A Scarab Dream, Leap Year, and Synchronous Bugs

My dreams continue their heightened symbols and messages. Last night I awoke from one with the phrase “Venus Square Pluto” in my head. I assumed it meant something from a natal chart, synastry or transit, but I got up and did as I always do when I awake with a particular phrase. I ran an online search and opened the first link. Almost every time I do that, the first link features key information that answers a question or underscores an earlier message.

In this case, the first link said, “Venus Square Pluto February 28, 2020.” I’ve had a number of recent dreams and synchronicities around “leap,” “Leap Year Day” and February 29, 2020. Having a phrase link to a date within 24 hours of that timeframe jumped out at me as a major synchronicity.

I fell back asleep and dreamed a convoluted, highly coded dream that featured symbols specific to me and possibly related to the first dream’s date. At the very end of that dream, a huge scarab beetle superimposed itself onto my dream “screen.” It looked like a movie where the camera zooms in on just one image for effect. Knowing that Carl Jung coined the phrase “synchronicity” after the appearance of a scarab beetle that echoed the scarab jewelry in a client’s just-described dream, this scarab beetle zoom seemed like an announcement: “Pay attention! Synchronicity is in effect.”

I wrote up both dreams in my dream journal and then continued to ponder implications in my regular journal. When I began journaling, I noticed a stinkbug creeping along the line between wall and ceiling. Michigan has a stinkbug infestation, and we get stinkbugs in our house sometimes. They like to come in through our fireplace. When they get low enough, I catch them with a plastic cup and piece of manila folder, then send them flying outside. They’re annoying, but harmless, just creeping along.

At one point, I listed several questions in my journal, kind of asking for confirmation of my interpretation. Just at that moment, the stinkbug dropped to the ground. I thought, “Mr. Stinkbug, you’ve made this rather easy,” and caught him in the cup. He didn’t move at all, and I thought he might have dropped dead at that very moment. I threw him outside. Instead of flying away, he plopped on his back in the snow.

Odd. Stinkbugs and scarabs are both types of beetles.

I continued journaling, then looked up various symbols in my dream. At some point, I thought to reblog a post today, not knowing which one. I typed in “leap year” and the following post came up: “Happy (Quantum) Leap Year!” I originally blogged it on February 29, 2012 and reblogged it on February 5, 2014. That means I can’t reblog it again, but when I reread the post, it seemed oddly related to today’s dreams and sync’s. More bugs — in this case bees, an infinity symbol, Runes, as well as more death and life imagery. My dreams, visions and synchronicities continue to feature a theme of Life in Death — a theme that seems highly charged and related to the ongoing close conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. I had completely forgotten about this potent dream. Here’s the original post from Leap Year Day 2012:

Happy Quantum Leap Year!

I awoke this morning from a dream in which I identified the Hagalaz Rune to a former college professor of mine. He had begun to show me his latest research, found in a rare book with an ornate Hagalaz on the left page and a “picture” of an infinity sign made of bees on the other side. I put picture in quotes, because the bees buzzed around, keeping the infinity sign in living, breathing motion. “That’s Hagalaz!” I said to the professor, “Do you know what that means?!” I stared, transfixed by the bees, watching how their energy engaged the Rune, making it, too, seem to dance upon the page.

My professor disappeared for awhile and returned with an envelope that read, “Please don’t ask me questions about the limits of my research in MY class.” The word “MY” was capitalized and raised, as if by layers and layers of magazine cutouts of that word, taped to the envelope. I realized that he had no idea what he had discovered in purely academic research. He sensed I knew more about this topic, but he didn’t want to look unscholarly in front of his students. I stared at the bees and the now vibrating Rune, marveling that the professor could actually care about his ego more than the miracle we held in our hands.

Hagalaz is one of those Runes you kind of hope you can avoid. Common interpretations include “harsh agent of change,” “hailstorm,” “loss,” “the hag,” “crisis and catastrophe.” Hagalaz is to Runes what the Tower Card is to the Tarot. It means big time change and acknowledges the sometimes traumatic aspects of that process. According to Ari Berk, as written for Brian Froud’s “The Runes of Elfland,” “When we endeavor to change, we walk the parallel paths of creation and destruction because nothing ends without something arriving to take its place. [The hag’s] nature is that of the hailstone leveling crops, yet changing to water in time, a thing most necessary for future growth.” (p. 103)

In keeping with the hail theme, Hagalaz has another form called Hagal, which I often included in portal doors. It looks like a six pointed snowflake, and I used to call it my “create a new Universe Rune.”

According to http://Runes-for-Health-Wealth-Love-Now.com, “RUNE-HAGAL is called the MOTHER OF ALL RUNES because she gives birth to the Consciousness Of One within you.” I love Rune-Hagal, especially its emphasis on harmony; however, the Hagalaz form showed itself in my dream, not the pretty snowflake form. When I awoke, I glanced up from the bedroom window and noticed two squirrels working together to build a nest just at the level of the attic I asked them not to inhabit this winter. They did move, relocating themselves outside, but what I noticed this morning was their gathering of leaves and twigs. I watched them for ten minutes or more, enjoying the careful gathering and placing of tiny branches. At that moment, I got a strong hit to consult “The Runes of Elfland.” Sure enough, the Rune story for the Rune of Loss makes much of the hag gathering twisty branches — a further emphasis on the dream Rune’s Hagalaz aspect.

In “The Book of Runes,” Robert Blum associates Hagalaz with “Disruption,” “Elemental Power,” “Hail.” These sound harsh, but he goes on to remind us: “Change, freedom, invention and liberation are all attributes of this Rune. Drawing it indicates a pressing need within the psyche to break free from constricting identification with material reality and to experience the world of the archetypal mind.”

Tyriel of Rune Secrets explains it this way: “Don’t try to fix what we should break before it breaks us.” “Hagalaz is the rune of objective confrontation with past patterns. It will uncover the vast flow of energies around and through human energy systems. Its nature is completely impersonal and it represents power generally beyond human ability to harness. … Hail shocks you with stinging hardness (confrontation) then it melts into water which creates germination of seeds (transformation). The ancients describe hail as a grain rather than as ice, thus creating a metaphor for a deeper truth of life. It contains the seed of all the other runic energies and this can be seen in its other form, a six-fold snowflake. Spiritual awakening often comes from times of deep crisis.”

Sound familiar, anyone? 2012 energies for sure! But what about those bees? Well, last night, I had asked the faeries to do some work on my teeth and any structural paradigms that needed shifting in my sleep. Bees have close associations with faeries and the Divine Feminine. When I painted doors 11 and 12 in 2010 in Canada, a shaman came to see me at my request. I had been “told” I’d find the right one there, and sure enough, synchronicities connected us. On her way to my location, a bee got trapped in her car and stung her cheek. She said that had “never happened before,” and she took it as a sign of bee medicine needed in my healing. She proceeded to remove “an entire hive” from my heart. Apparently, the bees had been working diligently on my heart, but their temporary “hive” had gotten stuck, even though they’d completed the original healing. She spent an hour, carefully extracting honeycomb pieces, freeing the bees as she did so. It was a potent healing, and I’ve felt closely tied to bees ever since.

As some of us know, bees indicate the health of ecosystems worldwide, and the bees are dying. Scientists have presented explanations from pesticide use to cell phone tower frequencies, but in truth, we don’t really know why the bees leave. I plant flowers to attract bees in my garden, and I talk with them whenever they arrive. According to my favorite shamanism site for dream interpretations, “Bee’s Wisdom includes:

Connection to the Goddess Diana

Understanding female warrior energy


Communication with the dead

Helping earth-bound spirits move on to their proper place



So … some interpretations of bees swarming in an infinity symbol, could mean infinite prosperity, infinite reincarnation, infinite removal of limitations that keep people bound to 3D reality, a return to an infinite sense of the Divine Feminine permeating our world. Plus a warrior willingness to fight for these things! Coupled with the Hagalaz Rune, the bees feel like pure potential for a quantum leap for those willing to set aside limitations imposed by ego. Now is not the time to fear looking stupid for not seeing sooner with the higher perspective becoming available. Sure, we will all probably have moments of “OMG, I can’t believe I ever bought into that!” Some people will choose denial over facing Truth, no matter how liberating Truth can be. “The Truth will set you free,” only sounds appealing to people interested in true freedom, which includes taking responsibility for your own beliefs, emotions, thoughts and the reality these create.

Someone (I think it’s Abraham, but not sure) said, “Belief is simply habitual thought.” In other words, we can change beliefs by redirecting our thoughts. “Truth” can shift as we decide to shift ourselves, as long as we don’t get stuck on looking “right” about negative “facts” that our former beliefs produced — because when we change our beliefs, the facts will absolutely appear to change. In “fact,” they will change, which means some formerly “right” interpretations will no longer fit. We will have grown beyond them!

Hail can pummel plants, but it also waters the ground from which they grow. As we move deeper into the energies of 2012, we continue to face the challenge of freeing ourselves from all that’s come before, or hunkering down and grasping to the old. As Rune Secrets reveals, “Hagalaz can be used as a force of repulsion or banishment. It is used in work to process and dispel the effects of subconscious baggage and ‘shadow elements’ so that your life pattern can carry itself forward in its pure form. Hagalaz has the magical energy of a ‘spring cleaning’.”

On February 29, 2012, we’ve gained an extra day, a leap year day in a year of quantum leaps. As I type this post, the sun shines brightly and the squirrels are upgrading their nest. We stand at the split of two worlds … a world in which all sorts of regulations and restrictive laws take effect on March 1 … or a world of infinite breakthroughs and radical discontinuity. Just like the Tower Card with its tossing of old paradigms into the sea, we have the power to embrace such change, thereby softening the blow.

We can harness that usually un-harnessable force and redirect it to hopes and dreams that need more fuel. We can choose which parts of our past we wish to bring forward, and we can reevaluate those relics that “society” told us to forget. As Ari Berk explains, “[The hag’s] realm includes those portions of Elfland most often lost to the modern world; the frontiers of crumbling kingdoms, the plains of forgotten epics, ruins, mead halls, stone circles, barrows, and the landscapes of ancestral memory. She inhabits all places where we forget to ask, ‘What happened here?’ She pauses at every hearth-side where a story is begun but left unfinished.” (The Runes of Elfland)

What’s your story? What’s our story? We’re at a potentially radical plot juncture. How and where would you love to arrive? Happy Quantum Leap Year!

Much Love!

6 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Eliza Ayres on January 28, 2020 at 12:08 pm

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Goodness me Laura… You are most definitely being spoken to by the Universe my friend. And your detailed account obviously is begging your attention which it got.. And While so fascinated with your Dream and Stink Beetle episode , I also enjoyed reading your past post too..
    I like you keep a dream journal and I have had some pretty amazing ones of late..
    So these words jumped out at me as we are being so primed to fear again right now with ‘Bugs’ of a different kind..
    So your words here just spoke to me

    “Now is not the time to fear looking stupid for not seeing sooner with the higher perspective becoming available. Sure, we will all probably have moments of “OMG, I can’t believe I ever bought into that!” Some people will choose denial over facing Truth, no matter how liberating Truth can be. “The Truth will set you free,” only sounds appealing to people interested in true freedom, which includes taking responsibility for your own beliefs, emotions, thoughts and the reality these create.”

    So important now to keep fear at bay, and understand we are the ones creating our reality with our thoughts that have long been primed with apocalyptic situations..

    So I am in my creative phase… lol… painting, digging over the allotment planting seeds to germinate and visualising beauty and peace in the world…

    I have just finished reading the book again by Lynne McTaggart.. The Intention Experiment.. Fascinating scientific evidence on how intention does work and the power each of us hold both positive and negative..

    I am all for holding and sending the positive out into the ‘Field’ as I know you are Laura..
    And I also learnt something else from your post I didn’t realise it was a Leap Year. 🙂

    Have a wonderful week Laura. and lovely to have caught your post this evening here..

    Love and Hugs.. ❤ Sue

    Liked by 2 people


    • Thank you, Sue! I’m not surprised you keep a dream journal. Yes, I’m definitely being spoken to by the Universe. It’s not that fearful things won’t happen, but the message continues to come through that there is protection, help, support and new life available from any “death,” literal or otherwise.

      Lynne McTaggert’s work is amazing. I listened to a lecture from her about a later experiment with prayer, where she found that praying for others was even more powerful than praying for oneself. I’ve noticed this big time in life — that when we pray for others, the blessings multiply in our own lives. It’s like the Universe wants to affirm our care for others, not just selfishly moving through life. Of course, it’s a balancing act!

      Enjoy your art and planting. You are a bright, beautiful light in our world. Always lovely to hear from you! Love and Hugs, ❤ Laura

      Liked by 1 person


      • Thank you Laura, so are you my friend.. A very special soul with wonderful gifts.. And yes the Power of Eight of hers also shows how when we let go of our own stuff and focus upon others how then the person who is doing the sending also benefits..
        As a trained Spiritual Healer myself, I always came away feeling better and energised… And feel blessed with how life has led me through this labyrinth of learning..
        I agree with you in your first paragraph.. We are all going to witness rapid changes very soon, and while for some it will hold great fear and hardships, our task is to understand a bigger picture is at work here as we are a living, breathing, evolving planet, and we have these cycles to go through..
        The planetary cycles are in that phase again, while I am not as apt as you with the Astrological, I understand the repeating cycles of both, Wars, Famine, Disease, and Weather… We are on that 5,000 yr edge when we are changing yet again..
        We are being given guidance in various ways, and while there are those who are stuck in their ruts, not willing to change.. We are being guided that ALL change Comes from WITHIN…
        And while we both would LOVE to save the whole world.. We are each on our pathways and can only add our various lights with our little bits of knowledge..
        Each are here at this time to share that experience..
        And I am so pleased I have met so many more beautiful lights in my days here In WP… Which makes my heart sing…
        Because if we can find each other, I have great hope many more can find each other also..
        Much love your way dear Laura… Mega Hugs returned ❤ ❤ 💚🙏💛💖💖

        Liked by 1 person


  3. Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:

    This post wants to go up again. It came to me today via multiple synchronicities, including discussion surrounding a new portal commission. Interestingly, we just had another Venus square Pluto event– exact yesterday and still in effect today.

    I have noted to several clients and friends the similarities in energies between 2012 and 2021 — almost like the mass awakening and shifts people expected in 2012 are happening in much more massive ways in this inversion year.

    In any case, this is a long, windy post, which references earlier posts and events that continue to show up at odd times. It feels strangely relevant for the collective energies right now.



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