Ken ~ Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 1 – BRICS Propaganda and the BIS

Here’s Ken with another smoke and mirrors update. For the record, I do sense we have potential for real, positive change on this planet. It will just require much vigilance and discipline on our part to ensure we don’t simply swallow the lazy, easy, too convenient to be true options presented as a saving grace. Even in the likely event that the scams go through, alert people can still use the injected relief to our own sovereign advantage, if we remember to focus individually and locally on extracting ourselves from the system instead of diving fully into it.

I notice that the Illumisnotty have developed an admirably thorough roll out, complete with a new propaganda book, Hollywood stars and musicians presenting the whitewashed version, Gnostic scholars conveniently paving the way for a slight revision of the One World Sophianic Mythos into a One World Luciferian Religion … a “brand new” banking system to “replace” the old, corrupt one … a pope calling for wealth sharing (except from the Catholic Church’s coffers, of course!) … multiple attempts to normalize pedophilia as just another sexual “preference.” Oh, yes, they’ve got us covered in Illumisnot, with themselves as self-appointed tissues, to follow their simultaneous roles as sneeze and boogie(men).

Anyway, here’s Ken. I particularly agree with his conclusion to an earlier piece:

 What most people do not yet recognize is that the globalists have already lost. They took a big risk when they chose to wake up the people in the belief they could control where their minds went once the deed was done, and it’s going to bite them in the ass…

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 1 – BRICS Propaganda and the BIS

by Ken at

Given all the things the globalists set in motion in the final few months of last year, as well as all the preparatory propaganda they laid down in December, I’ll be going to an event watch format so I can be more agile in keeping up with them. For today, I thought I’d share a preface Brandon Smith wrote for an article over on

Brandon is one of the few (if not the only) financial writers out there who… A) get it, and B) have the guts to write about it. Not only is he dead-on about the BIS playing the wise man to the national central banks’ fool, but the BIS is also chiming in on the “strong dollar” as well. Just have a look at what I got when I did a Google News search on the terms “BIS warns”:
…and this is just the top part of the first page of results. They are setting themselves up to be the wise supranational institution that “saw it all coming” and could have prevented it “if only we’d had the power to rein in the national central banks.”

As you look upon the search results, note how they are warning about the strong dollar, and the propaganda press is writing stories about it too. They are basically setting the stage for transitioning to the SDR as the global reserve currency. This is their basic argument:

1) The sudden strength of the dollar is putting pressure on other nations who have taken out loans denominated in dollars. When the dollar gets stronger, it takes more of their currency to purchase each dollar they need to pay back their loans, which creates great difficulty for those with restricted budgets. For example, a $1 million loan payment would have cost a Russian about 33 million rubles to pay back in July of last year; to pay it this month will cost about 58 million rubles.

2) If only we had a supranational currency that was stable in value, difficulties like this could be avoided. We wouldn’t have to worry about fluctuations between the values of national currencies.

What the BIS central bankers don’t tell you, of course, is that they are the ones intentionally causing volatility in the exchange rates in order to profit from trading them. They are creating the problem that they are proposing to solve (by giving themselves even more power).

Few people know that the BIS’s Board of Directors is actually made up of the very central bank heads it’s criticizing. Here are three of them who will get a lot of heat from BIS propaganda when things go south: the previous head of the Bank of Japan, Masaaki Shirakawa; the current head of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen; and the current head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi…
…Do you really think the BIS and the members of the BIS Board of Directors are in disagreement with each other? Of course not. They are simply putting on a show of incompetence at the national level and competence at the supranational level so power can be centralized.

For a more in-depth look at the BIS and their strategy, read this entry: Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.

More to come in Update 1…

[Update 1 – 3 January 2015]

BRICS Propaganda and the BIS

In “Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce,” I took an in-depth look at a BIS-related propaganda article from state-owned China Daily, so let’s now take a look at a recent propaganda piece out of government-funded RT

Here are some key excerpts (with my comments in brackets)…

“A study by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) suggests dollar dominance could spell disaster for emerging markets.

The spectacular recovery by the US dollar could ruin emerging market economies that have large dollar-denominated debts, which in turn could trigger chaos in the global financial markets, the Swiss-based global watchdog said…”

[In case you didn’t get the message they’re trying to convey, here it is: dollar dominance = disaster, especially for the “emerging market economies” to whom the globalists are marketing the BRICS institutions. And the BIS, a joint creation of the English banksters and their Nazi buddies, is the “global watchdog” (substitute “mad” for “watch” and you’ll be closer to the truth).]

“The Bank for International Settlements, dubbed the bank for central bankers, warns of the imbalance between dollar debt and dollar output, and said it could have a ‘profound impact on the global economy.’…”

[So dollar dependence could lead to “chaos in the global financial markets,” which could have a “profound impact on the global economy” (thus leaving the hanging implication that we need to move on to some alternative to the dollar, like the SDR).]

A tightened monetary policy by the US Federal Reserve, paired with the strong dollar, could exacerbate debt problems in emerging markets.

A strong dollar, as pointed out by Borio, can raise debt burdens for countries with weaker currencies, as a strong dollar has historically triggered turmoil in emerging markets, such as in Latin America in the 1980s, and Asia in the 1990s.”

[So it’s also the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve that is creating problems for the emerging markets (“Blame the Fed” and “Sieg Heil, BIS”).]

After going on to bemoan the “outdated” dominance of the dollar as the primary global reserve currency, they offer the globalist solution to the problems posed by the strong dollar and the Fed’s policies…

As I’ve noted in previous entries, the globalists have intentionally instigated Western misconduct and market volatility in order to drive the rest of the world into the waiting arms of the BRICS institutions. In fact, the BRICS’ New Development Bank will have a safety net ready for the emerging economies once things get dicey. It’s called the Contingent Reserve Arrangement

“The Bank would also provide assistance to other countries suffering from the economic volatility in the wake of the United States’ exit from its expansionary monetary policy.”

Of course, loans from globalist multilateral institutions always come with strings attached. ;-)

The article then goes on to point to the light at the end of the dollar dominance tunnel…
…China and its yuan.

I’ll pick up from here in the next update…

[Link to original article . Please note, Ken has since added at least one update.]

9 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Ann Kreilkamp on January 4, 2015 at 7:26 pm

    Love your commentary on this post . . . illuminasnotti. YES! Thanks. It’s just the right tone to take.



  2. Posted by Kieron on January 4, 2015 at 11:02 pm

    I kind of wish Ken would allow comments on his blog but then that would distract him from his research, and of course his inbox would fill and overspill with the shrillness of shills who doth protest too much. And look at the picture of Gordon Duff with those other suits. God, I am so tired of ugly old dudes in their silly duds and thousand-dollar haircuts (if they even have any hair), trying to control every last little speck of existence right out of existence just so they can have more more dirty dollar to their names!



    • I have to ask — is Gordon looking good??? I can’t see people normally. I only read energy. To me, he looks wretchedly not well … But that is perhaps just the energy cloud around him, which will eventually translate to physical if not already. That is an issue I have with filtering how people “look.” If their energy’s not aligned, they look awful to me, no matter how primped or dolled up. That said, I know what you mean. 🙂



  3. Just received an email that made me realize the comments about Gordon Duff are out of context if you had not visited Ken’s site and read his various posts on Veterans Today and in particular, Gordon Duff. My comment was in disagreement to Ken saying that Gordon looked “spry” for a 100% disabled vet. I did not think he looked spry; however, I wondered if that was my own filter of his energy or an actual physical condition as claimed by Gordon. People who have read Ken’s expose’s of the incredible morphing biography of Gordon Duff will recognize the context of these comments. If not, please ignore.



  4. Posted by Doreen Agostino on January 5, 2015 at 9:43 pm

    Wall Street Sounds Alarms



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