New Moon in Cancer ~ July 5, 2024

I’m posting this early, because it’s such a pivotal New Moon for the United States. My July 2024 Forecast noted:

July 5 New Moon in Cancer, 6:57 p.m. Eastern Daylight time. This New Moon trines Saturn in Pisces, easing tensions that arose around the June 6 Gemini New Moon, which squared Saturn. This Saturn trine brings structure and support, which will nurture a new beginning. Cancer rules the Moon, offering an extra strong monthly reset in the sign of the Mother. Focus on emotions, and surround yourself with those you love. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “(CANCER 15°): IN A SUMPTUOUS DINING HALL GUESTS RELAX AFTER PARTAKING OF A HUGE BANQUET.”

This Cancer New Moon squares the Aries North Node and Libra South Node. Friction and tension demand we address (Aries) situations affecting our safety, security, and needs (Cancer) in: relationships (Cancer and Libra), home and country (Cancer), war and peace (Aries/Libra), and courts of law (Libra).

I’m encouraged by the positive sounding Sabian Symbol, because this New Moon deeply and intensely triggers the U.S. natal chart. I’ll share the precise hits to the United States, but also consider how these themes may influence you, especially if you have placements in similar degrees. Overall energy of the New Moon offers high stakes potential–the risk of trauma or pain, but with huge blessings also available. My video will look less at the U.S. and more at the personal level, but these hits to the U.S. are so many and so exact that it feels wrong to ignore them.

Occurring the day after the Fourth of July, the New Moon conjuncts the U.S. natal Sun. At the time of the New Moon, Mercury at 5° Leo conjuncts the U.S. natal North Node, opposing Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect has been building for several days, and we’re likely to see hidden corruption (Pluto) revealed (Mercury). Venus at 22° Cancer conjuncts the U.S. natal Mercury and Part of Fortune. Important information (double Mercury) comes to light, and this helps return the United States to its original destiny (natal North Node and Part of Fortune). Venus brings grace, self-respect, and clarified values into the mix. With Venus in Cancer, we might see stronger demands to protect national borders, women, children, and the traditional family.

Meanwhile, Jupiter at 9° Gemini closely conjuncts the U.S. natal Uranus (8°Gemini), expanding (Jupiter) revolutionary/liberating (Uranus) rhetoric (Gemini). I use the Sibley chart for the U.S., which means Jupiter also sits within three degrees of the 12° Gemini U.S. natal Descendant–cusp of the seventh house of relationships and known enemies. Calls for war will increase before they dial down. Although Jupiter can bring blessings and opportunities, he also exacerbates whatever tense points he crosses.

Moving fast through Gemini, Jupiter will station Retrograde on October 9, conjunct the U.S. natal Mars (21° Gemini) and Donald Trump’s natal Sun (22° Gemini), Donald Trump’s natal North Node (20° Gemini), and Donald Trump’s natal Uranus (17° Gemini). We can expect an October Surprise on steroids. In the Cancer New Moon chart for Washington, D.C. the Descendant is 22° Gemini–anticipating this October Surprise and all it might portend.

Speaking of Mars (planet of war, willpower, desire, and action): at the time of this New Moon, transiting Mars conjuncts the U.S. natal Vesta at 19° Taurus. An asteroid of hearth and home, Vesta keeps the flame alive for whatever we hold most dear. This is very close to the Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction in late July-early August 2022. Events or conflicts initiated around that time are up for review and further action.

Combined with the other precise hits to the U.S. natal chart, this Mars-Vesta conjunction amplifies original American values and a sense of the nation’s “True North.” Vesta reminds Mars of the reasons the Founding Fathers declared independence and fought the Revolutionary War. Transiting Vesta also conjuncts the U.S. natal North Node alongside transiting Mercury, so we get double whammies of Vesta, Mars, Mercury and the North Node–both natal and transit.

In other words, this Fourth of July could ignite some real fireworks!

For years, I keep noting Thereus, lurking in aspect to New Moon’s and Full Moon’s. While this “waiting in the wings” energy doesn’t closely aspect this particular New Moon in Cancer, Thereus at 21° Virgo is supported by both Mars in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces. After the recent debate, pundits immediately began discussing who might take over for Biden “like Stalin after Lenin.” This is the exact allusion I’ve quoted from Zane Stein’s interpretation of Thereus. The “sudden” need to replace Biden is the most scripted thing I’ve seen since the apotheosis of Obama at 2004’s Democratic National Convention. Who will they deify in 2024?

Dane Rudhyar was correct when he said, “Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.” The sky has been telling a very different story than mainstream media, but it seems even they are catching up.

The New Moon in Cancer conjuncts Apophis–“the ancient Egyptian personification of pure evil“–while tightly opposing Ceres at 14° Capricorn. This aspect brings out the mama bear energy. Cancer is the sign of the Mother, and Ceres fought Pluto after he abducted and raped her daughter, Proserpina. (This is the same story as the Greek Rape of Persephone with Demeter as the mother, and Hades as the rapist.) Ceres can represent loss and grief, but she also reminds us that we have the power to fight for our children.

The New Moon’s square to True Black Moon Lilith (at 11° Libra, conjunct the transiting South Node) amplifies calls to help abused women and children. The South Node represents endings: “enough of this!” Outrage about murdered, sexually abused, or kidnapped kids could reach a fever pitch. Black Moon Lilith is also an outcast and refugee, so we get reactivity around border issues, sovereignty, abortion, and boundaries triggered by multiple, simultaneous transits. With Lilith in Libra, this reactivity could explode as lawfare or demands for legislation. We will see more news stories about abductions and sex trafficking, as well as heroic rescues from the modern day underworld.

As Alex’s Astrology notes, with Apophis involved, we might learn of unspeakable depravity or experience false flags or mass shootings. This risk gets exaggerated by Jupiter conjunct the U.S. natal Uranus (chaos). Don’t live in fear, but do trust your Spidey senses. Situational awareness and intuition offer their own protection.

The Cancer New Moon conjuncts centaur Bienor and asteroids Klotho and Atropos. This point forms the apex of a Yod (Finger of God) with the Great Attractor (14° Sagittarius) and Chariklo (16° Aquarius) as the base. The Great Attractor has such a strong force field that it pulls other galaxies into itself. Bienor represents orchestrated events and an ordering principle to the Universe, while Klotho is one of the Three Fates in Greek mythology. She is “the beginning of things” and spins the thread of life. Her sister Atropos is the “cutter,” the one who snips the thread of life. As with the June 21 Capricorn Full Moon, two out of three Fate Sisters figure prominently at the time of the New Moon in Cancer. We sense the story and its ending, but not how long this story will take to unfold.

Chariklo is the devoted wife (and widow) of Chiron, the Wounded Healer. “Chariklo’s discovery as part of [a] six-pointed star indicates an energy of creation, miracles, divination, protection, and destiny…. Chariklo is considered a celestial body of grace, healing, and compassion. Her energy is pure and gentle, and a reminder of the loving-kindness that lives within us all.” [more on Forever Conscious]

A Yod always carries a divine mandate, but taken together, these factors suggest an all-encompassing, unfolding story marked by synchronicity, love, loss, healing, destiny, and fate to the point of inevitability: that which cannot be stopped. Given so much U.S. natal activation, the next month will prove pivotal for the United States, but this feels much bigger than the U.S. It feels like the Great Big Wheel in the Sky will make such a decisive turn that it alters the very fabric of reality. Time will tell if this change all happens in one month, or if this New Moon’s aspects serve as the announcement of things to come. Again, we’re missing the middle Fate Sister who determines the length of the thread of life: we don’t know how long this story will take.

On a personal level, big changes will also hit close to home. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer and emphasizes family, home, loved ones, childhood, security, and emotions. (CANCER 15°): IN A SUMPTUOUS DINING HALL GUESTS RELAX AFTER PARTAKING OF A HUGE BANQUET.” Yes, the stakes are high–and potentially ugly–but we have quite the collection of divine feminine energies hosting this event:

Sign of Cancer (Mother archetype)

The Moon (Mother archetype)

Venus (goddess of love, creativity, self-esteem, grace, and beauty)

Vesta (vestal virgin/keeper of the flame)

Black Moon Lilith (wild feminine, dark goddess)

Chariklo (devoted wife who brings miracles, ethereal healing, and grace)

Ceres (goddess of agriculture and fierce mother who saves her child)

Two of the Three Fate Sisters

A powerful lineup, indeed, so Happy New Moon in Cancer! What kind of feast are you creating, and who will you invite to your sumptuous dining hall?

9 responses to this post.

  1. […] New Moon in Cancer ~ July 5, 2024 […]

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Things are not as they seem. I think we are in for some wild surprises. May they be good ones.

    Liked by 3 people


  3. Posted by seattle72 on June 29, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    I agree, may the surprises be good ones. We are too focused on two men who really should be retired. Honestly it feels like a weird time loop based on 2020.

    Liked by 2 people


  4. Posted by rich333ed0a9b2f on June 29, 2024 at 4:39 pm

    Well, this is quite the post. But then we are living through quite the times, are we not? I can see you’ve been at least exposing your mind to some of those dang conspiracy theories….which are probably mostly right and possibly about to come true. Apocalypse means revelation in Greek.

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  5. […] « New Moon in Cancer ~ July 5, 2024 […]



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