Door Number 17 ~ Elen of the Ways

As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, there have been times in my life when I’ve faced problems so tricky, so “impossible” that the only way out was in. Deeeeeep inside, through the inner rabbit hole, through the spiral and out the newly created portal. In those days, I’d paint a door, and you know what? It worked.

For the past three “doors,” I’ve taken to canvases that portray some sort of doorway or entry point — still portals, but not painted on actual doors. I usually select a local or personal issue as the initial point of need or emotional spark, but then I create the portals as offerings for how such issues play out across the world. “As Within, So Without,” and “As Above, So Below.” I’ve painted portals for healing Lyme Disease, for welcoming a return of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, along with commissioned doors to support inner transformation and healing.

This latest door springs from a delicate local situation trying to balance encroaching Agenda 21 plans for our town with the real world need for sustainability and community — not the co-opted Agenda 21 definitions that strip human rights, but actual Earth healing and human cooperation. I knew I could foment reactions from local Tea Party folks that could stop this Comprehensive Plan in its tracks, but I don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water. Agenda 21, though completely co-opted to destroy liberty, nonetheless gets people talking about very real problems in need of creative solutions. I could not figure out a kind, gentle, yet strong enough way to protect our rights, honor the planet, and continue to foster community rather than dividing it. Since Agenda 21 poses a global threat amidst innumerable other worldwide challenges, I know I’m not the only one considering these dilemmas. I created this portal as an offering based on Rumi’s poem:

There Is a Way

The intellect says: “The six directions are limits: there is no way out.”
Love says: “There is a way. I have traveled it thousands of times.”
The intellect saw a market and started to haggle;
Love saw thousands of markets beyond that market.

The project began with a blank door, acquired from our former landlord in Madison:

Door 17 Before, standing next to Door Number 4

Door 17 Before, standing next to Door Number 4

Given the theme of protecting both Nature and human rights, I felt called to old goddess traditions that connect the ideas of “Sovereignty” and “the Land.” In Celtic, Norse, Native American and other traditions, the health of the land reflects our inner state or the state of a community’s leader. The awful condition of our world reflects the psychopathic leaders and corporations we have allowed to usurp the natural goodness of the human race. We have, collectively, lost our way.

The goddess who presented herself for gentle, yet powerful and wise assistance was Elen of the Ways. Elen is associated with:

The Land
Ancient ley lines
Star ways
Shamanic travel
Fly agaric mushrooms
The Green Lady
The Horned Goddess
The Reindeer Totem
Birch trees
Loving care of humans
Finding sustainable tracks
The Faery Realm

Elen’s connection with birch trees appealed to me, because this old, white door with all its cracks and chipped paint reminded me of a birch tree. David agreed that I should leave the door as natural as possible in order to invoke the traditional newness, fertility and rebirth associations with birch trees and the Berkano Rune. I also liked that the Berkano Rune looks like a pointy capital B, appropriate for creating a Plan B to the predetermined Plan A(genda 21).

Door Number 17 (After), next to Door Number 4, by Laura Bruno

Door Number 17 (After), next to Door Number 4, by Laura Bruno

I painted this entire door during the first Mercury Retrograde period of 2014, because Mercury Retrograde supports revision, reworking, and wriggling out of former contracts. Merc Rx introduces a certain degree of chaos, which can thwart new initiatives, but offers great energy for tweaking old ones. Since Agenda 21 came about in 1992 and our town had already been selected as a pilot city for an APA implementation of A21, creating a Plan B through alternate ways, seemed highly suited for a Merc Rx project. I live in a world of synchronicity, but even I was floored when I found myself painting the portal address of 444 at exactly 4:44 East Coast US time on February 6, 2014 — the exact moment when this Mercury Retrograde period began! 444 reminds us of the angels’ love and support, and I’ve certainly felt them during this process.

Door Number 17 ~ Elen of the Ways, by Laura Bruno

Door Number 17 ~ Elen of the Ways, by Laura Bruno

I decided not to depict Elen of the Ways in a direct form, but instead chose to include symbols and images closely related to Elen and the Faery Realm. As Reindeer Goddess or “The Horned Goddess,” Elen has strong ties to Ice Age (and even contemporary) wanderers who followed the reindeer, caribou or (later) the red deer in order to find food, shelter and the ability to live through harsh conditions in the Boreal Forest. I included this image from a cave painting in Lascaux, representing an Ancient Irish Giant Elk:

Reference to Lascaux cave painting

Reference to Lascaux cave painting

Many archeologists believe that the cave paintings reflect shamanic visions and encounters, and some scholars believe the flying reindeer of the Santa myth come from shamans soaring through the stars to track the animals below. The poisonous fly agaric mushrooms so often associated with gnomes and faeries become a safe hallucinogen when passed through the reindeer and drunk via reindeer urine, so this portal door’s depictions of both the Lascaux elk and the fly agaric mushrooms offer a double nod to shamanic visions and inspired ways:

Fly agaric Rumi

Fly agaric Rumi

In addition to the inscribed intention, “Love said, ‘There is a way. I have traveled it thousands of times,” I also wrote in silver runes down the left side: “SUSTAINABLE SOVEREIGNTY,” a concept that honors and connects both human rights and a healing of Nature.

I had some interesting conversations with various members of the Faery Realm while creating this portal. Agenda 21 aims to remove humans from most of the land and huddle them into megacities with a Wetlands Project that keeps vast stretches of Nature off limits to all but a self-proclaimed elite. Part of me wondered if the faeries might prefer such an arrangement, given how irresponsibly humanity has treated the planet. It turns out that, although some of the Faery Realm does despise humanity, significant portions recognize a joint destiny between the realms. The Faery Rule, “Respect, Not Control,” urges humans to respect Nature but does not support the sort of top-down police state regulations of advanced Agenda 21.

The Faery Realm representatives I’ve long worked with prefer voluntary communion with humans and the natural world — a cooperative honoring and regeneration of the land as sacred. The most ancient concept of regenerating the land remains totally entwined with the idea of sovereignty. The Fae also indicated that vibration from such intense misery of human enslavement, along with the electromagnetic monitoring of all off-limits areas, would make our planet even more intolerable for such sensitive beings than it already is. By contrast, voluntary communion with the land and between the realms offers a truly healing and celebratory opening into a preferred reality with much more cooperation and exchange among the realms.

Based on these discussions and support from my continued and proven loyal friends from the Faery Realm, I added the mythical “silver branch” — an apple branch in full bloom, fruit and leaf all at the same time. This silver branch offers safe passage into and out of the Faery Realm, also called Avalon (“The Isle of Apples”). The golden apple is toxic if eaten by one of an impure heart, but its poison becomes regenerative with love and alchemical transmutation. Cut in half, the apple reveals five seeds symbolizing the original (non-co-opted) meaning of the pentagram: excellence, truth and purity:

The silver branch, by Laura Bruno

The silver branch, by Laura Bruno

You can see that I’ve used Runa Faery coding — one of three different systems of Runes used on this portal — to express compassionate intentions and requests for the Highest Good of All, not just human centric, yet also not excluding humanity from that mix.

Bottom of Door Number 17, including the Plan "B" Berkano Rune

Bottom of Door Number 17, including the Plan “B” Berkano Rune

I continued this faery theme in the top panel by painting a seven-pointed Faery Star, associated with healing, the magick of Avalon, and the Faery Realm, which is lit by inner and outer starlight rather than sun or moon. I embedded additional Runes and healing symbols as the smaller “stars.” This also coincides nicely with Elen’s association with finding the star ways and tracking Gaia’s ley lines by flying through the stars:

Door Number 17, by Laura Bruno

Door Number 17, by Laura Bruno

I usually paint the backs of my portal doors, but I received a strong sense to leave this one open to the Unknown Way. I’ve embedded the door with powerful positive intentions and requests for healing, regeneration, sovereignty, peace, compassion, love and return of faery magick and wonder into everyday human awareness and existence. I don’t need to know exactly how that looks, especially since “it” will look different for each person who desires to participate in this type of world. According to Rumi, “The intellect says: ‘The six directions are limits: there is no way out.’
Love says: ‘There is a way. I have traveled it thousands of times.’” In honor of creating something entirely new and joyful from the discarded scraps of what seems ugly and restrictive, I painted a single Rune on the door handle. Called “HAGAL,” this snowflake or star shaped Rune invokes our inherent ability to “Create a New Universe”:

Create a New Universe

Create a New Universe

May it be so.

41 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Mitch Mattraw on February 21, 2014 at 7:14 pm

    Powerful Laura, oh yeah! The brass door handle assembly is magical on it’s own! Love the faery star at top, magick mushrooms bottom, it all flows so wonderfully, some potent majick here, almost leaping off the page, wow!



  2. Posted by Mitch Mattraw on February 21, 2014 at 7:22 pm

    Do you think there’s a wiki page for ‘magickal activism’? Soon there will be!



  3. Posted by Patrick on February 21, 2014 at 7:43 pm

    Your door is beautiful and inspiring Laura, thank you.



  4. Posted by Raven on February 21, 2014 at 8:43 pm

    I just love your doors, Laura. So much “magickal” there (bow to Mitch, always, in all ways.) I was interested to hear the faeries’ opinion on Agenda 21. It never occurred to me that all the electrical surveillance they will put in place and the enslavement of us would do more harm to them than good. We should also be aware that their proposed wetlands protection and reestablishment of migration routes is an obvious lie; they care nothing for the environment, it’s the water and natural resources they are after, and all that will be easier to mine once the pesky humans who balk, protest and make things difficult are eliminated.



  5. Now you have me wanting to shamanize my doors too.



    • Do it! Painting doors is powerful stuff. Every single door I’ve painted has gotten incredible results that were so far out of left field they never would have occurred without shamanic, creative intervention. Pure magick and a deeply happy life to show for it. 🙂



  6. Thank you, Raven. I wrote you an earlier comment, but Mercury ate it! You are so right about the lies to get the resources. Pesky humans sure do protest a lot … not enough … but they do make some difference. Faeries read heart energy, so if people have no heart or they’re running selfish, lying intentions through their heart implants like Dick Cheney, who finally has one now, … well … the Fae want none of that! They’re not fans of liars (A person’s word is bond) or control freaks … and what’s more rude than genocide? Just sayin’ 😉



  7. Thank you for walking your sacred path in public Laura. I could never relate to the antiAgenda21 people because the videos and articles wrre all anti environment/pro corporations so it seemed like astro-turf to me until I read your other article.

    Even then I was worried because we do need creative solutions from the people coming together the way A21 is supposed to work.

    Your entire process from your thinking to the art to the faery communications is so like my own that I’m utterly amazed reading/viewing it.

    I’ve lived most of my life coming from the faery perspective and feeling a bit alien and confused by humanity despite inhabiting human form myself. Humans almost invariably notice me as not like them. So reading this is jumping in the air cheering good:-)

    Imho precolonization humans were integral parts of the landscapes they inhabited. Just like bison and birds they contributed to the system and relied on the system of nature/ ecosystem where they lived.

    They lived as a constant prayer, in communion with faery, elemental beings, devas and all living beings.

    Some still do but the nutters in charge have been trying hard to exterminate them all before the rest can learn from them.

    I strongly believe that we can return to that way of living using the mythic, art, music, stories and community to reformat ourselves and our cultures into forms more resonant and real.

    I dreamed that some modern humans would find their way to do what you are doing and lead the way back home. I know others like Starhawk and Emma Restall Orr are doing similar things but until this post it never seemed to stretch across so many boundaries to me.

    Colonization is a process of purposeful forgetting-the colonizer is a thief of history, community, magic and spirit. In order to heal the world we have to remember who and what we are.

    Humanity was never separate. It couldn’t be as nothing can be. That lie has torn humans from faery, from Nature, from spirit and from one another.

    It is imho the original wound, the “original sin” was not eating fruit
    but convincing others thru violence of this devastating lie.

    You are sewing our worlds back
    together (faery and human). That is so beautiful! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person


  8. love it!! also love that mitch, who shares my bday, made the same comments I did to you about the faery star and mushrooms when we first saw it. I also was going to mention the brass handle, because I loved it too. lol! another potent portal comes to life! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  9. Posted by Kieron on February 22, 2014 at 10:22 pm

    Bo’s term “shamanize” is my new favorite word! Amazing images and comments. And we’ve had 2 back to back days of clear blue sky. Not a chemtrail to be seen. I’m working on a plan with a friend to do some gifting of orgonite around our neighborhood so we can monitor the effects.

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Thanks, Ohnwentsya, Tania and Kieron, for the additional comments. Ohnwentsya, I so agree with what you’ve shared about the possibilities, and T, when I first earned Mitch’s bday I was not entirely surprised! Kieron, keep up the awesome work. “Shamanize” IS a wonderful world, isn’t it. 😉



  11. […] in all, I feel very encouraged by the meeting. It goes to show that prayer and portal doors work, and it also speaks well of our town’s do-it-yourself attitude that really explores questions […]



  12. […] expressed wish. Doubly especially not when earlier this year I painted a magickal portal door summoning “Sustainable Sovereignty” with “Respect, Not Control.” I know an otherwise very sweet and “Christian” organic farmer who told me this summer […]



  13. […] 2030 and the urgency of change and potential strategies expressed by Mark Bittman. It might be time to paint another portal door, though. Magic and Mama Earth are quite the wild […]



  14. […] I’m sharing this here not to gloat, but to say that one person can make a difference. Magic can make a difference. Creating portals to preferred realities can make a difference. It is possible to the fight top-down co-opting of the sustainability movement simply by nurturing community instead of tearing it down with ideologies. It is possible to paint and encode freedom and healing into artwork and intend it as a magical working. That works. For the story of the portal door I painted in 2014 and the reasons behind that painting, please click here. […]



  15. […] Rose Rooted,” I made my way downstairs, miscalculated the bottom and literally flew into Door Number 17 — “Elen of the Ways,” which is itself a faery portal, complete with faery star on […]



  16. […] called “Sync Winks and Faery Portals,” I shared a bizarre (even for me) experience with Door Number 17 ~ Elen of the Ways. The post itself contains an intertwined series of synchronicities and a strange “fall” […]



  17. […] behind the scenes conversations, making a stink to enough people and finally painting a magical portal door did the trick. Our plan is very unusual, and it turns out we influenced the national level, because […]



  18. Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:

    I create each portal door with very specific local or personal intentions, but it always amazes me how those doors take on a life of their own, lending themselves to larger concerns as time or the door evolves. I painted this “Elen of the Ways” door for “Sustainable Sovereignty” regarding a local situation back in 2014. (It worked here, btw … so well that it left people marveling at the synchronicities and unusual openings.)

    It strikes me that we’re at a similar point of tension in the world right now. On the one hand, we’ve got governments run amok, trouncing on rights, privacy, and basic human dignity, often manipulating the masses through humanity’s inherent kindness and desire”to do the right thing.” On the other hand, we’ve got so many simultaneous ecological crises happening that I wouldn’t even know where to begin listing them.

    How do we find our way through all the different layers and levels? How do we activate kindness and caring in those who have forgotten their way? How do we balance the rights of the oppressed and the oppressors? Can we find TRUE balance and harmony instead of just flipping oppressed and oppressor? Can we each shift away from “power over” and find and embrace new ways of “power to”? How do we invoke and evoke leadership that protects the Land while also honoring the People of the Land?

    I’ve seen 4:44 for months now, and I even “fell” into this door a few months ago, letting me know the portal to Sustainable Sovereignty is re-opening for more than our local situation. Today, I pray for similar miracles on the national and international levels. May we each open our own portals to that healed and healing world that already exists in perfect form, just waiting for us to believe, love and nurture it into being. According to Rumi, “The intellect says: ‘The six directions are limits: there is no way out.’
    Love says: ‘There is a way. I have traveled it thousands of times.’”




  19. Love it! And am inspired by it. Deeply inspired.

    Sky ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  20. Love this post.. and so enjoyed reading .. The finished result is amazing.. Trees, Nature, fairies, numbers.. ALL things connect.. and are ONE..
    love it especially as I have spent most of the week painting..Trees. 🙂
    Love and Blessings Laura ~Sue xx

    Liked by 1 person


  21. […] way back in February 2014. I’ve already reblogged it, so I’ll just link to it again here. Sorry it’s taking so long to fully unfold. May it become […]



  22. […] This post and the linked articles serve as a 40,000 foot view of where we’ve been and where you could be headed, depending on which timeline you choose. As a side note: if you felt the invisible war kick into much higher gear this past weekend and early this week, you are not alone, and no, you’re not crazy. The stakes run extremely high right now. Timothy ends his article with a Rumi quote, and I’ll end my intro with the Rumi poem I excerpted for Door Number 17: Elen of the Ways: […]



  23. […] also features a Rumi quote: “The universe and the light of the stars come through me.” Door Number 17: Elen of the Ways likewise features a Rumi quote, “Love says: ‘There is a way. I have traveled it […]



  24. Oh wow Laura there us so much in here I’m going to have to come back read all again and comment more fully.
    To think you did this 2014 with all we know now. You are indeed a door keeper .
    I haven’t the time here right now. But I will be back to study more your thought and links.
    Much love Laura💕💖💕

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Re Reading this post gave me goosebumps, As you touched upon so many things that tie into the present time-line.
    The time stamp for your project of painting the door, so Divinely timed… and you were meant to notice that time I am sure.
    Following more of you links to the cave painting Lascaux, your attunement is very deep .

    LOVE is winning this spiritual battle and you were way ahead as a way-shower back then and now.. As you communion with both Nature and your inner higher guidance is testimony to.

    Love reading about the Faery Rule of ” Respect ”
    Not Control, we need reminding to respect Nature and all creatures within Nature.. Including to respecting ourselves.

    Whilst I have never worked knowingly with the Faery Realm, one of my spiritual close friends did. She passed to spirit in 2002.. But she spoke often of these realms and on one occasion she said she was privileged to see what she thought was a fairy within a wood she was walking at the time.. I had no reason not to doubt her experience.

    And I had not heard the Faery Realm was also known as Avalon… For that reminds me of King Author .. And that brings into my orbit more thoughts and the meaning of the Knights of the round table and I do believe from what I have read and heard that this time period was also about protecting Sovereignty from Evil..

    The Rune stones I have always held a fascination for, but I have never delved into them.. I dabbled a little in Tarot.. But not well.. My gift was Clairsentience, in intuitive spirit connection If one has ever seen John Edwards the Medium at work, that is how I would conduct my Spiritual Church services… Going in blind to the audience/congregation in Spiritual Churches or Venues.. To which I gave my services free except petrol costs to get there..

    The Door holds is own Magic, which you have imbued into it your intention… And I know and believe that your intention is working,
    For LOVE Will and does Find a way..

    And those stars are now in alignment as Love of Freedom, and our Earth is shaking up the old to be dismantled..

    I add my prayers and my own heartfelt intentions along-side yours dearest Laura..

    MAY IT BE SO…. Indeed… 🙏✨🙏

    Thank you… I found so much power and presence within this post as I see also the Door is working, as we enter the Elen of the Ways days.. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  26. […] other mushrooms. I always consider fly agaric mushrooms a positive sign. I painted them into portal Door Number 17: Elen of the Ways. The bottom quote of that portal quotes […]



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