Gemini New Moon ~ June 6, 2024 (Video)

The June 6 New Moon is tricky just like Gemini. Love soars with a conjunction from Venus, but Saturn in Pisces slows things down. Many things are not as they appear. We can work with these energies, but they are monumental. Laura explains which signs will be most affected, and she also looks at how this New Moon triggers Gemini placements in the natal charts of Donald Trump and the United States.

Zane Stein first noted Thereus and the idea of Stalin waiting in the wings after Lenin died. Darkstar Astrology explores the discovery of Thereus in much greater detail.

Please note: Donald Trump’s natal Sun is at 22 Gemini. I misspoke and said 21 Gemini. It’s essentially the same point, but for accuracy, it’s 22 Gemini.

If you find yourself overly reactive to this New Moon’s energies, you might want to review my video on Black Moon Lilith.

5 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Suzanne on June 3, 2024 at 5:24 pm

    Thank you for your wonderful perspective. Your gentleness is such a blessing in such a very harsh world right now.

    Liked by 1 person


    • You’re welcome, and thank you, Suzanne! Yes, I was just pondering today how out of phase I am with much of the world right now. The alternate timeline is very real!



  2. It’s my son’s birthday today. So far so good ❤ thank you for the report Laura ❤ Hope you are well ❤

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