imaginal realm that connects story, Faerie, and Earth healing — this insightful piece weaves together Joanna Macy, Tolkien, and all of us. Thank you, Becca, for another beautiful articulation of the interconnectedness of all beings, including those most people don’t normally consider as “beings.”

Becca Tarnas

This essay, originally written in May 2013, has now been published in the inaugural issue of ReImagining Magazine, a publication created by the Chicago Wisdom Project.

“To speak, to ask to have audience today in the world, requires that we speak to the world, for the world is in the audience; it too is listening to what we say.”[1] With these words James Hillman opens his essay “Anima Mundi” in which he speaks of the return of soul to the world. Such is the task we face as a species, as human beings, as we learn to cultivate a different kind of relationship with our planet, the Earth which supports our very existence. But what eyes can we use to see the soul of the world? What languages can we speak to call out to the anima mundi? With what ears shall we listen to…

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