Posts Tagged ‘Pamela Hipp’

Garden and Other Updates

Happy Friday! I haven’t posted garden photos in awhile for a few reasons. Mostly, I’ve been super busy with sessions. Last week, we had a wonderful two-day visit from my sweet friend Pamela. We’ve known each other in several iterations, having first met when we both lived in Santa Fe, NM back in 2002. Then we reconnected when be both lived in Monterey, CA in 2007, and periodically on my visits to Pennsylvania since she moved about an hour and a half away from my mom and sister. I think the last time we saw each other was here in Kalamazoo, back in 2018.

It was soooo nice to reconnect. If you happen to live anywhere near Philadelphia, Pamela gives the best massages of anyone I’ve ever known. Just a heads up: you’re in for a treat. No massage on this visit since she flew here on Reiki-infused planes, but we had a great recharge in a visit that stretched longer than linear time.

In addition to enjoying garden goodies, David, Pamela and I went on a history of Kalamazoo tour, and Pamela and I got some nature time the next day:

In and around her visit, I’ve been super busy with sessions related to all the intense astro energies affecting everyone right now. Things seem to be settling down ever so slightly, but I feel like they’ll pick up again soon. I either broke or sprained my left pinky toe yesterday, and that has forced me to slow WAY down. The injury came after I received that message in several other forms but kept pushing it back. Now I have no excuses and no guilt about moving more slowly. I should also have time to finish a portal painting commissioned over a year and a half ago but perfectly timed for right now.

The garden continues blooming like crazy. I love this late summer phase when the front yard looks like a busy airport. So many happy pollinators! Here are today’s photos:

I didn’t take any backyard photos this morning and don’t want to hobble back there with my phone now. Good harvests continue. I filled a huge colander with aronia berries from one bush. I’ll need to harvest the others tomorrow. I brought in five 16″ purple long beans (so much fun!), as well as a zucchini larger than my forearm. We’ve got all the ingredients for another round of ratatouille tonight or tomorrow, and I can’t wait to try some celery. Kalamazoo used to be famous for its celery farms, and I have to say, I’ve never had such beautiful celery success as I have here. We must have just the right amount of something here to make it thrive.

Other than that, I’ll be icing my poor foot, doing sessions and working on a portal. Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend!