January 2024 Forecast + First Quarter North Node Horoscopes (New!)


Happy New Year!

2024 brings the past several years to crescendo, especially in the first half of the year. If you’ve felt stuck, this year will probably shake things loose! In addition to the highlighted dates, you can find brand new First Quarter 2024 North Node Horoscopes below. 

January 1 Mercury stations Direct in Sagittarius, and Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces. The year begins with a breath of fresh air, as Mercury stations Direct after three weeks of wonky Retrograde! Look back to the December 12th New Moon in Sagittarius, as well as the Full Moon on December 26th. How have your understanding and life philosophy grown or changed since that time? Venus square Saturn asks us to reassess our values and decide which relationships, creative projects, and commitments we want to carry forward into the New Year.

January 4 Mars enters Capricorn. Mars, the planet of action and God of War, makes a big shift–taking abstract ideas (Sagittarius) and implementing them in concrete steps (Capricorn). On the surface, the astrology doesn’t look so highly charged this day, but something’s ready to pop. Pay attention to opportunities that demand commitment. If energies feel too intense, try a nice mountain hike or some other form of vigorous exercise. You have between now and February 13th to turn New Year’s Resolutions into productive habits with real staying power.

January 8 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces. Look back to December 26-27th to see which worldviews and philosophies may have changed. Deception or disillusionment could arise. This is not a good day for contracts and details, but some larger picture makes intuitive sense.

January 9 Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, and Mars in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces. A high energy day that invites practical action to move beyond inertia and stuck energies. This could be a powerful day to create a vision board or meditate on how to manifest your dreams into reality.

January 11 New Moon in Capricorn, 6:57 a.m. Eastern U.S. time. The first New Moon of the New Year offers a liberating trine to Uranus in Taurus. One is the number of manifestation, so 1/11 adds to the potential for positive change. Dane Rudhyar’s Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is: “(CAPRICORN 21°): A RELAY RACE. KEYNOTE: The value of competition in developing group-consciousness. … One must seek to relate and adjust one’s strength to the challenge presented by competitors in DYNAMIC INTERCHANGE.”

January 12 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus. A time of bold action inspired by bigger picture philosophy and faith.

January 13-14 Mercury re-enters Capricorn. Pay attention to dreams, symbols and revelations. What have you learned since December 21-23? Which ideas invite deeper exploration, strategy, and commitment?

January 18-19 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces. On this same day, Mercury also trines Jupiter in Taurus. This harmonious Mercury-Saturn-Jupiter energy offers positive energy for goal setting, plan making and creating outlines for future creative projects.

January 20 Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius. On this same day, Mercury completes the Shadow period, passing the original Rx station point of the recent Retrograde. This is a super highly charged date that will reverberate through the entire year. If it seems like “nothing happens,” know that something hidden will eventually come to light. Video here.

January 23 Venus enters Capricorn. Emphasis turns to goals, commitment, and exploring how self esteem affects your level of success. Business relationships come more into focus. Venus remains in the sign of the sea goat until February 16th.

January 25 Full Moon in Leo, 12:54 p.m. Eastern U.S. time. The first Full Moon of 2024 conjuncts the U.S. natal North Node. Something destined this way comes. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is: “(LEO 6°): A CONSERVATIVE, OLD-FASHIONED LADY IS CONFRONTED BY A “HIPPIE” GIRL. KEYNOTE: The need to transcend our subservience to fashion, in morals as well as in clothes. …THE RELATIVITY OF SOCIAL VALUES.” Leo tells us to follow our heart and shine bright. A great day for a hair trim or treatment. This same degree got highlighted by the Leo New Moon on July 28, 2022. That was another super highly charged time period, results of which could reveal themselves in the coming month.

January 27 Sun in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus, and Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Mars in Capricorn. On this same day, Uranus stations Direct in Taurus. A highly charged, pivotal day! Anything can happen. Beware of overconfidence when calculating risks.

January 28 Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces and trine Jupiter in Taurus, at the same time Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus. Another mega transit day. Expect some surprising news, and pay special attention to financial information that could affect your future. This is a good time to bring long held dreams into more tangible reality. Watch for opportunities, knowing that you deserve good things.

January 29 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus. A great day to initiate radical change based on whatever information comes through the day before. Temper the most reckless urges, but it’s a great time for calculated risks.

How January’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.     

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. If you’re right on the cusp, consider both possibilities or book a reading for more clarity.


ARIES NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2024 offers mixed energies for you. The transiting North Node and Chiron continue activating your North Node sign, while anything moving through Capricorn eventually squares your nodal axis. Pay attention to friction or frustration, because these alert you to codependent behavior and indecision. You can use that awareness to launch yourself forward as planets transiting Aquarius activate major breakthroughs. So-called world leaders demand increased war, but you can model the more positive side of Aries. We need new leaders with backgrounds in peacemaking, art, and love. When you empower yourself, you make our world a better place. The Sun enters your North Node sign on March 19th. It’s time to light up!

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Early 2024 demands a change from past to future orientation. This quarter offers supportive energies from anything moving through Capricorn or Pisces. Things moving fast through Aquarius eventually square your nodal axis, bringing course corrections to any off path moves. Meanwhile, slow moving Pluto in Aquarius asks you to release that which no longer serves. You might need to find your own balance between technology and staying grounded in your body. When in doubt, walk in nature, hug a tree, and eat healthy, nourishing foods. You don’t need to rush, Taurus. Your limbic system thanks you for slowing down. The next few months could feel unstable. Find a routine that feeds your body, mind and soul.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2024 brings supportive energy from anything moving through Aquarius and Aries–like a warm wind beneath your wings. If the past six months ushered in a lot of change, resist the urge to nail things down again. Indecision could highlight a both/and situation instead of the need for one, single path. For example, two part-time jobs might give you more opportunities than an all-encompassing career, or maybe you just need more flexibility. Let curiosity and delight lead your way. You can try on many hats and temporary situations, experimenting to see which ones give you better options. You’re entering a whole new world, Gemini. Allow yourself to play. It feeds your soul and invites more allies.

CANCER NORTH NODE: If you’ve pushed forward at a relentless pace, then early 2024 encourages you to curl up and nurture yourself. You need to allow the tide to go out before it can return. Everything moves in cycles, and you can’t manage everyone all the time. Anything moving through Pisces and Taurus offers gentle support for Cancer North Node natives. When planets move through Capricorn, they’ll eventually conjunct your South Node, making you aware of old patterns that no longer serve. Other people interpret your stiff upper lip as coldness, so don’t forget to show you care. Sometimes loved ones want to help but don’t know how. A little vulnerability goes a long way in bringing the support you need. Let people love you.

LEO NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2024 brings the action, Leo! Your North Node sign’s ruler–the Sun–moves through Aquarius, your South Node sign, along with Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto. Old friendships, coworkers, groups or social causes could reappear. If they do, ask yourself, “Do I benefit from these people or situations?” It’s not enough to go along just to get along. You matter. Who or what makes your heart sing? Release the ones that don’t. Those with early degree Leo North Nodes will most feel Pluto’s Aquarian transformation, but the entire quarter activates your nodal axis. Jupiter and Uranus also square from Taurus. Whenever friction arises, ask yourself, “Where am I not being fully authentic?” When in doubt, go bigger, bolder and brighter.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Your South Node sign–Pisces–gets a workout in early 2024. With the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune there, it’s a good time of year to release addictions and negative habits. Are you scrolling too much? Numbing out? Saturn’s presence in Pisces tells you to develop more discipline. You’ll need to release anything or anyone triggering brain fog, depression, or distraction. Beware of burnout. Daily effort brings steady progress, and this approach keeps you from overdoing things. When you can’t get motivated, chunk your goals into smaller, more tangible steps. With all the insanity in the world right now, you might feel empathy overload. Spend time in nature and remember to practice good energy hygiene.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Intensity continues but dials down a notch for most of you. Anything moving through Capricorn will eventually square your nodal axis, urging you to commit to more love, peace and harmony. Those aren’t just platitudes for Libra North Node natives: love, peace and harmony engage your highest self-expression. Pay attention to friction and frustration. These remind you to slow down and consider loved ones. Instead of isolating, tap into your ability to draw individuals together. Look for commonalities and shared values. Anything moving through Aquarius will eventually trine your North Node, bringing new opportunities and empowering you to seize them.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: 2024 begins in a powerful way, with supportive energies from anything moving through Capricorn and Pisces. Both of your North Node sign’s rulers–Mars and Pluto–enter Aquarius this quarter. If you’re off path, irresistible forces will trigger a course correction. Meanwhile, Jupiter and Uranus continue making their way through your South Node sign of Taurus, liberating you from old restrictions and situations that keep you from regeneration and rebirth. Working with the energies attracts more alchemy and less perceived destruction. Magic and healing want to reveal your destiny. When you release that which no longer serves, a tsunami of Love arrives.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Mercury stations Direct in your sign on January 1st, so pay attention to any sudden downloads or big picture realizations. If something seems fuzzy thru January 9th, tune into your intuition to guide you. Aquarius transits bring inspiration and bold ideas to expand your reach, while anything moving through Pisces can trigger emotional tension or test your faith. Use any challenges to refine your overall philosophy of life. Then, teach others what you’ve learned. If you feel bored or penned in, embark on an adventure–through travel, education, religion, or all of these combined. Opportunities for healing and liberation arise. When you feel led, act! A change of scenery does you a world of good.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2024 feels pivotal for Capricorn North Node natives. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars move through your sign, while Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus empower your goals and bring leadership opportunities. The transiting North Node and Chiron in Aries urge you to re-frame overly emotional reactions into more determination to succeed. Some of you will need to grow up, and some of you will need to allow others to mature. You can’t save everyone. Nor are you supposed to! You need to lead by example. Pluto leaves late Capricorn for Aquarius on January 20th. Those who’ve managed intense death and rebirth cycles can now anchor new structures and traditions.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: On January 20th, both the Sun and Pluto enter your North Node sign. Only those with early Aquarius degrees will feel direct impact from Pluto, but you’re ready for some kind of revolution. You don’t need to lead in order to succeed. Focus on group activities, friendships, and a higher cause. With Sun and Mercury moving through Aquarius, you’ll gain insights about any friction last quarter. Uranus–the Ruler of your North Node sign–also stations Direct in Taurus on January 27th. Then Mars enters Aquarius on February 13th, followed by Venus three days later. If you’ve felt stuck, you can expect things to move forward in sudden, unexpected ways this quarter. It’s your season!

PISCES NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2024 lights up Pisces, especially late February thru March with the Sun and Mercury in your North Node sign. Saturn, Lord of Karma, continues to demand spiritual discipline. Pay attention to any messages that arrive on February 28th, especially if they come through meditation or dreams. You have some lovely support from anything moving through Capricorn and Taurus. Allow and receive, Pisces! If Spirit doesn’t think you should have someone or something, trust that guidance. Sometimes no means “no,” but sometimes no just means “not yet.” And sometimes no means: “Dear One, you’re thinking way too small. I want to shower you with love and blessings.” You are so deeply loved. Open your heart and welcome the Divine.

29 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by seattle72 on December 27, 2023 at 1:02 pm

    Nice! Thank you, as always, for the heads up on the days to come.

    The Sabian symbol immediately reminds me of the rift between “Silent” & “Boomers” vs “Millenials” & “GenZ”. So many of our legislators are “Silent” and “Boomer” Generation, with “Gen X” in the mix as well. The feeling I sense is that the world is a very different place and the older Generations in power aren’t keeping pace with where the younger Generations want to go, very much like the social revolution of the 60’s.

    Reminds me of Sidney Poitier’s speech in the original “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”.

    Liked by 2 people


  2. […] January 2024 Forecast + First Quarter North Node Horoscopes (New!) […]

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  3. Heres to a happy new year to you and David. May it be filled with joy and love ❤🥳😘

    Liked by 1 person


  4. It is only the 2nd lol… And already I am feeling the incoming energies… and all I want to do is sleep today 🙂
    I have saved your page in my browser Laura, so I can refer back to it this month…
    So much going on … 🙂 My dreamtime.. I feel I am resolving past conflicts with an old school friend lol.. I dreamt about her 3 times already.. 🙂 As far as I know she is still here on Earth… She is being helpful in dream-state, something not in her nature in school days 😉 lol..

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year Laura…. I have been longing to have time to land here and read your post in full…
    And each time I read your forecasts they blow me away with the depth of them.. So Thank you..
    Have a great January ahead xx ❤
    Much love xx ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Happy New Year, Sue! We had a whirlwind getaway and are tired now, too. I haven’t remembered much of my dreams since a really powerful one on December 28th. That’s a very long time for me to go without much dream recall. Just snippets. When that happens, my Dream Guys are usually up to something big.

      Sending you and everyone much love. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • That’s positive news to my ears, for your Dreamtime is always profound when they are powerful ones 😊✨️
        I’m happy to hear you had a great time getting away and enjoying x
        The whirlwind is just about to get interesting. 💕❤️💕😍

        Liked by 1 person


    • Posted by seattle72 on January 2, 2024 at 10:37 pm

      Hi Sue! I can relate to having dreams about people from past relationships. I’ve had like 5 dreams of me and an ex (who I’m in contact with today) just chatting. Other exes, fights with my late Mother, a dream with my two brothers, one of whom still doesn’t acknowledge me, but he was cool in the dream, looked like the latest emo version of Batman. 😊 Others too. Lots of dreamtime work going on for sure. ✨️

      Liked by 2 people


      • I keep dreaming of our old landlord!

        Liked by 1 person


      • Just spotted your reply here Cher.. and yes dreamtime extremely profound and vivid… And like you, I have two siblings who do not speak to me, not in over 20 years.. And I have been dreaming of them both in dreamtime and they both have made moves at healing the wounding… I forgave them both a while back, but I feel they too are moving through their dreamtime in healing traumas.. .. Lots of healing work being done through out 2024 and the next few years will see huge strides in healing both in the inner and outer world Cher..

        Sending lots of love to you ❤

        Liked by 2 people


  5. Posted by rehnae62 on January 6, 2024 at 2:42 pm

    Thank you for the information! Have noted in my datebook! I especially love the Leo North Node info as it corresponds to what I have already started doing, “What brings me Joy?” and releasing people and situations that no longer serve my highest good. Blessings!

    Liked by 2 people


  6. Hi Laura, I had to come back to visit what you said here for January, and yesterday the 9th, you said how creative a day it would be and a good day for a vision board 🙂
    I started making 3 scrap books with family history and photos in, and other little treasures, which will be gifts for this coming Christmas… 🙂 So spot on.. as I looked at what you wrote and what I was doing yesterday 🙂
    I am going to link this post to my post, as I feel its an excellent guide..

    I am excited about this year, even though I know it may present some challenges… I know Laura we are almost over the hill… 🙂 its been a long up hill climb… But we are nearing the top.. 🙂
    Have a great January.. ❤ xx Hugs and much love x

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue, I look forward to reading Cyril’s Woo! Yes, it sure has been a long up hill climb, but I do feel we are nearing the top. The tenor of my dreams has changed, where now they are mostly “after the fact,” commenting on things that have already happened, rather than showing them happening. My dreams tend to be ahead of waking life–sometimes by many years, which is helpful but also annoying sometimes! I’ve noticed a switch in things being after the fact, as well as the soundtrack to my dreams seems much more like the crescendo before some big, portentous action.

      Some other people experienced those same energies yesterday. Hugs and much love, Laura ❤ x

      Liked by 2 people


  7. Laura, thank you for such a comprehensive look at the days and weeks ahead. Such interesting times! I’ve been finding my dreams hugely intense when I wake, as though from a profound and physical journey. But then they fade. Lots of movement for me this month and a resonance with many of your words. Sending much love and gratitude and my wishes to you for a peaceful and loving year ahead. 🙏🏻❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  8. Posted by eat2evolve on January 12, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    Virgo north node here. Spot on. 🙏🏼 Outside for a walk I go! xx

    Liked by 1 person


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