Spring 2018 Update

Returning from some quite Otherwordly adventures, I wish you a belated Happy Equinox! I cannot even begin to explain how vastly my inner world (and thus also my outer world) has shifted in the past two weeks. Tania Marie just posted her epic Grand Canyon adventure overlapping some of that time, and I will just say that I’ve experienced something similar in terms of integration, timeline shifts, healing, courage and more. Maybe someday I will tell these stories as fiction, because few would believe them as fact. In any case, the internal shifts have created some lovely external manifestations, which I’ll share here.

During this same time period, I’ve noticed clients growing by leaps and bounds, too, so this energy shift seems available to many. I’ve witnessed people coming out of a fog, reclaiming sovereignty over body and soul, embracing an expanded life path, and many people finally clicking in with deep, nourishing soul mate romantic connections. My work gives me an unusual finger on the collective pulse, as I speak with so many unrelated people in different locations, occupations, and of different ages, education levels and more. When I see trends like this happening around the world, regardless of surface details, I recognize the Mystery with a capital M moving through the mists of time and space.

I’ve had the return of some “old friends,” one on an inner plane, and the other delightfully revealed on the outer plane. From August 2001-October 2002, I lived in Seattle, Washington, a block and a half from a somewhat secret entrance to Discovery Park. Except for six rainy winter weeks, I hiked there every single day during that time period. Always, I paid reverence to a special tree, located at the intersection of three trails. My vision was way messed up due to my 1998 TBI, which had brought me to Seattle in 1999 and then again in 2001 for treatment.

When I first connected with my mystical friend Mitch Mattraw, he told me about a tree he regularly visited in Discovery Park, too. For a long while we thought it was the same tree. Once we compared notes, we realized it was not, but Mitch grew determined to find “my” tree, because I spent so much time with it. A lot has changed in Seattle since 2002, but I figured out my old address and how to direct him to the hidden park entrance and where to find the trail. The night before Spring Equinox, I received this photo:


My old friend! At first, I wasn’t sure, because my wacky TBI vision had me thinking the tree was larger around, but I recognized its wise energy and the Faery beings around the tree. It’s also the only tree in the middle of the specific trail setup that radiates from the tree. When I confirmed to Mitch, I received a different sort of confirmation from him:

“Just now, hands on your tree, loving it, two owls started up! lol”

This was synchronous on multiple levels, but whenever I try to share those details, WordPress or my photo malfunctions. Mum’s the word, then! Some gifts remain only for the intended recipient. In any case, the two owls hooting right at that time was eerily significant. When I replied to Mitch’s email the next morning, I got another owl/Druid/tree synchronicity via OBOD’s Equinox email at that exact moment. It included an Equinox message, a photo of an owl, and this quote:

‘I do believe in an everyday sort of magic – the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we’re alone.’  ~ Charles de Lint

Indeed! I didn’t notice at first, but at the same time Mitch was emailing me about my tree, I received another email from a client mentioning my earlier posts about owls. She shared that she has barred owls behind her house “that sound like monkeys.” Whenever I experience a positive shift that’s almost too strange or powerful to believe, owls show up in my life. If I don’t see or hear them myself, then people who know me see or hear them at that time and let me know. It’s uncanny, yet consistent, so I take this “return of an old friend” and the three owl synchronicities as confirmation of the deeper stories I cannot (yet) share. I feel awed, blessed and so very grateful.

Meanwhile, on the astrology front, my studies continue in bizarre form. I’m kind of doing calculus before learning basic arithmetic, writing sonnets before learning vocabulary and grammar. The good news is that my theories keep receiving immediate confirmation from people and events. The better news is that the Lyme book and my sessions will benefit from this new found confidence.

The “slow down news” is that I need to back up and learn the basics, so that I don’t pull an Icarus and melt my wings by the Sun. It’s exciting, though. My mentor, Ann Kreilkamp, is brilliant, and she rolls with my strange insights and, um, highly unusual learning style. Much healing continues to radiate from these studies — again, not things I can share here, but whoa … and on so many levels with so many people! It all feels perfectly aligned, which, if you think about it, really makes sense when studying astrology.

I do need to get some of the more 3D awareness, vocabulary and “grammar” in place, which will require discipline. I intuitively “get” charts, transits, houses, planets and synastry, but I don’t always know how to structure that information. The super exciting news is that I recognize in astrology a language that, once learned, can actually communicate what I sense in medical intuitive and soul readings. All along, I’ve read energies, but I haven’t always had a name for them. When people ask me to teach them how to do what I do, I find it so difficult to explain. I don’t know how I do it, I just do it! Slipping into Otherworld consciousness, reading energy, sensing soul wounds and what they need — all of this comes so naturally to me that stopping to consider the “how” trips me up.

As I’ve deepened my study of astrology, though, and with Ann’s mentoring, I now see that the language of astrology offers a way to share what I know in a format people can understand. Obviously, not everyone will “get” it, but at least I can convey one of the how’s through this medium. The other medium, of course, is Story, and that remains a strong passion and calling.

Life in Kalamazoo grows more interesting by the day. I love having a birch grove within walking distance, and many of our 200+ fall planted daffodils have begun poking through the soil. It looks like we might have some tulips pushing through the soil out back. I hope so! I had despaired of planting tulips here due to all the munching wildlife, but maybe nature will surprise me! Inside, we have these beauties, just about to bloom:


Enjoy the beauty wherever you are!

Blessed be … and be the blessing.

14 responses to this post.

  1. And to add, here’s a 4th owl… When we returned from the GC our amazing sitter had gifts for us! The biggest greeted me as soon as we opened the garage… A giant owl made of bark and other natural things..sync wink train!! I’ll send you a photo since it doesn’t allow it here. it actually took me by surprise, as i was thinking to myself, why would she pick out an owl for me? how does she know? of course other things were at work through her 😉 Love you and all the magickal leaps unfolding for everyone!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Very cool, T! Love you so much, and yes, “my” tree is very special and has a lot to say. So timely to receive that photo, as Mitch and I have talked about this for years, but he only just got the idea very recently. To have that come through right then, with the owls and everything else was wow. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  2. love your tree btw, it’s very special and has a lot to say. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Posted by Sophia Sutton on March 21, 2018 at 10:43 am

    Beautiful, Laura! Feeling so much joy for you and your unique, whackadoodle expression and way of learning…growing. As always, thanks for sharing…you are an inspiration to us all. We have Barred owls and other kinds too at our country property, Quirky Stellata…I love them so and yes, just heard them this morning before getting out of bed. Happy Spring! Much love for the journey ahead. Sophia

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Posted by Mitch on March 21, 2018 at 11:45 am

    Wow, there’s so much going on with the tree I didn’t notice while there, just magical! So happy for all the incredible shifts you’re experiencing my friend! Yay!!!

    Liked by 3 people


  5. Posted by Stephanie Courtenay on March 21, 2018 at 6:26 pm

    I just came across your blog by coincidence. I was sitting in a tree that I often visit yesterday . It’s energy has comforted a healed me many times. Your voice makes me feel less lonely in this life. You speak my language. Thank you Laura for sharing your heart and energy.

    Liked by 2 people


    • You’re welcome, Stephanie! So glad this makes you feel less lonely in life. The language of trees, synchronicity and astrology (which celebrates and documents synchronicity) is a beautiful one, indeed. Many blessings to you and your tree friend. 🙂

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  6. Posted by Kieron on March 21, 2018 at 8:23 pm

    Mitch’s typo made me laugh but I get what he meant. 🙂 Such an exciting development with astro-language, Laura. I can completely see how it will inform your work. I like the word “inform” in this context. The less-known meaning is what I sense you’re developing here. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    • LOL, Kieron, literally LOL! I just corrected the typo, but too funny given that my recent colon cleanse led to doing astrology. Gotta love the Freudian typos! And yes, astrology will “inform” my work — and has for many years. I just didn’t always think to put a planetary name on the “energy” I was reading. 🙂

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  7. […] « Spring 2018 Update […]

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  8. […] most years. Finding H.D.’s grave took some legwork, but hat tip to Super Sleuth friend Mitch, who can find anything. He got me in touch with the Nisky Hill cemetery caretaker, Sally, who sent […]



  9. […] at important times in my life, usually right before, during or after a major shift. They also appear to people close to me — in dreams, hoots or “real life” sightings — and somehow these people sense the association with me. This most recent trip to […]



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