Many Milestones

I’m writing this the morning of my 51st birthday. David and I spent the weekend in the Traverse City area–my favorite spot in Michigan. We did our usual two days, one night trip there. The reset up there always feels like a way longer vacation. A timeless space, captured by the old-fashioned look of this photo:

I had a jean jacket tied around my waist, but I love how it looks like a bustle! This was Good Harbor Bay Beach–a new place for us.

We had our usual amazing food in Traverse City–Poppycock’s for lunch, plus the next day’s breakfast and lunch from Oryana Cafe. We know what we like up here, and we returned to many favorites, including the Empire Bluff Trail at Sleeping Bear Dunes:

Some highlights:

We remembered this overturned tree from last time, and it has only improved with age.

Throughout our drives and walks, we talked about how many milestones we’ve reached since our birthdays in 2023. David turned 60 this year, with a New Moon on his birthday. I turned 50 last year, and this year I’ve got a Full Moon the day after my birthday, with Venus conjunct Jupiter on my Midheaven. Today, the Sun exactly trines Pluto in Aquarius, and this reactivates the exact Grand Trine in Air in my birth chart–Gemini Sun-Aquarius Moon-Libra Pluto–all at 1 degree.

The energy feels expansive and auspicious after five years of precise and truly insane transits. I’ve told many people that I don’t know anyone else who would have survived this simultaneous onslaught of intense astro hits, let alone thrived. I feel incredibly grateful to have made it through a period for which I’ve prepared since 2018. Even with all that preparation, I’m not quite through them all. Still, Jupiter and Venus conjunct my Midheaven feels auspicious–optimistic–with a feel of “We did it!”

In addition to a perfect storm of ongoing activation and progressions, David and I both honored our last remaining parents this year. David’s dad died during David’s Second Saturn Return, and my mom passed during Pluto conjunct my natal Moon. Those are extreme expressions of the transits, like symbols made manifest in outer life. I could write a much longer post about all the loose ends we’ve tied up in the past year, as well as those final pieces obviously falling into place, but not quite yet. Instead, I’ll end with more symbols made manifest.

When we began our drive to Traverse City, David noted how his work van hit 100,000 miles last week. He started in that van six years ago at around 65 miles, so the turn of his odometer felt big. He noted that our 2012 Jetta was also in the 99,000’s, but he didn’t think we’d reach 100K on this trip. The more we drove around gorgeous scenery, the more likely that became, until David realized that we would hit 100,000 miles before returning to Kalamazoo. Having not one, but two of his vehicles hit 100,000 miles in such a short time span seemed extra significant, so we intended to photograph the moment.

On the way home, David wanted coffee, and so he turned off the highway. There was literally nothing available, but he realized we were only a couple miles from 100K, so he drove up the road. Without planning it, the turnover to 100,000 miles occurred at 5:07, which is David’s birthday time. It even says 5:07 D (for Daylight), but also identifying David, the “D” born on May 7th:

The synchronicity blew us away, because it happened so organically after we’d spent 36 hours talking about major milestones. Afterwards, the stereo song titles and clock continued to tell an uncanny story. Perhaps I’ll share those photos some other time.

For now, I’ll just say how grateful I feel to have made it through the past year. It wasn’t easy, but it was extremely fertile. You always get regeneration in addition to the death and rebirth of Pluto. With Chiron–that April 8th Sun-Moon-Chiron Eclipse exactly conjuncted my natal Chiron–you always get healing. I cannot describe how intense this past year has been, but we made it, with room for joy, liberation and expansion. A long exhale … after a long, surreal journey.

This afternoon we’ll head out for an early (and yummy!) dinner, but then, we rest. We’re both looking forward to lower key living and a chance to catch up with ourselves.

Yesterday, I decided only to plant the front garden this year. Unless something radical changes my mind, I’ll let some of the back, hidden beds and the Garden Tower lay fallow this year. I have plenty of perennials, but I just don’t feel like watering both front and back gardens every morning. I’m deep in the throes of book research, and I want mornings for yoga. I’ll still plant some veggies in and among the perennials up front. I just don’t have it in me to battle groundhogs so much this year. David says we can go to the farmer’s market more often, so we’ll still have super fresh food.

Easing up on the gardening feels huge to me–in part because they are finally, supposedly digging up our street this year at some unknown time. I might need to go elsewhere due to noise, but I don’t know when that will occur. We’re also on the edge of the cicada emergence. I don’t feel like fighting them either. I have a weird feeling about this summer, and I welcome more flexibility to any potential plans. Everything feels fluid.

After eighteen years, I’ve also stopped hennaing my hair. It didn’t change the color much anyway. I did it for texture and easy maintenance. My knotty hair gets much smoother with henna, and I used to LOVE the henna ritual. It used to be my main self-care splurge, but after this intense five years of transits, self-care feels like a full time job. I have so many nurturing things built into my day that I don’t crave henna like I used to. I also have more than two white hairs now! Not a lot–but I don’t want a stark red and white line at some point. At 51, I can let some silver sparkle.

That may seem like a small shift, but it marks yet another end of an era milestone. As I said, I could write a much longer post, but I think you get the idea. Big shifts! I am grateful.

37 responses to this post.

  1. I forgot to say that we saw two bald eagles! Just last week, I had mentioned how often I used to see bald eagles when I lived in Seattle. I longed to see one again. We saw one on the way in and another at Empire Bluff, looking down on Lake Michigan. The eagle flew below us, so we could see its white head and tail from above, whereas the first one we saw from below.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Posted by owningcapt on May 22, 2024 at 4:11 pm

      Bald eagles have made a wonderful resurgence in the Pacific Northwest. When walking in nature, it is rare you don’t see one, especially if your hike extends to the Columbia River particularly more west towards Sauvie Island. I flight instruct, and my students and I often share the sky with these beautiful birds (as well as many other species). Happy birthdays to you both.

      Liked by 1 person


  2. What a fabulous update! My husband and I are 10 years apart as well. All those synchronicities! I love when those happen. It’s an affirmation that you’re in the right place and time. May your summer bring you more peace and joy!💖

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Posted by Cynthia on May 22, 2024 at 12:36 pm

    Beautiful countryside! Happy Pleiadian birthday 🎂


    Liked by 1 person


  4. Posted by Nikkoale on May 22, 2024 at 1:14 pm

    What a lovely update on your milestones, Laura! I know your next trip around the Sun will be just as magickal! Sparkle, Faerie Girl! Sparkle! Love and blessings!

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Posted by citrinerising67 on May 22, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    Happy Birthday, Laura! Thank you for sharing your milestones moments with us. Wishing you a day filled with joy, love and peace. You’re such a gem 💎

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Happy Birthday dear Laura…. Love, love, LOVE the photos, and you definitely do not look your age…. 🙂 Those synchronicities over the milage, Wow… Don’t you just LOVE the Universe and the constant messages when we pay attention.. They just keep on coming…

    I think sometimes Less is more, as you ease back on your gardening, allowing yourself more space to BE and it then is not a chore but a delight. I am so pleased that here in England we so far have had more than our share of rain, as we just had the wettest April on record… and what do you know, after a week of sunshine we now have heavy rain again.. 🙂 but there is always the upside… No watering!! 🙂 …

    I feel this month is not yet done with its surprises… :-), and learning to navigate and hold our energies has been huge…
    Wishing you a Wonderful Full Moon… And wishing you both a Happy Month of May Celebrations and Cherished Moments..

    Much love to you Laura.. xxx ❤ Sue xx ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Posted by seattle72 on May 22, 2024 at 3:38 pm

    Happy Rebirth Day dear Laura!!! 🎉🎉🎉 I love this post, I can feel your shift and it’s wonderful. And but of course you would thread that astrological needle! You are amazing! 💜 I would expect nothing less.

    Enjoy your rebirth! 🤗

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Posted by manyhahama1955 on May 22, 2024 at 3:41 pm

    Hello dear Laura,

    Well, I just sent you a long comment and I don’t know where it went. So much for my computer skills, eh? Thank you for sharing your beautiful Birthday celebration adventure with us. I’m so grateful to get to travel to places I’ve wanted to go, vicariously through you. So glad you had such a wonderful time with David. Wishing you sparkly belated Birthday and many blessings on your new year ahead. I’m happy for you that you survived the worst of the last 5 years of difficult transits. You are an amazing bright shining Soul. Thank you for all you share and give to the world and for helping us along on our journeys. May you enjoy your time writing and less gardening and battles with groundhogs.

    Peace love and gratitude!

    Liked by 1 person


    • You’re not late, Sophia! You got the actual day. Much love to you, and thanks for the birthday blessings. ❤ ❤ ❤



      • Posted by manyhahama1955 on May 22, 2024 at 4:16 pm

        Oh good, I’m so glad. I’m a bit out of it…I thought today was the full moon. My sweet kitty boy Rupert has been quite ill from some kind of bite he got on his neck, out at our country property. So, I’ve been in town all week and taking him to the vet and again tomorrow because he still won’t eat or drink, even though his fever is down with the meds and appetite stimulant. I’m exhausted but taking time today for self care. Enjoy your day!

        Much love!

        Liked by 1 person


  9. Posted by manyhahama1955 on May 22, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    …Birthday Wishes….

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Posted by Carrie Neiss on May 22, 2024 at 6:38 pm

    Happy Birthday Laura! Thanks so much for sharing those beautiful photos! Easing up on some rituals and gardening sounds like a great idea, and inspiring to be more “in the flow”. I’m so happy you are passed all those transits!

    Much love,


    Liked by 1 person


  11. Posted by thymia17 on May 23, 2024 at 9:32 am

    Happy belated birthday, Laura! The Sleeping Bear Dunes park was always special to George & I, partly because one of the seasonal rangers in Empire (Linda, who’s now retired or gone, I’m sure) caused us to get together. And yes, I know how losing one’s mother during a Pluto transit over Moon feels. I thought of you when I saw this YouTube channel on X –

    Liked by 1 person


    • Thank you! What an amazing owl channel. I didn’t realize that you also lost your mother during a Pluto conjunct Moon transit. I’ve talked with other astrologers who assured me my concerns and dreams were “only symbolic,” but sometimes the energies manifest in quite literal ways! How amazing that you and George got together in some ways because of Empire! 🙂



  12. Happy Birthday again and Happy Full Moon! Always love me some Sag Moons. So happy always to see my L having fun and happy times. Really glad you’ve gotten through all the rougher stuff. Lots of new era portals have opened yay! And double yay to silver hairs!

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Posted by Sue Lyman on May 23, 2024 at 8:25 pm

    Happy Belated Birthday and happy full moon!

    Liked by 1 person


  14. […] « Many Milestones […]



  15. […] almost weekend! I thought I’d leave you with some garden pretties and a compromise. I recently shared how I had decided not to plant any annuals in the backyard this year. We have plenty of perennials, […]



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