In Case You Wondered … Yes, the Energies Have Been Intense!

I keep getting emails, questions in sessions, and private texts from clients, friends and family asking me what the heck is up with the recent energies. Yes, they have been VERY intense! Some people have been using these energies as rocket fuel for positive changes. Others have felt overwhelmed by sudden health crises, major relationship flare-ups, mandatory evacuations, and “out of the blue” switcheroo’s.

I personally am doing very well, with lots of super synchronous opportunities appearing and requiring openness and readiness for change. I know many people have had their worlds rocked in the past two weeks, though, because I’ve heard about it in sessions. I coach a number of therapists, and they also noted a major uptick in crises, emotional outbursts and addictive relapses, especially since Easter. It feels like a big cleanse, in which the old gunk temporarily recirculates before its full release. It also feels like a time to go inward, and many people feel they simply cannot maintain the external obligations of a previous status quo.

Although my own life is going well, I had not one, but two, family emergencies last week, plus an onslaught of panicked correspondence from various people. To summarize, we’ve got four planets in Retrograde right now, including Mercury. You can find ways of dealing with Merc Rx by clicking here. Since April 9, Saturn, the cosmic task master, is moving Retrograde at the Galactic Center until August 25th, and we’ve got all manner of collective machinations ranging from civil unrest to World War 3. If you’re at all empathic or even the slightest bit conscious, such things exert influence on your life. The trick is to observe, consider (or reconsider) your options, and then commit (or recommit) to whatever makes your soul sing.

It really can be that simple. What step, right now, feels right in your gut? What brings surprising relief whenever you consider it? What choice, right now, supports those deep inner longings and desires that never seem to go away? What action, right now, aligns you with your path? With all these planets Rx, keep in mind that the next step might be a step backwards — a time to clean up, clear out, or review. If you cannot pass Go without taking this step, then stop resisting it. Use these strong Rx energies to focus on what demands attention before moving forward.

When choppy waves appear, we can drown or learn to ride them. We can throw ourselves to the sharks, or find our balance and glide with exhilaration. This is not a time for indecision; it’s a time for extreme presence, moment by moment. If you can’t make out the bigger picture, that’s fine. Just get clear on how you’d like to feel and then make micro-adjustments throughout the day to edge you closer to that feeling.

If you’d like extra support, please don’t hesitate to request a session. Big waves=big potential for lasting change.

Surf’s up, Lovey’s! Hang ten.

15 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Linette on April 24, 2017 at 11:49 am

    Reblogged this on and commented:
    There is lots of fluctuation in the Force, friends! Laura Bruno has wisdom to share, as usual. Stay calm, focused, and open, and you can follow the thread through to the other side!

    Liked by 1 person


  2. The new normal. 🙂 A good and timely insight-musing, Laura. Thanks for sharing. Blessings aplenty, J.

    Liked by 1 person


    • So true, Jamie! I keep telling people to get used to — learn to surf, because it’s not going away anytime soon, and really, it can be lots of fun! Big blessings, Laura



  3. Posted by Mitch on April 24, 2017 at 1:48 pm

    This Pisces knows to hang back behind the choppy surf line and wait, eventually, a set of great, ridable waves will come along. Thank you Laura for this wisdom and heads up Laura!

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Posted by Dawn Vierra on April 24, 2017 at 2:28 pm

    Reblogged this on Deer Heart Reiki Blog and commented:
    Oh yes!!! Thank you Laura. Feeling it and riding the wave. Surf is up!!

    Liked by 1 person


  5. “Space is the Place”

    Sun Ra

    Liked by 1 person


  6. […] available and infinitely, intimately close for those willing to reach for it. I mentioned on April 24th that yes, the energies have been very, very intense for many people. As I said to David tonight after another round of emails requesting sessions or […]



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