Magickal Self Defense and One of Those Days …

I have a lot of protection around me. This I know. Some of it has always surrounded me; some of it I’ve actively engaged through energetic and other means. Every once in awhile I wonder if I rely too heavily on such ethereal protection, and, conversely, if I’m maybe a bit paranoid even to think I might need protection. You see, pondering someone stealing from me isn’t something I regularly do. I have little magickal “booby traps” and Runic filters and orgone pucks set up around our property, but usually I just let those do their thing without much additional thought.

For some reason, late last week, my Spidey senses went way up. I couldn’t put my finger on what, where or how, but I just sensed some kind of thieving energy around. I didn’t feel personally threatened, but I just sensed this kind of sneaky energy. I re-upped the energy around our home and even discussed the effectiveness of this process with a friend who visited on Friday.

To give some context: when I set up this original “booby trap” last fall, as an after thought, I added our next door neighbors’ property into the protected zone. Unbeknownst to me, the mom had had a pregnancy moment and left her purse, with laptop and keys on their porch, and that purse had been stolen prior to me adding them to this booby trapped and boomeranged energy, which is set to include a return of whatever was stolen, along with a threefold blessing. I ran into the dad the day after I added their property to my protection zone, and he was mystified that someone had stolen the purse, laptop and keys and then, mysteriously — three days later, but immediately after I added their property to the magickally protected zone — dropped the goods like a hot potato, about a block up the street, right by the railroad tracks. The mom just happened to glance out of their car as they drove by and realizing what she was seeing, got out and grabbed her purse from the ground. Everything, including the laptop, keys, wallet, etc. was still there, but it had not been there earlier. As a result of this theft, our mutual landlord decided to redo and double the size of their front porch, and completely redo their back porch — a threefold blessing. I took that as confirmation that whatever protection I put on this property works.

Anyway, that’s the background, and I was relaying that story to my friend last Friday, saying that even though I know this stuff works, I was suddenly feeling like someone wanted to steal from me. I surveyed our property and didn’t find any vulnerable spots, but the feeling persisted. David and I went shopping in Mishawaka on Saturday, and after one purchase, I had this weird thought, “Hmmm, I wonder if they have one of those card reader snatchers where they take your credit card number as you swipe.” An odd thought for me to have, but odd enough that I noted it. We continued our shopping adventure, had a lovely meal out at our favorite Korean restaurant, and generally enjoyed our evening. Despite my odd sense of some lurking would-be thief, our house was fine when we returned. No real surprise there; the persistent sense of a thief was the surprise, since I know our car and home are well protected.

More context: I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting what seemed a bizarrely long time for some money to clear. The money wasn’t from just one source but from many sources, which added to the oddity of none of it clearing into my bank account. I was fine for cash but did wonder, “What the heck is up? It’s not even Mercury Retrograde yet! Why’s the bank account going all wonky?” This morning I went online to check if any of the money had cleared, only to find two unauthorized charges on my debit/credit card — one a $99 reloading of a Starbucks card and the other for $.01 from — get this — a health insurance company! It was the initial test from them to see if the card worked before they ran it for the full amount of insurance. I caught it before they could run the card for more than a penny, but I’m quite amused that someone buying insurance would likely be using their own name in order to qualify for service. I also realized that my money had been delayed so that there was not much more in that account for anyone to steal. Synchronous delays!

I had to laugh, as I’d told my friend and then David again today, “People reallllly shouldn’t steal from me or try to cheat me. It always, always backfires. Big time.” Soooo, instead of doing some things I wanted a legitimate reason to procrastinate, I headed back to the credit union with David (who works there) after his lunch break, so that I could file a fraud report.

On our way out, I checked the mailbox, because I had also been waiting an exceedingly long time for a delivery that supposedly got here last Thursday. It didn’t, though, and the P.O. had no idea where it was other than “delivered on Thursday.” I emailed the company about insurance but hadn’t heard back from them yet. David wondered aloud if the missing package had included my credit card number with the order and was the source of the security breech. I briefly questioned the protection on this property if someone managed to steal something from our mailbox, but I figured … “Well, woe is them if they get caught for mailbox tampering, credit card fraud and insurance fraud all in one fell swoop.” We checked the mailbox, though, and, lo and behold, the missing package was there, adding to the surreal nature of today with things shifting in and out of reality. I continued to feel protected, but started feeling that eerie uptick of protection in which you know there’s something bigger going on. This was only amplified by me receiving a reply from the company right after finding the package.

I filed the report and got a new card with the credit union. Following the credit union, I planned to stop at the police station, but since I had another delivery expected today and wouldn’t be here to accept it, I mentally requested for that delivery to come “right after I get home.” I then wandered through downtown Goshen to the police station and filed that report, too. The policeman and credit union employee agreed that the insurance purchase might provide quite the trail to the thief. As I walked home, I meandered, stopping here and there to look at things or chat with people but while at the library, I got a very clear, “OK, head home now.” So I did.

When I arrived home, FedEx arrived within a minute with my delivery, which I brought inside. Then I looked on ShiftFrequency, and imagine my surprise to see a photo of downtown Goshen, Indiana, from the exact angle where I had stood on my wanderings, pondering if I wanted to go right onto downtown Main Street or just head left towards home. Here’s the video with that exact image of where I paused and took a mental photograph:

What’s even odder is that the video appears to have nothing whatsoever to do with Goshen. It just happens to include my mental snapshot as I stood feeling whether to go right or left to ensure I’d arrive home exactly before FedEx got here. As soon as I finished typing a comment on Shift Frequency about the synchronicity of seeing downtown Goshen on there right after walking through downtown Goshen on a layered synchronous day, David’s sister pulled into the driveway to drop off some goodies for me. I ushered her inside to verify that this was, in fact, downtown Goshen, with Routes 33 and 15 through town, the courthouse and the various storefronts. Indeed, she said, it was.

So, here I sit, getting ready for sessions after I purposely left clear (for some reason) the very late morning to early afternoon slots on my schedule. That time period proved important, but so folded in upon itself as to feel quite freaky even in my normally synchronous day.

Does magickal protection work? I’m inclined to take today as an affirmative response — with a reminder to add my debit card (as opposed to just my bank account, which to its credit, did refuse to fill up until the coast was clear). I will also add any out of town purchases or adventures into my intended realm of protection. I don’t know why I’m sharing this convoluted story here, but I trust there’s a message in here for someone.

This whole experience reminds me a bit of a hilarious (but not) blog post by Amythyst Raine-Hatayama. I could also summarize it by what the plaque in my office says:

Don't Piss Off the FairiesWhen you’ve got friends in invisible places, sometimes Mischief Happens. Other times it’s all pixie dust, giggles, chortles and guffaws. In any case, wise ones won’t spam Amythyst Raine-Hatayama or try to steal from Laura Bruno. It’s just not worth the (double, double, toil and?) trouble. ๐Ÿ˜‰

31 responses to this post.

  1. well, you know my story from this summer…but hey, where can I get one of those signs???



    • Your story from this summer rocks! I forget where we got that sign. I think it was at a faery garden center in Illinois. I’ll see if David remembers, or maybe I can paint you one. ๐Ÿ™‚



  2. You are too much. I will do a search online….no trouble. I hope I can find one that looks billboard size! (giggles) PS I did not send package last week. Clear ‘feeling’ to wait to this week. Know why!



  3. Laura your experiences today are a very good reminder for all of us to check and, if necessary, expand the scope of our own protection practices we have put in place. In addition, your experiences today are also a very good reminder to pay attention to our own inner sense of “something is not right”. Glad your experiences had a good outcome.




    • Thanks, Sky, and yes, it has has a good outcome for me. I won’t be out any money, and perhaps because the person chose to steal from me, they will be caught. I’m curious what my threefold return will be, though. ๐Ÿ˜‰



  4. This is very synchronous for me. Today I am dealing with an Orgonia customer who is I am pretty sure perpetrating a fraud, ie “stealing” from me in a fashion. After 900+ orders filled this is the first time that has happened, so I am sitting up and taking notice. Your post was kind of eerie to read. Bo Long

    Liked by 1 person


    • That IS kind of eerie! Here’s hoping things get straightened out. There was definitely something up around me, as I just got notice regarding another shipment that UPS notified the company that they “broke the shipment” and so they’re replacing it before I even receive it. That is now three strange things just with shipping alone, plus my friend Ella getting the message to wait on sending something until next week.



  5. “Breakage” also happens to be involved in my thing, but it is impossible breakage – very strange.



    • Yeah, same with mine. How do you break aloe gel??? I guess the plastic bottle broke, but it’s odd all around. Full refund coming since they can’t charge my credit card for the shipment.



  6. Laura. This is so odd to read this today. I got a call this morning from a fraud detection company that works for me credit union. They were calling me to find out if I had made a number of charges online one after another this morning beginning around 7am. It totaled close to $350 dollars before the block was put on my credit card. I was very thankful that they alerted me so quickly. It was half of my rent money. But I had set a bubble of protection over me particularly consciously this morning. I normally do but it was much more intended and clear this morning. So went to the credit union at lunch time. Got a new debit card and once the charges go out of pending status I will file the disputed forms. My money will be returned in 24-36 hrs. I didn’t stress about this I just knew that it would all work out. And the credit union is awesome about this. Told me I have a certain overlord credit limit and if I need to use it they will remove any and all fees. I must say I love the idea of I bluffing the boonerang effect. I normally protect myself and Java/Jadey. My dog/ cat companions every day. I like broadening my protection scope too from your story. Love it!



    • How interesting, Dawn! Glad it worked out for you, too. Something odd is in the ethers, but it’s good to know it can’t really affect us as much as it might have if we were less aware and less protected. Love it and you!



      • I’m so glad everything worked out for you too. The protection sure made a big difference. I love the part about your neighbor and her belongings. Way cool



        • Yeah, our neighbors are funny. One day, the guy was talking with me about how the garden was so lucky it didn’t get destroyed in the multiple tornadoes that ripped through town. In an unguarded moment, I said, “Well, nothing better happen to this garden! If something does, then the Nature Spirits and the planet are on Notice. I put in my time. I expect a good faith exchange.” He kind of jumped, said that makes sense and then said, “So I guess we’re realllly lucky to live next to you, huh? Cuz anything happening to our property would probably be too close for comfort to yours.” He then asked if we had people wander around our yard at night, because he had heard some on the other side edge of their yard. I said, “This place is booby trapped. Are you telling me I need to booby trap yours, too? Have I told you about all the thorny plants I’m researching for the far side by the apartments? Oh, and the bees and wasps … wait until I get them here.” At which point he told me he’s allergic to bees, so I reconsidered those. He was very excited about the thorny hedge — the literal one — and the implied THORN hedge of Runes, of which he doesn’t know the details. I don’t want to spook them too much, but they kind of know something’s up with our yard and I’ve made it known that it would be very wise for people to skip our houses if they have any ill intent. So far so good. ๐Ÿ˜‰


        • That’s awesome. I’m laughing while I’m reading this.


        • David and I designed an alarm sign with a blue seven-pointed Faery Star in a Circle and all blue lettering that says, “Protected by FAE Systems.” We did it as a joke, but now I’m kind of feeling like I should post it just as fair (subconscious) warning. Our neighbor across the alley just posted a big Beware of Dog sign, which may or may not be a bluff to ward off people. She does have a strange, excitable dog, but I took it as more of No Trespassing intention. I do wonder if I should post the FAE Systems sign in various spots on windows and around the yard just as a visual deterrent because there are real consequences from my invisible protectors. I’ve got an entire pack of faery hounds guarding this place, plus all the booby traps and boomerangs. All of which is not the greatest compliment to Goshen, btw, but so far we have been bypassed. If poop starts hitting fan more in this country, who knows what kind of FAE action we’ll see (or sense) happening in our yard?

          LOL, one last thing … so at the credit union, I told the member services woman that I had had that intuitive thought about the credit card reading machine after I made the purchase on Saturday in Mishawaka. She said, “Wow, that’s so weird you had that thought, since this first charge was made on Saturday and the next on Sunday!” I said, “Well, I work as an intuitive, so it’s not really that odd for me. I’m just sharing in case that’s helpful in the investigation. It might be a lead.” She said, “What’s an intuitive?” I tried to explain a bit of what I do — a very censored version of what I do — and she just looked blank. Then she said, “Well I still don’t know what intuitive means, but maybe you have a bit of a sixth sense.” I just laughed and said, “Yep, maybe I do!”

          Giggles in Goshen ….


        • I absolutely love the idea of posting the FAE sign. They really don’t know who or what they are dealing with. On many levels it’s a good idea. You guys are a hoot. As for the bank lady….. In amazed she didn’t low intuitive but did know sixth sense. It is a bit of a comedy when you explain it. A bit of high jinxs. ๐Ÿ˜œ

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Wonderful story! Magick rules!!

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Posted by Mary on September 30, 2014 at 4:10 pm

    Yesterday was super funky. I was in a rush as I left for work thinking I needed to make time that morning. Well, the driveway out was blocked by two trucks… hmm. Then I ended up behind a super slow moving vehicle when I finally did get on the road to the freeway. hmm… As not all “road blocks” are created equal, at least for me (some are my subconscious throwing a temper tantrum when I’m tripping over triggers it has deemed unsafe, some of those triggers are actually steps to fulfilling my purpose), so I have to figure out what kind of roadblock is popping up and why… Is it an opportunity to plow through and step outside my comfort zone or is it the Universe saying “take your time going in today, stop/slow whenever you can”. Well this one turned out to be the Universe having my back. Turns out there were State Patrols on the freeway pulling people over for speeding! Ha, Yes indeed, SLOW down.

    I had credit card fraud this year too. My senses went wackadoo then I got a call from the CC company asking me about a suspect purchase. It’s very uncomfortable to get those vibes when something is a foot. Drives me nuts until I figure it out.

    Btw – today seems much more “normal”. But it’s early yet!



    • I agree, Mary, today’s energy seems much more normal. It turns out yesterday was weird for a lot of people! When the credit card fraud made itself tangibly known, I did feel it as somewhat of a relief — like, oh, THAT’s where that’s coming from! Well, this is easy enough to fix and shift. It’s those “unknown unknown’s” that can drive you nuts if you let them. ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad you listened and slowed down!



  9. Got a question for you about this Laura. Someone who felt a possible personal threat, could they use the techniques above. I didnt see why not. I was having a discussion about this and someone suggested that this would be the wrong way to handle a personal threat doing the boomerang thing. They were very adamant about that. They suggested having the energy that was being sent by the threatening person transmuted into love and sent back to the person threatening. I get the transmuting into love. What I don’t agree with is the sending it back to the person in that form. I’ve used that technique in the past and it totally escalated the situation. The Threatening person does not take kindly to such energy. Just curious.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Well, there is the whole “love n light” magick lite, Wiccan Rede “harm none” crowd that would certainly tell you to transmute it into love before sending it back, but generally that sort of thing does not take care of situations in which someone is disrespecting your sovereignty or personally threatening you. It would work under certain circumstances but you are correct in that it would require the other person to respond positively to such energy in order for it to work. If they are far enough out of that vibration, then sending love will just be transmuted into whatever energy they’re using. It really depends on who you’re dealing with.

      Most people are extremely uncomfortable with their own power, so the question of self defense really hits buttons, including, maybe especially so — magickal self defense. It’s not that different than the 3D question of the 2nd Amendment. I am not a gun advocate because they are messy, both legally and physically if you shoot someone, but I understand the principle people are defending. The right to protect yourself is a basic right, it is a cornerstone of human dignity and freedom, because if you have no right to defend yourself, then you are a slave. Pure and simple, if someone can kill you and you have no defense whatsoever, then you are put into the category of either their victim or their slave. Those who have concealed carry permits (for guns or other weapons) or who know advanced martial arts will tell you that you always want to try to avoid violent conflict — ESPECIALLY if you have the advantage, because having a powerful means of self defense requires responsibility, knowing that you could take someone out.

      In the event that a situation has already escalated out of control, though (where someone is actively attacking a victim or trying to attack the would-be self-defender) then immediate, decisive action is what works. You’re not going to love n light a killer or robber into stopping mid-action. The same principles apply on the magickal side, imho. You do your best to avoid confrontation, to keep your vibe high, to shift energies, to live the Golden Rule; however, if someone is actively ignoring those warnings, requests and respect and they are threatening your person and/or property, imho, the boomerang effect is powerful, quick, decisive and may teach them a lesson so that next time they don’t mess with you. And maybe they don’t mess with anyone again.

      Self defense is really the same issue whether you do it with martial arts, guns and/or magick. We live in a culture that is so brainwashed that most people associate self defense with aggression. That brain washing is very pervasive, very real, and very deliberately orchestrated. If it weren’t so deep, then we wouldn’t live in such a backwards world in which a relatively small number of psychopaths rule the world through sexual predation on children, blackmail, grand scale theft, murder and intimidation. If more people had defended themselves in the beginning, things would not have escalated so far out of control.

      “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke) Or women. Or witches. Or children. The point is, at some point it becomes the responsibility of a good person to do something. And sometimes that Something includes the boomerang. In the real world, anyway. In the land of CIA entrainment and co-opted religion, sure, love n light will save the day. Yep. Because it has worked so well so far …

      Love is extremely powerful, but sometimes “Love” means taking action to stop something in its tracks, not just passively beaming platitudes and smiles at someone engaged in theft, rape, or other violence. Real love means courage and a willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions, magickal or otherwise. Most people don’t have the courage to follow through and accept responsibility for “harming” someone intent on harming them, and so they passively endorse that person to go right on harming others to exponentially greater degrees. By my definition that’s not love. That’s cowardice masquerading as love in order to avoid punishment or uncomfortable Shadow Work. Of course, I’ve been a warrior for a long, long time. My sword happens to be love, but it is, nonetheless, a very sharp sword. ๐Ÿ˜‰



  10. Posted by Sky on October 10, 2014 at 9:29 pm

    Another way of looking at defending one’s self is to “RETURN TO SENDER” harmful energy, attacks from others. It’s no different than returning spoiled milk to the grocery store. You don’t want to drink spoiled milk and it’s quite understood when one returns it. The store often then returns that spoiled milk to the distributor or company that sent it to them.

    When using the “return to sender” approach to defend one’s self, family, or property, one is not “sending” or wishing harm to anyone, rather merely “returning to sender” that which was sent your way. Such as unwanted negative energy or attacks. The sender also has the same choice of returning harmful energy to its source rather than keeping it.

    Did I mention when you return it, you should return it “seven-fold”? At minimum. One can choose to return it “ten-fold” or even one hundred-fold, if one wants.

    This discovery of “return to sender” was a wonderful revelation to me when I discovered it recently. It’s very much along the lines of using the Hagalaz rune which “mirrors back” energy sent one’s way. It’s even biblical.

    “Return to sender” is my daily practice and policy from now on.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Thanks, Sky! Yes, the boomerang is the same as Return to Sender, and I am a softie in that I only return it as is or three-fold. Seven-fold definitely sends a message with the return. ๐Ÿ™‚



      • Posted by Sky on October 10, 2014 at 9:52 pm

        “Return to sender” creates the opportunity for the sender to choose differently, for themselves and others. Hopefully to choose “better”.

        When one or one and one’s family is under deadly attack, one needs the seven-fold response. You’re not only protecting yourself and those you love, you’re encouraging the sender to find another way of dealing with things. A way that doesn’t harm others — or them.

        I once was in a restaurant when someone suddenly came in with a knife waving it menacingly.. I don’t know what his beef was and it was quite clear it wasn’t open for discussion. A friend and I quickly headed for the back door only to find it locked. The whole restaurant of about 15 customers was facing injury or death. The only way “out” was past him. Then a motorcycle gang member in the restaurant took off his belt, which was a motorcycle engine chain. He began waving it like a lariat in wide fast loops as he advanced threateningly toward the man with the knife. The man quickly left, and all the customers, including myself, were saved. I learned that day why many motorcycle gang members wear motorcycle chains as “belts”.

        Definitely a situation that wasn’t going to respond to “love and light” in the few seconds before the first person was knifed. The biker basically was “returning to sender” the threat being made against a restaurant of customers. …And it worked.

        Given the state the world is in today, we all need to begin using “return to sender” quickly, confidently, and effectively. It’s most effective when used as a daily practice every morning and before going to sleep.



  11. Thank you Laura and Sky. I agree wholeheartedly with you both. I think there are so many grey areas in regards to this. How can one say to just return the transmuted nasty energy to the person. If someone is harming anyone or an animal and I desire to protect them I’m most likely not going to stand there and send them love. I’m going to take action in whatever is deemed necessary. Love is action. Otherwise it is just a useless word. Thank you both for taking the time and energy to expand this discussion.

    Liked by 1 person


    • You’re welcome, Dawn, and thank you for raising the question. It’s a big one, with a lot of grey areas. Love IS meant to be an action verb, not just a passive one. We can “be” love, but sometimes we also need to “do” love. ๐Ÿ™‚



  12. Reblogged this on Reiki Dawn and commented:
    I felt the comments section in the post made it worth while to repost Laura’s reall good blog on protection and defense. It’s worth contemplating. I’ve had some recent conversations about this subject. Some vehemently hold the belief that you should just send loving thoughts to those who may have I’ll will in their hearts. I tend to feel that each occasion depending on who you are calls for unique ways to address such things. Sometimes that may call for us to broaden our understanding of love. Is it active or passive. could it be in a way you thought you wouldn’t ever consider. I can’t say what I would really do in a given situation. But I tend to feel that if anything I cared for was physically threatened I would most likely fight in whatever way I could to keep them safe and protect them. I wouldn’t just send the attacker love and hope somehow that made it ok. Controversial subject especially where “new age beliefs” may be concerned. Many thanks to Lsuea and all commenters for making this extremely thought provoking to me and others.



  13. […] Posted by Dawn Vierra on October 10, 2014 at 7:28 pmย ย edit […]



  14. […] more and more ways to live well in love and beauty. You can find the two posts this post references here and […]



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