How to Make Sure You’re Not Practicing Black Magic(k) By Accident

I’m not linking to the site where this comment appeared, because I do not wish to drop the referenced image anymore into the collective awareness than it already is. Nor do I wish to call out someone whom I know harbors no ill intent. I don’t know if my comment will see the light of day or not, but the concept bears mentioning:


“This artist is doing a really fine job of providing endless mental images of what we do not want to happen. Why do you keep posting them? When people carry these images in their mind they create that reality. This isn’t waking up, it’s creating doom.”

[followed by a couple disbelieving/scoffing comments from others]

My response (currently awaiting moderation):

Raven is absolutely right in her comment on the ___ article. Anytime someone uses creativity to produce an extremely negative-oriented vision, especially via artwork and visual symbols, they are actually practicing the black magic(k) so many of you fear from the “Illuminati.”

That’s exactly what they do in Hollywood, in the mass televised rituals, etc. Jon Rappoport has written about the power of art, and it works both ways. We can use our creative powers to paint portals to more positive realities, to reclaim symbols or energies for our own preferred intentions … or we can (whether consciously or not) create spells via symbols and/or words that usher in the doom in far more powerful ways than the Illuminati/archons, etc. can do on their own. They cannot, by themselves, create. They use humanity’s imagination and power to create.

Just an FYI. It’s one reason I keep suggesting that people study metaphysics and magic(k). When you know how this stuff works, you become extremely careful not to do someone else’s black magic(k) and creating for them. Imagination and art are the most powerful forces in the universe. They can be fueled by love, hate or confusion. Love is powerful, but, contrary to the Beatles song, love is not “all you need.” Imagination creates and thus deserves extreme respect if we do not wish to mis-create.

I know you and the artist aren’t intentionally practicing black magic(k), but tapping into creative inspiration and imagination and then focusing those intently into a negative or harmful reality/form is actually the very definition of black magic(k).

Update: please see comments below for an important distinction between Shadow Work and black magick.

8 responses to this post.

  1. this is a tough one for me. sometimes, as an artist/songwriter, i feel it’s necessary to look at the “dark” stuff as a means to bring it to light. from my perspective, this is a service to the viewer because it “unmasks” his fears. like turning the lights on in a haunted house ride. the illusion of danger disappears. in this sense, the need of the viewer to express and excise these unconscious/suppressed (possibly dangerous) lower vibration thoughts/emotions is being directly addressed by the artist. so, though i may use a frightening image or unnerving lyrics, i see this as a kindness. and, hopefully ultimately, a powerful means of healing.

    having said that, i do agree that art can incite and add fuel to the fire of negativity/separateness.

    so maybe it’s a matter of intention?

    also, i didn’t reply to your last comment and wanted to mention that, i too, am quite the fan of little house on the prairie. just don’t tell my friends that.

    thanks again.



    • Thanks for your comment. I am a big fan of Shadow work, exploring the scary with intention of releasing the fear and transmuting the Shadow. If you saw the image in question, it would be obvious that this is not the intent of that artist. There is careful detail to create a nightmare image and no healing balm or reclamation of the dystopic vision. It is coded with symbols and powerful subconscious triggers.

      What you’re describing as a songwriter is not black magick. 🙂 Thanks for opening the discussion.



  2. i love that phrase, “shadow work”. thanks 🙂



  3. There was a time I was trying to find my own voice as an artist (I won’t say that search is complete, but I’m farther along now), and was led to ape what was popular and that fell within my ability. Fantasy art and fantasy role-playing art has often been employed to depict some really eye-rolling stuff: muscled men with boobacious babes in chainmail bikinis, big weapons, heroes bringing down monstrous baddies. (Some artists seem to have a gift depicting monsters: I remember the days HR Giger’s work was hot.) I accepted commissions in this realm as the skilled artistry within the industry was really inspiring to me to learn and imitate–but much of the content did leave me cold. (I still loved painting dragons, elves and goddesses though.) It took a friend of mine dying in the Virginia Tech shooting to completely turn me off even fantasy fantastical violence–and I publicly swore it off, and got a backlash from those who will continue arguing media/game violence doesn’t cause real-life violence, but it still physically made me ill. Up to now most of the stuff from Hollywood turns me off. I do not understand the prevalence of science-fiction dystopias on screen–and I grew up reading science-fiction; there was a point in time that most SF literary works were more hopeful. Hollywood (and computer games) now seems to love making worlds of the really depressing visions, and I’m not convinced to watch them even if the overt “message” may be to prevent these futures. Anyway, this post seems to have happily confirmed my opting out of this sort of “entertainment” (contributing to it or imbibing it), not that I was questioning that decision too much.



    • Good for you! Yours seems like an organic journey to discernment.

      What surprises me (sort of) is when people who know that Hollywood and ritual makers at the Grammy’s, etc. do this, pride themselves on their decoding abilities, but then refuse to reconize black magick staring them in the face from their own websites!

      Willful ignorance (and at some point it does become willful when enough people mention it) is a hair’s breadth away from intention. Also bizarre is that these same willfully ignorant people spout some of the loudest outrage at any and all magic — not recognizing the positive magic while actually themselves propagating black magick through words and images. Careful what kind of world you’re ushering in. As John Donne said, “Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.”

      Sad, but the flip side is: these can be and are powerful forces for the good! Blessings to you and all



    • Also, sorry to hear about your friend, but glad something positive came of that event, too. It takes courage to push back against such things.



  4. Thanks again, Laura. My friend was an artist/maker too. Much of my decision at the time was guided by heartsickness, but looking back, it was the right thing. It is also sobering to think of image making as magic, yet it feels true, and I’m sure this awareness is going to stay with me now.



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