Empathic Resonance ~ Gemini New Moon 2015 by Adam Sommer

Blessed New Moon! Lots of new things popping up for clients and friends, hopefully for readers, too!

Tania Marie

Astrologer, Adam Sommer, shares his take on today’s Gemini New Moon, which I feel you’ll find resonating and supportive.

In his reflective synopsis he shares:

“This Moon falls in the last decan of Gemini (20-30 degrees).  It is in this space where we experience the most extreme forms of polarity. According to the Egyptians, it marked the end of their calendar year. This has to do with the Summer Solstice.  When the Sun leaves Gemini, it enters Cancer, which also is both the highest the Sun will get in the year and the beginning of its descent.  The Lord of Light begins to sink, shrink, and wane.  And so we get images Cain slaying Abel, fallen men on the battlefield, Castor, the mortal twin being struck down, and a wise man laughing as the blade separates head from body.  It is symbolic…

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