My March Against Monsanto Speech

What a great speech! Thanks to Kimber for sharing this continuation of Wendell Berry nuggets of wisdom (at the end of the speech). Plenty of left brain details, but wow, this one moves the heart and soul. Definitely worth a read!

Mockingbird Chronicles

My friend Michelle asked whether I would be posting my speech from the March Against Monsanto, so I am going to post it here.

This blog is about me becoming more comfortable in my writer’s skin, about not being snarky and rude to myself about what I write, so I will not be the Teacher with The Red Pen telling you what I think is wrong with this piece.  It’s not bad, really.  Some of it is pretty good, I think.  It’s just that as I wrote it, it didn’t feel inspired.  It didn’t feel world-changing or earth-shaking.  That’s okay with me.  I was happy with how it fit into the story of the day, how it hopefully helped people there to make a connection with a farmer.  I think this piece was sort of like a good friend during the speeches, fitting into the group and helping the…

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