How To Detect Covert Hypnosis

Here’s a nice little FYI for people trying to free themselves from automatic, controlled programming, including the formation of “appropriate opinions.” If you become familiar with this topic, you’ll notice all sorts of people trying to squirm out of all sorts of situations by using covert hypnosis. If you find yourself in a situation of outrage, for example, and then someone talks with you (or at you) for fifteen minutes and then you suddenly can’t remember why you ever felt anything but approval for what previously outraged you … um … kind of a warning sign, especially if the outrage was about something like torture, thievery, murder or other abuse. Another common sign of covert hypnosis is also when you feel extreme confusion about something that would normally be very clear cut — spinning your wheels into non-action.

“Covert hypnosis is very subtle.” It’s designed to shut down your analytical mind. Unfortunately for most students, analytical thinking is no longer taught in schools, and it’s often poo-poo’d in religious, channeling, or spiritual circles as “not having faith” or “being negative.” Faith is a powerful, wonderful tool, but so is critical thinking. When we integrate all aspects of Awareness, we can transcend base attempts to manipulate us into living smaller, controlled lives that aren’t our own best Self.

We can embrace real, positive scenarios instead of slapping a happy sticker on atrocities and calling this passivity and non-responsibility “Love and Light” or “Enlightenment.” Just to clarify, Love and Light are both extremely powerful, but there’s a difference between ignoring, excusing and allowing abuse to continue vs. shining the Light of Truth and Unconditional Love onto and into a situation to effect real change and provide tangible alternatives. It sounds obvious, but when you’re under covert hypnosis, it becomes really difficult to discern the difference.

This video shares some key word triggers as well as real life examples like when buying a car or meeting someone at a bar.

“Signs you’re not using your analytical mind:

1) You’re completely absorbed in a conversation
2) Inside your mind you vividly follow along with what someone is saying
3) You take in information without questioning its origin and validity
4) You strongly respond to emotionally descriptive language (language patterns)
5) You go with your feelings rather than evaluating the decisions critically.”

Please note, when the video’s speaker says, “Subconscious,” he actually means “the Unconscious Mind,” as per his YouTube comments.

As readers and clients know, I’m a huge fan of paying attention to feelings and to intuition; however, I’m also a huge fan of whole brain and whole heart processing. Human Evolution encourages greater Consciousness and the ability to recognize subtle differences among similar sounding concepts such as “Community,” “Oneness” and “Collectivism.” I’ve written on those differences in the post, “Uniquely You, Divinely One.” In these times of revelations, psyops, coups, counter coups, and the increased need for discernment, I just thought I’d share this useful little video. If you’re interested, you can research the topic further on your own. 😉

15 responses to this post.

  1. Recently, two prominent male bloggers in the ascension community had a very public and still ongoing intense feud, one asserts we can’t be in 5D if we’re in our minds, that the other blogger is in 4D and doesn’t understand his teachings because he’s in his mind and not ‘thinking’ from his heart, I have to admit to be very taken by this 5D blogger I follow his video’s and intake his often mesmerizing rhetoric of being an ascension pioneer from the 1990’s without questioning critically if this sits right with me, the popular mantra as we all know these day’s is, ‘this does or doesn’t resonate with me’, as pertaining to the heart, forget the mind, just ignore the mind, it’s all about the heart, it seems there’s alot of pressure in the ascension community to be cool with our emotions, if news of yet another illuminati false flag or horrific abuse of power happens, we are cajoled to see it all as a game, that they’re also lightworker’s, that getting po’d with flowing colorful descriptions of say where Monsanto can go is seen as an appropriate reaction by those just starting to wake up, that those truly awakening see the bigger picture and don’t get angry anymore at what goes on in 3D timelines. Is it possible I wonder that even very high vibrating, yes even folks residing in 4D/5D still use seductive hypnosis patterns to convince other’s that their teachings are the ‘truth’.



    • Well, the New Age movement is steeped in mind control. Research ACIM and the CIA for starters. That’s not to say there’s nothing valuable about going into the heart or seeing the bigger picture. The trouble is that these sorts of things can breed passivity, abject denial and a tendency to assume that someone else –ET, white knights, some “savior” or emotions alone will shift the general experience. It’s true we are having an overlay of dimensions right now and different people are having radically different experiences. I still contend that those playing dastardly evil roles in the current dimension don’t just get a free pass in the dimension in which they’re playing that role. If we accept that then this dimension will be screwed. There’s anger that gets you stuck and depressed. And then there’s anger that fuels creativity and real, tangible shifts and alternatives. I’m not taking sides in the blogger debate, as I’ve not watched the video drama unfold. 🙂



  2. Thanks for adding clarity Laura, so much appreciated 🙂 Blessings



  3. […] Posted June 11, 2013 by laurabruno in Uncategorized. Tagged: Covert Hypnosis, Discernment, Discernment and Disinfo, How to Tell if Someone’s Hypnotizing You, Human Evolution, Psyops. 3 Comments […]



  4. It just goes to show the superficiality of the spirituality when the conversation is focused on who is in “5D” and who’s in “3D,” when it really ought to be focused on the practical application of spirituality and on fulfilling one’s mission to humanity. By the way, one’s feelings and one’s inner guidance / intuition are not always congruent; they’re not the same thing. I also agree with you that we need to use BOTH our left brain and our right brain to the max of our abilities, we need inner guidance AND analytical thinking, our deeper guidance guiding the analytical thinking.



    • Hi Christine,
      Yes, I agree with you that feelings and inner guidance/intuition aren’t always congruent. That’s why I really suggest people aim for integration of the fullness of their Being rather than just one particular way of processing. “Evolution” isn’t meant to turn us into one or two dimensional androids. If we’d like that, we could all just watch TV, eat GMOs all day, drink fluoridated water, take all “channeling” and government propaganda at face value, and allow ourselves to be brain mapped into machines. In other words, we could just “live and let live, Love and Light it.” I, for one, am interested in a bit more than that. 😉 Thanks for commenting!



  5. […] Laura Bruno’s blog June 11 2013 […]



  6. […] articles: How To Detect Covert Hypnosis Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators The George Zimmerman Trial: Life […]



  7. […] articles: How To Detect Covert Hypnosis Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators The George Zimmerman Trial: Life […]



  8. I am grateful for this article. You can bet that this post will change the way I deal
    with every interaction. Do you possibly have any advice
    on ways to use both direct & indirect suggestions in self hypnosis?
    If so, please let me know via my site



  9. It’s scary to know that all round people with knowledge are trying to hypnotize and make us do things we might not have done. thanks Laura was sharing your valuable insights. It makes a little more secure knowing that I can detect these methods to make me compliant to things I don’t want to do.



  10. Posted by Rodney on September 19, 2021 at 12:12 pm

    Last year three persons were involved in covert hypnotizing me, by reading your information I am thoroughly convinced I was set up to dance in celebration of a person’s birthday, she said something faintly from a distant I was setting down stood up and began to dance by moving my arms in up and down motion she said.
    something that interrupted my arm movements then someone else I said stop which I took as a command not sure why they said stop but I did hear it. Thanks for listening

    Liked by 1 person


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