North Node Horoscopes


Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.     

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. If you’re right on the cusp, consider both possibilities or book a reading for more clarity.


ARIES NORTH NODE: One of the most active quarters in recent history for Aries North Node natives! From April 1-25th, Mercury goes retrograde in your sign, so review options and reconsider alternatives. Is this really your desire, or have you allowed others to impede your forward movement? The April 8th Eclipse brings a chance for major course corrections and “impossible” healing, especially if your North Node is between 10 and 25 degrees of Aries. More healing rushes in on April 21st. In late May, both Venus and Jupiter enter Gemini, bringing optimism and support to Aries placements. Jupiter’s influence can last off and on for months. When positive openings arise, have courage to step through. Some of these opportunities will be fleeting–but real–provided you act in a timely manner. This is no time for wallflowers.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 proves pivotal, with lots of activity in your North Node sign. Your sign’s ruler–Venus–moves through Taurus from April 29-May 23rd, bringing grace, beauty, and enhanced self-esteem. On April 20th, Jupiter and Uranus exactly conjunct–exploding prior limitations. The May 23-25th Venus-Jupiter conjunction will benefit all Taurus North Node native, especially those with late Taurus placements. From June 9-July 20th, Mars moves through Taurus. Whenever Mars conjuncts someone’s North Node, big shifts occur. Unlike your trauma-drama Scorpio South Node, you don’t need to destroy your old life in order to create the new one. Remember, slow and steady wins this race. Mars triggers situations that have brewed for a long time. When in doubt, aim for people and things that enhance your future stability, wealth, and physical health.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: This quarter really energizes your North Node. You’ll receive more subtle–but significant–healing support in April than Aries North Node natives. By late May, you’ll feel a lift if you haven’t already. Venus in Gemini highlights destiny-level relationships, and Jupiter (aka The Great Benefic) blesses your sign from May 25, 2024-June 9, 2025. The exact conjunction with your North Node depends on your degree, but Gemini North Node natives will have better luck and bigger opportunities throughout this year. Just remember that Jupiter rules your Sagittarius South Node. Beware of putting all your eggs in one basket, or fixating on only one possible solution. Appreciate the little things, because these add up. An active gratitude practice helps you to recognize and receive more blessings.

CANCER NORTH NODE: The first part of this quarter brings friction from all the activity in Aries, but anything moving through Taurus offers subtle support for Cancer North Node natives. Always pay attention to your feelings, even the so-called negative ones. In relation to your North Node, emotions guide you well. If something bothers you, experiment with extra nurturing vs. a need to withdraw and recharge. You move like the tides, and you’re much more sensitive to lunar events (like eclipses) than other North Node signs. Sometimes you just need to wait out the energies. The key for you is learning to trust your natural rhythm. Pushing too hard doesn’t pay, no matter how much that Capricorn South Node drives you. If you feel tired, moody, and/or raw, practice extra good energy hygiene on the many highly charged dates this quarter.

LEO NORTH NODE: Anything moving through Aries and Gemini offers supportive energy to Leo North Node natives. Those planets moving through Taurus challenge you to put yourself first, even if that goes against tradition. Anyone with a 0-7 degree Leo North Node has Pluto–planet of death and rebirth–obliterating old patterns and social pressures of your Aquarius South Node. For later degrees, your Pluto time will come, but not this year. Focus on creativity. Second Quarter 2024 favors a complete makeover of Leo finances, health, appearance, and overall self-confidence. If something makes you insecure, you’ll have many opportunities to level up. Don’t worry about feeling vain or undeserving. In its highest expression, Leo’s healthy ego inspires and empowers those around you. If you feel stuck, imagine sharing your comeback story with whoever needs to hear it.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 brings a mix of energies your way. Anything moving through Taurus trines Virgo, so you’re likely to experience a lift and even some sudden breakthroughs during April and May. Gemini placements eventually square your Virgo/Pisces nodal axis. That can trigger excess criticism, insecurity, disappointment, and nostalgia. Depending on your degree, Saturn in Pisces will limit contact with anyone or anything no longer on path for you. Pay extra attention to your physical health and well-being. Remember to incorporate daily habits like exercise, nourishing foods, and some sort of spiritual discipline. If you dream, write those down and organize them for easier analysis of recurring themes and symbols. When discomfort arises, aim to upgrade your distraction. Instead of drugs, alcohol, or sugar, knock off something on your to-do list. You’ll feel MUCH better in the long run.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: This is a potent quarter for Libra North Node natives. The April 8th Solar Eclipse occurs in Aries, your South Node sign. Anyone with nodal degrees between 13 and 23 Aries/Libra will most feel that impact, but all of you have a chance for massive healing and release. Throughout this quarter you’re likely to see new opportunities for collaboration, partnership, and love. Planets in Aquarius and Gemini offer harmonious support for creative projects, legal issues, and negotiations. Anything moving through Taurus or Pisces brings strange but potentially life changing situations to Libra natives. In a world of warfare, legal quagmires, and aggression, you’re called to keep the peace. Bring some harmony into sharp, ugly areas. When in doubt, ask, “How can I beautify my surroundings and myself?” and “What would love do?” Jupiter in Gemini for the next year brings good luck. Just remember to look for win-win scenarios. It’s not all about you.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: This is a make-or-break quarter for Scorpio North Node natives. With all the activity in your South Node sign of Taurus, you’ll be challenged to release anything that no longer serves–including a perceived need for self-sufficiency and material security. When you surrender and release, that which you need arrives in a newer, more appropriate form for you. Trying to hold onto the old won’t serve you well, especially in April. Yours is a sign of shared resources, transformation, death and rebirth. You reach your full potential by diving deep into your passions, research, vulnerability, and emotions. As the Gospel of Thomas says, “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” Your mystical side unlocks far more protection, healing, and security than focusing on the 3D world.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 brings change through a variety of energies. Anything moving through Aries offers destiny level support. Opportunity knocks, and doors open. Transits in Gemini call up South Node issues like spreading yourself too thin, lack of focus, and a willingness to stay small. When these old patterns erupt, ask your angels, intuition, and Higher Self, “Where do I need to go all in? Which quantum leaps would broaden my horizons?” Travel clears your calendar and your perspective. Tuning out the endless chatter expands manifestation. As planets move through Taurus and Cancer, you might sense some weird energies. Life feels surreal, but you’ve learned to pay attention in such moments. You catch a glimpse of something grand and begin to sense your own role in a larger unfolding story. You’re a natural teacher and inspiring guide for others. Embrace those qualities: they bring meaning and success.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: A vital quarter for Capricorn North Node natives! All the activity in Aries stirs up potential for healing and greater leadership roles. You’re not here to remain a homebody. You’re here to teach, lead, or manage others. Your natural empathy helps you do so with a softer touch, but beware of empathy overload. Too much emotion and family-like enmeshment become your personal kryptonite. Transits in Taurus lend grounded support and stability for on-path endeavors, while Gemini brings the weird through a series of highly charged events or realizations. These might feel fleeting, but pay attention. That information shines light on your life path. Cancer Season moves through your South Node sign, raising family issues, codependent relationships, and a need to release that which no longer serves. It really is okay to say, “No.” Sometimes that’s the only answer you can afford to give, on any level. Cut your losses, Cappy, and move on.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2024 is active for everyone on Earth right now, including Aquarius North Node natives. Anything moving through Aries or Gemini brings harmonious support. Pay special attention to new friendships, opportunities, and healing information. Since your sign connects with group energy and humanitarian concerns, you might feel called to offer support during more intense transit dates like the April 8th Sun-Moon-Chiron in Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, as well as the future oriented–but very intense–Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 20th. While being of service, prime yourself for intuitive downloads and big ideas. Your sign’s ruler (Uranus) brings a stroke of genius and the element of surprise, but it’s not all about you. Your insights, skills, and ideas help others. With Pluto still in early Aquarius, we’ll see huge collective transformation in coming years. Often ahead of your time, consider how well-positioned you are to co-create this changing the world.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Mars entered Pisces on March 22 and remains in your North Node sign through April 30. Whenever Mars conjuncts your North Node, something decisive shifts. Exactly when depends on precise degree, but overall you’ll feel a lift throughout April. A Pisces North Node can feel nebulous, but practical realist Saturn continues to troubleshoot illusions, build foundations, and identify tangible opportunities in Pisces. On May 25, one of your sign’s co-rulers–Jupiter–enters Gemini for the next year. Jupiter squares to your nodal axis can still bring benefits, but beware of get rich quick schemes. Pay special attention to bigger picture ideas, philosophy, information exchange, and anything to do with organized religion vs. spirituality. “Life” will probably adjust these areas. On June 2, your sign’s other ruler–Neptune–enters the anaretic (final) 29th degree of Pisces. Increasingly, collective energies will feel more ordained and aligned with your destiny.


ARIES NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2024 offers mixed energies for you. The transiting North Node and Chiron continue activating your North Node sign, while anything moving through Capricorn eventually squares your nodal axis. Pay attention to friction or frustration, because these alert you to codependent behavior and indecision. You can use that awareness to launch yourself forward as planets transiting Aquarius activate major breakthroughs. So-called world leaders demand increased war, but you can model the more positive side of Aries. We need new leaders with backgrounds in peacemaking, art, and love. When you empower yourself, you make our world a better place. The Sun enters your North Node sign on March 19th. It’s time to light up!

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Early 2024 demands a change from past to future orientation. This quarter offers supportive energies from anything moving through Capricorn or Pisces. Things moving fast through Aquarius eventually square your nodal axis, bringing course corrections to any off path moves. Meanwhile, slow moving Pluto in Aquarius asks you to release that which no longer serves. You might need to find your own balance between technology and staying grounded in your body. When in doubt, walk in nature, hug a tree, and eat healthy, nourishing foods. You don’t need to rush, Taurus. Your limbic system thanks you for slowing down. The next few months could feel unstable. Find a routine that feeds your body, mind and soul.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2024 brings supportive energy from anything moving through Aquarius and Aries–like a warm wind beneath your wings. If the past six months ushered in a lot of change, resist the urge to nail things down again. Indecision could highlight a both/and situation instead of the need for one, single path. For example, two part-time jobs might give you more opportunities than an all-encompassing career, or maybe you just need more flexibility. Let curiosity and delight lead your way. You can try on many hats and temporary situations, experimenting to see which ones give you better options. You’re entering a whole new world, Gemini. Allow yourself to play. It feeds your soul and invites more allies.

CANCER NORTH NODE: If you’ve pushed forward at a relentless pace, then early 2024 encourages you to curl up and nurture yourself. You need to allow the tide to go out before it can return. Everything moves in cycles, and you can’t manage everyone all the time. Anything moving through Pisces and Taurus offers gentle support for Cancer North Node natives. When planets move through Capricorn, they’ll eventually conjunct your South Node, making you aware of old patterns that no longer serve. Other people interpret your stiff upper lip as coldness, so don’t forget to show you care. Sometimes loved ones want to help but don’t know how. A little vulnerability goes a long way in bringing the support you need. Let people love you.

LEO NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2024 brings the action, Leo! Your North Node sign’s ruler–the Sun–moves through Aquarius, your South Node sign, along with Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto. Old friendships, coworkers, groups or social causes could reappear. If they do, ask yourself, “Do I benefit from these people or situations?” It’s not enough to go along just to get along. You matter. Who or what makes your heart sing? Release the ones that don’t. Those with early degree Leo North Nodes will most feel Pluto’s Aquarian transformation, but the entire quarter activates your nodal axis. Jupiter and Uranus also square from Taurus. Whenever friction arises, ask yourself, “Where am I not being fully authentic?” When in doubt, go bigger, bolder and brighter.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Your South Node sign–Pisces–gets a workout in early 2024. With the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune there, it’s a good time of year to release addictions and negative habits. Are you scrolling too much? Numbing out? Saturn’s presence in Pisces tells you to develop more discipline. You’ll need to release anything or anyone triggering brain fog, depression, or distraction. Beware of burnout. Daily effort brings steady progress, and this approach keeps you from overdoing things. When you can’t get motivated, chunk your goals into smaller, more tangible steps. With all the insanity in the world right now, you might feel empathy overload. Spend time in nature and remember to practice good energy hygiene.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Intensity continues but dials down a notch for most of you. Anything moving through Capricorn will eventually square your nodal axis, urging you to commit to more love, peace and harmony. Those aren’t just platitudes for Libra North Node natives: love, peace and harmony engage your highest self-expression. Pay attention to friction and frustration. These remind you to slow down and consider loved ones. Instead of isolating, tap into your ability to draw individuals together. Look for commonalities and shared values. Anything moving through Aquarius will eventually trine your North Node, bringing new opportunities and empowering you to seize them.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: 2024 begins in a powerful way, with supportive energies from anything moving through Capricorn and Pisces. Both of your North Node sign’s rulers–Mars and Pluto–enter Aquarius this quarter. If you’re off path, irresistible forces will trigger a course correction. Meanwhile, Jupiter and Uranus continue making their way through your South Node sign of Taurus, liberating you from old restrictions and situations that keep you from regeneration and rebirth. Working with the energies attracts more alchemy and less perceived destruction. Magic and healing want to reveal your destiny. When you release that which no longer serves, a tsunami of Love arrives.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Mercury stations Direct in your sign on January 1st, so pay attention to any sudden downloads or big picture realizations. If something seems fuzzy thru January 9th, tune into your intuition to guide you. Aquarius transits bring inspiration and bold ideas to expand your reach, while anything moving through Pisces can trigger emotional tension or test your faith. Use any challenges to refine your overall philosophy of life. Then, teach others what you’ve learned. If you feel bored or penned in, embark on an adventure–through travel, education, religion, or all of these combined. Opportunities for healing and liberation arise. When you feel led, act! A change of scenery does you a world of good.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2024 feels pivotal for Capricorn North Node natives. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars move through your sign, while Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus empower your goals and bring leadership opportunities. The transiting North Node and Chiron in Aries urge you to re-frame overly emotional reactions into more determination to succeed. Some of you will need to grow up, and some of you will need to allow others to mature. You can’t save everyone. Nor are you supposed to! You need to lead by example. Pluto leaves late Capricorn for Aquarius on January 20th. Those who’ve managed intense death and rebirth cycles can now anchor new structures and traditions.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: On January 20th, both the Sun and Pluto enter your North Node sign. Only those with early Aquarius degrees will feel direct impact from Pluto, but you’re ready for some kind of revolution. You don’t need to lead in order to succeed. Focus on group activities, friendships, and a higher cause. With Sun and Mercury moving through Aquarius, you’ll gain insights about any friction last quarter. Uranus–the Ruler of your North Node sign–also stations Direct in Taurus on January 27th. Then Mars enters Aquarius on February 13th, followed by Venus three days later. If you’ve felt stuck, you can expect things to move forward in sudden, unexpected ways this quarter. It’s your season!

PISCES NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2024 lights up Pisces, especially late February thru March with the Sun and Mercury in your North Node sign. Saturn, Lord of Karma, continues to demand spiritual discipline. Pay attention to any messages that arrive on February 28th, especially if they come through meditation or dreams. You have some lovely support from anything moving through Capricorn and Taurus. Allow and receive, Pisces! If Spirit doesn’t think you should have someone or something, trust that guidance. Sometimes no means “no,” but sometimes no just means “not yet.” And sometimes no means: “Dear One, you’re thinking way too small. I want to shower you with love and blessings.” You are so deeply loved. Open your heart and welcome the Divine.


ARIES NORTH NODE: The transiting North Node continues making its way through your sign. Events “out there” track more closely with events inside yourself. The hand of Fate feels stronger than usual, and situations arise to make you stand up for yourself, take risks and move forward in bolder ways. As planets make their way through Libra, your South Node sign, you might find old patterns and relationships show up again. That doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. It’s an opportunity to make different choices that feel more aligned with your current desires and needs. When you move on, give yourself credit for where you’ve been. Recognizing what you’ve already overcome adds courage to forge ahead.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus continue to ignite opportunities, and your destiny gets reactivated by a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28. Anything in Libra brings subtle, yet powerful calls to increase love and beauty. Questions of “fairness” could also arise this quarter. Any planets moving through Scorpio will conjunct your South Node, bringing up old relationships and patterns. You’re called to new levels of self-sufficiency, but that doesn’t mean you need to burn bridges. Aim for stability, even if it takes more patience. “Better to have and not need than to need and not have.” During Sagittarius Season, this motto also applies to knowledge, as the quincunx energies nudge you to expand and reify your thinking. Get grounded, and hang in there for all the supportive trines from Capricorn.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Gemini North Node natives get supercharged by all the activity in Libra and Aries. Trines and sextiles support you in subtle yet powerful ways. If it feels like life’s carrying you along beyond your own power, that’s because it is. From mid-October through November, planets begin to quincunx (150 degrees) your North Node from Scorpio. This energy asks you to increase passion and determination even when you’re multitasking. You’re busier than usual, and that’s OK. In November and December, old relationships and rigid philosophies could arise for review. Practice pivoting and learn to dance instead of grasping so hard to the old and familiar. A new, more flexible life wants to bless you in various and sundry ways. A Full Moon in your North Node sign happens on November 27th. You’ll get further with lots of smaller intentions rather than trying to roll it all into one big one.

CANCER NORTH NODE: Libra and Capricorn Seasons could feel more intense than usual, as anything moving through Libra (including Mars from August 27-October 12) eventually squares your nodal axis, along with Chiron and the South Node squaring from Aries. Anything moving through Capricorn activates your South Node sign, urging you to release old patterns and restrictions. Whenever you feel pressure, know that you can afford to soften your stance. Rigidity and that stiff upper lip don’t serve you anymore. In October and November, be sure to show loved ones how much you care. Sometimes emotions feel scary, but you’re meant to experience and share them. Celebrate the Full Moon in Cancer on December 26–one of your luckiest days all year.

LEO NORTH NODE: On October 8, Venus the Love Goddess finishes up her unusually long stay in your North Node sign. Relationships exhale as some of the intensity fades. Don’t worry, Fourth Quarter 2023 still has plenty of love on offer. All the planets moving through Libra form supportive sextiles to your North Node. This energy is subtle yet powerful, adding grace and beauty to your appearance and your life. At certain points this quarter, you’ll feel called to take decisive action. The urge could come as a whisper or a shout, but when it does, pay attention! Destiny calls in myriad ways, and hard work will bring rewards. Say “yes” to opportunities to shine brighter, especially if these arrive in synchronous ways. You’re a bigger star than you realize, Leo. Own it!

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Venus the Love Goddess moves through your North Node sign from October 8-November 8, bringing grace, beauty and self-esteem your way. Focus on daily habits that bring you back to center, over and over again. This quarter could have far reaching impact on your love life and creative endeavors. You still have support from Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, which could lead to tangible breakthroughs. Saturn and Neptune continue transiting your South Node sign of Pisces. Make the most of these energies by increasing spiritual discipline, and then following through with tangible steps. This is not a time for extended navel gazing. Tune in, imagine, and then use that awareness to fuel real world action. “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry,” by Jack Kornfield would be a good book for you.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Libra Season is lit this year! With all those planets–including Mars until October 12–moving through your North Node sign, you’re strongly called to cultivate relationships, partnership, love, beauty, harmony and justice. With the transiting South Node in your North Node sign, you’ll feel 180 from the mainstream world. This is no time to flaunt your differences, though. It’s a time to hear the other side of the narrative, bridge gaps, and work to find peaceful points of re-connection. As the collective gets more assertive and self-assured, we need peacemakers right now. You get optimistic support as planets move through Sagittarius. Later in the Fourth Quarter and into early next year, keep in mind that anything moving through Capricorn will at some point square your nodal axis. Work with your discomfort to find a new balance. The New Moon in Libra Solar Eclipse on October 14 will be extra powerful for you.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Any planets moving through Scorpio will eventually conjunct your North Node sign, bringing special attention to choice points and opportunities for rebirth. This year, Mars also joins the party in Scorpio from October 12-November 24. This energy deepens passion and empowers your will. This could be a VERY productive quarter for you. Your sign receives extra spiritual inspiration and awareness of how shared resources can expand everyone’s potential. South Node karmic lessons will build faith if you can accept that big changes happen for you. While Taurus South Node natives prefer stability, your growth occurs through change. Reinvent yourself! The Universe is working hard to upgrade your experience. The Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse on October 28 could feel extra intense, and the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 brings magic.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Mars enters your North Node sign on November 24, activating destiny level moves towards expansion and a higher philosophy of life. Long awaited shifts could happen in the next two months. Learn to trust your guides and intuition. They’ll lead you to embrace the right opportunities. The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 occurs in your South Node sign. Beware of a tendency to spread yourself too thin. You’re better off going all in on one main area instead of multitasking. Social media and too many engagements could leave you fried. Put yourself out there, but only when it feels like an obvious match. Use the Sagittarius New Moon on December 12 to launch big intentions and decisions.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: Libra Season brings friction to your nodal axis, demanding you find a new balance in relationships. Love does not mean you need to over-give or empath everyone else’s feelings. Sometimes love means establishing firm boundaries so that people step into their own potential. Although you may feel like it, you’re not here to “save” everyone from themselves. You have a mission, and work-family dynamics need to support your ability to lead in bigger ways. Your responsibility includes more than your family of birth or even your new family. Life will continue to push you into positions of greater authority. Mercury goes Retrograde in your sign from December 13-January 1. Use this time to reevaluate which investments of time and energy make sense. Your understanding of your place in the world could shift at this time.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Anything in Aries and Libra feeds your sign, so Fourth Quarter 2023 could feel productive and pivotal. Beware that anything moving through Scorpio and Taurus will eventually square your nodal axis. This friction may force you to decide between your own needs and those of the group–whether at work, with friends or even society at large. You’re a revolutionary, but you’re no lone wolf. Take others into consideration and find ways to support humanity and the Earth. Venus the Love Goddess spent an extraordinary time moving through your South Node sign. She finally leaves Leo on October 8. Which relationships moved forward and which ones seem out of phase? You’re finishing up a lot of karmic and ego ties this Summer and Fall. Allow yourself to realign with people who work together to initiate positive change.

PISCES NORTH NODE: This is an eventful quarter for you, with quincunxes from objects or point moving through Libra and squares from Sagittarius. You can integrate these odd energies by tapping into the highest quality of ideal philosophy and love. Justice, fairness, religion and philosophy could seem less rigid than your Virgo South Node would assume. Practice opening to a wider, more beautiful and fantastic world. Planets moving through Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn offer support for destiny level changes. Exact timing and flavor depends on which planet and which degree, but keep yourself as receptive to inspiration as possible. Yours is an intuitive, watery sign. Your mutable path ebbs, flows and changes dimensions, all in the span of your own emotions. You are the ocean within the drop.


ARIES NORTH NODE: The big event for you this quarter is the transiting North Node moving into Aries on July 17th. Since the North Node moves backwards, those with late degrees of Aries will feel the initial effects in a more personal, targeted way, but this transit sets the collective tone until January 2025. It will feel easier to put yourself first and to summon courage to move forward in areas where you’ve felt stuck. It will feel more natural to say no to codependent relationships and “death by committee.” The new energies support your destiny and purpose in bigger ways than you’ve felt for eighteen years. You’re a pioneer with something important to offer the world. Explore that idea, even if it feels weird to say or think. Venus in Leo will also improve your relationships, including with yourself.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: “Last call!” for Taurus North Node natives to git ‘er done with the North Node in your sign. Of course, you’ll always find that doors open easier when you apply Taurus energies, but the past eighteen months have really pushed you on your path. You’ll still feel the uplift and expansion of Jupiter moving through Taurus, as well as Uranus stirring the pot for anyone with mid-later Taurus degrees. Your North Node sign’s ruler, Venus, spends most of this quarter in Leo, triggering productive friction to help you make necessary changes. Focus on incremental moves rather than a big bang. Patience serves you well, and with Venus going retrograde, you’ll have even more time to take those steps. Crystals, gardening and beauty are all “up” for you. Enjoy the journey!

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Any planets moving through Leo offer you supportive sextiles, and the big one this quarter is Venus. The Love Goddess offers subtle but targeted support as she crisscrosses Leo. This is a good quarter for relationships of any sort, but also for improving self esteem and for aligning your appearance more with your life purpose. If you’ve wanted a makeover or feel you’ve outgrown your style, consider upgrading this quarter. Mercury, your sign’s ruler, spends extra time in Virgo this quarter. Although Mercury rules Virgo, too, Gemini and Virgo communicate and process information in very different ways. This square can serve you well. Just beware of speaking too hastily or authoritatively. You can afford to make deals, Gemini any friction will benefit you if you aim for win-win solutions.

CANCER NORTH NODE: For the first three weeks of July, the Sun shines light on your North Node sign. Life softens, and it’s easier to walk your path. July 16-17th’s New Moon occurs in your sign, and the Moon rules Cancer. More than any other sign, Cancer North Node natives thrive with an awareness of the Moon’s effects on health, mood, plant life, and energy levels. Allow yourself to ebb and flow. You’re not a static creature! The Aries-Libra nodal axis will gradually square the entire range of Cancer-Capricorn, which means you’ll benefit from creative tension. If something feels frustrating or makes you mad, don’t dig in your heels or closer yourself off. You can engage energies that feel uncomfortable, and sharing your fears, challenges and emotions will bring much better results.

LEO NORTH NODE: Venus the Love Goddess spends this quarter flitting and flirting through your North Node sign. She brings grace, beauty, financial gifts and increased confidence, so enjoy the journey. Jupiter and Uranus square Leo from Taurus, but this friction encourages you to go bigger, bolder and more authentic in your destiny to shine. If you meet roadblocks, reassess the playing field and position yourself to win even more. Be careful of overspending, but if something’s on path for you, go for it! Practice positive affirmations, which will take you far this quarter. When in doubt, choose heart over head. From July 22-August 23, the Sun–your North Node’s ruler–shines light on your destiny, so pay special attention to passions that arise during this month. It’s okay to break away from the crowd. You’re no wallflower.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Big moves this quarter from both Mercury and Mars in Virgo! The Messenger spends extra time in one of his home signs this year due to a retrograde from August 23-September 15. The Warrior supercharges your North Node sign from July 10 to August 27. The exact dates of activation depend on your North Node degree, but these players increase communication and the ability to fight for your most authentic life path. Details matter, so check and double check your metaphorical math. If you’ve procrastinated action or felt blocked, this is a great quarter to get things done. Divide your tasks into smaller activities and celebrate the little wins that move you closer to your goal. Virgo North Node natives benefits from regular, deliberate discipline. Vague intentions are less effective than concrete steps toward success.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: The big Third Quarter 2023 event for Libra North Node natives is the transiting North Node moving into your South Node sign on July 17. People with later degree Libra will be affected first, but for the next eighteen months you could feel 180 from the general population. It helps to know that, because your sign needs to bridge gaps that arise from too many competing individual agendas. You’re the peacemaker, the one who benefits from connection and relationship. When the world’s not interested in those things, we need them even more. Don’t get discouraged! This is a karmic time of course correction. Follow what feels right for you, but do so with charm and grace. Venus, your sign’s ruler, offers supportive energy from Leo for most of this quarter. Lean into her love, as she can ease tensions that arise from nodal opposition.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: On July 17th, the North Node finally leaves your South Node sign. Scorpio North Node natives can breathe a sigh of karmic relief. Against all odds, you made it! You are in a process of transmutation, but some of the fire begins to ease. Jupiter and Uranus will remain in Taurus this entire quarter and beyond, so you’re not totally out of the woods, but the nodal shift is a big deal. A pressure release valve gets released on July 17th. Anything in Cancer trines your North Node sign, and anything in Leo squares it (whenever in orb +/- five degrees). Give yourself credit for a job well done. If you’ve felt out of phase with the collective, you’ll notice people having more courage to look at those deep, dark truths you’ve discovered since January 2021. You won’t feel so lonely, because your sign’s co-ruler, Mars, also rules the North Node in Aries.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: All the action in Leo and the shift of nodal axis into Aries-Libra benefits Sagittarius North Node natives. Supportive trines and sextiles offer gentle opportunities to get even more on path. Keep focused on what feels true to you. You don’t need to research every topic, just look into the ones that naturally draw your attention. Relationships, passion and self-esteem are up this quarter. Try taking a longer trip to expand your awareness. You’re a different person in different surroundings, and some of these vacation spots could feel more authentic than your daily life. Explore, expand, and follow intuition’s lead. A change of scenery will do you good! When in doubt think bigger and bolder. You don’t need everyone to like you. Consider writing articles, books or larger creative projects, rather than trying to reach people through social media.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: This quarter starts with a Full Moon in your North Node sign on July 3rd. Set your goals for the next six months. The July 17th shift of the Lunar Nodes into Aries-Libra begins an eighteen-month period of creative friction for Capricorn North Node natives. You’ll be pushed towards greater leadership roles, and this increased authority is on path for you. The New Moon in Cancer within hours of the nodal shift occurs in your South Node sign. Pay attention to old feelings and insecurities that arise. Your challenge–should you choose to accept it–is to release codependent, overly emotional patterns standing in the way of your success. As Venus makes her way back and forth through Leo, your North Node gets quincunxed (150 degrees). This highly creative aspect is fleeting, but when it pings, relationships and opportunities feel orchestrated. Act on these.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2023 brings a sigh of relief as Pluto leaves your sign again for Capricorn. Even if your North Node degree is later in Aquarius, you felt Pluto’s entry on March 23, 2023 more than most. Use this quarter to assess what worked or didn’t work for you during the short preview between March 23 and June 11. What ego issues, patterns and conditioning need purging from your life? How are you changing, and how does this affect your friendships, co-workers and alliances? Venus will crisscross your South Node sign, so pay attention to old flames, former passions, and any unresolved self-esteem issues. Her graceful presence eases the process of letting go. What kind of innovations or technology could improve your life? You, more than most signs, benefit from upgrades.

PISCES NORTH NODE: You’re most impacted by anything on the Pisces-Virgo axis, which will include Mercury Retrograde in Virgo from August 23-September 14. Depending on the degree of your North and South Node, your experiences could vary widely: Saturn and Neptune in Pisces have very different energies! It’s best for you to go with the flow. You can’t control those tides anyway, so you might as well align yourself with natural movement and divine timing. Mars crossing your Virgo South Node could dredge up old enemies or confrontations. When in doubt, seek a higher plane of understanding rather than lapsing into blame and judgment. Forgiveness benefits you even more than it benefits those who’ve wronged you. Your feelings and spiritual path will lead you better than your mind.


ARIES NORTH NODE: April through mid-May offer the last six weeks of Jupiter in Aries until the next Jupiter cycle twelve years from now. Use this energy to dream big and bold before the collective North Node moves into Aries in July. Pay special attention to events or messages that arise around the April 20 New Moon in Aries/Solar Eclipse. Venus offers relationship support from Gemini between April 11-May 7, then squares from Cancer until June 5. The rest of the quarter offers fiery support from Venus in Leo. Pluto in Aquarius brings supportive transformation to early degree Aries North Node natives. Those with late Aries North Node degrees continue to feel friction from Pluto in early Aquarius. Themes of death and rebirth dominate. Overall an empowering and satisfying quarter, so long as you embrace the need for change. When in doubt, go for it!

TAURUS NORTH NODE: We enter Taurus season, and it’s the last quarter the North Node remains in your sign. It won’t return to Taurus until August 2040, so git ‘er done while you have extra energetic support. On April 6, 2023, Mercury conjunct the North Node in Taurus brings potent, yet grounded messages about collective and personal destiny. With Mercury in your sign until June 11, you’ll have extra time to process any big downloads. On April 24, the Sun shines more light on destiny, and on May 16, lucky Jupiter enters your sign for an entire year! Uranus continues stirring the pot, as well. Depending on the degree of your North Node, Second Quarter 2023 could solidify recent progress, or push you past old limitations. If you feel overwhelmed, get grounded. Imbibe or create beauty whenever you can. Remember to honor your creature comforts: “Better to have and not need than to need and not have.”

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Love, grace and harmony are on the menu as the Love Goddess moves through Gemini from April 11-May 7th. Pluto also starts trining Gemini from early Aquarius. Early degree Gemini North Node natives will feel this surge of creative alchemy all quarter. Mid- to later-degree Gemini North Node natives won’t feel direct impact from Pluto for many years, but you’ll notice a shift in zeitgeist that supports your sign. You feel less alone, whether through friends, partnerships or social media. You can use this quarter to diversify in ways that secure your future. Allow yourself to daydream, and don’t get hung up on any one particular idea. As chaos swirls around the world, Gemini North Node natives benefit through resilience and curiosity. You can dance your way through change, knowing that everything’s negotiable. Emphasize better boundaries in conversation and correspondence. Make time to play!

CANCER NORTH NODE: This quarter starts slowly with continued friction from planets moving through Aries. By May and June, energies turn more harmonious. Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, and he’ll offer easy support and expansion as he sextiles Cancer for the next year. The Moon rules your North Node sign, so you’ll want to pay special attention to New and Full Moon energies, especially eclipses. More than most signs, yours works best when aligned with natural ebb and flow. Venus moves through Cancer from May 7-June 5. Relationships improve, and some of these seem orchestrated from above. Trust your instincts, and honor your need to retreat and recharge. Keep an open heart, though! Your Capricorn South Node tends to withdraw for too long, confusing people who would benefit from your loving care. On June 21, the Sun enters your North Node sign. How can you improve family and home life? What do you need in order to feel more comfortable and loved?

LEO NORTH NODE: This is a big quarter for Leo North Nodes, as Pluto just entered Aquarius, your South Node sign. Only those with very early Leo North Node’s will receive a direct hit, but these Pluto/Aquarian energies bring huge power for letting go. Any group think or idealism that stands in the way of your own success and growth will more easily fall away now. Mars adds destiny level activation as he moves through Leo from May 20-July 10. Uranus and from mid-May onward, Jupiter, announce opportunities from Taurus, but those will take some work to manifest. Pay attention to frustration and practice shifting it to determination. That small move will carry you far. You’ll feel quite a bit of friction this quarter, and how you approach the energies makes a huge difference. If you use irritation as motivation, it could light a fire that transforms your life. Change is on the horizon. Coming or going: you won’t stand still for long.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2023 brings a mixed bag. On the one hand, Uranus and–from mid-May onward–Jupiter trigger positive opportunities from fellow Earth sign, Taurus. On the other hand, Saturn entered your Pisces South Node sign on March 7. As karmic taskmaster, Saturn demands accountability and firm foundations. Illusions and delusions dissolve, but this takes time. In the face of endings or loss, look for silver linings because they will appear. Saturn is also a trouble shooter who helps you build something solid and real. Daydreams come true with consistent effort. When you get overwhelmed, you might feel tempted to zone out with sugary foods, alcohol or other substances. We all need to take breaks, but you benefit more from natural endorphins released in exercise and meditation. Yoga and Tai Chi help you to ground your expansive spirit and emotions into your mind and body. Be here now. Analyze, focus and discern. Music helps you to relax and shift gears as needed.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Mark your calendar for April 6’s Full Moon in Libra and April 20’s New Moon in Aries/Solar Eclipse. These events will affect Libra North Node natives more than most. This is the last quarter before the nodal axis shifts to Aries/Libra, and these Moon’s give you a heads up for issues that might arise in the next 21 months. If you don’t like what you see, look for partnerships and alliances that make you stronger. You don’t need to walk alone. In addition to people, you’ve got support from Pluto’s foray into Aquarius, as well as anything moving through Gemini. Venus rules your North Node sign, and she wants you to open your heart with love and connection. In challenging times, your Aries South Node knows how to lead, but you’ll move faster if you share leadership with others whose talents you discover. Have patience and seek win-win options rather than only looking out for Number One. Relationships are a destiny level priority!

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: This is the last full quarter of the North Node in Taurus, which means you’re tying up loose ends related to past relationships and perspectives that need to transform. Since January 2021, you’ve been 180 from society, and this can feel lonely. There’s light at the end of this introspective tunnel. Just a few more months until July 2023 when the North Node moves into Aries with the South Node in Libra. Uranus and Jupiter still trigger major shifts from Taurus, but the good news is that the stark contrasts between you and the rest of the world will begin to ease in July. Use Second Quarter 2023 to plow through any karmic ties that present for transformation. You’re stronger and more resilient than you imagined you could be. Mercury’s long stay in Taurus will give you another opportunity to wriggle out of karmic contracts that no longer serve. Use the May 5 Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio as rocket fuel for change. You got this!

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: April through May 16 continues expansive support as your North Node’s ruler (Jupiter) moves through fellow Fire sign Aries. You can seize breakthroughs in healing, relationships, finances and overall vision for your life path. From April 11-May 7, Venus moves through your Gemini South Node sign, bringing old relationships, lack of focus, and too much small talk up for change. Do you really need to keep so many irons in the fire? This can be a positive time for you, as you re-evaluate old habits that no longer serve. Pay extra attention to insights that arise on the June 3 Full Moon in Sagittarius and the June 17-18 New Moon in Gemini. You’ll make faster progress if you focus on the big picture and overall alignment rather than trying to cover all the details. There’s simply too much information to process, and you don’t need to imbibe it all. You’ll feel this more when Mercury enters Gemini on June 11. If you suffer from FOMO, step back and reevaluate. What brings you most satisfaction? Commit to that.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: Most of Second Quarter 2023 feels like a relief as heavyweight Pluto leaves your sign alone for the first time since 2008. Whew! Life finally feels like it’s coming into balance with new opportunities and the blessings of prior hard work. Pluto returns to Capricorn on June 11, so use this quarter to strategize and plan for your future success. Although people fear and sometimes even hate Pluto, he helps us change and regenerate more than any other planet. Instead of clinging to worn out relationships and unhealthy patterns, look at life as an investment. Do your energy expenditures make sense? If someone or something expands your horizons and leadership potential, consider that a good investment. If someone or something drains you and makes you crawl inside your Cancer South Node shell, that needs to go. Or at least transform. Capricorn North Node natives must learn to embrace the positive side of being ruthless. Tough editing makes a better book or video. Correctly pruning a tree yields more fruit.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: This is a time of rapid change for Aquarius North Node natives. You’ll feel Pluto’s presence in your sign even if he’s far away from your North Node degree. This brings huge opportunities to release that which no longer serves and to upgrade into Aquarian Age ideals. The energies from Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius all play well with Aquarius and your Leo South Node, making this quarter ripe with positive potential. You benefit from social media, online networking and joining group efforts to improve our world. When you combine your skills with others, everyone’s life improves. If you’ve had minimal success doing everything yourself, foster connections with friends and colleagues. You are not the product this time, but you can become an important part of a carefully selected team. You’re among the visionaries of our times, and you came here to support this massive shift on Planet Earth. If you feel discouraged, flip your perspective and look at the bigger picture. How might your individual struggles and triumphs open portals for all of humanity?

PISCES NORTH NODE: If you lean into your mystical, spiritual side, Second Quarter 2023 brings solid opportunities your way. If you insist on perfection, you’ll feel more frustrated and blocked than usual. You’re not here to “get everything right.” You’re here to recognize how beautiful and perfect you already are. Saturn’s move through Pisces helps you build a strong foundation for your dearest hopes and dreams–especially the ones your Virgo South Node dismisses as “impractical.” You can have your pie in the sky and eat it, too. You just need to align with forces you don’t understand. Squares from Gemini and Sagittarius alert you to internal blocks. If you find a boulder in your way, make like water and flow around it. Instead of stressing and trying to figure out every last detail, practice trusting a Higher Power. Prayer is practical action for Pisces North Node natives. Mantra meditation eases inner conflict by giving your monkey mind somewhere else to focus. Your first and most important task each day is to “tune in” to higher guidance. Whatever time you “waste” in prayer and meditation, life returns to you through magical means.


ARIES NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2023 is good to Aries North Node natives! In January both Venus and Mars make supportive sextiles to Aries. Explore your passions and take action, especially from January 12 onward. Expansive, optimistic Jupiter–the Great Benefic–moves through Aries for this entire quarter. In March, Jupiter conjuncts Venus, Chiron and Mercury in Aries, adding blessings in relationships, healing, communication and big picture goals. Some of this quarter involves careful planning for your next twelve-year cycle. Dream big and have courage to make bold moves when opportunities arise. Keep your eyes, mind and heart open for miracles. Forge ahead. This is not an ordinary quarter.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Continue to focus on liberation, as Uranus and the North Node make their way through Taurus. On March 16, Venus enters her home sign, bringing extra blessings, beauty and self esteem. You’ll experience productive friction from planets squaring your nodal axis from Aquarius. Challenges do not mean you’re off path. They nudge you to course correct in order to experience new levels of abundance and security. Taurus prefers not to change, but your sign continues to receive activations that demand adjustment. PTSD from Scorpio South Node memories could trigger fight or flight. If so, pause. Breathe deeply, step back from the situation and ask, “How am I already on higher ground?” Instead of telling everyone your answers, let these marinate and percolate behind the scenes. Once affirmations become habits, you can safely reveal your shifts even if others disapprove.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: As we move through Aquarius Season, any planet from Aquarius offers a supportive trine to Gemini. Anything from Aries offers a supportive (but more subtle) sextile to Gemini. This means Gemini North Node natives will also benefit from Jupiter moving through Aries until May 17. You’ll receive empowering, expansive energy for relationships, healing, and communication. If you’ve felt stuck, things should shift once Mars stations Direct in Gemini on January 12. From then through March 23, the God of Action and Willpower supercharges your sign. On March 25, Pluto begins to trine Gemini from Aquarius. Open your mind to possibilities of sudden action after a long pause. This quarter has an “awakening from the nightmare” feel to it, as well as rewards for patience and hard work. Saturn’s move into Pisces urges you to find a new spiritual foundation and structure for your life.

CANCER NORTH NODE: The January 6th Full Moon highlights your North Node sign, bringing a powerful reset to 2023. Whether through ritual or a quiet moonlit walk, really use this date to tune into your highest potential. The Moon rules Cancer, and this is one of the most powerful Full Moon’s all year. This quarter brings lovely energy from fellow Water sign Pisces, starting with Venus on January 26. The Sun follows in mid-February, with Mercury and Saturn joining in March. These soft trines to your North Node offer a chance to upgrade relationships, commitments and your all important home base. Mars enters your sign on March 25, activating destiny level change. With the God of Action moving through your sign, you’ll feel more energized and able to utilize emotions as fuel. After the slog of the last few years, First Quarter 2023 offers a chance to ground and revitalize yourself in something new.

LEO NORTH NODE: Aquarius Season urges retrospection and release for Leo North Node natives. Your Aquarius South Node gets a workout, especially in January. If old relationships, patterns or issues arise, recognize these as the completion of a cycle. You’re not backsliding. The Universe just wants to know, “Are you sure you want to leave all this behind?!” If “this” involves codependency, peer pressure and being a wallflower, then your soul says, “Yes! I’m ready to move beyond the old restrictions.” Cosmic Taskmaster Saturn has made his way through Aquarius since December 2020. That changes on March 7 when Saturn enters Pisces. You can sigh with relief having made it through another 28-year long sorting process. When deciding what stays or goes, pay attention to whatever makes your heart sing. Fame and fortune want to find you. The secret is dropping into your heart instead of your head. You matter.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Pisces Season triggers your South Node, bringing old addictions, illusions and delusions home to roost. You might want to zone out, but discipline will serve you well. The March 7 Full Moon in Virgo offers a chance to get back on track if your New Year’s Resolutions petered out. That same day, Saturn enters your South Node sign. If you haven’t released that which no longer serves, Saturn will make his list, check it ten times and make sure you have a copy. Resisting this process slows your momentum. Embracing the need to create new habits brings balance and meaning to your life. Things that seem far away just need you to show up. Take a single step, and then another. Calendars, lists, and habits take you further than you can imagine. Yes, you’re a powerful daydreamer, but your soul wants you to be here now. Take those visions and give them tangible form. You have so much to offer this world!

LIBRA NORTH NODE: A feeling of destiny pervades this quarter. Anything in Aquarius or Gemini supports your nodal axis–helping you to release old patterns and step into why you came here. When Mars stations Direct in Gemini on January 12 and Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23, fellow Air Sign Libra gets a cosmic “go ahead.” These changing times offer great opportunities, but Libra North Node natives need to consider others, as well as their own needs. Take time to assess situations before charging full speed ahead. Jupiter moves through your South Node sign for this entire quarter. He’s big and bold, but his presence could also attract old things you’re meant to move beyond. If something seems too tempting or too good to be true, ask yourself, “Is this a test?” Pay attention to your first thought, and also discuss options with loved ones before making irrevocable decisions. It’s not all about you!

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Anything in Aquarius squares/challenges your nodal axis, while anything moving through Pisces offers support. In other words, First Quarter 2023 is a mixed bag for Scorpio North Node natives. Overall, the energy says, “Go with the flow.” Dreams, love, mystical moments and a return to innocence. Your Taurus South Node wants to prepare for all “real world” contingencies, but your true preparedness occurs on the emotional level. Cultivate kindness to yourself, especially when dealing with feelings of shame, vulnerability and inadequacy. You don’t need to hold it all together. Change benefits your sign in major ways. You might go kicking and screaming to that change, but you don’t need to resist. If you wait for it in a calm, loving way, you’re more likely to “pull a phoenix” and rise from your own perceived ashes. Pay attention to your intuition, which guides you well. This could be a good time–as long as you make peace with change.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Mars travels through almost all of Gemini during First Quarter 2023. Your South Node sign gets activated, and this could bring old relationships, opportunities and patterns back into your life. Some of these events could bring blessings, so don’t dismiss them outright. Do tap into your intuition and trust your gut. You have a strong sense of what does and doesn’t work for you. Pay attention and act accordingly. Aquarius Season treats you well with supportive sextiles as the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn move through that sign. You can dramatically improve your relationships during this time. Anything in Pisces squares your nodal axis, so pay attention to friction that arises from late January through Equinox. Challenges and irritation can lead to good things. If you run into closed doors, take a step back and search for other, more appropriate doors. Your Guardian Angels want to assist. “If not this, then something better” is extra true for you this quarter.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: This is an active and surprisingly intense quarter for Capricorn North Node natives. The January 6 Full Moon in Cancer encourages you to take the best of the old and refashion it into something more on path for you. Commit to living your full potential. Mars in Gemini quincunxes Capricorn throughout this quarter, and this aspect brings a nagging, creative, highly charged feeling. The quincunx aspect is fleeting, but if you feel it, pay attention! You’ll find opportunities to renegotiate tricky issues. This redo/review energy gets amplified by Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn until January 18. The Messenger remains in Capricorn until February 11, bringing extra insights about your life path. The big news for you is that on March 23, Pluto leaves your North Node sign for the first time since 2008. Pluto’s a heavyweight, and Cappy’s have felt his death and rebirth energy more than most. He’ll return to Capricorn in June, but this shift in March feels celebratory.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: It’s your quarter! The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn move through Aquarius this quarter, activating your North Node in a variety of ways. Pay attention to events that feel uncanny and orchestrated. They probably are. Destiny level shifts are on offer, and you’d be wise to take them. On March 23, 2023, Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time since 1797. He’ll return to Capricorn in June and won’t re-enter Aquarius until January 2024. Except for retrogrades and previews, Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2044. This initial breakthrough on March 23 could rock your world. Or not. It depends on the exact degree of your North Node, but the sudden shift of this heavyweight into Aquarius affects your sign more than most. Identify areas of life that feel expansive, liberating and revolutionary, and release whatever stands in the way of that. Pluto promises rebirth and renewal, too. Anything not on path for you goes bye-bye. Let it go. Alchemy awaits.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Hello, Dreamer, it’s your Season! From late January through Equinox, your North Node receives mystical inspiration, creativity and romance. Mars moving through Gemini squares your nodal axis, and this friction can slow things down. Don’t despair, action will happen. Think of two sticks rubbing together to create a fire. It’s slower than a lighter, but, yes, fire appears. Allow yourself to daydream and know that “delay leads to delight.” Practical solutions to problems arrive by dreams, synchronicity, and intuition. These will work better for you than logic. When faced with an either/or decision, go with the pie in the sky. You’ll still need to show up. Sometimes you need to fill out forms, take supplements, exercise and meditate, but do these in service of something larger and more mysterious. The Great Mystery surrounds and moves through you. That will lead you where you need to go. Saturn travels Pisces from March 7, 2023-February 2026. He’ll make sure you do your inner work and commit to growth.


ARIES NORTH NODE: You have what it takes to triumph in these challenging times! Fear not. You were made to rise to the occasion. Your path is more about action than daydreaming, but strategic visualization helps you to succeed. Don’t sacrifice yourself to or for anyone else. If you can’t see a way forward, you’ll find victory by turning your perspective upside down and inside out. Mars, your North Node sign’s ruler, assists from Gemini. “Hurry up and wait” marks this quarter. You’re on a need to know basis, but when you get the nudge to act, do! You want to hide from conflict and confrontation, but you benefit from wisely chosen battles. Courage breeds opportunity.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: October and November highlight your North and South Node axis, with key planets moving through Taurus and Scorpio. The Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio, bring up old relationships, worldviews and versions of yourself for review. The November 8 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus reactivates the Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction from late July/early August. You’ve got another powerful chance to set intentions and manifest something new. Remember, Taurus North Node natives benefit from step-by-step progress rather than Scorpio’s trauma-drama. Repeat and build upon prior successes instead of demanding change in one fell swoop.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: This is a quarter to get things done! With Mars crisscrossing your North Node sign, you can expect activation and opportunity. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it will not happen now. Watch for signs and synchronicities. These arrive like love notes from the Universe, telling you to keep exploring, keep playing, and keep finding new avenues to delight. The December 7-8 Full Moon in Gemini almost exactly conjuncts Mars. This event marks a powerful time to challenge old dogma and welcome new ways of engaging life. You are so much more than your past. Enjoy the journey and increased pace.

CANCER NORTH NODE: A surprisingly active quarter, even without conjunctions in your North Node sign. Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces and trines from Scorpio offer positive transformation to your nodal axis. In December, the Sun, Mercury and Venus traverse your South Node sign of Capricorn, bringing a chance to review old relationships, worldviews and self-conceptions. How can you integrate the best of the old with where your soul longs to go? You might need periods of rest and retreat in order to make the most of opportunities for emotional and spiritual liberation. Take time to nurture yourself and others.

LEO NORTH NODE: Friction continues from significant activity in Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius. You might feel a vague sense of irritation or impatience, but pay attention to opportunities that arise from “nowhere.” Mars in Gemini sextiles your North Node and offers subtle, yet strong support. Solutions to your challenges don’t always scream for attention, but they do arrive. A combination of hard work, passion and divine dispensation makes this quarter highly productive. Your financial situation could change for the better as your ships come into harbor. Stay grounded and tapped into your radiant heart. It will lead you well.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Fourth Quarter 2022 could shatter grand illusions and New Age platitudes. If you find your faith shaken, take time to ground yourself in daily tasks and rituals. Tend to your health, your finances and your worldview. When the bigger picture stops making sense, drop into the details. Gather information and see how things begin to fit together. Resist the urge to generalize too fast or to skip over ugly facts and figures. When you face “the worst case scenario,” you find tremendous strength. If you orient your mind towards service, you’ll discover silver linings to everything you thought you lost. Beware of alcohol, sugar and drugs. You’ll make better decisions without their influence.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: October brings opportunities for love, romance and teamwork. Connections offer greater satisfaction and security than forging ahead on your own. December’s Capricorn energies square your nodal axis, creating productive friction. Pay attention to insights about your own inner conflicts, then aim for harmony inside and out. Take time to relax and retreat when needed. The Universe operates in its own timing. You can position yourself well for its arrival, but you can’t rush destiny. Whenever you feel impatient, look for and create more beauty. Focus on relationships with those walking similar paths.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Fourth Quarter 2022 brings Eclipse Season to your nodal axis. The October 25 New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse conjuncts Venus to bring extra blessings to Scorpio North Node natives. An extended passage of Sun, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio highlights destined revelations about your identity, relationships, self-esteem and worldview. You’ll find deep insights into subconscious motivations and how things work. The Great Mystery tips its hand to you. The November 8 Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse helps you to release old things standing in the way of your happiness.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Mars in Gemini stirs things up by activating your South Node sign. You might feel overwhelmed by too many details, distractions and obligations. When in doubt, take the higher, broader view. You can’t be all things to everyone. Find what you love and stick to it, even if that means hard work and a period of apprenticeship. Don’t scatter your energies. You succeed by taking things to their biggest and brightest conclusion. In November, the Sun, Mercury and Venus enter your North Node sign, bringing powerful, destiny aligned encounters. The November 23 New Moon in Sagittarius allows you to realign and shine.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: Fourth Quarter 2022 brings a sense of karmic balance and success after a long, tricky journey. You feel more sovereign, more grounded and others recognize your accomplishments. December lights up your North Node sign, especially around the time of the December 23 New Moon in Capricorn. At the end of December, Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn, so prepare to finish things ahead of the 29th, or expect some major reworkings of destiny level projects and structures. You’ll know whether to finish or await this natural time of review. Just pay attention to which doors open and which ones seem difficult or impossible to enter.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: The Saturn-Uranus Square from October 3-6 affects Aquarius North Node natives more than most, because Saturn and Uranus co-rule your sign. When in doubt, you’ll need to lean more towards group harmony and innovation, rather than a “my way or the highway” attitude. With Saturn traversing your sign since December 2017, you may have felt delayed gratification or constriction. Saturn stations direct on October 23, bringing forward momentum as he moves through the rest of Aquarius before entering Pisces on March 7, 2023. Saturn’s not the most popular, but he does troubleshoot for success. Use this time to build a strong foundation for your future.

PISCES NORTH NODE: This is an important quarter for you. Mars squares your nodal axis as he crisscrosses Gemini. This tension creates opportunities that help you to realign with your soul’s true north. You might feel tempted to go into your mind, trying to figure out everything on the mental level, but you’ll find inspiration and grace by tending to your emotions and spirituality. Calm the stormy seas, commit to a glorious Mystery, and allow yourself to retreat from worldly cares. You have nothing to be ashamed of, Pisces. Perfection’s not the goal anymore. Peace, harmony, grace, beauty and unconditional compassion are. Your sign’s ruler, Neptune, stations direct on December 3. If things have felt surreal and slow, don’t worry. Something big is moving in your favor.


ARIES NORTH NODE: Jupiter remains in Aries all quarter, adding expansive fire to your North Node sign. This bold optimism eases tension as you move through Cancer and Libra seasons. Don’t lose sight of your own course by getting too bogged down nurturing and pleasing others. Mars — the ruler of Aries — enters Gemini on August 20, where he’ll spend a rare seven months, sextiling Aries until March 25, 2023. This transit offers supportive energy. You can take action by seeing through former limitations. As you settle into clarity about codependent relationships, the Wheel of Fortune turns in your favor. New experiences await.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: One of the biggest transits this decade occurs in your sign at the end of July into early August. Staid Taurus has had Uranus stirring things up since May 15, 2018, but July 2022 kicks things up several notches. Mars joins the North Node and Uranus in Taurus in a triple conjunction big enough to knock your socks off. Taurus normally wants to minimize chaos, but you can lean into the energies in order to make quantum leaps. If you’ve felt unsatisfied in an area of life, July and August are a good time for proactive change. You can ride the wave of supportive energies moving through your sign. Take action: you’ll have more influence if you embrace available upgrades.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: When the world goes nuts, shift focus. You’ll benefit from energies this quarter and beyond. Mars — the planet of action and initiative — enters Gemini on August 20 and continues popping off Gemini fireworks until March 25, 2023. Miracles happen when you allow yourself to try new things. Where do passion and interest lead? What tickles your fancy? What turns you into a giddy little kid? Gemini doesn’t take the world too seriously. Sure, Third Quarter 2022 brings intense transits, but your North Node sign makes you extra adaptable to change. Look for silver linings: you’ll find them all over the place. You got this!

CANCER NORTH NODE: In July, Mercury and Venus join the Sun in your North Node sign. You’ll find it easier to articulate feelings and nurture the ones you love. A hint of magic pervades this quarter. You have what you need to thrive, but it takes time and space to receive the blessings. Riptides will pull you under if you try to control the external world. Tend to your own domain. The Moon rules Cancer North Node natives, so pay attention to its cycles. It’s easier to start things during a Waxing Moon, easier to release them in a Waning Moon. Full Moons act like hinge points. New Moons hit the reset button. When burnout strikes, this natural cycle will recharge you.

LEO NORTH NODE: We’re entering your season! Mercury and your sign ruler — the Sun — enter Leo on July 19 and 22, followed by a powerful New Moon in Leo on the 28th. Venus graces your sign from August 11-September 5. Your nodal axis gets squared by all the activity in Taurus. Friction and irritation alert you to coming opportunities. What makes your heart sing? You don’t need to shout that answer to the world just yet, but Third Quarter 2022 adds fuel to your fire. You’ll awaken from whatever nightmares plague you, provided you watch out for #1. Yes, Leo, that means you. When you prosper, everyone benefits. Your greatest contribution happens when you follow your heart.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Mercury, your sign’s ruler, enters Virgo on August 4, helping you sort through all the details. Virgo North Node natives are service oriented, and this quarter brings new understanding of your role here. It’s time to release old dogmas and illusions. The powerful action in Taurus brings supportive, liberating energy so you can live your best life. Starting on August 22 (or 23), the Sun spends a month highlighting your North Node sign. August 27 brings your yearly New Moon reset, and Venus joins the party on September 5. Third Quarter 2022 asks you to put faith into daily devotion. Not pie in the sky platitudes. Real world choices inspired by dreams and mystical awareness.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Love is in the air for those who seek it. Every misunderstanding or disappointment offers a chance for higher level harmony and balance. Strange and fleeting opportunities arise. There is enough to go around, but you’ll need to pivot in order to receive the blessings. This is not a time to charge ahead. It’s a time to watch and wait, then open to the experience. Jupiter and Chiron in Aries continue to trigger big lessons from your past. These don’t always feel good, but making peace allows you to move forward. You’ll benefit from Mars in Gemini and Mercury retrograde in Libra, but don’t rush. The Sun shifts seasons to your sign on September 22.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: July’s big energies in your South Node sign of Taurus could disrupt your old status quo. Know this: whatever shifts needs to move. Taurus is the slowest moving sign, which means Scorpio North Node natives cling to familiar patterns even when they no longer serve. Just as some trees only grow after a fire, Scorpio blessings often arrive after some kind of death or destruction. These could be metaphorical, so don’t panic! You can make quantum leaps this quarter by releasing old, false limitations and at least loosening your grip on anyone or anything standing in the way of your regeneration and rebirth. Divine providence knows more than you do. Put the Serenity Prayer on repeat.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2022 supercharges your nodal axis. You’ll receive supportive energy from any planets in Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius. Anything moving through Gemini pings your South Node, so be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Parties, gossip and social media could overwhelm you. If so, allow yourself to take a break! Seek deeper friendships and inner guidance, rather than superficial “like’s” and popularity. You’ll find community by forging your own way. Your boldness activates those around you. Mars moving through Gemini could trigger arguments about old issues and relationships. Stay strong. It’s OK to know what you know and follow that lead.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: This is a monumental quarter inside yourself, even if outer events don’t seem to touch you. As planets move through Cancer, they conjunct your South Node, bringing new insights and closure on old patterns and relationships. You’ll need to stay grounded, both physically and emotionally, because some of these shifts could feel tectonic. July 13’s Full Moon in Capricorn will affect you more than most. Continue to create new structures to support you through coming changes. If you feel bereft or scared, flip your perspective. How are events positioning you into greater authority and leadership? What newer commitments feel ripe?

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: The New Moon in Leo on July 28th occurs in your South Node sign, while the triple conjunction in Taurus squares the Leo-Aquarius axis. Taskmaster Saturn continues his stay in Aquarius, while the Sun, Mercury and Venus all spend time in Leo this quarter. In other words, you could feel some friction between old and new. You might struggle to find your place inside a group. It’s productive struggle, though — like a butterfly wrestling its way out of a cocoon. Hang in there: August 11 brings a Full Moon in Aquarius, and this bodes well. Mars moves into Gemini on August 20, initiating seven months of active, positive support for your highest path. The coming energies in Libra add wind beneath your wings.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Things have calmed down in Pisces, but they heat up in Cancer, Gemini, Leo and Virgo — your South Node sign. Ruler Neptune remains in your North Node sign, but most of the activation occurs through supportive trines, tense squares, surreal quincunx’s and strong opposition. You’re on a journey with varied terrain and weather. Hills and valleys, sunshine, hail and rainbows. In the bigger scheme of things, you’re moving, and that’s all you really need to know. Watch for signs and synchronicities along the way, especially animals. If you have an unusual sighting or dream, look up the shamanic or spiritual meaning of that ally. Your path is mystical and inspired, but few would call it “rational.” Make peace with your process.


ARIES NORTH NODE: April 2022 emphasizes healing for Aries North Node natives. Things you’ve wondered about for a long time could finally make sense and allow you to start moving beyond old patterns. May highlights relationships. As always, you’ll need to balance your own needs while resisting the urge for co-dependence. Your faith and confidence expand as Jupiter enters Aries on May 10. He’ll remain in Aries over five months, until October 28th, when he returns to Pisces until the end of the year. Pay attention to lucky breaks, financial windfalls, and opportunities to do something BIG. Your sign’s ruler, Mars, enters Aries on May 24. From late May-July 5, you get extra energy and drive. A good time to take action on anything that ignites your passion.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: The Sun shines on Taurus North Node natives from April 19-May 20. You’ll be extra impacted by the powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30. With the North Node in your sign, you can expect deep insights and inner and outer course corrections. Pay attention to coincidences that seem like signs. They are! May brings opportunities for breakthroughs, but Mercury will be retrograde in Taurus from May 22-June 3. If things feel like “Hurry up and wait,” just go with it. You don’t need to push. Trust that everything will come together at the perfect time and pace. If your past issues flare around the May 16 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, don’t overreact to that either. You got this. Use June to recharge your batteries.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2022 asks you to do old things in new ways. Your perspective flip flops, and that is A-OK. You can “master” hard energies by opening yourself to paradox. Instead of chaining yourself to prior expectations, embrace the freedom to go with an ever evolving flow. Mercury, your sign’s ruler, enters Gemini on April 29 and goes retrograde in Gemini from May 10-22, when he re-enters Taurus for awhile. Mercury returns to Gemini with more information and better deals on June 13, followed by Love Goddess Venus on June 22. You’ll get the most from this quarter by following where synchronicity and curiosity lead. You’re awakening to new levels of communication, including from animals, crystals, and telepathic downloads. Don’t work too hard, Gemini. Distractions and play time are good for you.

CANCER NORTH NODE: You need downtime: puttering around the house, taking baths, and nurturing yourself with TLC. It’s OK to narrow your inner circle and focus on what matters most to you and your closest loved ones. You’ll find safe passage in this crazy world by tending to your own vibration and learning to accept help from unexpected quarters. You’re so good at running the show, but sometimes you just need to curl up in your jammies and binge watch Rom Com’s with a bowl of popcorn. Allow the watery energies of April to wash over you, and then take May to process the cleanse. By Solstice on June 21, you’ll be re-balanced and ready to face the world again. Commit to a more sustainable flow of giving and receiving. Your next cycle begins with the June 28 New Moon in Cancer.

LEO NORTH NODE: A surprisingly intense quarter, considering nothing’s in your North Node sign. Intense can be good, provided you lean into it. Eclipse Season squares the Leo-Aquarius nodal axis: a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30, followed by a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 16. Squares generate friction, which leads to pearls under the right circumstances. With the collective nodal axis in Taurus-Scorpio, these events initiate even greater shifts. If it feels time to release something old, just do it. Letting it go on your own terms feels better than life ripping it away from you. These cosmic course corrections open pathways for new, more aligned connections and activities. If you embrace the Second Quarter pressure to change, you’ll position yourself well for Third Quarter breakthroughs.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Wow, have you got a chance to realign and reset! Love energies abound, with supportive, destiny level energy from the collective nodal axis. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, focus on small details and daily rituals. April will feel surreal, but resistance is futile. If you open yourself to the cleansing energies, you can wash away lifetimes of old crud. Virgo loves cleanliness and order. Once the waters recede, you can reground yourself in a new physical and emotional landscape. Things are not as they’ve appeared. Take time to observe your new surroundings. This quarter’s Mercury Retrograde from May 10-June 3 will redo your worldview. The first part presents challenges to your communication and understanding, but the later part supports reintegration of old and new information. A breakthrough quarter!

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2022 is a time of gathering energy and messages for later in the year. Libra North Node natives get activated by the energies, but in subtle, rather than obvious ways. Be mindful of burnout. You don’t need to run the fastest race in order to succeed. You’ll move further by mixing activity with rest and camaraderie. Share your victories with others of like mind, but don’t broadcast every move. Keep intentions close to your vest, because things are percolating. You don’t know where or how they will wind up — and that’s a good thing! This is not a time to charge ahead. It’s a time to gather energy and wait for the right timing and energetic support. Pay attention to little signs and synchronicities, especially ones that involve other people. Patience is a virtue worth your time and energy.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Quantum leaps are possible for those willing to align with Destiny. With the South Node transiting through your North Node sign, you’re 180 from most of the world, but hey, the world’s insane right now. Up is down, inside’s out. Face the darkness: it will bring you Light. The powerful eclipses on April 30 and May 16 activate Scorpio North Node natives in extra potent ways. Issues of intimacy, security and regeneration arise. Seize this chance to drop the victim role. You are so much more than the stories you keep telling. Reclaim your power, so your body, mind and spirit can be reborn. April allows you to wash away anything that no longer serves. You’ll find it easier to release those things you’ve held onto out of fear or habit. Enter the Void. It’s so much fuller than you think!

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2022 feels magical for Sagittarius North Node natives. The inner work you’ve done for the past two years continues to bear fruit. Your only direct activation occurs on the June 14 Full Moon in Sagittarius, but this whole quarter brings opportunities your way. Pay attention to the things you love, but also to opposition. Contrast helps you gain more clarity about that which you do want. You’ll find your True North by following where passion leads. Consider taking — or teaching — a class this quarter. You have lots of tools, but you benefit from higher learning. Dabbling is soooo South Node Gemini! You’ll enjoy honing your expertise. If you haven’t traveled anywhere this year, remedy that ASAP. If can’t physically go somewhere, you can get lost in an epic film, novel or documentary.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: With all the supportive energy coming from Pisces and Taurus, Second Quarter 2022 feels magical for Capricorn North Node natives. Finances and relationships flow, and it feels easier to bring spiritual visions into tangible reality. On June 21, the Sun moves into your South Node sign, Cancer. Pay attention to sudden insights about old contacts, patterns and ways of being. If these arise, it doesn’t mean you backslid; rather, it’s an opportunity to lay (fully) to rest that which no longer serves. Your hard work over the past few years neutralizes nostalgia for “the way things were.” You realize you can appreciate the old without hiding behind it. A new world awaits, and Cappy’s lead the way by actively imagining and anchoring the New Earth frequencies.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Eclipse Season squares the Aquarius-Leo nodal axis, and Saturn continues his 2.5 year stint in Aquarius — even longer if you count his initial foray there from March 21-July 1, 2020. The transiting nodal axis also continues to square the Aquarius-Leo nodal axis, and this friction urges a need for destiny level change. You’re being asked to move from the personal ego (Leo South Node) to group consciousness. Whenever you get hung up on individual relationships and goals, you benefit from stepping back. How do sticky karmic ties inhibit you from expressing your zaniest, least conventional, most innovative and authentic self? How can you practice healthy non-attachment? This isn’t the same as rejection, but it allows you to complete your mission in a much greater process of Human Evolution.

PISCES NORTH NODE: One of the biggest transits of the year occurs throughout April in your North Node sign. Your sign rulers, Jupiter and Neptune, conjunct in Pisces for the first time in 166 years. Venus also spends much of the month in Pisces. These transits continue the sweeping (yet nebulous) destiny level shifts you’ve undergone since Neptune first entered Pisces in April 2011. Emotions range from huge satisfaction to world weariness to poignant nostalgia to safe passage directed by forces beyond your comprehension. As surreal as April feels, May might feel a bit edgy with squares from Gemini and Sagittarius. At the same time, you’ll continue to receive supportive energies from Taurus and Capricorn. Use this quarter to release rigidity and imagine a beautiful new life materializing from beyond.


ARIES NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2022 could bring inner friction and turmoil with all the squares to your nodal axis from Capricorn. Relationships are especially “up” for reconsideration during these three months. When you muster courage to face your fears, you’ll gain tremendous ground. Respect your inner patriarch — the part of you who governs your reputation, your ability to lead, and makes sure you get paid what you’re worth. If frustration or irritation arises, consider that an invitation to explore uncomfortable territory. Your Libra South Node would rather avoid conflict, even when discord serves you. By Equinox, you’ll know yourself better, and will be able to act from a more grounded sense of authority.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: In First Quarter 2022, Taurus North Node natives will feel a shift — perhaps subtle at first, but it will gain steam over the next 18 months. The world starts conforming more to your highest level of expression. Unexpected, destiny level events lead to liberation. Much of this will occur without you needing to “do” anything. Retreat, meditate, you can even “hunker down” until inspiration strikes. Pay attention to strong nudges to take action, but if no nudges come, allow yourself to stand firm in your current position. Change will happen. Your job is to get quiet enough to notice how life rearranges itself around you. Go with the inevitable flow. Allow yourself to thrive and feel secure even in surrounding chaos. The scary stuff is not for you!

GEMINI NORTH NODE: On January 19th, the Sun enters Aquarius and brings a month of harmonious support for your nodal axis. Think best of the old, re-imagined into the new. Gemini North Node natives need to pay attention to little messages — tiny coincidences that lead you home. Allow your path to meander. You don’t need a straight shot in order to get where you’re going. Make micro-adjustments as needed. In January and February, energies from Capricorn will bring fleeting, yet important insights into relationships and intimacy. When new information comes, it’s OK to tweak your goals and expectations. The closer you get to an intention, the more refined your vision becomes. Love life could heat up in March with supportive trine energy from the Lovers (Mars and Venus) entering fellow Air Sign Aquarius.

CANCER NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2022 brings both challenging and supportive energies to Cancer North Node Natives. The True North Node’s move into Earthy Taurus offers more compatible energy for your sign than Airy Gemini. Squares from Aries and oppositions from Capricorn urge you to find new balance between form and function. Favor the softer side of life over rigidity. Emotions and relationships matter. A lot! If you’re not happy with your home life, consider upgrades, redecoration or even relocation to a more compatible cocoon. Focus on creating a cozy nest that allows you to rest and let down your guard. Collective energies could get crazy this quarter, especially in February. Not all structures and traditions will remain. Embrace more personal ways of feeling safe and secure.

LEO NORTH NODE: January through March puts strong focus on old patterns and expectations. If something feels like a loss, realize your nodal axis is getting a workout. Anything that falls away will leave you more receptive and better prepared for a brilliant future. You don’t see it yet, but liberation is within your grasp. Pay attention to how much energy or effort situations, tasks and people take. Time flies when your heart sings. Trust your inner enthusiasm and see which things bear fruit. Be honest with yourself: do these fruits taste sweet? If so, go for it. If not, you’ll need to release yourself from the tyranny of others’ expectations. You’re not here to fit in. You’re here to shine. Step into your truth and the right people will find you.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: This is a good quarter to focus on the power of your mind. Physical manifestation follows the formation of intentions, fostered by mental energy. Not everyone benefits from New Year’s Resolutions, but Virgo North Node natives thrive with greater discipline. Instead of daydreaming about a better life, turn those ideas into an official wish list. Healthy routines support you far better than occasional grand gestures. If you don’t have a daily (or at least weekly) to do list, you need one. Tap into that bigger picture Pisces South Node awareness and envision a more positive year. Then, plan for and implement it, bit by bit. If you gained weight in 2021, start 2022 with a cleanse of body and environment. Organizing your inner and external space gives you more confidence, clarity and energy.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2022 asks you to find a balance between hard work, determination, sacrifice and surrender. Sometimes hard work means slogging through a jungle of should’s, must’s and straight up desire. Because nope, it’s not all about you. Partnership — with humans and unseen helpers — is always “up” for Libra North Node natives. Much more so in January through March. Relationships bring their own rewards. You might need to move more slowly or even shift some of your goals to include the ones you love. You’re not being codependent — you’re learning to cooperate and collaborate. The stakes are different than before. You’ll find safe passage by sharing the burden of those around you. Acknowledge signs of progress, even if situations move slower than you think they should.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: When the transiting North Node moves into your South Node sign, your life path turns 180 from the collective energies. While the collective will face the dark side of Scorpio — your focus turns to its more positive expression: regeneration, rebirth, and renewal. When in doubt, observe things from a spiritual perspective, rather than a more Taurus South Node idea of what’s “real.” Your intuition works well, and you can afford to trust the inner guidance. Don’t let money worries get you down. While the rest of the world might need some lessons in this area, you need to pay attention to the light at the end of the tunnel. If things feels like too much effort, back off a bit. Your blessings will come in unusual ways and from unexpected places. Allow yourself to thrive in any circumstances.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Since May 2020, your life path has felt 180 from those around you as the transiting South Node moved through your North Node sign. When the transiting nodal axis shifts from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio, you get released from the intensity. Take stock of perceived losses. What did they open you to receive? How did living 180 from the mainstream world increase faith in your own intuition and spiritual path? You’ll find it easier to make friends now, and things that burned away will illuminate greater truth and love. Difficulties that seemed fated begin to ease as the Universe turns its magnifying glass on other signs. Commit to bolder strides this quarter, and find a way to travel somewhere without restrictions and without compromising your philosophy or religion. Along with your angels, you will find a way.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2022 brings rewards for hard work in recent years. This quarter involves a lot of Capricorn energy, continuing and amplifying December’s focus on relationships. Powerful magic, regeneration and spiritual insights vie for your attention. How will you seize the opportunities at hand? You can resolve longstanding confusion and any tendencies toward self-sabotage. Release that Cancer South Node habit of feeling like a victim of circumstances. You are where you are. You can’t control people and events, but you can control your reactions. Changing perspective brings you to a higher level of experience. An initiation process takes as long as it takes, but you’ll return as a different being — empowered by hard-earned and invaluable inner resources.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Exercise the power of perception, and foster awareness beyond your own immediate experience. This quarter brings humbling insights that free you from ego wars launched by your Leo South Node. Awakening from the nightmare doesn’t feel good at first, but you can use those experiences to catapult you forward. When seeming loss arrives, look to your left or right. Something always replaces that which fell away. Consider the possibility of a universal benediction: everything aligns for the Highest Good of All, including your own highest good. You’re an important part of a cosmic plan. You don’t need to be the star of the show in order to play a key role. If you let go of a perceived need to dictate the “how,” you’ll find that life surprises you in beautiful ways.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Do you ever feel like Fate directs your course? Like some great Wheel of Fortune in the sky spins a Mystery so vast and so harmonious you can almost hear the Cosmos sing? That’s more than a random daydream or fantasy. You tap into a larger source field of Divine Awareness. When the world gets too much for you and worries overwhelm, spend time in nature or tap into your breath. You can unite passion and intention, as long as you align yourself with the spiritual element first. For you, the “real” world flows outward from the inner experience. When you take time to tune in, you regain that time in positive synchronicities, flashing road signs and wind beneath your wings. Instead of needing to figure everything out, you can go with the flow and get wherever you need to go. Indeed, this is your most efficient route.


ARIES NORTH NODE: October’s New and Full Moons activate your Aries North Node and Libra South Node axis. Mars — your North Node sign’s ruler — in the opposite sign of Libra for most of October increases the need for integration. Old and new, co-dependent and independent: you’ll need to combine the best of your innate skills and tendencies with what your soul came here to do. When in doubt, take action. Small steps lead to big adventures. Don’t worry about partnership. You’ll find companions on the road. November and December bring squares to your nodal axis, as Venus, Mercury and eventually the Sun join Pluto in Capricorn. Squares trigger productive friction, like the grain of sand that makes an oyster create a pearl. Pay attention to relationship stresses. Irritation signals imbalance. With a small change in attitude, frustration can become determination. Get comfortable with fiery emotions. You can use these to launch desires. Notice uncanny coincidences opening or closing doors. When fear holds you back, nodal axis squares will push you forward. Learn to recognize when you need to stand on your own two feet. Courage comes as you gain experience. Keep going. You’ll like how this story ends.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Fourth Quarter 2021 brings challenging and empowering energies to Taurus North Node natives. Your Scorpio South Node knows how to face fear and power struggles, but you’re meant to enjoy the finer things of life. It’s not about doom and gloom, fiery ends, and drama. Stop and smell the roses. Really. Slow down and take your time. The intense square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus continues to create friction all quarter with a finale on Christmas Eve. This energy affects the entire world trying to re-balance questions of empowerment vs. slavery, top-down authority vs. grassroots liberation and innovation. As this unfolds around you, allow yourself the time and space to get grounded. Change is inevitable. It will happen whether or not you dive into the fray. Pay attention to your body as an accurate barometer of what to do — and how and when to do it. Release the fear of missing out. It’s OK to stay home and putter under the radar. November 19 or 20 (depending on your timezone) brings a Full Moon in Taurus, Partial Lunar Eclipse. Use this time to honor whatever most serves you, your body and your values. December offers extra empowerment, so get clear on what makes you feel comfortable, secure and well-nourished. Then ask for more, please!

GEMINI NORTH NODE: This is the last Full Quarter of the True North Node’s transit through Gemini. Get curious and embrace paradox. It’s time to gather the blessings of collective energies in your destiny sign. December 18 features a Full Moon in Gemini. Pay extra attention to signs and synchronicities. In January 2022, the True North Node moves into Taurus, triggering a slower, Earthy cycle. Let your mind wander and wonder before things settle down next year. Which themes dominated your life 18-20 years ago? Who and how are you now? “God is in the details,” so don’t discount small victories and adjustments. How have you changed since the North Node entered your sign in May 2020? What mind-blowing information did you find? What dogma did you forgo? Which old patterns and relationships did you learn from and release? You deserve some fun after all that hard work. Declare yourself a new holiday to celebrate. Who cares if it seems silly?! It’s OK to mix things up a bit. Combine traditions, start your own. You don’t need to do this every year, and you don’t need to do it “right.” You don’t even need to do it at all. Having a Gemini North Node means you always have options. December 18 or 19 (depending on your timezone) brings the Full Moon in Gemini. This is a good time to release anything that no longer serves.

CANCER NORTH NODE: Fourth Quarter 2021 ups the intensity for Cancer North Node natives. Supportive Water energy trines from planets in Scorpio and Pisces, while planets in Capricorn sort through whatever you need to release from your past. Relationships and self-esteem are “up.” In which ways do you tend to over-manage or over-control? Liberator Uranus continues his beneficial sextile from Taurus, so you’ve got extra impetus to change. The Moon rules your North Node sign, and you’re more sensitive than most to the Moon’s phases. Pay attention to Waxing (increasing) and Waning (decreasing) energies. Moving in cycles can ease resistance. The October New and Full Moons create friction from Libra and Aries. Irritation can fuel desire. If you feel exasperated or world weary, ask what your frustration tells you that you do want. Soften the urge to control, and welcome more nurturing, gentle energies. November’s New and Full Moons offer easier energies for you from Scorpio and Taurus. The month of December could bring up old lovers or force you to release attachments that no longer serve. Commitments, business, and financial decisions will need to reflect evolving values.

LEO NORTH NODE: Fourth Quarter presents challenges from planets in Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus, but support from those in Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. You’ll do better focusing on relationships than finances. The money will come, but current energies suggest more attention to your heart than your head. Spend time with people and activities that make your heart sing. December’s New and Full Moons will give you insight into larger projects and sharing. Don’t worry if some projects aren’t moving forward as fast as you’d like. The ongoing Saturn square Uranus energies create T-squares and even some Grand Crosses with your nodal axis and planets moving through Scorpio. Trust the Universe to work things out in proper time and place. The cosmic orchestra’s playing your song, even if you can’t hear the music. A lot of delicate readjustments take place from October thru December. You might want to rebel and kick out the jambs, but the King of the Jungle knows when to hunt and when to rest. If things aren’t moving at your desired pace, dive into a creative distraction. You’ll have something to show for this time, and the results could make you proud. Take an internet break, go outside, and get your blood moving. Exercise gets you out of your head and back in touch with your heart.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: You benefit from harmonious planetary transits in Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn. This quarter could bring a dramatic end to old patterns that really need to go. “If not this, then something better.” Make a list of preferred upgrades in your life and consider implementing them as energies support positive shifts. Your preferences matter, and paying attention to these helps you recognize better opportunities. It’s easier to upgrade than quit addictions cold turkey. Going into the holiday season might tempt you to dial back the discipline, but you’ll get so much more from this time if you stick to your healthy routines. If you don’t have healthy routines, then that’s your first step. Keep your to do list handy and refer to it throughout the day. You’ll get more done if you start early. Your Pisces South Node likes to procrastinate, but your soul longs to check off accomplishments. Motivation breeds more motivation. When you show up, you build energy and momentum to keep showing up. December invites you to reconsider values, business decisions, and relationships. Which ones stimulate your mind? Which ones make day to day life feel grounded and productive? Each moment brings a choice point. Practice choosing, again and again. Little choices create the bigger picture. Your sweeping visions need regular tending through real world tasks.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: October is your month! With the Sun and Mars in Libra for most of October, your North Node receives light, willpower and drive. Pay attention to what seem like destiny level opportunities to collaborate on mutually beneficial projects. Life rearranges itself to get you back on track — or further along if you’re already moving in the right direction. November and December bring squares to your nodal axis, as Venus, Mercury and eventually the Sun join Pluto in Capricorn. Squares trigger productive friction, like the grain of sand that makes an oyster create a pearl. If things feel impossible to do alone, ask someone for help. When two or more join forces and pull in the same direction, work flows easier. Your South Node old ways encouraged you to go lone wolf, but your soul longs to partner with other souls. If your love life isn’t what you’d hoped for, Fourth Quarter urges you to explore relationship patterns, blocks, hopes and dreams. What role do beauty, harmony and balance play in your life? How could you bring more of these into day to day activities? This is a good quarter to shift your appearance. If you’ve thought about changing your hairdo, nourishing your skin, or changing your wardrobe, go for it. If you have trouble losing weight, find an exercise buddy or join an online yoga community. Accountability and camaraderie will increase motivation.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Fourth Quarter 2021 is Scorpio Season! These three months bring direct activations with all the planets moving through Scorpio, but also some gentle support from planets in Capricorn. Transition seasons like Spring and Fall offer energies that support clearing out in preparation for renewal. If you feel the urge to purge, follow those instincts. You’ll make space for something deeper, more soulful and regenerating to take its place. November 4 or 5 (depending on your timezone) gives a powerful reset with the New Moon in Scorpio. November 19 features a Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse, putting the Moon in your South Node sign and the Sun in your North Node sign. Even partial eclipses amplify lunar energies. Use this one to gain clarity about old relationships, habits, and patterns you would do well to release. It’s often easier to upgrade than to quit addictions. Pray for guidance. The things you fear releasing might better serve you in a slightly altered form. Not all changes occur at once. A caterpillar goes into cocoon phase before it becomes a butterfly. Even when the butterfly leaves the cocoon, it needs to wait for its wings to dry. Careful, tender and gentle attention are appropriate right now. Background energies support necessary shifts in perfect timing. Not too fast, not too slow — just right.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Since May 2020, you’ve lived 180° from collective energies, with the transiting True North Node in your South Node sign, and the transiting South Node in your North Node sign. This is the last Full Quarter where things will feel so inverted. It’s always important to march to the beat of your own drum, but especially so from May 2020 through mid-January 2022. This transit worked as a cosmic, karmic clean-up crew, clearing away debris for a more efficient journey. Which distractions, habits, or relationships fell away? How have you refined your education, spirituality and philosophy of life? How have you honed your intuition? Which literal or metaphorical places have you moved beyond? December 3 or 4 (depending on your timezone) features a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Pay special attention to insights in and around the eclipse, and take time to integrate. Beware of information overload in Fourth Quarter 2021. Periodic silent retreats might become necessary. If so, don’t apologize. Recharging allows you to walk your talk. Consider a social media or news fast if you can’t do a full silent retreat. Unplugging even for a little while will expand your horizons and your heart.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: Fourth Quarter 2021 brings supportive energy and North Node activations from all the planets moving through Scorpio and Capricorn. Relationships, values and financial shifts intensify in late October through the rest of the year. Intense doesn’t necessarily mean “bad,” but people and events will touch you to the depths of your soul. This theme grows even stronger in December, as transiting Venus makes a rare retrograde through your North Node sign. Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn on the 19th, followed by the Sun entering Capricorn on the 21st. Because of the retrograde activity, the Love Goddess conjuncts Pluto twice in December — on the 11th and then again on Christmas. This extra deep and intimate activity by Venus will affect the entire collective. For Cappy North Node natives, the long Venus transit offers destiny level shifts in relationships, finances, beauty and self-esteem. This is also a good quarter to review your 2021 and your goals for next year. On December 30, Mercury conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. Pay attention to intuitive insights and opportunities for transmutation. Capricorn’s a grounded Earth sign. You can “manage” reality by guiding powerful ideas into form and structure in the visible realm.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: With Saturn and then Jupiter moving forward again in October, Aquarius North Node natives will sense an end to some of the gridlock. Exactly how and when this inner shift occurs depends on the degree of your North Node, but Aquarian’s are more linked into group consciousness than they realize. What affects one affects us all — on some level. Ponder that connection and the different ways it could play out. It’s not always “my way or the highway.” Sometimes you feel like a cosmic weirdo, and that’s OK. Local community would be nice, but it doesn’t come by forcing people to see things your way. If you feel isolated, ask, “What can I do to facilitate the highest good of all?” Trust the answer, even if it says to stay home and meditate. Your mind is powerful! Fourth Quarter will present challenges from planets in Scorpio and Taurus, but support from those in Gemini and Libra. Keep your cool. Everything’s moving into alignment. Looking back to Winter Solstice 2020 (Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere), how has your perspective changed? Which things are worth fighting for, and at which battles have you declared a truce? What do “human evolution” and “liberation” have in common?

PISCES NORTH NODE: Fourth Quarter 2021 might feel a bit blurred around the edges. If so, no worries. Sharp lines and clear judgments are overrated. Water and Earth energies move around and through you like changing tides on an ocean shore. If you get stressed out, come back to the breath — in and out, then in and out. You carry this instant reset with you whatever happens and wherever you go. As they say, “Worry is like praying for something you don’t want.” Focus on beauty, harmony and unconditional compassion, including for yourself. With the energies from Scorpio trining Pisces, deep feelings arise. Neptune continues his sojourn in home sign Pisces, and co-Ruler Jupiter returns on December 28. Your faith returns, honed and strengthened. Relationships deepen. This might occur on psychic, dream and spiritual levels where you feel connections without tangible proof. Try not to over-analyze. There is much more to this world than meets the eye or the Virgo South Node. Your feelings are valid, but they might not mean what you think they mean. Open yourself to wider possibilities. You’ll find better guidance from signs and synchronicities than logic. Prayer and meditation are practical actions for Pisces North Node natives.


ARIES NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2021 offers a chance for rebirth. With wounded healer Chiron still transiting Aries, Pluto still squaring from Capricorn, Saturn sextiling from Aquarius, and Venus and the Sun in Libra (your South Node), this quarter could feel intense. Add to that the supportive activation from the transiting nodal axis, and Aries North Node natives will feel pressured to release, heal and move forward. “Intense” does not mean “negative.” Your Libra South Node interprets intensity as “bad,” but this is not the case for you. Aries thrives on intensity and challenge. You yearn to find better ways to get ahead — financially, in your health, in relationships, and in any latent goal. Own that ambition! You can transform desire into courage. Allow yourself to want and seek. This will feel unnatural or even “wrong” sometimes, but your soul desires more individuation this lifetime. When you take necessary action, you empower others to live in more authentic ways for them. They may learn to do things themselves, or develop other partnerships that meet their needs. You do you. Co-dependence hobbles you and makes you miserable. Aim for excellence and let the chips fall where they may. Make room for pleasant surprises.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2021 turns up the heat on Taurus North Node natives. In addition to a seven year stay of revolutionary Uranus in Taurus, squares from Aquarius and Leo add friction to your nodal axis. Questions will arise about where you’re headed and where you’ve been. Expect some changes in the way you think about the world, but these new energies will work to your benefit. We live in unprecedented times. Your North Node sign asks you to ground lightning strikes of inspiration and radical change into solid, grounded, Earth-loving pursuits. When in doubt, always come back to the Earth Element. Your Scorpio South Node PTSD might feel triggered this quarter, but you’re not here to crash and burn. You came here to live well. You already know about loss and recovery. Your soul wants to experience hope and the rewards of slow, steady movement “as if.” It’s OK to plan for your future. Find ways to build a sense of safety and security. Nurture growth. Your sign’s ruler, Venus, will transit Libra — the other sign she rules — from August 16-September 10, 2021. This transit empowers Venus, and her energies will quincunx your North Node. Make the most of this energy by creating or enjoying more beauty around your home and body.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: As the transiting North Node continues to move through Gemini, the stars align to get you back on path. Your experiences link closely to the collective right now. It might help to ponder the phrase, “As Within, So Without.” Do this with curiosity, not judgment. Your Sagittarius South Node can easily slip into the blame game, and that saps your energy. You can bring the best of the past into a new form in the present. This intense North Node Return every 18 years or so works in your favor. Whatever or whoever falls away does so because they’re not on path for you. “If not this, then something better” is not just a catch phrase. It becomes a guiding force when the transiting North Node passes through your sign. July encourages you to get grounded. This will improve your health and confidence. If you feel like taking a time out in August, follow that nudge. The dog days of summer make for good siestas or even a mini road trip. With a Gemini North Node, you don’t need to go far away to “get away.” Little trips shift your perspective and give a quick recharge. You’ll also save money, so small adventures allow more frequent forays. Above all, you need to add some fun into your life. Don’t get hung up on what’s supposed to be fun. Just focus on little moments of delight.

CANCER NORTH NODE: This quarter starts strong for Cancer North Node natives, with the Sun shining light in Cancer until July 23. The New Moon in Cancer on July 9-10 offers a karmic reset to help you plan for your future. Nostalgia may arise. Seek to balance the best of the past while also acknowledging where you’ve outgrown it. Allow yourself to daydream a little, then spin those fantasies into action. Uranus continues to sextile mid-Cancer from Taurus, bringing an urge to purge, in preparation for the softer side of life. Instead of judging yourself, experiment with viewing yourself in a new light: fresh, innocent. What qualities are you midwifing into being? You’ll recognize balance by how contracted or expansive you feel. Sometimes contractions trigger birth, so pay attention to emotional messages behind any apparent restrictions. Look for overall trends rather than freaking out if you feel the need to readjust. Shifting focus or needing support does not denote failure. Cancer North Node natives need to find a balance between loneliness or over-responsibility for others vs. cozy cooperation. If something stretches your comfort zone, lean into vulnerability. Share your limitations and ask for help. That stiff upper lip no longer serves you.

LEO NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2021 ramps up your positive North Node activations. Think “mastery.” Hone your craft and embrace those talents. July invites you to deepen your sense of purpose. Find a balance between form and function. Something should look and sound good, but it also needs to work! Full commitment will yield more satisfying results. Increased love of self and others pervades August. Your hard work in relationships begins to pay off as you integrate masculine and feminine, active and passive energies within yourself. Follow your heart, Leo. It leads you well. Take pride in your appearance, too. Really, you are worth it. September brings a chance to “level up” in all areas. Accept opportunities to dance in the spotlight — metaphorical or otherwise. Give yourself permission to engage anything that makes your heart smile. Earlier efforts bear fruit, and it tastes sweeter when you love who you are and what you do. Leo North Node natives know how to tap into the Aquarian energies of 2021 while adding just the right pizzazz. Don’t be afraid to stand out. It’s your destiny.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: This quarter reminds Virgo North Node natives to focus your mind on what you do want, then follow through with whatever steps you can take right now. When you mentally link something under your influence to something beyond your control, the tiniest shifts can start a chain reaction. Beware of your tendency to carry everyone else’s burden. Sometimes that weight grows too heavy. Practice discernment about which tasks are really essential, versus ones that only seem to fall to you. Your Pisces South Node surrenders to it all, whether or not you like it, and whether or not that fits who you’re becoming. Virgo sometimes earns a reputation of being too critical, but your life path requires you to decide what you do or do not want to experience. You don’t need to accept it all; in fact, you’re not supposed to. You don’t need to be all things to everyone. Boundaries allow you to frame relationships in ways that benefit all involved, including you. Use September’s New Moon in Virgo to clear the miasma. When in doubt, check in with your body. What does it tell you about this situation or relationship? Follow your body’s lead, then check in with your mind. When in doubt, the physical and mental realms guide you better than emotions or a too passive spiritual approach.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2021 invites you to “pay it forward.” Think “random acts of kindness” and even “service done in secret.” It’s not about personal accolades or taking credit. You’ll find extra satisfaction when you balance scales without making a big deal of it. As the transiting North Node, Saturn and sometimes Jupiter continue to trine your North Node sign, use this quarter to reassess how you give and receive. Venus, your sign ruler, graces Libra from August 16-September 10, 2021. Allow yourself to revel in beauty, harmony and creativity. You don’t always need to fight your way through. You can use your inner fire as a creative spark that brings into being more of the things you love. If you relax from trying to push so far ahead, you’ll find yourself on higher ground, and in good company. As Buckminster Fuller said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Supportive energy from Aquarius makes you more innovative than usual. Look for partnerships that bring out the best in each of you. When you focus on grace, ease and love, you elevate life from mere survival to something exquisite.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Use this quarter to focus on feeling safe, secure and discreet. If the world seems like too much right now, then allow yourself a quiet retreat. Take five minutes — or five days — to focus on the cycle of your breath. In, then out, then in, then out. Ride the wave of the breath, and allow it to carry you to distant shores. If you feel trapped, ask to recognize the root of your illusions, and to see your way forward. You’re in a phase of friction, with intense energies squaring your nodal axis. Squares feel uncomfortable, but they produce results! Work these energies to your own advantage. Intuition serves you well, so pay attention. Whenever you see a “problem,” intend to recognize and receive the solution. Sometimes relief will come through other people, and that’s OK. Sometimes you’ll find relief through a deeper connection with your own unconscious or a mystical encounter with the Divine. Your soul wants you to realize how much support you really have. Much of this support comes from the invisible plane, but it does exist. Get in touch with your passions. Who or what gives you courage? Step into your own power by honoring the depth of your experience. Affirm to yourself, “I am strong.” Because you are.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2021 urges you to take the best of the past in preparation for a joyful, wise and strong future. As the transiting North Node continues to move through Gemini, you might feel 180 from most people you know. As always — but especially now — your inner guidance will lead you in better directions than mainstream anything. Deepen your connection with kindred spirits, and take time to dance instead of just plodding through life. When the urge for introspection arises, trust that this, too, is necessary and right for you. The transiting South Node, karmic Saturn and wounded healer Chiron bring a “fated” feeling to your encounters. This past year through December 2021 offers subtle (and sometimes dramatic) course corrections. Look back nine and eighteen years ago for insights into potential upgrades from old patterns. Who or what makes you feel strong? In which ways do you inspire and uplift others? Shine light in dark places. Your spirit soars when you find a philosophy of life that calms the chatter. If you feel overwhelmed by “monkey mind,” then mantra meditation can help. Pick a word or phrase in English, Sanskrit or whatever language triggers an expansive heart. Repeat, and ride into the zone.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: By late September, what seems like a loss in July will have revealed itself as a cosmic course correction. 2020’s intense dismantling, troubleshooting and restructuring prepared you to weather whatever storms arise. You can lean into your Cancer South Node intuition, but avoid getting lost in your emotions. Take a practical perspective, assessing what works and what doesn’t. Use the sword of truth to cut through confusion and maintain your integrity. Saturn rules Capricorn, and he’s the cosmic taskmaster. With Lord of the Underworld Pluto still in your North Node sign, Wounded Healer Chiron squaring from Aries, and all the July activity in Cancer, you’re not off the hook yet. Pay attention to anything that feels fated. This quarter might seem intense, but you can work these energies to your advantage. When in doubt, opt for “most efficient and functional.” Don’t allow yourself to feel guilty if you make delicious lemonade out of lemons. If your lemonade stand gains accolades, know that you deserve these. Nourish your skin this quarter, and do something to improve your posture. Practicing victory pose builds confidence and helps you step more into a leadership role.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2021 brings an unusual two Full Moon’s in Aquarius, adding extra energy to Saturn and Jupiter’s foray there. Your South Node also gets triggered by all the activity in Leo. Pay attention to encounters that seem fated. Some offer opportunities for new connection and collaboration, but just as many could involve release of old energies and karmic ties. Look back to mid-February 2021 to see which energies arose around the time of the New Moon in Aquarius. That was a super Aquarian time, and you’ve had six months to integrate those alignments. Take time to reflect on all the elements coming together. Who are you becoming? With Saturn retrograde in Aquarius until October 10, Third Quarter 2021 might still feel unfinished or restrained. Use this time to innovate and tinker with your “plans.” Whenever the North Node gets frequent or persistent hits, we feel the hand of destiny orchestrating events. Your ego might not like that, but your soul appreciates this course correction. Align your inner compass for the next 18 years.

PISCES NORTH NODE: This quarter begins with both of your North Node sign’s co-rulers in Pisces. Jupiter remains in Pisces until July 28, when he moves into Aquarius and then returns to Pisces on December 28. Neptune’s here for the long haul. Jupiter and Neptune make for extra strong Pisces energy, emphasizing beauty faith, and healing. July offers an introspective preview of 2022, so take notes on what you love and what you’d love to experience in more harmonious ways. When planning for your future, always leave room for the Great Mystery with a capital M. Your Virgo South Node wants to know what’s next — along with all the how’s — but that attitude leads to misery. You’ll feel more inspired, grounded and abundant when you prioritize the spiritual and emotional above the material and mental. August could challenge you with continued squares from the transiting nodal axis, as well as quincunx energy from Leo. Whenever you feel worried or discouraged, start a gratitude list. Your Virgo South Node loves lists! A gratitude list not only gives you something to do, it also reminds you of a much larger story unfolding through your life. Quiet power is still power. Allow the still, small voice to guide and soothe.


ARIES NORTH NODE: Second Quarter explodes into your life with good intentions. Your nodal axis ignites with all the activity in Aries, Aquarius and Gemini. Air feeds Fire, and your passion for justice alternately flickers and burns strong over the next three months. Don’t sit on the sidelines. Righting injustice requires you to wield your own sword of truth and liberation. Late April through early June could spark inner tension and doubt as Mars moves through Cancer. Use these shadowboxing moments to gain strength and clarity about what you need to succeed. Keep your eye on the prize, and create an action plan to address obstacles. Summon courage and take the lead. Beware of codependent behaviors that sneak in when you least expect. Pay more attention to how well things work than to how they look or what others might think. Try something new this quarter. Tradition is no match for mavericks.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Law of Attraction comes into prominent play in Second Quarter 2021. April and May feature a lot of energy in your North Node sign — some of it potentially disruptive, with ongoing squares from Aquarius, too. Your Scorpio South Node already knows trauma drama, so focus attention on thriving no matter what. Taurus benefits from small, steady steps and habits. A daily mindfulness, yoga and/or breath practice will allow you to find and maintain your center, no matter what erupts around you. Learn to calm the volcano before it explodes. Yes, you know how to rise from the ashes, but you’ve already been there, done that. Focus on the finer things in life. You deserve quality in every area. If it requires determination, know you’re worth it. You don’t need to broadcast those desires. Few people can fathom your long term trajectory. Just keep going. Your sign ruler Venus comes home on April 14. Bask in her beauty, encouragement and love. Once you gather momentum, it carries you far.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Stay strong, my friends! Second Quarter 2021 helps you awaken from the nightmare into something fresh and more relaxed. Deception, trickery and duplicity bother you more than most North Node natives, because your Sagittarius South Node loves Truth with a capital T. The Truth. One life lesson involves learning to look at things from many angles, choosing to embrace things in the best possible way for you. If something’s not working, pivot a little to the left or right. Do this often enough, and life becomes a dance. Focus less on getting things “right” and more on play. Pay attention to synchronicities. Mercury the Messenger rules your North Node sign, and makes you extra adept at tracking clues. Get creative, even if you only delight yourself. Little things matter, especially if they help you move through negative feelings caused by focusing on what you don’t want. Whenever you fixate, turn your gaze to something else. Literally. Turn your head; move your eyes. Welcome the new insights this practice brings.

CANCER NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 involves some heavy lifting and hard work. If you feel burdened by caring for others, remember to pause for self-nurturing. Yes, you need this — especially when you think you don’t have time for it! Gather your spiritual tools and honor your changing moods and needs. This, too, shall pass. You have what it takes to do what must be done. If you allow for a more feminine, receptive approach, you’ll find support where you least expect. Moments of magic sneak into your awareness as you realize how all the elements converge to guide events. Lean into your emotions instead of trying to avoid them. Emotions bring raw energy, which can fuel desire and manifestation. When you align yourself with emotional tides, their flow carries you where you need to go. Invite quiet power and gentle commitment as you nurture new things into being. Breathe through any birth pangs, knowing the release will open space in the cosmic womb of creation. Sometimes you need to push, but you’re not alone anymore. Accept the support on offer.

LEO NORTH NODE: This next quarter is pivotal for Leo North Node natives, but you don’t control the timing. Major activations from the collective nodal axis in Gemini and Sagittarius, planets traversing your Aquarius South Node, and potent squares from all the activity in Taurus bring a sense of destiny and order as events unfold of their own accord. You still need to pay attention, because some of these energies create friction; however, any irritation will be productive and lead to more balanced living. Pay special attention to your physical and emotional bodies. When in doubt, choose moderation, because you could easily drive yourself too hard. No need to push, Leo! If your world feels upside down or inside out, recognize the temporary nature of these feelings. Even though you don’t know the exact how or when, slowly and surely, you’ve been building a more heartfelt foundation from which you can thrive and shine. As you gain clarity on old relationships and habits, relish moments to dance and play. Love is in the air — whether new love or a deeper love for your beautiful, radiant self. Open your heart and soak in the sunlight.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 brings creativity and hard work, but you’ll enjoy the process. It’s easy to get excited about something new, but you need to stick with it in order to reap the real benefits. Keep showing up, day by day, moment by moment, and those castles in the sky will take form in the here and now. Cultivate balance between daydreams and action. You need both in order to find success and satisfaction. Too much daydreaming leads to inaction. Keeping your nose to grindstone too long leads to burnout. Build in tiny breaks throughout your workday — moments of calm amidst the hustle bustle. Five minutes of chair yoga enhances overall productivity. Practice developing realistic expectations for yourself and others. Again, balance is key. Beware the pedestal that tips over and leads to disillusion. No one’s perfect. Troubleshooting and accurate assessments of strength and weakness help you to bring more of what you like into being. It’s OK to use your left brain sometimes! When married to the creative, intuitive side, that left brain brings accountability, punctuality and dreams come true. If you’ve slipped into old habits or addictions, get back on the wagon. Life flows better when you do.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: This next quarter brings activation from so many different angles that Libra North Node natives may need a time out to catch up. Practice patience as you view things from a new perspective. Your Aries South Node loves to rush in, but fast action is not always right action. Your mental realm of thought, words and intentions could undergo significant shifts from April thru June 2021. If you don’t know where you’re going, don’t just forge ahead. You’ll save time and heartache if you first allow yourself to integrate new information and experiences. Wise counsel from a trusted friend or elder may prove key to your success and happiness. Bring partners into any decisions that would affect them, too. Pay attention to dreams — especially “bad” ones. So called nightmares help you navigate challenges in your sleep so that you can move forward better in waking life. If something seems confusing or outrageous, ask for help and clarity. When possible, seek the middle way and compromise. Sometimes situations just need a little modification. Focus on bridge building. You do not need to burn bridges. If you lean into the astro energies this quarter, they’ll do a lot of the work for you. Peace in, peace out.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 brings golden opportunities, provided you move beyond Taurus South Node over-concern about finances, health, and security. Scorpio North Node natives resist change … and yet, of all the North Node signs, yours most thrives through change. Notice any tendencies to latch onto the worst case scenario. When you catch yourself doing this, affirm your intention to recognize and receive the blessings. All is not as it appears. Instead of cowering in fear, boldly explore better options. Like an alchemist transmuting baser metals into gold, that which no longer serves you will transform into deeper, richer, and more fulfilling life. Allow this process of rebirth to occur. You can’t stop the life force energy, but you can align with it. You can dance with change. You are strong, mysterious and magical. Like the phoenix, you rise from the ashes, again and again. This is life, the exuberant tulip bursting through soil as winter’s grip subsides. You have an uncanny ability to go deep and high, to contract and expand. You’re a supernova. Once you accept this about yourself, you will always find the light. You have spiritual protection, the best security force in the Universe.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: The world is at your feet! If you’ve felt cooped up this past year, get out and go somewhere. Travel helps you magnetize joy and abundance to your life. As the transiting South Node continues to make its way through your North Node sign, you might feel opposite to the collective experience. That’s OK. You need to follow your own intuitive guidance. Second Quarter 2021 brings opportunities for greater community, love and financial support. If it feels right to you, then don’t be afraid to commit to something that makes your heart sing. Just because the rest of the world remains in a kind of surreal pause doesn’t mean you need to fidget and twiddle your thumbs. This time, right now, offers rainbows and the proverbial pot of gold. Keep your eyes open and faith high. Seek Truth and allow yourself to believe in good things. Old contacts could resurface with positive results. If you hear from someone “out of the blue,” ask your angels to reveal the higher purpose of this connection. Destiny level transits are in play for you. Nothing’s random — pay attention to synchronicities. If you feel adrift, check out Robert Moss’s book, “The Three Only Things.”

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 brings a time of introspection and reflection. Notice any tension between your desires and opportunities to fulfill them. Pay attention to offers on the periphery of normal life. What seems insignificant or random right now deserves consideration. You might still opt for something more familiar, but do explore things outside your comfort zone. Your Cancer South Node gets triggered this quarter, which might make you feel more cautious than usual. If you feel the urge to run and hide, hang out for a little while longer. Breathe through any negative self talk, and focus on your gifts and skills. What do you already know? In which areas have you earned some authority? How can you feel more confident? Capricorn North Node natives are born leaders. As much as you enjoy hiding in your Cancer South Node shell, you’ll find fulfillment by accepting responsibility and putting yourself out there. You’ll also feel more secure as you gain self-sufficiency. Mature partnerships work for you, but beware of codependent relationships. Does someone make you feel small or insecure? Do you baby people instead of empowering them to stand on their own two feet? Honor your own and others’ natural growth process.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: The long beginning of a new cycle. With Saturn and Jupiter continuing in Aquarius, and a bunch of planets squaring from Taurus and trining from Gemini, Aquarius North Node natives activate throughout Second Quarter 2021. This process began on Winter Solstice 2020. Aquarius receives sudden inspiration, yet it’s a Fixed Sign. Aquarius is zany and unpredictable, but hopefully not foolhardy. Destiny’s smiling on you right now. Trust in the mantra “If not this, then something better.” You don’t need to jump at the first opportunity. Love, security, community, and a return to innocence are all on offer. Allow yourself to define these terms in unconventional. Ongoing nodal activations encourage new understanding of yourself in context to a larger whole. Aquarius is the Water Bearer. Consider what it means to bear water — to parched land or a thirsty stranger, to some cause that tugs on your heart. Focus on gratitude, especially in April. In what ways does your cup overflow? May asks you to explore connections with other beings. These could include people, as well as animals or your environment. How can you feel more integral to the web of life? June brings opportunities to release old injuries. Forgiveness of self and others frees and energizes you.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 brings a possibility of travel. If you feel blind right now, unable to see clearly, breathe through the anxiety. Focus on one breath at a time, following it in, then out, then in, then out. Pausing between each breath reminds you of the importance of sometimes not doing anything at all. Just observe. You can move into the unknown with Grace. You don’t always need to know your 5-year plan. Ground any nervous energy with regular exercise. Forget “no pain, no gain.” Instead, focus on whatever feels good to body and soul. Spend time in nature, roll out your yoga mat, or trance dance under the stars. Pay attention to younger people, or to younger iterations of yourself. What wisdom did you embody before you felt the need to grow up? Learn to wander and wonder. Recognize a Higher Power that moves through you with its own goals. As you align yourself with All That Is, you cleanse away those niggling should’s, but’s, and what if’s. Practice being here now, moment by moment. Again, follow your breath, pausing in between each breath. These potent pauses in life generate success. The more you focus on quieting your mind and tuning into your spirit, the wiser you become.


ARIES NORTH NODE: The theme for First Quarter 2021 is finding a new balance of helping others and being helped. Your sign’s ruler, Mars, spent a record six month in Aries in 2020. That fiery energy activated destiny level shifts for Aries North Node natives. Now you need to ground those shifts into tangible, real world things. “Put your money where you mouth is” can mean literally funding your new venture, or it could mean “talk is cheap, get to work!” You might need to use some of your Libra South Node skills to negotiate financial support for a new idea or circumstance that puts you in a leadership role. In any case, you’ll want to pay more attention to the 3D steps to solidify whatever inspiration or passion ignited during the second half of 2020. This first quarter of 2021 brings a chance for healing, love, and rebirth. Hard work pays dividends.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2021 urges unusual, innovative and unexpected upgrades in communication. This can include animals, Spirit Guides, and crystals, as well as cyberspace. Pay attention to sudden insights that arrive through friction or irritation. Your perceptions are high right now. If you feel the need for increased boundaries, build those into your daily life. Slow and steady movement on larger projects ensures you’ll still make progress, even if things take longer than you planned. “Delay leads to delight.” Allow for more time than you think you need. Pay attention to how spiritual forces impact your body. You might feel better implementing daily prayer or meditation, yoga or tai chi. Feel the flow of energy in your home, too. January through March encourages you to reorganize your closet or feng shui your home. Ask yourself if this stuff still feels like “you” or if you need an upgrade.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Indulge your gift of the gab, and start writing! Whether in a journal, blog, letters or book, you need to express yourself during First Quarter 2021. Gemini North Node natives are learning to consider two or more sides to everything. New perspectives allow you to find love and community in unexpected places. Tell your story, and give yourself a happy ending. Then, continue balancing all the elements, so that you can keep walking forward, no matter how much you want to dig in your heels. Yours is one of the most magical North Node signs — if you allow yourself to recognize and receive the messages. The Universe, God, angels, and animals all love to communicate with those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear.” You can heal yourself and others by opening to wonder. Life is complex and beautiful. Follow synchronicity and embrace the Mystery.

CANCER NORTH NODE: You don’t need to do it all yourself! First Quarter 2021 asks you to focus on partnership and nurturing. You might feel off kilter from all the external drama in January, but take a moment to assess if anyone’s really getting hurt. Your Capricorn South Node likes order and a certain amount of tradition. The new energies in rebel Aquarius can rock foundations. You’ll feel better as you move from judgment into feeling. It’s OK to feel afraid sometimes. Expressing your vulnerable side lets others know you’re in this together. When you express your own need for support, you find the security you seek. Not by being perfect, but by connecting with those you love. Aquarian energy has an outward focus, yet you thrive by tending to your own family, home and private sphere. The world will sort itself out — or not. Life rewards you for soft touches, womb-like cocoons, and gentle words and tones.

LEO NORTH NODE: Maturation is the name of the game with so many planets moving through your South Node sign of Aquarius. Whenever multiple planets cross your South Node, old acquaintances and familiar patterns vie for your attention. Take some time to assess where you’ve been, so that you can feel more satisfied with wherever you feel led. Going along to get along won’t serve you anymore. You need to get in touch with whatever makes your heart sing. First Quarter 2021 asks you to embrace the Divine Feminine. Her energy might come through the January 28 Full Moon in Leo, your own enhanced intuition, or an energizing chat with a female friend. Watch for new opportunities, especially if they arise through seeming friction or irritation. Instead of roaring in frustration, cultivate some catlike curiosity. Position yourself to pounce on unexpected solutions, including financial windfalls.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: The big First Quarter event for Virgo North Node natives is the February 27 Full Moon in Virgo. You’ll get more out of this transit if you prepare yourself ahead of time. Spend some time in quiet retreat. 2021 would be a great time to commit to a daily spiritual practice. Regular meditation, yoga or scheduled time in prayer helps you to welcome spiritual support into daily life. “Commitment” is your power word this year. Use January to get clear, and then find ways to solidify your devotion. This integration of mystical inspiration with practical steps allows you to thrive no matter what happens around you. Reach for the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing you can make your way there, step by careful step. Focus on the scenery as you make your way to any bigger picture goal. Those little jewels bring so much wealth and beauty to your journey. “God is in the details.” ~Ludwig Meis van der Rohe

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Focus on “Forgiveness” during First Quarter 2021. Forgiving yourself and others frees you to move more fully and joyfully into the Now. Ask yourself, “What old wounds, resentments or battles can I release in order to make room for something better?” Because something better wants to find you. Your astro climate changed on Winter Solstice. Supportive Aquarian energies offer release after years of pressure. Leaning into this innovative and cooperative zeitgeist will help you transcend isolated or lone wolf tendencies. Look for unconventional, yet practical solutions to problems. Old tools used in new ways. Anger can turn to frustration, depression — or determination. Practice choosing where and how to direct your feelings. You can harness the energy of raw emotions as rocket fuel for living a more magical life. Things flow better for you when you partner with others, including invisible helpers and unusual friends. Begin to explore how Loving Connection forms the fabric of the Universe.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Yours is one of the most intuitive of the North Node signs. Your feelings run deep, and sometimes fear limits you from flying. Your Taurus South Node wants security, proceeding step by little step, but your life path involves quantum leaps and regeneration. Pay attention to timing during First Quarter 2021. Yes, you’ll feel some occasional traffic jams and roadblocks from all the planets in Aquarius and Taurus, but don’t give up on opportunities. “No” might simply mean “not yet.” It might also mean, “No, not this: something so much better!” Allow yourself to recognize your need and desire for intimacy, deep sharing, and the ability to move through raw emotions. You’ll experience greater calm and clarity as you realize that “This, too, shall pass” doesn’t only mean loss. As the zodiac’s alchemists, Scorpio North Node natives can turn metaphorical lead into gold. “Transmutation” is your word for First Quarter 2021. Find a creative outlet for all that energy.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: The collective South Node continues making its way through your North Node sign. This tension between old and new, collective and personal increases the importance of perfect timing. Don’t let delays dim your faith. Powerful Aquarian energies support you now. Aquarius Air fans Sagittarius fire. You might feel this as heartwarming connections with friends, both old and new. You could also find yourself supercharged and renewed by philosophical, religious or scholarly ideas. Explore ways to bring more of this passion into everyday life. Knowing something feels different than thinking about something. Focus on knowing. Strong beliefs ignite and expand your outer world experience. Be bold. Your soul needs big adventures. If 3D world travel restrictions feel too tight, then open your mind and heart to inner travel. You’ve got a great mind and powerful intuition. Practice integrating these competing sides of yourself. When in doubt, pray. Ask for Divine Guidance and follow where it leads.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: What wisdom can you extract from the last three years? Looking backwards at the beginning of a year helps you make get grounded before building something big. Use January to nurture your body, assess finances and appreciate the bounty you’ve gathered in all areas of life. You’ve worked hard, Capricorn! With a better sense of where you’ve been, prepare to prune anything out of alignment with the direction you feel led to grow. Keep plans close to your vest. You do better not telegraphing your every move. Hearing too much commentary weakens your resolve, because you empath other people’s fears and emotional reactivity. If you seek more clarity, then a journal or life coach may serve you better than a well meaning, but dream crushing friend or family member. You can climb literal and metaphorical mountains. Sometimes the journey feels hard. Refresh yourself by swimming in an alpine lake — or with an at home spa day — then keep going. Life rewards your determination.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Although transition remains a long, slow process, we officially entered the Age of Aquarius on Winter Solstice 2020. First Quarter 2021 brings powerful activation for Aquarius North Node natives. You might not realize it, but you’re in your element. Focus on unusual guidance and lightning bolt insights. Sometimes life will feel chaotic, like you’ve jumped on the back of a wild horse. Other times, you’ll feel the slow, stabilizing force of traditional Saturn in liberating Aquarius. Embrace changes that feel urgent or deeply necessary, but don’t force yourself to work too hard. When big planets move through your North Node sign, the “open door, closed door” effect becomes more obvious. Stop banging your head against closed doors. Something will open for you, and it will do so right on time. Once things get going, destiny will pull you along. You just need to cultivate balance and ground the energy pulsing through you. Record your ideas, whether in a journal or on your phone. Inspiration will strike. These moments are fleeting yet powerful. Harness them.

PISCES NORTH NODE: “Creative daydreaming” is your phrase for First Quarter 2021. Before you commit to anything, make sure it feels soft, nurturing and/or magical. Yours is the dreamiest North Node sign. The collective nodal axis continues to square your North and South Node signs. This can feel like friction or restriction. Try not to get bogged down in details. You don’t need to plan everything ahead of time. In fact, planning too much slows you down. If something seems delayed, go back to the dreaming board. Literally ask your dreams to help you find and live your most beautiful and inspired life. Spend time in mystical pursuits: prayer, chanting, even a good soak in the tub. Add some candlelight and Chopin — whatever it takes to bring mind chatter to a minimum. Your Spirit merges into Oneness whenever you let go. From this womblike connection flow all the elements of creative life.


ARIES NORTH NODE: December is the last full month Aries ruler Mars will be in his home sign. Mars usually spends only six weeks in each sign, but a long retrograde had him activating your North Node sign from June 27, 2020 until January 6, 2021. That’s ten times the activation of a normal Mars transit. Now that Mars is moving forward again, you can expect more clarity and vigor regarding destiny level urges and desires. Beginning December 21, the Sun will shine light on your nodal axis — where your soul has been and where you’re headed. Remember, a small shift in perspective allows you to change frustration and anger into determination. Summon the energy to complete something before the end of the year. It doesn’t need to be a big thing, but finishing a commitment will make you feel better about all of 2020. Release something you no longer need on the 29th’s Full Moon. It’s been a long year: time to move on!

TAURUS NORTH NODE: This is a powerful, dramatic month for Taurus North Node natives. Allow yourself the time to process change. Even positive change requires integration. Justice and a sense of completion are themes for this last month of the year. Take stock of what you’ve acquired in 2020. Skills, tools, surroundings: it all matters. You are learning to build and celebrate a better world. This creation takes time, and that’s OK. Slow, steady shifts are less traumatic and more sustainable. Take the long term view. Even if your year feels incomplete, note whatever has run its course. If you look for them, you’re bound to find areas where you’ve made solid progress. No one else knows what kind of inner transformation it took for you to make those steps. Spend some quiet time puttering and arranging things the way you like them. You have time now. Events will ramp up in January.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: If you’ve felt trapped by illusions, reaching for the light in a long, dark tunnel, the good news is that it’s always darkest before the dawn. Gemini North Node natives have felt a lot of pressure this Fall, more so than most signs. With the transiting North Node moving through your sign and reordering life according to destiny, plus quincunx demands from Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn, it may have felt like you “can’t catch a break” and “where’s your happy ending?” On December 17 and 19, heavyweights Saturn then Jupiter move into fellow Air Sign Aquarius, heralding a new Age of Air after 200 years of Earth energy. Change takes time to integrate, but Gemini North Node natives are here to embrace and revel in change. Yes, you can twist and turn and even dance your way to happier times. Allow some of that zany Aquarian energy to shake up your routines and anything stuck. Aquarius and Gemini are great friends. Keep going. More compatible companions and energies are on the way.

CANCER NORTH NODE: The biggest events in December for Cancer North Node natives are the Winter Equinox/Saturn/Jupiter conjunction on December 21st, and the Full Moon at 10:28 p.m. Eastern time on the 29th. Winter Equinox marks the transition from Sun into your South Node sign of Capricorn, where for the next 30 days, it will highlight old issues, relationship patterns and expectations. As the Sun sheds light on these areas, you’ll need to remind yourself to remain open to emotions. There is a surprising strength in vulnerability. This is the Second Full Moon in Cancer in 2020, and this “Long Night’s Moon” asks you to evaluate how you’ve changed since January. What endings brought new beginnings? In which ways did life challenge you to give more freely? How did life restructure itself in support of softer, more heartfelt priorities? 2020 was a challenging year. Be sure to claim the reward for your hard work.

LEO NORTH NODE: If you’ve been waiting for your ships to arrive, continue to have faith that good, new things are on the horizon. The Universe wants you to succeed. Sometimes it just takes patience in order for things to turn your way. What makes you feel young at heart? Fill some of your waiting time by doing more of those things. Leo’s need to play. Jupiter and Saturn are moving into your South Node sign in mid-December. Resist tendencies to get too serious, group-oriented or emotionally detached. You need to live from a place of joy and natural instinct. Get off your electronic devices for a good stretch each day! Step away from your desk and social media. You’ll feel more emotionally grounded if you get into your body and out in nature. Take advantage of the first three weeks of December as the Sagittarius Sun shines supportive light on your destiny and business ventures. Pay attention to passion and desires that arise, and give yourself permission to pursue them.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Maintain mental clarity this holiday season by minimizing any tendencies to zone out with sugar or alcohol. You’re much stronger and more grounded when you stick to diet and exercise. You can ease up on intensity, but don’t get too far off track. You’ll feel so much better if you eat healthy foods and make time to meditate, walk or run. Modify your routine rather than throwing it out. For you, it’s much easier to keep a good thing going than to crawl out of a bad habit again and again. Give yourself the gift of strength, and don’t be afraid to live a life of true abundance. Focus on grounded support — both giving and receiving. You have an ability to inspire others through your own discipline. When you live your best self, you model what’s possible for others. You can make the mundane sacred by devoting yourself to life’s little details.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: In mid-December, Saturn and Jupiter join forces in fellow Air Sign Aquarius, finally offering expansive and supportive energy to Libra North Node natives. Just having these two heavyweights out of Capricorn will feel like a relief. Meanwhile, the transiting North Node continues trining Libra from Air Sign Gemini. Instead of feeling so pushed and pressed, Libra North Node natives will start feeling some wind beneath their wings: success and rejuvenation on a destiny level. Just remember that victories taste sweeter when shared with others. Uplift and inspire by partnering with those who may not have your courage or confidence. Find balance in all things, especially in the active and receptive. When in doubt, err on the side of a little too much generosity. Reach out and make someone’s day by showing them you care.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: If you feel stuck or unable to let go of emotions, or situations in your life, try moving out physical items. ‘Tis the season for giving. Do you really need all of that old stuff?! Belongings hold energy. If you haven’t used it or looked at it in five years, can you think of someone who could? When you give away that which no longer serves, you open room for the kind of abundance you do need. Is it health? Emotional support? A sense that your day will finally arrive? When you recognize such abundance that you can give some away, you move from a space of lack to one of receiving that which you truly need. If you put your faith in externals beyond your control, you will never feel secure. Practice surrendering to a Higher Power. Cultivate an ability to recognize that which remains eternal amidst constant change. Thou art that.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: The Sun’s in your sign for three weeks. Enjoy the clarity it offers as the collective South Node continues bringing up old patterns and relationships for review. This focus on old relationships intensifies mid-month with a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse on December 14. Love Goddess Venus enters Sagittarius the very next day, bringing grace, beauty and self-esteem. Count your blessings this month and aim to reclaim the best of the old while sparking new passion and zest for life. Be bold and wear red. ‘Tis the season to bring the light and bright to darker, heavier energies. People turn to you for the unvarnished truth. You know more than you think you do. Choose one area where you’d like to deepen your studies and experience. If you’ve been going stir crazy with travel restrictions, find a way to satisfy that urge. Road trip to Air BnB’s, watch travel videos, or read a novel set where you want to go. Reignite your sense of adventure.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: Jupiter and Saturn finish their journey through Capricorn, with Saturn moving to Aquarius on the 17th, followed by Jupiter on the 19th. Saturn won’t return to his home sign of Capricorn until 2048, so git ‘er done! On Winter Solstice, December 21, when Jupiter and Saturn meet in Aquarius, the Sun moves into Capricorn, shining light on your North Node sign for the next month. Pay attention to any insights you receive on or around the Full Moon on the 29th. Use this time to assess how you’ve changed this year. What new structures and foundations have you built? How have you re-balanced any tendencies to over-give? How has your health improved by setting boundaries and managing your emotions? Continue focusing on best of the old while ushering in improvements and upgrades. Cultivating an awareness of two worlds will help you navigate big events with greater ease. When you partner with the guiding force of the Universe, life becomes a dance.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: On December 17, Saturn moves into Aquarius, followed by Jupiter on the 19th and their Great Conjunction on Winter Solstice. This change in the winds begins to activate destiny level shifts in your North Node sign. Jupiter will expand and supercharge Aquarius for 12 months, while Saturn remains for 2.5 years. As Father Time and Lord of Karma, Saturn has a special relationship with the North Node. You might feel a cosmic “ahem,” urging you to evaluate where you’re on path and where you need to adjust your approach. Yours is an innovative sign. If you feel pressured or restricted, ask, “What am I missing?” and “I wonder what solutions I’m about to find?” Some of these solutions will probably seem counter-intuitive, but a higher order guides your process.  Now would be a good time to explore your natal chart or deepen astrology studies. Carve out time for “flighty” pursuits and things that “float your boat.” A zany new interest could change your life in profound ways.

PISCES NORTH NODE: If you catch yourself worrying about things beyond your control, close your eyes and allow yourself to feel the emotions. Getting stuck in your head doesn’t serve you. As Helen Keller said, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart.” Tune into the magic and childlike wonder of this season. Creative pursuits bring delight, and so do children. If you can’t spend the holidays in person with younger loved ones, try some other means of connection. Remember to balance external obligations with your internal needs. You’ll move through life more efficiently if you take some time each day to mediate and/or center yourself. This month could bring friction in relationships and questions of your own self-value. You have what it takes to navigate these challenges. Lead with Spirit and let the 3D world follow along. When in doubt, paint, sing or dance it out.


by Laura Bruno

ARIES NORTH NODE: Throughout the month, significant energies from Scorpio will quincunx Aries North Node natives. The quincunx, 150 degrees, is a creative aspect that demands integration of energies that seem not to have anything in common. This could play out in the domain of personal and work relationships — what feels balanced, versus trapped? What would feel more authentic? In which ways do you feel victimized or overly compromised? Pay attention to your dreams this month. Some dynamics are easier to address in that realm or in a journal before taking action in “real” life. On November 13, Mars stations direct after a frustrating period in retrograde since September 9. If projects slowed down during that time, anything on path for you should start moving forward again in the second half of the month. If it’s still not moving forward, you might need to dream bigger. You’re not meant to hide in the shadows or follow societal limitations. The light at the end of the tunnel comes when you not only reach, but run towards it.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Exercise moderation as you continue to integrate the powerful Blue Moon on Halloween that occurred conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Even if this did not directly aspect your Nodal axis, the effects of this collective transit will linger for Taurus North Node natives. Spend time meditating in Nature, or imagining yourself in Nature. This will help you to make sense of anything shaken loose this month as the Sun, Mercury and Venus cross your South Node in Scorpio. Old contacts or patterns might rear their heads, especially related to identity, self esteem, communication, and/or relationships. Don’t get discouraged if you thought you already left these behind. Life is a spiral journey. Reviewing the old doesn’t mean you’ve failed; it’s just another round of the labyrinth. Holding and wearing crystals also brings part of the deep Earth into your tangible experience. Whether cut or raw, crystals offer powerful grou

GEMINI NORTH NODE: As the transiting North Node continues to move through your North Node sign, happy “accidents” and destiny level connections abound. Pay attention to the open door/closed door policy. Geminis are meant to move from one interest to another. If something feels like banging your head against a wall, then it’s either not for you, or just “not now.” Turning your attention elsewhere will keep things fresh. Practice observing the world with eyes of wonder. Beginner mind carries you towards success and rejuvenation. Of all the North Node signs, yours is the one most likely to stay young at heart. If you catch yourself becoming too serious, spend time with animals, either your own or in the wild. Watch some squirrel antics. Fill a bird feeder with seeds. Learn to appreciate the little things, because they do add up. Tiny moments of delight are sometimes more valuable and important than fireworks and grand pronouncements. Reward yourself for showing up.

CANCER NORTH NODE: November 2020 looks strong for Cancer North Node natives. This month, the Sun, Mercury and Venus all spend time in fellow water sign, Scorpio, lending deep support and flow. Your ability to soothe others’ grief helps you soften harsher energies whirling around the collective. Transmute the urge to steel yourself against the craziness. Random acts of kindness and care are so needed right now. Allow yourself to move beyond expectations of keeping it all together, and instead just listen and follow your heart on what to say or do. Play music that calms and nourishes your heart. Make soup. Curl up under a blanket and watch the Moon. Things will pick up speed after the 13th. Pay attention to friction between what your ego wants and what your soul needs. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not — for you. Prioritize your inner being. Sensitivity brings opportunities for those committed to balanced giving and receiving.

LEO NORTH NODE: If you feel introspective and world weary this month, indulge that urge. The Sun in deep diving Scorpio squares Leo until November 21, when it moves into Leo-friendly Sagittarius. Venus enters Scorpio that same morning, pushing you to look deeper at relationships, self-value, and how you bring beauty into the world. Though difficult, this ongoing Shadow Work offers a return to your natural state of playful innocence. Release any shame, power struggles or feelings of unworthiness. Blessings abound. You just need to let your heart lead the way. Aquarius South Node’s mental chatter and group mindedness dims your light and shuts you down. Frustration and overwhelm are not states to tolerate and repress. They’re signs of something amiss. Look for and expect to find practical solutions to problems. You’ll know the solution’s right if it unexpectedly puts you in the spotlight or moves you forward. Accept and allow this to happen. It’s the natural way for Leo North Node natives.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: November 2020 intensifies both your physical and spiritual experience of life. Spend some time meditating this month, but do so for a set amount of time each day rather than zoning out for extended periods of time. If you return to center and take short time outs, your perspective will shift in potentially dramatic ways. You’ll find greater clarity about day to day details. The Sun, Mercury and Venus all spend time in Scorpio this month, offering you deep and supportive energy towards integration. Virgo North Node natives need to find their own balance between a tendency towards overwhelm and withdrawal, and a calling to serve others in practical and healing ways. The second half of the month could bring swift advancement, like a pulled back rubber band springing forward. Use the first half to move through your preparatory to do list. Staying disciplined now will allow you to remain centered even as the world shifts around and inside of you. Peace in, peace out.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: November 2020 could feel a bit surreal. Your Aries South Node creates impatience and a desire to move forward ASAP. Although it seems slower, you’ll move faster in the end by taking your time now. Mars retrograde in opposing Aries until November 13 might tempt you to rash actions; just remember to pause first. Weigh how any decisions would affect those around you. They matter, too, especially any children or youths in your life. Always look for win-win situations, but this month brings special attention to younger people. You might also receive important insights from someone who seems less experienced. Pay attention! Everyone has value, and you’re meant to recognize and cultivate that value in others. Love goddess Venus rules the sign of Libra. She moves through your sign until November 21, bringing extra blessings to Libra North Node natives. Allow her grace, charm and artistry to beautify your world.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: The Sun’s in your North Node sign until November 21, when Venus enters Scorpio. Finally, some sweet, nurturing energy after a challenging few months! Treat yourself to something sensual and restorative. If you’ve been working too hard, adopt a more balanced policy. You can help, as long as it’s not too taxing. You’ll find greater satisfaction and relief if you face your fears head on. Resist the urge to cling to people or situations that need to change with the changing times. Letting go doesn’t always mean loss. It allows the new to take form. “For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance.” ~ Ecclesiastes 3: 1-4. You feel it all, Scorpio. Good or bad, nothing lasts forever. Accepting this fact is your key to peace.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Sometimes life seems like “choosing between the lesser of two evils,” but this is really a matter of perspective. You have what it takes to move forward from a place of balance. Even a clouded future offers clues to the Sagittarius North Node native. Your intuition provides a kind of crystal ball that allows you to choose wisely. All it takes is prayer and focus. Too many distractions act like kryptonite. You can get too mental, when your heart and intuition would provide much better guidance. You already have all the elements you need, so stop trying to chase down more skills, more learning. Sometimes “Enough is enough” Focus on gratitude and patience. No, patience doesn’t come easy, but it does pay off for you. Resist the urge to add more commitments and more delays. Getting comfortable with the uncertainty allows you to move forward faster and with clarity. Focus on opportunities to use skills and talents you already have. They will see you through any tight spots or perceived challenges. Always seek a bigger picture, and you will find your Truth.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: This month brings deep messages, especially related to love and relationships: which people bring you out of your Cancer South Node shell? Who drains you? Who uplifts and inspires you to do and be your best? Look for opportunities to step into greater leadership roles. This might mean reducing or shifting family obligations. You can find a new balance that works for you and that others will honor. Fate level events might force things along. There are a lot of strong forces affecting Capricorn North Node natives for this whole month. November’s the last full month where Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will all three be in Capricorn. 2020 as a whole has challenged your North Node sign, but careful attention to new foundations will start really paying dividends this month. Financial gifts or help could also arrive in perfect timing. Pay attention to inner messages, as well as synchronicities. You are here for a reason. When you step up, the Universe supports you.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: This month could challenge your preconceived notions, especially heartfelt ideas of right and wrong. The Sun spends three weeks in Scorpio in November, squaring Aquarius. Mercury returns to Scorpio on November 10, and Venus enters this sign on the 21st, just as the Sun moves into Sagittarius — a more supportive energy for Aquarius North Node natives. When in doubt, err on the side of extra tolerance and curiosity instead of outrage. You will fair better if you ask to recognize and receive the blessings of whatever appears to be happening. Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you think they should, but if you align with your inner guidance and intuition, you’ll find that things turn out for the best. Your North Node sign needs to remember to step back from reactivity. Be prepared for changed outlooks. Pause. Respond instead of reacting. Have faith that new, unseen things are gestating. You can’t see them yet, but strength and success will come the more you can trust and embrace the Highest Good of All.

PISCES NORTH NODE: November 2020’s a big month filled with archetypal forces. Indulge your need for calm and quiet. When you withdraw from the fray, you’re able to shine a light for others. In order to do so, you need to reconnect and recharge through meditation, chants or simple solitude. Yours is a magical North Node sign, able to tap into larger currents in the Fullness of Time. All the elements are there for you: ask for eyes to see and ears to hear. When in doubt, follow your heart instead of listening to too much mental chatter. Keep your feet on the ground in order to fill up with life force energy. When walking Nature, imagine yourself as a tree with very deep roots. Allow your branches to expand far and wide. The more you connect with the Earth, the further you can expand with Spirit. Look for and honor signs of the Divine Masculine this month. You might find this strong, caring male presence in a co-worker, a friend, or through a movie. When you expand your perspective, life can surprise you in marvelous ways.

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  1. […] Astrology. Knowing what’s happening in the cosmos and how it affects the collective and personal energies is fantastically helpful information. […]

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