Zoe Hind ~ Astrology Report 17-23 June 2013

Zoe Hind gives some lovely insights into this week’s energies, as we prepare ourselves for Jupiter and the Sun meeting in Gemini on Wednesday, Venus and Mercury in Cancer on Thursday, Summer Solstice celebrations from Friday through Monday, and the Full Moon in Capricorn on Sunday. Zoe also contextualizes the past year and going forward. “Can you become the master of your feelings?” “Is that really your feeling that you’re feeling?” “Feel the support, the security that you have … know how far you’ve come.”

2 responses to this post.

  1. […] Laura Bruno points to astrologer Zoe Hind, for a good, comprehensive assessment of this week’s  big energies, and they are big, dominated by giant Jupiter at 28° Gemini, which just happens to now sit  across the sky from the 27° Sagittarius Galactic Center, as it awaits the Sun, which six months past that Day of all Days, Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012 (the one when we all thought the world would end or begin or both), reaches it by conjunction. The exact Jupiter/Sun conjunction hits tomorrow, Wednesday, June 18th, only three days prior to this year’s Summer Solstice, when the Sun reaches its zenith at 0° Cancer and stops, to turn once again, towards the dark. That’s Saturday, June 21st, 1:04 AM EDT, 5:04 AM UDT. The Summer Solstice, in turn, is followed by Sunday’s Full Moon in Capricorn,  at 2°10 Cancer/Capricorn. […]



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