Timothy Glenn ~ Uranus Square Pluto: Part 7

This guest post from astrologer and friend Timothy Glenn arrived a couple days ago with the subject line, “Finally!” Since I’m in my own “are we there yet?” mode during PA Round 2, helping my mom get her old house staged, landscaped and otherwise ready to show at its first open house on my birthday, I’m only just getting an early morning chance to post this now. Enjoy the rollicking wisdom. I’ll be offline most of my remaining crunch time, travel time and birthday (Sunday). Wishing you all a good weekend! Here’s Tim:

Uranus Square Pluto Part 7

It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over”

Some folks might wonder why this article didn’t come out on March 16, 2015. After all, that was the date of the seventh and final exact square of Uranus and Pluto, and the previous articles in this series had all come out in a timely manner. Perhaps this one didn’t come out until May of 2016 for the same reason that almost no articles were written over the last year and a half: I have been busily integrating and living the energies of the Uranus/Pluto square. Perhaps a lot of readers can relate, having found themselves living in Transmutation City, wherein our old “realities” have been getting systematically shredded – or perhaps in some cases, delicately dissolved.

The seven exact squares may be a little more than a year behind us now, but Uranus and Pluto have still been squaring each other this whole time. Celestial bodies do not have to be separated by exactly 90 degrees to be squaring each other. Astrologers vary on how much “orb of influence” they consider close enough to still qualify as a square, but five degrees is quite common.

It’s Like Déjà Vu All Over Again”

Here is a quote from the New Year’s article, “2015: A Call to Choice”: “The seventh and final exact square between the planets of evolution and revolution will occur on March 16th, and once again people might think it’s all over. But Uranus and Pluto will barely be more than a degree and a half apart in December, carrying the game on into 2016. In fact, until Uranus gets back up to speed after its 2015 retrograde, the two planets will inch their way even closer to each other in January 2016. Afterward, their world-changing influence will remain in play much farther down the road.”

Indeed, by the end of January of 2016, they were still squaring each other with barely a single degree of wiggle room, or 91 degrees. That still constitutes a tight square. Not until the first week of February, did Uranus regain sufficient speed to begin widening the gap. And not until the first week of March did that gap reach a degree and a half.

So, if you were feeling the last big squeeze in late 2015 and early 2016, you might have noticed the pressure valve being slowly turned off over the past couple months. When Pluto went into retrograde motion on April 18, we could finally say that the last big squeeze was being relieved.

Following a series of seeming false starts, we are now ready for the real planetary shift.

The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be”

The Uranus/Pluto square has flung open the gates to a New Earth, or to many new Earths. We have entered a time of convergence as well as divergence; parallel realities, alternate realities, timelines, dimensions, planets and stars. So much is intertwining at this juncture, and so much is disentwining. We are about to be flung out into what we have labeled our Future.

It might help to remember what the Soul intended when embarking on this journey. There was (and still is) a destination or destiny, as determined by the Soul. And yet the Soul is always free to choose a new direction.

Upon reaching a massive intersection of highways, we could feel as though we’re living out a famous Yogi Berra quote: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”

Yogi also said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you could wind up someplace else.”

Wherever You Go, There You Are”

On A Fireside Chat with Zany Mystic last August, Carla Fox provided some sage advice: Determine in your heart that you want to go home, whatever and wherever that might be for you as a Divine Soul. From there, you can choose from a literally infinite array of options.

An incredibly common and equally lame question has been “What’s going to happen?” Whenever that has been asked in a Proterrian channeling session, the answer has been, “We don’t know. What are you going to do?”

Besides, Yogi said “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

We’re Lost, But We’re Making Good Time”

A significant factor harkens back to the mid 60’s, when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in our skies. Remember: whatever is birthed at the conjunction is called into action and put to the test at the square. As we gradually put the Uranus/Pluto square behind us, this has a general application, but is especially pertinent for those who were born under the conjunction in the mid 60’s.

During the latter part of our current square, Uranus has been forming a quincunx – or inconjunct – to the Uranus/Pluto conjunction. This has been a rather wonky influence, to say the least. As Uranus now eases itself beyond the inconjunct, Pluto is forming a much slower and user-friendly trine to the conjunction of the 60’s. The window for individual, collective and planetary transformation is reaching a new high.

Yogi said, “You gotta be careful where you’re going, otherwise you might not get there.”

Suggestion: Set the controls for Home.

Timothy Glenn


5 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Grandtrines on May 19, 2016 at 11:46 am

    Reblogged this on Lost Dudeist Astrology and commented:
    Interesting article. And pretty much on target by saying that we are still under the influence of this series of squares.



  2. Perfect timing!!



  3. Reblogged this on Illuminations Now!!.



  4. Posted by CindyW on May 20, 2016 at 1:54 pm

    my favourite is “we’re lost – but we’re making good time”. George of blessed memory used to like Yogi’s quote (when his wife Carmen asked where he wanted to be buried, since he’d lived so many places): “Surprise me!”

    Liked by 1 person


  5. […] Timothy Glenn ~ Uranus Square Pluto: Part 7 | Laura Bruno’s Blog […]



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