August 11-12: Full Moon in Aquarius

My August 2022 Forecast shares:

August 11 Full Moon in Aquarius, 9:36 p.m. Eastern US time, and Venus enters Leo. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “A Large White Dove Bearing a Message.” A Divine Message gets “certified” and this event foretells peace. With the Full Moon occurring close to Saturn, this Aquarian peace also comes from a place of sober reflection. The Moon/Sun axis squares the nodal axis, suggesting a pivotal time between past and present: a hinge point. Venus’s move into Leo helps us tap into our hearts and act with generosity and kindness.

That Sun/Moon axis squaring the nodal axis creates a Grand Cross that still involves Uranus in Taurus: lots of competing energies and a potential for breakthrough instead of breakdown. We feel some of the Saturn square Uranus tensions that permeated 2021. Top down authority vs. the power of the people, old structures vs. new inventions and ways of managing 3D-ality. Many people have had enough of the old guard, and rebellion rumbles behind the scenes.

The Sun/Moon axis also loosely squares Mars, which closely conjuncts the Trans Neptunian Object Praamzius. According to Heretical Oracles, Praamzius is an “omnipotent ruler of time,” and connects closely with the idea of Fate — that which cannot be changed. This amplifies the energies of Saturn (Lord of Karma) and the nodal axis (where we’ve been and where we’re headed). Having Mars, the planet of Will and Action, conjunct Praamzius reminds us of an underlying order to the Universe. We can fight all we want, yet some things will happen no matter what. As Timothy Glenn said, “It just is.”

The Serenity Prayer comes to mind. “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.” This Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol of “A LARGE WHITE DOVE BEARING A MESSAGE” reminds us of the end of the Great Flood. Noah could not stop that epic storm, but he could and did built an ark to save his family and all the pairs of animals. After a period of uncertainty and intense challenge, the white dove returned with an olive branch, promising peace and firmer ground. In Christianity, a white dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit descending from God into human hearts and minds.

Dane Rudhyar explains the Sabian Symbol for 20 Aquarius as having a “KEYNOTE: The answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained and victorious individual efforts.” Again, we find this theme of appropriate personal action aligned with Spirit. “What the ‘message’ is depends on the particular situation, but the white dove always signifies peace; at the very heart of this peace is the CERTIFICATION of individual worth and victory.”

In addition to Praamzius, Mars also conjuncts Alicanto, a Kuiper belt object only discovered in June 2021. According to Astrology for Astrologers:

… Alicanto comes from Chilean mythology and it is named from the Chilean observatory where it was discovered. The alicanto is a nocturnal bird that inhabits the desert of Atacama. Its diet consists of precious ore and its wings shimmer silver, gold or copper green depending upon which ore it most recently consumed. Its wings are spectacularly brilliant and beautiful. The alicanto is earthbound as the weight of the consumed ore prevents flight. As well, its speed of mobility is a function of how recently and how much the bird has eaten. The alicanto requires other attributes to get by in this world.

Legend reports that a miner who follows the bird without detection will be led to great riches. However, if the miner is observed, the bird will switch off the shimmering of its wings and disappear into the night. Should the alicanto encounter one who is not of good heart, it will lead that person over a cliff. The cliff would never be seen as the bird possesses an “intensity of darkness,” something in a parallel realm with Pluto’s helmet of invisibility.

In other words, we have in Alicanto another highly symbolic bird. The Full Moon point evokes a white dove, while Mars demands change. Praamzius tempers this action so that it conforms to a Higher Power. Alicanto conjunct Mars suggests secret action and the need for a pure heart. The purer the heart, the more the action will succeed. Those with impure heart get led down a dangerous path and fall from the precipice. Those who quietly follow the right path find riches beyond imagination.

The August 11/12 Full Moon in Aquarius feels like an old fashioned fairy tale. I’m not talking Disney, but more like the Brothers Grimm. Even more so, it feels like Slavic fairy tales that retain a sense of Mystery. Our rational side may not understand coming events, but on some level, our souls will. Approach life in a dreamlike manner. Look for symbols, and don’t cling too tightly to that which you think you know. Peace is possible — especially when we get out of our own way.

13 responses to this post.

  1. Thank you for the lovely posts… What do you think about the idea of including the degrees that the celestial event is going to occur at?

    Liked by 1 person


    • You’re welcome. The exact degree of the Full Moon is 19°21′ Aquarius. I included the Sabian Symbol, which is 20° Aquarius, since you always round up for Sabian Symbols. I usually don’t include degrees to the minutes unless they are so exactly aligned with something that the minute becomes important. Whenever I include a Sabian Symbol of an astro event, you will know that the exact degree is either exactly at that Symbol degree, i.e. 20° Aquarisu, or the prior degree (19°) + up to 59 minutes. 🙂



  2. ” Our rational side may not understand coming events, but on some level, our souls will”

    Many are I feel going to struggle understanding coming events… But on my own soul level I know it is going to help wake more up to certain things that this illusionary world has kept hidden…

    Peace is more than possible…. Loved reading this post Laura… Lets hope we follow the Eight fold path four Noble Truth.. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Posted by Wesley Wallace on August 6, 2022 at 4:59 pm

    As always, a brilliant analysis of what is presently happening in our corner of the cosmos, and sound wisdom for how to best integrate the coming lessons of change into our personal evolution and transformation. Thanks Laura 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Posted by Cynthia on August 7, 2022 at 3:34 am

    So much info! Thanks. I read your September/October 2012 articles recently about transformational timelines at Praamzius’s prompting. Also have been researching the Lake Titicaca Stargate area to the north of Argentina and Chile. But somehow the Venus in Gemini Rx in 2004, 2012 and 2020, and Mars’s slow response in that space eg. 2008 and 2022 is like a slow twin flame dance! All during the Lionsgate.

    I like the peaceful dove symbol!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Oh, yes, those Venus Rx periods keep proving themselves as pivotal. 🙂 I like your imagery!



      • Posted by Cynthia on August 12, 2022 at 10:35 pm

        The map in my head comes from geodetic astrology…going eastwards from Greenwich (0o Aries) counting 30o eastwards brings me to 0o Taurus (near Giza pyramids) and so on… Thus Miami is 13o, New York 16o and 23o Capricorn is west of Bermuda!
        This latter space is similar to Lake Titicaca down south. And the mystical longitude near where you live also runs through the Yucatan Peninsula (Mayan country)!
        The geodetic astrology of sacred spaces grounds me and your flowers are calming.

        Liked by 1 person


  5. Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:

    I’m reblogging this post, too. I’ve noticed that the Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol seems to play out during the Moon cycle until the next Full Moon, often not at the actual Full Moon moment. Pay attention to these themes over the next four weeks, and see how they influence both collective and individual experience.



  6. […] was also active at the time of the August 11, 2022 Full Moon in Aquarius, so have a look back then to see connections with current issues, events and themes. Shifts are […]



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