Posts Tagged ‘Full Moon in Sagittarius’

Full Moon in Sagittarius ~ May 23, 2024

My May 2024 Forecast shared:

May 22 Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius. Light shines on formerly hidden information. Stories reveal something deep and magical. Pluto and the sign of Gemini have a special relationship, because Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, could come and go at will from Pluto’s realm. The days on either side of May 22 feel extra shamanic and liminal.

May 23 Full Moon in Sagittarius, 9:53 a.m. Eastern U.S. time. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “(SAGITTARIUS 3°): TWO MEN PLAYING CHESS. KEYNOTE: The transcendent ritualization of conflict.” An expansive, highly strategic day. Pay attention to “big picture” downloads. Venus conjuncts Jupiter (this Full Moon’s ruler) in Taurus, both sextiling Neptune in Pisces. Harmonious and grounded spiritual awareness lends support and charisma. Later that day, Venus enters Gemini, where she’ll flit and flirt until June 17th. The Sun-Pluto trine remains in effect, with the Full Moon closely sextile Pluto in Aquarius. These aspects strengthen any magic or ritual performed at this time.

The chart for Washington, D.C. puts the North Node in Aries almost exactly conjunct the Midheaven. This suggests some kind of obvious, public, and on path course correction and new beginning for the United States. Returning to the Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol: a long chess match leads to larger and higher shifts than anticipated. We’ve still got a stellium in Taurus–Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter, and Venus–which means whatever occurs will affect tangible, physical reality. We could see financial, health, agricultural, and/or security and values related changes.

As the ruler of this Full Moon, Jupiter remains extra significant. Not only is the April 20 Jupiter-Uranus conjunction still playing out, but we’ve got both benefics (Venus and Jupiter) joining together in the final degree of Taurus, as Neptune–the higher octave of Venus and co-ruler of Pisces with Jupiter–also occupies the final degree of Pisces. This harmonious sextile generates super high vibe love, beauty, and idealism. With that final degree emphasized, it feels like the culmination of an entire phase.

Joining Neptune at 29 Pisces, is Aphrodite–the Greek version of Venus. Joining Venus and Jupiter at 29 Taurus is asteroid Karma and centaur Pelion. Karma bring results of all prior actions, followed by total metamorphosis and rebirth. Although classified as a centaur, Pelion was actually a place–the highest mountain in the Thessaly region of Greece and home of Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Asteroid Pelion orbits between Jupiter and Neptune, further linking these planets in their 29 Taurus and 29 Pisces sextile. Pelion’s presence at the Venus-Jupiter conjunction point suggests a massive, arduous journey. But fear not, Tammi Terrell and Marvin Gaye provide the soundtrack to this event:

Indeed, a full sky orchestra plays before Venus enters Gemini later on the 23rd, followed by Jupiter just two days later. Remember that anything entering Gemini at this time also tightly trines Pluto in early Aquarius. We get outer planetary heavyweights both coming and going. Life feels surreal, potent, expansive, and monumental.

This Full Moon closely conjuncts asteroid Lilith. A similar archetype as Black Moon Lilith, asteroid Lilith is the only solid, tangible Lilith figure in astrology. She has a stronger connection to sex work and trafficking. Given the Sabian Symbol and the Venus-Jupiter conjunction, this Lilith-Moon conjunction could also transcend the seedier side of Lilith, morphing into sex magick, orgasmic birth, and dark feminine liberation. This empowering activation gets strengthened by the Full Moon’s sextile to Pluto in early Aquarius. Both Pluto and Lilith deal with the Shadow Realm. These aspects increase magical energy, but they could also trigger feelings of jealousy and manipulation.

Another related but unpredictable energy comes from Sedna entering Gemini after spending 58 years in the sign of Taurus. Yes, she moves slowly, but her change of signs announces another level of deep transformation. Several versions of her story exist, and only time will tell how she expresses in the sign of the Twins.

Like Lilith, the beautiful Inuit woman Sedna was unlucky in love and abused by patriarchal forces. Her own father chopped off her fingers as she clung to his canoe, hoping for rescue from a bad marriage. Forced to release all she had ever known, she transformed into her truest self “the Goddess of the Sea, and each of her fingers became a different sea creature. … She birthed whales, seals, dolphins, and various other marine life from her ten fingers. Sedna then became the ruler of the seas and the keeper of all the animals.”

You can find much more about Sedna here, but her energy at 0 Gemini feels massive with its transformative trine to Pluto, another Divine energy of total metamorphosis. The Sun, Venus, and Jupiter add light, love, and huge expansion to the mix. Ready or not, it’s time to transcend and transmute.

If you feel challenged, lean into Love with a capital L. New friends, alliances, and lovers will emerge with all this Gemini. Diana Ross sang it, too: “Ain’t no mountain high enough …”

Sagittarius Full Moon, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini (Video)

The last two weeks of May 2024 bring expansive, optimistic energy, and another chance to level up. If April 2024 rocked your world, planetary help is on the way.

Laura talks about the May 23rd Full Moon in Sagittarius, as well as big moves by the Full Moon’s ruler, Jupiter, in the weeks before and after. This video takes a deep dive into what happens with Venus conjunct Uranus, Jupiter conjunct Sun, and when Jupiter enters Gemini. (If you’re receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through to watch the 21-minute video.)

Ireland Aurora Borealis photos courtesy of Jessica Sine

April 19-25 Transits and Scorpio Full Moon video (for more details on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus and the Yod pointing to Libra):    • April 19-25th Transits and Scorpio Fu…  

May 2024 Forecast and Second Quarter North Node Horoscopes:…

Yes, private readings are available:…

Deep Magic: Sagittarius Full Moon June 3-4, 2023 (Video)

June 2023 begins with some powerful transits, including this Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3 or 4, depending on your timezone. (Anyone on Eastern US time or further West gets this on the third. Anyone later than that will experience the Full Moon on the fourth.)

This Full Moon has an almost Scorpio flavor with deep magic, mysticism and major manifestation potential. My video explores the Sabian Symbol and its connections to Ancient Egypt, plus ways to maximize the energies of the transits. I’ll add a written blog post closer to the time, looking at more of the geopolitical implications, but the video focuses on the higher meaning of this Full Moon and how to embrace its opportunities.

(If you’re reading this via email, you’ll need to click through to watch the <10 minute video. WordPress doesn’t embed YouTube into emails.)

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Tania Marie’s YouTube channel: