Julie Behling-Hovdal ~ Confessions of an Aspartame Addict

I received this article in Julie’s highly informative “Essential Survival” newsletter and asked for her permission to post it on my blog. Having known some people with various levels of aspartame addiction, including at least one person who developed MS-like symptoms and still refused to quit a 2+ liter a day habit of Diet Pepsi (in addition to several Venti-sized “sugar-free” Starbucks “decaf” soy lattes per day), I feel very strongly about the potent neurotoxins and drugs that pass as “food” or — worse yet — health food in the US. Slap a “sugar-free,” “low calorie,” “dairy-free” or “decaf” label on some things, and suddenly they seem like things it would be a good idea to mainline.

I’ve also mentioned before that the dairy industry is trying to get permission to redefine “milk” so that includes “aspartame.” Why such insanity? Because if the definition of “milk” includes “aspartame,” then they don’t need to label it. I realize potential unlabeled aspartame is only one among dozens of unbelievable toxins and health concerns related to factory farmed, antibiotic laden, hormone infused, GMO bred and fed cows producing dairy that absolutely requires enzyme killing and protein denaturing pasteurization; however, the idea that something as unremittingly toxic as aspartame could appear unlabeled in foods that uninformed parents think are healthy for their children … well … that’s really disturbing. Particularly after some of the symptoms I’ve witnessed in life as a Medical Intuitive and/or friend.

If aspartame is one of those things that you know is bad but think an occasional diet soda “can’t hurt,” or that it’s “better for the kids than sugar,” please do read the story of Julie’s dad, intermixed with the industry’s claims and FDA admissions of side effects. Eye-opening, indeed! Many thanks to Julie for all her wonderful information about essential oils, do-it-yourself first aid, and all around preparedness strategies, and thanks for letting me share this information with my own readers!

Julie Behling-Hovdal ~ Confessions of an Aspartame Addict

The Essential Survival Newsletter, Issue 177, August 22, 2013


Just a few months ago I got a call from my mom — one that I never expected to get. She called to inform me that my dad had finally ditched his diet Coke habit! After upwards of 25 years drinking several cans of diet Coke a day, my 73-year-old dad decided to kick that habit!

For years my dad had heard my mom and I preach about the dangers of aspartame — an artificial sweetener made from the excrement of genetically modified e. Coli. After my dad had been experiencing numbness in his feet for years and then started to experience partial blindness earlier this year he was finally convinced to stop consuming this toxic substance!

Last week I heard that Coca-Cola was testing a new ad campaign to help boost their sagging sales of diet Coke. I guess more people than just my dad have been wising up to the dangers of aspartame, and that’s been cutting into their profit margin.

In the remainder of this article I will share snippets of Coke’s new test campaign in which a middle-aged woman and her teenage daughter are pictured enjoying a special moment together with diet Coke in hand. Beneath the picture is a touchy-feely mini-article filled with a mixture of fluff and outright lies, and which was designed to make you feel good about drinking diet Coke.

I will share some questions that I asked my dad about his experience with diet Coke, and his responses. I will also share some of the disturbing data on aspartame that should give pause to anyone who cares at all about their health!

Diet Coke Confessions with Ed Behling

New diet Coke ad: “Our use of high-quality, low- and no- calorie sweeteners, including aspartame, allows us to give people great-tasting options they can feel good about.”

Me: How did you get started with diet sodas?

My Dad: I was always conscious about wanting to keep weight off, so I started drinking diet sodas as soon as they came out in the early 70′s. I started with Pepsi Lite that had saccharin. Saccharin was eventually banned and I transitioned over to diet Pepsi, and then to diet Coke. I think I drank about 32 oz. of diet Coke a day for around 25 years.

New diet Coke ad: “Time and again, these low- and no-calorie sweeteners have shown to be safe, high-quality alternatives to sugar.”

Me: Were you ever concerned that the diet Coke might be harming your health?

My Dad: Only when you and your mom started warning me. I took what you said about aspartame and put it in the back of my head somewhere.

My Thoughts: On the FDA website today, I found a document sharing the data from an epidemiological survey from 1988 listing out the adverse health effects reported from aspartame use just until that time. Here they are:

– Decreased vision and/or other eye problems
(blurring, “bright flashes,” tunnel vision)
– Pain (or or both eyes)
– Decreased tears, trouble with contact lens,
or both
– Blindness (one or both eyes)

– Tinnitus (“ringing,” “buzzing”)
– Severe intolerance for noise
– Marked impairment of hearing

– Headaches
– Dizziness, unsteadiness, or both
– Confusion, memory loss, or both
– Severe drowsiness and sleepiness
– Paresthesias (“pins and needles,” “tingling”)
or numbness of the limbs
– Convulsions (grand mal epileptic attacks)
– Petit mal attacks and “absences”
– Severe slurring of speech
– Severe tremors
– Severe “hyperactivity” and “restless legs”
– Atypical facial pain

– Severe depression
– “Extreme irritability”
– “Severe anxiety attacks”
– “Marked personality changes”
– Recent “severe insomnia”
– “Severe aggravation of phobias”

– Palpitations, tachycardia (rapid heart action),
of both
– “Shortness of breath”
– Atypical chest pain
– Recent hypertension (high blood pressure)

– Nausea
– Diarrhea
Associated gross blood in the stools
– Abdominal pain
– Pain on swallowing

Skin and Allergies
– Severe itching without a rash
– Severe lip and mouth reactions
– Urticaria (hives)
– Other eruptions
– Aggravation of respiratory allergies

Endocrine and Metabolic
– Problems with diabetes: loss of control;
precipitation of clinical diabetes;
aggravation or simulation of diabetic
– Menstrual changes
Severe reduction or cessation of periods
– Paradoxic weight gain
– Marked weight loss
– Marked thinning or loss of the hair
– Aggravated hypoglycemia (low blood sugar

– Frequency of voiding (day and night), burning
on urination (dysuria), or both
– Excessive thirst
– Severe joint pains
– “Bloat”
– Fluid retention and leg swelling
– Increased susceptibility to infection”

Also, the FDA document admits that researchers and physicians have associated the following health conditions with the long-term ingestion of aspartame:

– “Brain tumors

– Multiple sclerosis

– Epilepsy

– Chronic fatigue syndrome

– Parkinson’s Disease

– Alzheimer’s

– Mental retardation

– Lymphoma

– Birth defects

– Fibromyalgia

– Diabetes

– Arthritis (including Rheumatoid)

– Chemical Sensitivities

– Attention Deficit Disorder”

Another study recently done analyzing the data of 77,218 women and 47,810 men over a 22-year period and in which their aspartame use was documented in detail every 2 years shows some disturbing trends for aspartame users. The study found that one 12 oz. can of diet soda a day led to:

– 42 percent higher leukemia risk in men and women (pooled analysis)
– 102 percent higher multiple myeloma risk (in men only)
– 31 percent higher non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk (in men only)

Previous studies on cancer and aspartame that found no link between the two were far less thorough than this study.

New diet Coke ad: “For over 127 years, people have been coming together over Coca-Cola products to refresh, to celebrate, and to enjoy a moment with something they love. One reason why is that people have always been able to trust the quality of our products and everything that goes into them. That’s something that will never change.”

Me: Do you think you were addicted to diet Coke?

My Dad: I don’t think I was addicted, but if I didn’t have something to drink right after my daily workout, I would get cranky. I didn’t want water. I would usually drink diet Coke or Gatorade.

New diet Coke ad: “Today, we’re proud to offer a wide range of Coca-Cola products that fit different people’s lifestyles. Because we believe that when people come together with more choices that are right for them, good things happen.”

Me: What made you finally decide to go off diet Coke?

My Dad: I read some articles that you had sent to me and learned that diet Coke makes you eat more and has harmful effects. In April 2013 I made the decision to never buy any more diet Coke, I could only drink what I had at home. I drank a can a week until they were gone. I’ve been off diet sodas for several months now. I drink regular sodas again, 32 oz./day, and haven’t been gaining any weight.

My Thoughts: What “good things happen” when people get together to imbibe Coke? Regular Coke has high-fructose corn syrup, which is associated with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and heart disease. Diet Coke’s aspartame might give you neurological problems, weight gain, and chronic debilitating illness including leukemia. I really wish my dad would go off sodas completely. Maybe he will eventually.

New diet Coke infographic: “Studies show [aspartame] is safe for children, people with diabetes, people trying to reduce calories, [and] pregnant women.”

Me: Have you noticed any changes to your health since ditching diet Coke?

My Dad: I noticed an improvement in my eye sight, and the numbness in my feet has decreased.

My Final Thoughts: I am beyond disgusted with big corporations like Coca-Cola who utilize their power and resources peddling products dangerous to our health. It’s even worse when they come out with ad campaigns to dispel “myths” about their products being dangerous, when those myths are true!

To the CEO of Coca-Cola (and this applies to many, many others) — how can you sleep at night knowing you are becoming wealthy on the backs of millions, even billions of people worldwide, as you steal their health day-by-day with your dangerous “foods”? Why not seek to become wealthy providing people with foods that contribute to health?

I think I already know the answer to that question, but part of me hopes you aren’t as evil as I think you are. I would love for you to change your ways and prove me wrong!

– Julie


Julie Behling-Hovdal is a reflexologist/holistic healer and founder of Essential Survival where she teaches people how to prepare for the #1 cause of death in the event of an economic collapse — lack of access to medicines. In 2005 Julie was able to get off 4 prescription drugs and heal from a 6-year stint of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia with products from Young Living Essential Oils. Get a free copy of her report “Fast Track Survival Medicines” at http://essentialsurvival.org/fast-track-survival-medicines/.

[UPDATE from Laura: Synchronously, right after hitting Publish, I received an Action Alert from Organic Consumers Association about this very topic. Click here for their take on it, along with a chance to tell Coke to quit it already!]

11 responses to this post.

  1. [UPDATE from Laura: Synchronously, right after hitting Publish, I received an Action Alert from Organic Consumers Association about this very topic. Click here for their take on it, along with a chance to tell Coke to quit it already!]



  2. Unbelievable! (And yet…strangely not…) Thank you for posting this. Shared on FB—let’s get the word out!



  3. Thanks for spreading the world, Diana!



  4. Posted by Elizabeth on August 30, 2013 at 3:48 am

    Laura, What a coindidence to come upon this post today! I had a nasty 2 liter a day diet coke habit myself between 1983-87 during which time I developed severe myopia. I did not make the connection between my diet coke consumption and the deterioration of my vision until many years later. I wish I could say I stopped drinking diet pop in 1987, but no, I continued to drink it on and off for another 10 years, though in diminished quantities. I only quit drinking so much because I found I could not drink it without getting pressure headaches. Anyway … I still worry about the damage I did to my brain over that 15 year period of aspartame consumption and just yesterday I was thinking, I wish Laura Bruno would write something about aspartame detox. Ha. Truthfully, I think physical injuries, like yours, are easier to overcome than chemical injuries.



    • Wow, that IS rather synchronous! This was on my docket to post for awhile, but when I saw Julie’s article, I knew that was the way to do it.

      RE: aspartame side effects … my book, If I Only Had a Brain Injury, deals with moving beyond the neurological symptoms from TBI, Lyme, aspartame, MCS, etc. The body does renew itself, so it should be possible to have a system in which this is no longer causing side effects. The tricky thing, especially with anything neurological, is that we remember the symptoms and continue to program ourselves to feel and experience them, even long after they could (and perhaps already) have naturally healed. I like Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work regarding the placebo and no-cebo effects on healing.



  5. […] unlabeled toxic “food” additives and chemical/biological weapons like GMO’s and aspartame, many people want to opt as far out of the financial system as possible. Certainly, boycotts send a […]



  6. […] the other hand, if a company wanted to release a chemical or biological weapon and call it “aspartame” and that substance appeared in everything from say, children’s food to “health” […]



  7. I have recently posted a small article on artificial sweeteners on my new site, After researching articles on most, strangely enough, found the FDA had reversed their findings and warning labels removed if “used in moderation.” For some unknown reason, people continue to have faith in FDA. I’ve used artificial sweeteners for over 40 yrs, after being dx’d w/Type 1 up until recently and believe they are the reason I hurt so badly. I would love to be able to repost your info to my site.



    • Thanks, Debb, and best wishes for your healing. You would need to contact Essential Survival for permission, since I asked them directly. The link is in the article. Blessings, Laura



  8. […] I often forget that people still drink soda, but if you or someone you love does, this video is definitely worth a watch. The video focuses on demands for India to ban cola’s due to unsafe ingredients, including pesticides as high as 24 times the regulated amount. There’s also lots of information in this video about Aquafina and Dasani water — which is just tap water, “sometimes purified, sometimes not.” [Buy a Berkey and make your own bottled water. It tastes great and purifies even stream water, preserving minerals, removing the poisons.] This video doesn’t even get into the dangers of diet sodas, but if you’ve not read this piece on aspartame, you might want to click here for “Confessions of an Aspartame Addict.” […]



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