Medical Intuitive Thoughts on Teeth

I’m actually writing this article as part of a brainstorming session for myself; however, I hear from so many clients who are enduring unintended side effects from infected root canals, rejected implants, tooth abscesses and frequent cavities. It seems teeth are a big issue these days, and in addition to Lyme Disease, traumatic brain injury (TBI), digestive issues and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, teeth are up there in Medical Intuitive Session topics. I have personally been flirting with a probably “necessary” root canal off and on for far too long now, so before I give up the tooth, I thought I’d, you know, use my intuitive gifts to help myself. 😉 But since teeth issues are so common, why not share the information? Maybe this way, I’ll actually finish the brainstorming session instead of doing other things.

When assessing metaphysical causes for any physical ailment, it usually pays to look at any obvious metaphors or cliches. If a metaphysical cause reaches the body in the form of pain, it means we’ve missed or ignored the subtle signs and decision points preceding this situation. Odds are, the body’s not playing coy. Oftentimes the most obvious messages are the “right” message, or at least set us on the right track of that message. For the purposes of this article, I’m going to share things even if they don’t seem to apply to me. This is a brainstorming session, and what’s off for me might be right on for someone else.

The earliest tooth metaphor I remember hearing was from my Grandma Van, the woman who cheerfully asserted, “A meal’s just not a meal without dessert.” Grandma Van joyfully lived to age 101, and one could argue that she only decided to give up the ghost when the nursing home insisted she drink some disgusting protein shakes. Until she stopped being able to eat her sweets — even with only one remaining tooth — Grandma Van was still enjoying romance novels and bridge games. Grandma Van knew what she liked and refused what she didn’t. Her primary way of letting you know she didn’t like something was to mumble under her breath, “I’d rather have a root canal.”

Another early tooth metaphor came from my dad, describing my own stubborn nature, saying, “It’s like pulling teeth,” usually in reference to getting me to read the dreaded “Classics.” I preferred Nancy Drew, Agatha Christie, or even the Boxcar Children. Mysteries! Or “Clan of the Cave Bear” and “A Woman of Substance,” epic tales of strong women. Although I eventually became an English Major who devoured Classical Literature, as a child I knew what I liked, and I read it. And only those things. I read so much that my sister joked that my middle name of Paige was really “page” as in “book,” complete with a little bookworm finger gesture. I met one of our neighbors later in life and he said, “Oh, right! You were that girl who was always sitting on the front lawn reading.” I was a voracious reader as a child, but no one could entice me to read anything I didn’t want to know.

Both tooth metaphors appear to deal with preferences — the joy of embracing these, the pain of ignoring them in favor of “reason,” “education,” “practicality,” or “societal custom.” My grandmother and I shared a strong ability to “grin and bear it” when things did not go our way, but the pain cut(s) deep. The ability to “grit your teeth and git ‘er done” is also something I shared with Grandma Van, to the point that I have occasionally cracked a tooth from night grinding before certain likely to be stressful encounters. At Grandma Van’s funeral, more than one person commented on the strong set of her jaw. We usually saw her smiling, but at rest, her jaw was clamped shut and downright formidable. People credited her stubborn streak with ensuring her long life and continued zest for it despite years of not being able to talk or walk after multiple strokes and arthritis.

If you consult Louise Hay’s book, “Heal Your Body,” you’ll find that teeth represent “decisions” or “longstanding indecisiveness. Inability to break down ideas for analysis and decisions.” A root canal means: “Can’t bite into anything anymore. Root beliefs being destroyed.” Abscess: “fermenting thoughts over hurts, slights and revenge.” I’ve had clients for whom teeth represented “vulnerability,” “structures” and “personal power.” It’s also worth noting that meridians run through each tooth, so the specific tooth in question relates to whatever issues connect to that meridian. You can find a cool dental meridian chart by clicking here. Hovering over each tooth pops up a chart with related organs and positive/balanced vs. negative emotions associated with that specific tooth.

Given everything happening in our world today — the failing of most major societal, political, financial and ecological structures; an increasing sense of vulnerability to a Fascist Police State; bizarre weather patterns and End Times prophecies; and psychopathic corporations hellbent on telling us we want things that most awake people really, really do not want — it’s no wonder I’m hearing from so many people with dental issues. To varying degrees, we seem to have seen through the mirage of all the old structures, yet we’re not fully embodying and inhabiting the New.

Add to that the fact that many Lightworkers, Healers and Wayshowers feel like they’re pouring themselves into the New in order to support the rest of society that’s only just now flickering their eyelids to a groggy awareness of something maybe not quite as “real” as they thought it was. Still largely asleep, most of society continues to convince itself that the Real is a dream while the Matrix is waking “reality.” Depletion and demineralization often appear when we have been giving, giving, giving unsustainably more than we’re receiving. Many tooth, bone and chronic fatigue issues reflect this imbalance. In today’s times of intense change, it can seem like we have exponentially more things to do and less time for personal nourishment. Yet change does begin within. If we do not adequately nourish ourselves (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) how will we have the energy and stamina to continue supporting others?

Whether people call me for dental issues or hormonal issues, a common theme has begun emerging in recent Medical Intuitive sessions, and that’s the need to be truly honest with ourselves regarding our so-called preferences. Many people, myself included, want so much to see positive changes in this world that we sometimes overstretch our own limits and preferences. We “bite off more than we can chew” — grit our teeth to git ‘er done — even when those responsibilities rightly lie in other peoples’ hands. Something like what Dr. Bruce Lipton calls “the biological imperative” seems to be kicking in for many of us. Even formerly laid back or “live and let live” folks find it more difficult to stay silent and inactive. On the one hand, that’s great! We have increasing numbers of people envisioning and enacting steps towards a positive timeline and world.

On the other hand, we need to make some decisions, and we don’t always feel like we have enough time to gather all the information and skills we need for making such life altering choices. As a society, we’ve allowed old hurts to fester in the form of prejudices, and religious/political/class divisions; we’ve ignored aggressive infections in our banking and political systems, either deadening ourselves to the pain or hoping something else will fix the problem without our interference. Except now, we’re feeling the abscess twinges. We’re recognizing that some so-called leaders “have more nerve than an infected tooth.” Some of us would rather have a root canal than get involved, while others are realizing the vulnerabilities of “toothless” legal systems and protections. It seems mostly vampires have powerful teeth right now.

In her co-authored book, “Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re In Without Going Crazy,” Joanna Macy calls our period “The Great Turning.” As a Buddhist, she emphasizes non-attachment: we don’t know the ultimate outcome of our efforts. But she also recognizes the necessity of hope as both motivator in the face of overwhelming challenges and a means of countering fear and despair. Just as meridians run through each tooth, each individual intimately connects with the entire Universe. As humans, we are, quite literally, bridges between heaven and Earth. The Spirit world needs physical beings through which to act. The Earth needs inhabitants living from our hearts and inspired action. The more we each tune in to our own preferences — our deepest soul longings — the more we find ourselves either biting into life or suffering effects from trying to grit through something we really do not want.

Some way, somehow, decisions need to be made. When pain continues to flare up, will we find ways to bring our preferred reality into being? Will we have the courage to follow our dream? To live our truth? To come out of whatever closet — sexual, broom, religious or otherwise? In an interconnected world, even personal, microcosmic decisions affect the macrocosm. Just as a tiny tooth nerve can drive you to the point of near insanity, so can tiny actions from seemingly small decisions demand grand attention. Never underestimate the power of little things.

Yes! Of everything I’ve just shared, that last line jumps out at me: “never underestimate the power of little things.” Like canaries in the coal mine, teeth are small but mightily telling. These tiny parts of our body can provide some of the sharpest defense when all else fails to protect us. Teeth answer the call of the wild. They rip apart pretty looking portions and make them bio-available. Teeth don’t care what our food looks like. They care about what nutrients that food provides. Will it add to (mineralize) us or ultimately deplete (demineralize through sugary, empty fluff)? Teeth have roots, and sometimes local pain results in changes that haven’t come about any other way. Little decisions, little actions, just like chewing food, eventually break things down into bite-sized pieces. The trick is not to shove everything in at once, but rather to chew and to choose. Choose wisely now. Decisions count more than ever now. And now. And now. Pay attention to, evaluate and honor longings and nourishment — whatever those things mean to you, right now.

Blessed Be!

15 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by tazjima on August 9, 2013 at 10:36 pm

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Laura, I just had a reaction from the anesthesia used for my cavity repair; it took all day for the effects to wear off, something that I’ve never experienced before. It is quite apparent that our bodies or at least mine, is becoming super-sensitive to non-natural materials being injected into it. Thanks for the article and your great blog! Elizabeth



  2. Posted by JenC on August 10, 2013 at 1:35 am

    Excellent reading. Thanks for your insights.



  3. Oh, this really hits home. I’d always been cavity-free, until I went through my life-changing 3-year period of 2009-2012. I suddenly got hit with 3 cavities. While I only remember the exact spot of one of them now (the most pesky one), I looked it up on the meridien chart–and it was right on the money. I really did have to make some drastic changes in that part of my life!



  4. Posted by Michelle Poppy on August 10, 2013 at 3:30 pm

    Can’t beat a drop of oil of oregano on infected gum. Worked miracles for me! xx



  5. Posted by sonianordenson on August 11, 2013 at 6:44 pm

    What a great, toothsome essay!



  6. […] posting Medical Intuitive Thoughts on Teeth, I have heard from so many more readers, clients and even a neighbor with recent, often severe […]



  7. What i love best about this article is following your process of exploring your own personal associations, metaphors and memories around teeth in order to get down to the root of the matter. This is how we heal ourselves. Brilliant, and thank you! xx



  8. Wonderful collection of information, so prosaically written and beautifully shared.



  9. […] also made a truly yummy antibiotic this summer when I had that cracked, infected tooth: apple cider vinegar, raw honey and many, many cloves of garlic. It turned out to be a terrible […]



  10. Posted by Asta on August 14, 2014 at 1:03 pm

    Beautiful beautiful! Just what I was looking for to read. Thank you!



  11. […] of you might remember that I used to have lots of trouble with my teeth due to demineralization, low vitamin D, and a spine injury that compromised my digestive nerves, […]



  12. Posted by Elena on March 17, 2016 at 9:20 pm

    Beautifully written and inspirational essay!

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Posted by karita morales on August 8, 2017 at 2:06 am

    You are indeed wise. I’m currently going thru a mouthful of toothaches from tooth#18 having cavity underneath a filing, to a cracked tooth#15 (although the dentist called it the dreaded extraction of tooth #6) which couldn’t survive a root canal so had to be extracted with 5 shots of local anesthesia and 40mins of tugging and pulling. To top it off, a colds sinus infection with phlegm all over. All of this after a big energy clearing and years of doing inner clearing work. It all came to a head right before Aug 7-8….such energy. Hence leaving me desperate and lost and searching for spiritual meanings of teeth and here I am. This has answered so much and i just wanted to thank you.
    Blessed Be Laura!



  14. Posted by Lori Jater on November 15, 2017 at 12:27 pm

    THANK YOU!!! This is exactly what I needed to heal my tooth pain without even going to the dentist 🙂 I will find ways to bring my preferred reality into being! I will follow my dream! I will live my truth! How? by making decisions and taking aligned actions in one little thing after another after another. Why? because all physical ailments are just the effect of spiritual causes. With each little decision I make…With each little action I take…the tooth pain will subside and eventually disappear. (It doesn’t even hurt at all right now.

    Liked by 1 person


    • So glad this helped, Lori! I’ve received emails from a few people who had breakthroughs, too, so I guess it really was time to repost this one. Continued healing to you … and for anyone else on the more mundane, physical level, I highly recommend Ramiel Nagel’s “Curing Tooth Decay.”



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