June 2024 Transits and Second Quarter North Node Horoscopes


June 2024 offers fast-paced information downloads, but slower action. Don’t rail at delays. This information overload needs to occur before deciding which way to move forward. Think before taking irrevocable actions.

As Alexander Pope cautioned us, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”

June highlights tension between Jupiter’s expansive optimism in flighty Gemini, Saturn’s strong dose of realism in dream-realm Pisces, a Capricorn Full Moon, and Mars slogging his way through Taurus. Pluto in Aquarius continues to dredge up secrets and power plays, in order to transform society and our thoughts. We are entering a brave new world. Beware of overconfidence (Jupiter) in a tricky (Gemini) landscape. Instead, we can use June to reposition ourselves for larger leaps.

June 2 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius. Large (Jupiter) drops of information (Gemini) online (Aquarius) will reveal hidden things (Pluto). Big picture awareness, religious views, and overall philosophy of life undergo major transformation. Any travel around this time will feel more profound than usual.

June 3 Mercury enters Gemini. The Messenger enters one of his home signs. Communication and the release of information start flying. Mercury zips through Gemini, making deals and gabbing it up for just two whirlwind weeks.

June 4 Mercury in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius. Later today, fast moving Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini. All of this occurs with the Sun conjunct Venus in Gemini. As commercials say, “Life comes at you fast!” Information will flow so fast we can barely process it before the next wave hits. When in doubt, choose love.

June 6 New Moon in Gemini, 8:38 a.m. Eastern U.S. time. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “(GEMINI 17°): THE HEAD OF A ROBUST YOUTH CHANGES INTO THAT OF A MATURE THINKER.” Dane Rudhyar includes a “KEYNOTE: The transformation of physical vitality into the power to build concepts and intellectual formulations through which knowledge can be transferred. … a process of MENTAL METAMORPHOSIS.” Mercury, this Full Moon’s ruler, is also in Gemini, and Venus tightly conjuncts this Full Moon. Mercury’s alchemical presence adds quicksilver to “mental metamorphosis,” and Venus brings love, harmony, creativity, and self-esteem. Pluto in Aquarius supports a complete redo of our worldview (Jupiter in Gemini). New information will transform and mature the way we understand our world. This knowledge and resulting new values and creative projects spread through shared messages. This New Moon feels extra “Gemini” with not only Mercury, Sun, Moon, and Venus in Gemini, but expansive Jupiter, as well.

June 8 Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces. Tensions arise in relationships, ideals, and values. Do we compromise for the sake of love? Old traditions stand on quicksand, but we need more time to make the right decision. Pay attention to what comes up, but save difficult decisions for another day.

June 9 Mars enters Taurus. This transit happens with Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces. If the energy feels heavy, take a break. Saturn casts a shadow over the Sun’s optimism. Don’t ignore disappointing insights, but wait a while before throwing in the towel. Things are probably brighter than they seem. Maybe they just need some troubleshooting to ensure success. With Mars (planet of action) now in Taurus, slow and steady wins this race.

June 11 Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius. This transit brings power plays and a potential for war or extreme transformation. Mars often acts early, so tension could peak around the 9th or 10th. This square feels like “where the rubber meets the road.” Calculated, deliberate action yields empowering results as long as individual will (Mars) works with the force of nature (Pluto and Taurus). Mars in Taurus moves slower than Mars in other signs, so frustration could arise. When in doubt, take smaller, solid steps rather than aiming for some grand gesture.

June 12 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces. Issues of censorship, deception, and restricted communication could arise today. Have patience, and examine whatever you tried but failed to express in the moment. Saturn slows us down in order to improve the end result. Would your message benefit from editing? Do you need to explain yourself more or rearrange things in order to create a solid foundation for whatever you wish to share? Have those missed traffic lights (short travel delays) placed you in the right place at the right time (Saturn in Pisces) even though you were in a hurry (Mercury in Gemini)? This transit is short, but could be very productive if utilized.

June 14 Sun conjunct Mercury in Gemini. An extra powerful day for communication, information exchange, and processing and understanding the world. Mercury rules Gemini, so this meeting occurs in one of Mercury’s home signs. Insights could feel fleeting but important.

June 16 Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces. Love and compassion run high, but beware of porous boundaries and empathy overload. Pause for the day if relationships get confusing.

June 17 Venus and Mercury enter Cancer. The Love Goddess and the Messenger move into the sign of family, nurturing, and the Mother. Mercury exactly squares Neptune on his way into Cancer, just as Venus did the day before, but whatever feathers got ruffled can be smoothed out with loving conversation.

June 20 Sun enters Cancer, 4:51 p.m. Eastern U.S. time. Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun in Gemini exactly squares Neptune earlier today, so this shift into Cancer feels extra palpable, as we return to more harmonious water energy.

June 21 Full Moon in Capricorn, 9:08 p.m. Eastern U.S. time. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “(CAPRICORN 2°): THREE ROSE WINDOWS IN A GOTHIC CHURCH, ONE DAMAGED BY WAR.” Dane Rudhyar adds a “KEYNOTE: The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.” This is the same symbol as the Capricorn New Moon on December 23, 2022. Issues that arose back then may resurface now. At the time of the Full Moon, the transiting North Node in Aries quincunxes Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. Reactivity runs high, but war is not the answer. The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Cancer urge us to honor emotions and find ways to nurture each other and ourselves. Some things are worth preserving.

June 26 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces. Whatever friction developed around June 12th, finds more harmonious support today. A nurturing, emotional tone eases any tension about boundaries, restrictions, censorship, and failing infrastructure. This could be literal infrastructure, or the inner foundation and superhighways of our worldview. Right now, emotions and spiritual lenses see more clearly than the view from rational thought.

June 29 Saturn stations Retrograde in Pisces. Father Time turns inward to reevaluate whatever spiritual discipline, artistry, and boats he’s been busy building in dreamy Pisces. This creative editing energy finds extra support from Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus. Saturn stations Rx at 19° Pisces and stations Direct on November 15 at 12° Pisces. People with placements between 7-22° of Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) will be most affected by this retrograde.

How June’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.     

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. If you’re right on the cusp, consider both possibilities or book a reading for more clarity.


ARIES NORTH NODE: One of the most active quarters in recent history for Aries North Node natives! From April 1-25th, Mercury goes retrograde in your sign, so review options and reconsider alternatives. Is this really your desire, or have you allowed others to impede your forward movement? The April 8th Eclipse brings a chance for major course corrections and “impossible” healing, especially if your North Node is between 10 and 25 degrees of Aries. More healing rushes in on April 21st. In late May, both Venus and Jupiter enter Gemini, bringing optimism and support to Aries placements. Jupiter’s influence can last off and on for months. When positive openings arise, have courage to step through. Some of these opportunities will be fleeting–but real–provided you act in a timely manner. This is no time for wallflowers.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 proves pivotal, with lots of activity in your North Node sign. Your sign’s ruler–Venus–moves through Taurus from April 29-May 23rd, bringing grace, beauty, and enhanced self-esteem. On April 20th, Jupiter and Uranus exactly conjunct–exploding prior limitations. The May 23-25th Venus-Jupiter conjunction will benefit all Taurus North Node native, especially those with late Taurus placements. From June 9-July 20th, Mars moves through Taurus. Whenever Mars conjuncts someone’s North Node, big shifts occur. Unlike your trauma-drama Scorpio South Node, you don’t need to destroy your old life in order to create the new one. Remember, slow and steady wins this race. Mars triggers situations that have brewed for a long time. When in doubt, aim for people and things that enhance your future stability, wealth, and physical health.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: This quarter really energizes your North Node. You’ll receive more subtle–but significant–healing support in April than Aries North Node natives. By late May, you’ll feel a lift if you haven’t already. Venus in Gemini highlights destiny-level relationships, and Jupiter (aka The Great Benefic) blesses your sign from May 25, 2024-June 9, 2025. The exact conjunction with your North Node depends on your degree, but Gemini North Node natives will have better luck and bigger opportunities throughout this year. Just remember that Jupiter rules your Sagittarius South Node. Beware of putting all your eggs in one basket, or fixating on only one possible solution. Appreciate the little things, because these add up. An active gratitude practice helps you to recognize and receive more blessings.

CANCER NORTH NODE: The first part of this quarter brings friction from all the activity in Aries, but anything moving through Taurus offers subtle support for Cancer North Node natives. Always pay attention to your feelings, even the so-called negative ones. In relation to your North Node, emotions guide you well. If something bothers you, experiment with extra nurturing vs. a need to withdraw and recharge. You move like the tides, and you’re much more sensitive to lunar events (like eclipses) than other North Node signs. Sometimes you just need to wait out the energies. The key for you is learning to trust your natural rhythm. Pushing too hard doesn’t pay, no matter how much that Capricorn South Node drives you. If you feel tired, moody, and/or raw, practice extra good energy hygiene on the many highly charged dates this quarter.

LEO NORTH NODE: Anything moving through Aries and Gemini offers supportive energy to Leo North Node natives. Those planets moving through Taurus challenge you to put yourself first, even if that goes against tradition. Anyone with a 0-7 degree Leo North Node has Pluto–planet of death and rebirth–obliterating old patterns and social pressures of your Aquarius South Node. For later degrees, your Pluto time will come, but not this year. Focus on creativity. Second Quarter 2024 favors a complete makeover of Leo finances, health, appearance, and overall self-confidence. If something makes you insecure, you’ll have many opportunities to level up. Don’t worry about feeling vain or undeserving. In its highest expression, Leo’s healthy ego inspires and empowers those around you. If you feel stuck, imagine sharing your comeback story with whoever needs to hear it.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 brings a mix of energies your way. Anything moving through Taurus trines Virgo, so you’re likely to experience a lift and even some sudden breakthroughs during April and May. Gemini placements eventually square your Virgo/Pisces nodal axis. That can trigger excess criticism, insecurity, disappointment, and nostalgia. Depending on your degree, Saturn in Pisces will limit contact with anyone or anything no longer on path for you. Pay extra attention to your physical health and well-being. Remember to incorporate daily habits like exercise, nourishing foods, and some sort of spiritual discipline. If you dream, write those down and organize them for easier analysis of recurring themes and symbols. When discomfort arises, aim to upgrade your distraction. Instead of drugs, alcohol, or sugar, knock off something on your to-do list. You’ll feel MUCH better in the long run.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: This is a potent quarter for Libra North Node natives. The April 8th Solar Eclipse occurs in Aries, your South Node sign. Anyone with nodal degrees between 13 and 23 Aries/Libra will most feel that impact, but all of you have a chance for massive healing and release. Throughout this quarter you’re likely to see new opportunities for collaboration, partnership, and love. Planets in Aquarius and Gemini offer harmonious support for creative projects, legal issues, and negotiations. Anything moving through Taurus or Pisces brings strange but potentially life changing situations to Libra natives. In a world of warfare, legal quagmires, and aggression, you’re called to keep the peace. Bring some harmony into sharp, ugly areas. When in doubt, ask, “How can I beautify my surroundings and myself?” and “What would love do?” Jupiter in Gemini for the next year brings good luck. Just remember to look for win-win scenarios. It’s not all about you.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: This is a make-or-break quarter for Scorpio North Node natives. With all the activity in your South Node sign of Taurus, you’ll be challenged to release anything that no longer serves–including a perceived need for self-sufficiency and material security. When you surrender and release, that which you need arrives in a newer, more appropriate form for you. Trying to hold onto the old won’t serve you well, especially in April. Yours is a sign of shared resources, transformation, death and rebirth. You reach your full potential by diving deep into your passions, research, vulnerability, and emotions. As the Gospel of Thomas says, “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” Your mystical side unlocks far more protection, healing, and security than focusing on the 3D world.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 brings change through a variety of energies. Anything moving through Aries offers destiny level support. Opportunity knocks, and doors open. Transits in Gemini call up South Node issues like spreading yourself too thin, lack of focus, and a willingness to stay small. When these old patterns erupt, ask your angels, intuition, and Higher Self, “Where do I need to go all in? Which quantum leaps would broaden my horizons?” Travel clears your calendar and your perspective. Tuning out the endless chatter expands manifestation. As planets move through Taurus and Cancer, you might sense some weird energies. Life feels surreal, but you’ve learned to pay attention in such moments. You catch a glimpse of something grand and begin to sense your own role in a larger unfolding story. You’re a natural teacher and inspiring guide for others. Embrace those qualities: they bring meaning and success.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: A vital quarter for Capricorn North Node natives! All the activity in Aries stirs up potential for healing and greater leadership roles. You’re not here to remain a homebody. You’re here to teach, lead, or manage others. Your natural empathy helps you do so with a softer touch, but beware of empathy overload. Too much emotion and family-like enmeshment become your personal kryptonite. Transits in Taurus lend grounded support and stability for on-path endeavors, while Gemini brings the weird through a series of highly charged events or realizations. These might feel fleeting, but pay attention. That information shines light on your life path. Cancer Season moves through your South Node sign, raising family issues, codependent relationships, and a need to release that which no longer serves. It really is okay to say, “No.” Sometimes that’s the only answer you can afford to give, on any level. Cut your losses, Cappy, and move on.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 is active for everyone on Earth right now, including Aquarius North Node natives. Anything moving through Aries or Gemini brings harmonious support. Pay special attention to new friendships, opportunities, and healing information. Since your sign connects with group energy and humanitarian concerns, you might feel called to offer support during more intense transit dates like the April 8th Sun-Moon-Chiron in Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, as well as the future oriented–but very intense–Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 20th. While being of service, prime yourself for intuitive downloads and big ideas. Your sign’s ruler (Uranus) brings a stroke of genius and the element of surprise, but it’s not all about you. Your insights, skills, and ideas help others. With Pluto still in early Aquarius, we’ll see huge collective transformation in coming years. Often ahead of your time, consider how well-positioned you are to co-create this changing the world.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Mars entered Pisces on March 22 and remains in your North Node sign through April 30. Whenever Mars conjuncts your North Node, something decisive shifts. Exactly when depends on precise degree, but overall you’ll feel a lift throughout April. A Pisces North Node can feel nebulous, but practical realist Saturn continues to troubleshoot illusions, build foundations, and identify tangible opportunities in Pisces. On May 25, one of your sign’s co-rulers–Jupiter–enters Gemini for the next year. Jupiter squares to your nodal axis can still bring benefits, but beware of get rich quick schemes. Pay special attention to bigger picture ideas, philosophy, information exchange, and anything to do with organized religion vs. spirituality. “Life” will probably adjust these areas. On May 3, your sign’s other ruler–Neptune–enters the Anaretic (final) 29th degree of Pisces. Increasingly, collective energies will feel more ordained and aligned with your destiny.

12 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by seattle72 on May 28, 2024 at 11:51 am

    Thank you, as always, for the heads up! I threw I Ching last night and was advised to be still. Takes the pressure off and I feel good about moving slowly as my body heals. No changing lines either, so a strong confirmation. Also… I had a few downloads about being the waking dreamer, and as I can lucid dream, so too can I create my waking world. It happened a few times after with small things, but I felt it and was in awe. I feel a slumbering part of my mind is slowly awakening. The download happened after my reading (with Laura) and reviewing Tzolkin Birth Kin Sign. It hit very different now that it’s been a few years.

    While the world is moving fast, I’ll be here cocooning for a bit. 🐛🦋

    If interested, here’s the URL to know your Birth Kin, scroll down to enter DOB.


    After finding it, google it to find out what it means on Astro Dream Advisor site. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  2. “Pluto in Aquarius supports a complete redo of our worldview (Jupiter in Gemini). New information will transform and mature the way we understand our world.”..

    Oooh, just reading this, and  this falls into my own thinking/feeling as we will I feel gather new information which will make us think differently about our world view.

    So much is occurring now, its hard to keep up, and ‘Father-Time’ is certainly running ever faster …. I feel like I am dizzy as the days turn to weeks and a month just flew by..

    Thank you Laura for that beautifully in-depth review of June….
    Much love to you xx ❤ 💖🙏

    Liked by 1 person


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