Dream Guy Soundtrack

Whew, that Solstice was intense! Anyone else feel like you walked through fire? This morning’s Dream Guy Soundtrack, courtesy of Michael Franti & Spearhead:

22 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Suzanne on June 21, 2024 at 1:33 pm

    As I have done in the past, I wear myself out to be able to have deep releases. (A bit tired of myself doing that) I got sick last Thursday and had to cancel 3 days of work. I am fine with the canceling (used to feel deeply guilty), I obviously needed the rest. Sinus, respiratory congestion and fever.

    To summarize, Yes. I felt the intensity🤣.

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    • Yeah, Summer Solstice squares my natal Pluto and opposes natal Black Moon Lilith, so it’s always intense … but his year, also my husband got a severe, acute case of Lyme that showed up this weekend. We caught it early, but still, extra intensity on top of already intense transits for both of us. Glad you are being gentle with yourself.

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      • Posted by Suzanne on June 21, 2024 at 3:18 pm

        I am happy to hear you caught the Lyme before it bacame anything damaging! 🙏🏻🌺✨️

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        • Yes, fingers crossed that things continue to heal for him. I have never seen such an intense immediate reaction. Fortunately, his symptoms were so classic and so over the top that the doctor 100% agreed with my assessment. He got a week off work and has finally spent more than a few hours out of bed today. It was NUTZ!

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  2. Posted by seattle72 on June 21, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    Not fire, maybe taffy? Take three steps forward, then… I’m exhausted and quite fearful of the world right now. It’s triggering how insecure I felt growing up in chaos. I’ve made peace through acceptance that “stuff happens”, but man, those old emotions need releasing from my physical vessel, they’re like velcro for the current chaotic energies.

    Big healing vibes to Dave! Glad it was caught early.

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  3. Posted by rich333ed0a9b2f on June 21, 2024 at 4:10 pm

    It’s mantra-like 🙂

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  4. Its so good to hear David is up some today. Phew!!

    Yes I definitely felt it. It started hitting me Tuesday morning. I was at Tai Chi and although excited to go I started feeling really irritated and annoyed. Couldnt wait to leave. I had seen a cute little frog in the grass, hardly spot any. Noted it. By time i got home I was feeling chills, body aches, absolutely no energy, nausea and trios to bathroom. It moved through fast. By next day just had chills and body aches, then gone! But felt extremely tired felt like walking thru sludge thru the rest of the week. Rested allot. Then last night had a very unusual situation never had in the 6 years st my RV park. I woke up around midnight to go to the bathroom then went into living area to get water. Miracle got up too. While in there I started hearing a cat start out slowly meowing. Then it grew and grew. It sounded like it was coming from beneath motorhome. It got louder, then it started screeching and screaming in an otherworldly manner. And all of a sudden something large smacked into motorhome. It hit so hard and was big enough to make the whole thing shake. I was wondering what had it been. Sometimes we have coyotes close by, or bob cats, or mountain lions or javelina. I decided not to go out in dark and check. The cat kept screeching. Finally Mir and I went back to bed and I started doing a long distance reiki treatment for a friend hoping also it would help to soothe what was happening outside. After about 5 mins I didn’t hear anything more. I half expected to see some remnants of some dead when I went out this morning. Nothing. Nothing out of place, absolutely nothing. Such a weird experience. Heres to all of us making the best of it getting thru these times.

    My nephew also died on May 20th, 43 years old. I was told it was drug overdose. He left. behind his wife and 4 kids. It was super sad. But all working our way thru it

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    • Oh, my goodness, Dawn, so sorry to hear about your nephew! There are so many sudden deaths these days. It seems like at least once per week but sometimes much more often, I am helping someone process death of a loved one. Glad you’re feeling better, and thank you so much for the Reiki for David. I know it helped! Much love, Laura

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  5. Thank you dear Laura💜🥰 you are so welcome. It makes me happy to assist and to know he is doing better. I didnt realize anyone could have such a strong reaction and so quickly. Much love to all who are going thru their struggles

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    • You’re welcome, and thank you again, sweet Dawn. It really made a huge difference. It was quite alarming to see him so incredibly sick, but ultimately a blessing. He was so cold, all bundled up and sleeping all day. If our power hadn’t gone out Monday night, forcing him to take off his shirt, I wouldn’t have had a chance to see the very obvious bullseye.

      Interestingly, I noticed the bites right away–no ticks, nymph or larval stage, but I immediately had Lyme on the radar. They looked fine the next day, but wowzers. I am so grateful our power went out on Monday, as that allowed very quick treatment and no arguments from doctors, unlike all the years with Stephen and Chronic Lyme that only got validated years later with full apologies to us from the V.A. medical system who insisted it was anything but Lyme.

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      • That was such a blessing about the power going out. No coincidences there. I remember thinking when you told me about his chills, I had just gotten over chills and body aches the day before. It was interesting timing

        Drs seems much more willing now to see it for what it is. My grandson was diagnosed with it a few years ago. Gave him the antibiotics for treating it. He definitely didnt have David’s reaction. If so that would have been scary initially. Yay for David. It sucked for Stephen.

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        • Yeah, I wondered about your chills, too, when I read that. I am always the cold one who can’t regular temperature due to hypothalamus damage from my TBI. Seeing him all bundled up in fleece, hat and sweats while I was in shorts was a first ever. That should have been a clue, but he had been out until 11 p.m. in extreme heat the day before. We just thought he had heat exhaustion–also an issue, but not the same. Then the power went out with no storm or anything, and when I saw his back, it all made sense. He has another one on his arm, but not as bad.

          Yes, it sucked for Stephen. I would not wish that experience (his or mine as the caregiver) on anyone. On the other hand, I learned most of what I know about Lyme from Stephen, so many people have benefited vicariously from that experience.

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        • I was thinking about how hard that must have been as Stephen’s caregiver under those circumstances. But as you mentioned it has benefitted many. Especially David. That makes me smile for you both

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        • 🙂


  6. Btw, I so appreciate this song. Thank you

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  7. Posted by Carrie Neiss on June 21, 2024 at 10:53 pm

    Best wishes to Dave, I’m so glad you caught it so early, that must have been spooky. Very glad you both are ok! Very intense energies, very sleepy, dealing with old energies spiraling back for another deeper review. 💓 Sending love, Carrie

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