2021 Eclipse Redux and Preview

In anticipation of the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse, I feel led to share some odd collective and personal happenings around the May 26th Total Lunar Eclipse. My May and June 2021 Forecasts predicted:

May 26 Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius 7:14 a.m. Eastern. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse reveals tensions between repressed feelings and group solidarity. Pay attention to light shining on old patterns, condescension, and/or rigid ideals. Do these attitudes still fit? Accept invitations to upgrade.

June 10 New Moon (Annular Solar Eclipse) in Gemini. This eclipse peaks at 6:53 a.m. Eastern time, but eclipse energies last for months. Mercury retrograde conjuncts the Sun on this day, too — helping to process, review and assimilate whatever information came to light around the May 26 Lunar Eclipse.

Since eclipses link into overarching patterns, the prior eclipse provides a kind of preview and extra focus for the one(s) that follow. We often see three eclipses per season, but this year offers only two per season.

My May 26 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse write-up delved deeper into the karmic flavor, emphasized by conjunctions with both the transiting South Node and Asteroid Nemesis. I quoted Alex Miller:

Nemesis was the goddess of due enactment, a karmic equalizer who ensured that no one had too much good fortune, but paid appropriately for their misdeeds. Known as the restorer of cosmic order, Nemesis was particularly focused on punishing acts of hubris, which is defiant pride or arrogance in one’s place, gifts or fortune. Eventually her concept was refined to include a quality of vengefulness or retribution which is lacking in the original, which was more about rectifying imbalance. In modern usage, the term “nemesis” has come to represent any opponent, competitor, or adversary, anyone who stands in the way of our goal, or enacts revenge for wrongs committed.

Astrologically, Nemesis represents the vagaries of Fate, self-undoing, reversal of fortune, and any person or thing which holds us back, prevents our will, denies goals, or punishes our actions. Additionally, there can be issues with assigning blame, scapegoating, or finding fault.

I expected some kind of big, public revelation around the time of the eclipse, and sure enough, FOIA requests presented thousands of emails from Dr. Fauci. “Gain of function,” “bioweapons research labs” and deeper scrutiny of Fauci’s possible role in the creation and spread of COVID-19 hit alternative and mainstream news in a much bigger way. We don’t yet have full clarity on this situation, but the eclipse alignments triggered a data dump resulting in a “reversal of fortune” from “Saint Fauci” to somewhere between “inept,” “Fraudci” and/or Dr. Evil, depending on how one reads the still heavily redacted emails.

This same time period also featured whistleblowers from Facebook revealing top down censorship of anything related to Wuhan lab or public debate about the COVID shots. Again, we don’t have the full story, but sizable revelations and shifts occurred at or around the time of the May 26 eclipse. Bill Gates’ ties to Jeffrey Epstein and Dr. Fauci also created a little mainstream and a lot of alternative news. I mention these because the transiting South Node brings collective karma into the spotlight. We live in a shared collective, so these larger brushstrokes influence the canvas of our lives.

How an eclipse affects individuals depends a lot on the individual natal chart. In my own case, the May 26 Full Moon conjuncted my natal Neptune, while the Sun conjunted my natal Mercury. This Neptune-Mercury opposition colors my chart and life all the time; however, key transits ignite the aspect and make it extra weird. Mercury rules communication and how we share and process information. Neptune rules the collective unconscious, the Dreamworld, and the (much) bigger picture. Mercury likes to categorize. Neptune blurs boundaries.

People who undergo a Neptune transit opposite natal Mercury often feel brain fog and wonder if they’re losing their mind. People who have this natal aspect get used to it, but tend to experience reality in illogical ways. Rational and intuitive sides pull against each other until they integrate. We feel more connected to inner planets like Mercury, whereas outer planets present as mysterious forces or “fate.” An outer planet with a slow orbit, Neptune floods and dissolves a “normal” Mercury.

In my personal and professional life, this Neptune-Mercury opposition plays out as vivid dreams, an ability to tap into and take short trips to other realms, and easy communication with beings “beyond the veil.” I’ve had a lifetime of head injuries, precognitive dreams, and paranormal events. My general life “climate” includes synchronicity storms that would make most people question their sanity.

The May 26 eclipse upped those storm categories.

I awoke about a half hour before the eclipse moment of 7:14 a.m. Eastern time. I’d been dreaming about Jedi Mind Tricks and padawans, a woman in a green evening gown, and how to manage very bendy reality. Here’s an excerpt from my May 26 dream journal entry — not the dream itself but me pondering how this dream energy continued into waking life:

I woke up to clanging in the kitchen, and David apologized if the floor is sticky. My leftover can of black beans had leapt out of the fridge and spread all over the kitchen. He ended up giving the floor a very deep scrub. I apologized but also did not understand how the beans could have just leapt out of the fridge like that. In my mind I noted that I had been meaning to clean the floor, so now it was done. OK. Also, in bed, I had considered that those beans really didn’t agree with me yesterday. I ate them at lunch and got VERY brain foggy afterwards. I considered throwing them out. When I awoke, they had just been literally thrown out of the fridge.

I opened the front curtains [this is all waking life from the beans onward] and a plant leapt off the painted table, landing behind the other plant stands and requiring a clean up. I had been meaning to re-pot that plant and also to clean behind the tables there. I said this to David just as I cleaned it up.

When I was finished, ANOTHER plant, which I had originally thought I might pot up with the first one, also leapt off the table and required more clean up. This was getting ridiculous.

I cleaned that up, then noticed I needed to turn the jade plant. Doing so required me moving a pot of fake plants I use just to fill in the one spot if needed. There’s damage to the plant stand table, which now shows without the fake plant there. All of a sudden I realized that’s where “they” want the two re-potted succulents to go.

I feel like faeries have invaded our house …

When I stood up from cleaning up the second upturned plant, I very gently — ever so gently– whacked my head on the edge of the painted cabinet. I did this at the exact moment of the eclipse, then forgot about it until I read texts from Faery Twin Tania Marie. These arrived the night before, but I only saw them in the morning. She shared how she had cracked her head — hard — the night before the eclipse, just hours after finding a sacrum bone from a bear. You can read her saga here.

Our natal Neptune’s are close to each other and we both had personal activations in our natal charts from the eclipse. I’ve alluded to ongoing inner processing and powerful dreams/synchronicities related to life and death energies. As part of this inner processing for the past two years, I’ve intended “only the gentlest, kindest, easiest, most beneficial, least traumatic, least karmic, most beautiful unfolding.” A Neptunian prayer if ever there was one!

This ongoing intention and my Neptune-Mercury activation colored how I experienced the eclipse. No one “spilled the beans”; actual beans spilled themselves. The flying leap/surrender of plants who’d outgrown their pots, life nudging along the washing of floors that needed washing anyway, and the ever so gentle tap on my head right at the eclipse — all affirmed that healing and growth can occur without excess trauma. The process might involve a little cleanup, but answered prayer can buffer at least some of the intensity.

Later that day, I went on a walk. As I crossed our street, a thought dropped into my mind: “Randy (our next door neighbor) is either getting ready to pass, or he already died this morning.” I saw no overt signs of that, but I felt the energy shift around his home. I returned, did a session for someone whose dear relative died the day before the eclipse, and when I got out of the session, I noticed David looking sad. I hugged him and asked what happened.

“I saw Pam on the way in from work. Randy died this morning.”

Our sweet neighbor had been very ill, off and on, for years. He used to trap and relocate groundhogs for me. I would often visit him on his front porch, or he’d pop by when I watered the front garden. A dream three mornings later made me realize that Randy not only died at the eclipse. He died exactly four years to the day after we first met him — on the day we purchased our home.

I share this here to honor Randy’s life, but also because Randy has sometimes appeared in dreams. I shared one of those dreams on November 14, 2020, sensing a collective component to that dream. It also linked into some ongoing “T-Square” dreams, and a synchronicity supernova. Randy’s death appears to be some kind of time marker connected to a long series of interrelated, seemingly precognitive dreams. Time will tell. I only mention this as dream validation of astrological validation of a lot of people’s intuitive sense that we’re in monumental times. Indeed, I highlighted the period between my May 22 birthday and the end of June as a period of astro fireworks.

The June 10 New Moon (Annular Solar Eclipse) occurs at 19°47′ Gemini, conjunct Mercury Retrograde at 20°41′ Gemini. Later that day, Mercury and the Sun will pass notes as they meet for a moment, then go their separate ways. Expect more revelations.

Dane Rudhyar’s Sabian Symbol for the (rounded up) 20° Gemini Solar Eclipse is:


KEYNOTE: The assimilation of multifarious knowledge through the synthesizing power of the mind.

This … implies a certain kind of synthesis or at least a preparation which leads to a new level. The keynote here is indeed ASSIMILATION; the negative potentiality of the symbol is WASTE.  (You can find the full write-up here.)

This eclipse could trigger such a flood of revelations that important details get lost in a mudslide. Those resigned to inevitable disclosure might release an avalanche of data all at once, in hopes that people lack time, energy or patience to sift through the mess. If enough individuals examine and process these revelations, then we — as a collective — will find and assimilate whatever we most need.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts — and this particular whole might even “show its math.”

Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Gemini square each other during the June 10 eclipse, so any revelations will involve some friction between the intuitive and rational. Cognitive dissonance will clang. Collectively, I expect contrasts of confusion, delusion, dissolution, disappointment, grief, deception, addictions, euphoria, compassion and overwhelm (Neptune) vs. careful review, revision, logic, communication, clarity and rapid response (Mercury).

Whatever floods or floats past our awareness around this eclipse will help shake things loose on the June 14 Saturn Square Uranus event. This key transit following a Solar Eclipse amplifies the themes and messages of each event. As my June Forecast noted:

Squares create constructive friction. Though uncomfortable, our differences can reveal the whole as greater than the sum of its parts. This Saturn square Uranus energy runs throughout 2021. In which areas are you trying to control others? In which areas do you feel others trying to control you? Think “Live and Let Live.” How might this attitude support new levels of cooperation?

The collective will undergo significant shifts this summer. How these events personally impact you depends on your natal chart, as well as which level you choose to engage. You can experience energies in literal or symbolic ways — i.e. “spilling the beans” instead of whistle-blowing or confession.

Some people will read today’s post as political because it references current events. Others will recognize the maxims, “As Above, So Below,” and “As Within, So Without.” Everything we encounter symbolizes and connects with something else. Inner and outer space are vast and linked.

The Saturday following the eclipse — May 29 — I felt the weight of many visions, both personal and collective. Absurd yet confirming synchronicities continued to appear, and I couldn’t shake a profound sense of grief. Part of this was mine, yet it felt bigger than mine alone. I went outside to tend my garden. That usually lifts my spirits, but this time, the heaviness remained. Almost too much to bear.

I noticed a pot of yarrow in the backyard raised bed and made a mental note to fertilize it. Compared to all my other potted yarrow, this one looked puny and malnourished. I weeded the area around the pot as I watered the bed. Then I moved to other areas of the garden. The sadness and weight on my chest remained, as though the hose poured from a bottomless well of grief. This is VERY unlike me — especially in the garden.

Moments later, I heard a sing-song, almost imperceptible “Laurrrrrr—-a. Laurrrrrr—a.”

This quiet, melodic voice beckoned me to turn around. When I did, my eyes shot to a bright spot just behind the pot of yarrow. I said to myself, “What IS that?!”

The sing-song “Laurrrrr—a. Laurrrrr—a” called to me from that spot. I walked over to examine the area I had just viewed while pondering the yarrow and weeding nearby plants.

Out of nowhere, this iris appeared:

As strange as it sounds, the melodic calling of my name seemed to emanate from this flower — or perhaps from a faery disguised as a bug on one petal. I never planted this variety of iris. It’s smaller, more delicate and totally different colors than the large yellow irises we inherited with the yard.

I felt something touch the center of my chest, the area the grief weighed down. It felt like a faery placed the tip of her magic wand right on my heart chakra. The heaviness grew light, then delighted and almost giddy. Joy bubbled up inside my heart. I could still sense the grief, but this beautiful and magical encounter felt like the balm of Gilead.

I shared the photo and story with a few people, and the magic continued. Tania informed me that she has this type of iris in her garden. We know our gardens and offices connect via portals, but this felt extraordinary. Another person with whom I shared the photo and story told me it triggered major faery magic in her own garden. A rose bush that “never blooms” put forth two flowers. She displayed them in a vase and the next day, the entire sprawling rose bush FILLED with blooms. She sent photos, and they are glorious!

I knew I would share this story on my blog, because it illustrates — again — the loving support available when we open ourselves to other levels of experience. We will still sense energies, but things can soften and uplift. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: “Grace happens.”

Open your heart to loving-kindness. That tiny shift will change your world.

6 responses to this post.

  1. Going to emphasize some piggy-backing themes here for anyone reading, as it feels important. As you mentioned, the Eclipses and things like these are individual experiences and that’s only known by the individual and their experience, so pay attention to your own energy signature and what your chosen role in things are. And I’m going to highlight your mentioning how you’ve been intending, since it’s a theme we both have in our stories about the importance of intention and setting parameters so that you’re fully conscious, aware and proactively cocreating your and the collective’s experience. Manifesting is easy these days so be VERY clear what you do and don’t want to manifest. My post you linked to – thank you so much 😘 – goes on to explain this more through my Eclipse experience that from the surface could look harsh, but wasn’t given what I consciously was working with and personally, fully and consciously intended in very literal ways. Know thyself, as they say. Lots of love and harmonious balancing to everyone through these deep reveals and openings still yet to come. We’re all here together to buffer the journey as One.

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  2. Thanks for the extra insights, Faery T! Love you…

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Who knew quantum entanglement applied to irises? Also, Gemini governs neighbors; Randy “eclipsed out” during a Gemini eclipse (eclipses bring people into and out of our lives, as well as other major pieces of news, as you probably know).

    Liked by 1 person


  4. […] things in the outer word AND on how we personally experience it all. Like I wrote as a comment on Laura’s recent blog post (here are […]

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  5. […] « 2021 Eclipse Redux and Preview […]



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