Pam Younghans: Planetary Energies for September 12-18, 2016

This post from Pam Younghans on her NorthPoint Astrology Journal dovetails with so many of the things I’m hearing in sessions, from friends, and experiencing in my own life. Lots of opportunities for healing and release of the old! I’ve given a little excerpt here, but you can click through for the full post.
NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your guide to planetary energies for
September 12 to 18, 2016
By Pam Younghans
THE LUNAR ECLIPSE on Friday is the highlight of the week, but we have plenty to keep us busy in the days leading up to the lunation. We have some challenging situations to navigate, represented by a t-square configuration formed by four of the planets (Sun and Mercury in Virgo, Mars in Sagittarius, and Chiron in Pisces).

As sure as we are about how to improve a situation or resolve an issue, others are equally committed to their agenda, which may be quite different from ours….

(Again, you can click through for the full post, which is highly recommended for anyone struggling with these intense energies, as well as anyone wanting to do any kind of Full Moon release or activation ceremony. Learn what energies you’re working with so that you can navigate and make the most of this time period.)

4 responses to this post.

  1. Reblogged this on Reiki Dawn and commented:
    Could be helpful 💜

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Thought-provoking article . I loved the insight ! Does anyone know where my business could get ahold of a fillable DD 689 form to work with ?



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