The Oracle Report ~ Mars, Eris and Katy Perry, or How the Illuminati Are Poised to Strike, and Why They Will Fail (Part 1)

Thanks, Jean! I love this Oracle Report, because it not only exposes the ritual at the Grammy Awards, but it also empowers the reader to recognize how esoteric tools and energy alignments could be used for other things than mind controlling viewers and ushering in wars.

As I commented on a different article deconstructing the Grammy Awards ritual:

There’s even more programming than the obvious. In addition to all the MK Ultra and Satanic creepiness, there’s an overt message that all magic(k) is evil, sexually perverse and related to mind control. Take home message: “You can’t fight us. Don’t even try. If you try to tap into your own alignments with energies, you will get swallowed up by evil, just like us.”

Meanwhile, as WB Yeats says, “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” We won’t get out of this via ordinary means, and the psychopaths are doing their best to ensure that the aware stay far, far away from any kind of positive magick, far, far away from any of the tools they’ve co-opted and maintained as their own exclusive property [including the use of astrology for amplifying and empowering intentions.

Tools are neutral. Their use depends upon the intentions of whomever wields the tool.] You can smash someone’s head in with a hammer, but you can also build a house or a boat. You could be like Pete Seeger with that hammer … or you could believe that because we’ve seen so much scary action from murderers with hammers that all hammers are inherently evil. Not so, not so. We drink this Kool-Aid to our own peril.

“Where there is fear, there is power.” The Illuminati, or whatever you want to call them, manipulate and dis-empower people in at least two ways:

1) They completely use and abuse the unknowing and unaware, sucking off their life force for nefarious ends.

2) They terrify those who see through the illusion so that those people with higher levels of awareness won’t ever tap into their own power for fear of being “like them.”

This dynamic explains the value and importance of Shadow Work:

“Who sees all beings in their own self, and their own self in all beings, loses all fear.” …The men Bird faced were not alien to him, and so ultimately they could not defeat him.” ~Starhawk, The Fifth Sacred Thing

Live and learn, but also … please … permit yourself to learn and live!

The Oracle Report ~ Mars, Eris, and Katy Perry, of How the Illuminati Are Poised to Strike, and Why They Will Fail (Part 1)

The world is supposed to be a happy and safe place for children. But that’s not the case anymore with the Illuminati magician-minions’ systematic deconstruction of childhood wonder and innocence and the calculated exposure of children to rituals blending sexual and occult themes. But the New World Order has gotten as far as it has in large measure because these rituals are timed in accordance with astrology, which is part of the Illuminai’s war chest. Latest case in point: Katy Perry’s ritual-performance at the 2014 Grammy Awards on the eve of the Mars-Eris opposition at the Eris Point, the Illuminati’s preferred degree in the zodiac for furthering their control agenda. Under the surface, this ritual is preparation for war.

The unavoidable consequence (or in Illuminati-speak, the “revelation of the method”) of enacting mass occult rituals, which is exactly what the Grammy Awards and all other mass spectacles like Opening Ceremonies at the Olympics are, is that it leaves a signature, a trail, a calling card. For a “forensic” astrologer like me and the only astrologer to begin researching the planet Eris at the observatory where it was discovered, it is easy to see when the Illuminati will make geopolitical moves (usually through false flag events). Their “secret” is not so secret anymore, however.

Universal principles of electromagnetics and harmonics which are not fully understood by mainstream science (but accurately understood by the Illuminati) indicate optimum energetic times to imprint reality and influence events. In the zodiac, when a planet makes an aspect to 21 degrees of Aries, the Eris Point or degree in the sky where Eris was discovered, the Illuminati enact a ritual that is tied to war. This is because archetypally Eris is known as the Queen of the Battlefield, Queen of the Underworld, and the Goddess of Chaos and Strife.

But the “face” of this goddess is split in two like no other. There is a second side of the Eris archetype – a nurturing wife and mother who leads her children through the cycles of birth and growth, upholding the values of true love and freedom, righteously defending against slavery and tyranny. Her themes are intertwined with protecting those on the margins of society. (New mom Beyonce held this role in the Grammy Awards ritual ceremony.)

Historically, Eris has been known by many names. She is the Sumerian Inanna/Ereshkigal, the Egyptian Isis, the Babylonian Lilith, and the Disney characters of Snow White/the Evil Queen and Sleeping Beauty/Maleficent (the latter also featured during the Grammy Awards). Eris is a shrieking banshee on the battlefield and the protectrix of elite troops. She is the wrinkled witch stirring a cauldron and a seductive underworld goddess mixing elixirs of alchemy.

In astrology, when planets make conjunctions and oppositions to the Eris Point, the degree in the sky where the planet Eris was discovered, powerful archetypal energies engage. It provides a “magical” opportunity to imprint reality. The nature of the opportunity is determined by that planet’s own archetypal themes in association with Eris’ themes. The Illuminati believe that “paying homage” to Eris with a ceremony when the planet Eris and/or the Eris Point are astrologically activated courts favor, so they perform rituals when these astrological aspects coalesce. “Favor” in this sense describes the potential effectiveness of the goal – the spell.

Rituals and ceremonies are more powerful when masses of people participate, thus mass media is the perfect outlet for such activities. Blue eyed and dark haired Katy Perry, Eris du jour, fits the Illuminati’s preferred stereotype of Eris. Katy Perry is an amalgam of fairy princess and dominatrix wrapped up in a package of charm. Her performance motif could have been anything, but a witch in the grove is hardly random. The ceremony at the Grammy Awards occurred on the eve of the exact opposition of Mars and Eris, very close to the Eris Point. Mars is the God of War and he also happens to be Eris’ brother. When Mars and Eris are in aspect, anger, aggression, conflict, and war are heightened. When they are in aspect close to the degree where the planet Eris was first discovered, the influence is enormously magnified.

However, the real cruelty of the ceremony is that Katy Perry retains an ember of childlike wonderment for life; therefore children are naturally drawn to her. She is most popular with (worshiped by) very young children. She’s the voice of Smurfette, after all! Her performance was scheduled early in the show when younger children would still be awake. The Illuminati believe that involving children in their rituals empowers the ritual. Enough whistleblower and court testimony has surfaced regarding ritualized child sexual abuse for us to know that secret rituals with children are a reality. Most likely a real ritual involving children was occurring while those watching the “dramatic” rendition of the ritual, Katy Perry’s performance, unwittingly offered passive participation.

There is a term for the insertion of ideas and intentions into people’s minds at certain times for a desired effect that grows over time and is reinforced at future opportune times: mind control. These broadcast “performances” are ceremonial mass mind control via the entertainment industry using a calendar of astrology for timing.

(Katy Perry should be mindful that the Illuminati wholeheartedly believe in the misogynistic notion that “all goddesses must fall” and thus will engineer or facilitate a future fall from grace. Then, she will either remake herself like the phoenix rising from the ashes or be annihilated in the flames. It’s a win-win for the Illuminati because “goddesses” are powerful regardless of whether they are fallen or risen. Most likely Katy Perry is peripherally aware, as are most artists in the music industry, if not the entertainment industry as whole, that there is a cabal of occult-oriented businessmen-bankers who are truly in control of whom becomes successful and what type of art shapes the world. Jay-Z is rather open about it; his commitment to perpetuating the symbolism is plain. Madonna, a previous ritual pawn who is occasionally trounced back out, is now deeply immersed in the Illuminati’s perversion of the Mysteries. It is perversion because their view is based on foundations of dominance and control of others– principles contrary to life.)

Freedom of expression stands, but it is our job to be wise to what is being expressed. Katy Perry’s performance-ritual is a statement that only those who are schooled in esoteric wisdom would fully understand. In Part 2, we will look at just what that statement is and why it indicates that the New Moon in Aries on March 30, 2014, the astrological New Year, opens the year when the Illuminati make their final move and why the energy that they try so desperately to control will ultimately be their downfall. On that day, Mars comes back to Eris for a repeat performance. This time around, however, the ritual will not be shrouded behind a flimsy stage spectacle. It will play out in the theatre of the world.

Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. Permission granted for reposting this article in its entirety when credit is given.

11 responses to this post.

  1. Reblogged this on Reiki Dawn and commented:
    Lot’s of good information here from a combination of sources…thanks Laura, Jean and the Oracle Report.



  2. […] too, noticed this post from Jean Haines, was going to repost it, and am glad Laura Bruno commented further before I did! Very interesting, and made me, as an astrologer, look further into […]



  3. […] THEY WILL FAIL  In Part 2, we will look at just what that statement is and why it indicates that the New Moon in Aries on March 30, 2014, the astrological New Year, opens the year when the Illuminati make their final move and why the energy that they try so desperately to control will ultimately be THEIR DOWNFALL. On that day, Mars comes back to ERIS for a repeat performance. […]



  4. i can’t help but wonder if this is connected to the superbowl.

    also, during her grammy performance, the image of the “dark horse” with the red glowing eyes (on the giant screen behind her) really stood my intuitive antenna on it’s end. there’s something about that particular image that nudges the darker corners of the subconscious. this is a trigger (for something). very dark, low vibrational energy.

    “dark horse” subsequently shot to number one on billboard hot 100.

    great post. thanks again laura.



  5. This came through from Kieron on the next post, but since it’s clearly meant for this one, I’m copying and pasting it here:

    Submitted on 2014/01/31 at 12:25 pm

    Be aware that when Venus is the Morning Star, as it is currently, also is an indicator of war or tendency toward same, according to many sources.

    I wasn’t aware of any connection between Eris and Inanna as this article states, but I concede it’s possible. Incidentally, if you research the roots of the name “Katy” you will find a great many connections to none other than Hekate. The editors of the Oxford Dictionary of First Names believe there’s no connection between Hekate and the multitude of names derived from it (Katherine, Catherine, Katrina, etc etc, but these dusty old dudes are surely asleep.



  6. @Jona, I have to admit that I don’t own a TV and have never –to my recollection — ever watched the Grammy’s and perhaps only one Oscar’s and maybe two superbowls in my entire life. I’m grateful others take the time to watch and analyze such things, as I personally wouldn’t make it through them. The only time in my life I’ve owned a TV was for two years after my brain injury when I couldn’t read. I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer — which is a hilariously funny show for an English Major (or maybe that was the brain injury, LOL) — Charmed and Roswell. Other than those shows during those two years, I’m pretty TV illiterate, although I could probably tell you the plots of every single Little House on the Prairie episode from my youth!

    Anyway, yes, the Superbowl … I cannot for the life of me fathom why anyone would attend a large sporting event these days. Since Americans are so preoccupied by sports, television and what passes for music, instead of paying attention to their own freedom and responsibility, perhaps the “Illuminati” are doing people a favor by making the experiences less pleasant. A mass unplugging would do wonders for undoing the collective brainwashing. That’s one reason I suspect the psychopaths won’t actually do a full on EMP false flag — w/o iPhone app’s, tell-lie-vision, ELF waves, EMF pollution, and mass participation in rituals, how will “they” continue the mind control and energy surfing?

    Thanks for your comment. Lots intended … we shall see what actually bears their rotten fruits.



  7. @Kieron, thanks for the additional insights. Names and goddess traditions always interest me, because, of course, history comes to us primarily from the victors/controllers. I don’t work with Hecate, but some research indicates that originally she was considered a very powerful and ***benevolent triple goddess. In Celtic mythology, the Morrigan would be the closest, though not identical personage — goddess of sovereignty and the land. One can certainly imagine why conquerors would want to demonize a homeland’s goddess of sovereignty and the land!

    Given the extreme patriarchal nature of Christianity, as well as the conquests of the “Holy” Roman Empire, I take descriptions of “the most evil” goddesses with a grain of salt. Fears of retribution or of eternal damnation acted (and still act) as effective guardians to the Mysteries. I don’t in any way condone practicing black magic — imposing control over another’s free will for personal gain, murder, etc. — however, the big, bad, scariest goddesses always interest me in that those writing history were those who clearly derived advantages from separating people from long held faiths and relationships with powerful images/motifs/goddesses. “Where there is fear, there is power” usually does hold true. What one chooses to do with such power makes a big difference.

    IMHO, the reason so many of these “Dark” goddesses continue to be associated with black magic is because certain controllers have run smear campaigns in order to monopolize those energies. Thus, they HAVE BECOME associated with black magic, but that wasn’t their original role or intent. As with the spirit of money, the co-opted suffer as well as those deprived of the purer intents. Loving reclamation of our Shadows both heals and purifies.



  8. […] Laura Walker (author of ) giving an introduction/additional insights into her article that I posted yesterday. She talks about the powerful seeding and intention potential of the Eris […]



  9. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you for sharing this and introducing it:-)



  10. If you eat what they serve or even just stare at the plate you are likely to get sick. Don’t come to the dinner in the first place.



  11. […] too, noticed this post from Jean Haines, was going to repost it, and am glad Laura Bruno commented further before I did! Very interesting, and made me, as an astrologer, look further into […]



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