How to Protect Yourself from Empathing Societal Angst and EMF Madness

This is not intended to be a comprehensive article, but I wanted to respond to multiple rounds of questions in emails and sessions from people finding it hard to stay balanced right now. Whether you find yourself reacting to increased EMF frequencies from Smart Meters, cell phones, and other electronics, or the people around you seem like assaults of negativity, this article contains some quick, multi-layered suggestions for dealing with disruptions to your natural energy field. I don’t have any financial relationship with any of these vendors. I’m just sharing things that have worked for me or that I personally know have helped other people. Please feel free to share other tips you’ve found effective in the comments section. 🙂

SAR Shields and Q-links

I use both of these items, and I have found them top of the line in terms of lowering my EMF reactivity. The SAR Shield in particular, I have put on both my iPhone and my Smart Meter, and I’ve noticed extreme results from both.

I don’t have an EMF reader other than my own body, but I can tell you that when I first got my iPhone 4S, it made me so ill I wondered if I had gotten another brain injury. I couldn’t think straight, walk straight, had extreme nausea, dizziness, fatigue and malaise, even with my iPhone turned on in another room! As a last ditch effort not to return it, I ordered a SAR Shield, not expecting much, since I’ve not had great results from other cell phone “protectors.” I had already tried some others on my iPhone, and they didn’t even touch the radiation poisoning effects I experienced. Some of them actually increased those feelings! Until I added the SAR Shield, the only relief I got was from turning off the phone, and even that took some recuperation time. Once I added the SAR Shield, though, I could hold and operate my iPhone without feeling like I was being fried alive.

Having had such success on my iPhone, I decided to try my extra SAR shield on my Smart Meter. I have never seen this advertised as effective for a Smart Meter, nor am I suggesting it’s an effective cure. I did find that I stopped feeling so zapped by the pulses once I added this unobtrusive sticker on the bottom of the meter, facing the ground. I would prefer not to have a Smart Meter at all, but it’s in an area of the house we don’t frequent. Given the arrests and harassment happening with people demanding their Smart Meters be removed, I’ve opted for the SAR Shield at this time.

David introduced me to the Q-link back in Summer 2011 when I started walking around the house like a drunken sailor during Solar Flares. I would completely lose my balance to the point of comedy, although the laughs wore off once I realized I really couldn’t control the vertigo. He had purchased a Q-link from our chiropractor friends a few years prior, dug it out, and had me put it on. Presto, no more balance issues, and I also stopped feeling so fried around my laptop and fluorescent lights. We got me one, and I found it very helpful for shielding me from electromagnetic pollution, and especially from the effects of Solar Flares and CME’s. Most people seem to react once the waves hit Earth; however, I found through retroactive research that I am most sensitive to the flares and CME’s as they eject from the Sun itself. Having seen the positive effects for me, David now wears his Q-link all the time, too. The Q-link isn’t a cure-all for me, as I still feel way better away from fluorescent lights, high tension wires and certain computers, but it makes life much more balanced and tolerable.

Although the SAR Shield and Q-link are for electromagnetic protection, it’s worth noting that we are all electromagentic beings. Other peoples’ energy fields come at us, in part, via electromagnetic pulses, so these shielding devices can feel somewhat helpful for such encounters. More importantly, we are more susceptible to others’ energy manipulations or disruptions when our own energy field gets weakened. By protecting our field, these types of shields also keep us stronger to deal with emotional bleed-through and empathic experiences.

Helpful Crystals and Stones: Rocks Rock!

When we need to ground ourselves, what better grounding device than turning to crystals and stones that grow deep within Earth? I’m just going to list some particularly effective ones here. Again, this is not meant to be a comprehensive list:

Charoite: This purple stone helps ward off negative vibrations and emotions from other people. Keep it by your bed to protect your dream state, or on your person during the day. Even a small stone offers large protective benefits.

Sodalite: This blue and white stone looks kind of like planet Earth, and it has both grounding and protective effects. I keep a large hunk right on my bed stand and also use it in baths.

Salt: Sea Salt, Celtic Sea Salt, Himalayan Sea Salt … any of these natural (unrefined) salts offer both grounding and magickal protection. Creating a circle of salt around your bed can ward off negative spirits, thoughts, and emotions. Using it in a bath can help you detox both stress and toxins through your skin. The trace minerals in salt also permeate your skin and help you to calm down biochemically.

Raw Ruby: This is one of my favorite stones for grounding. Tania Marie made me a copper wrapped raw ruby and faery quartz necklace that I wear on days I anticipate will be particularly frazzling to the nerves. Unlike cut rubies, you can find raw rubies quite cheap in rock shops or online.

Amethyst: This one’s tricky, and you will need to observe yourself to know how or if to use it. I love amethyst, and it does have spiritually protective qualities; however, it is a very high vibe, non-grounded crystal. If you feel depressed or disconnected from Spirit, then amethyst may work wonders for you. If you feel totally disconnected from the Earth, then amethyst will likely increase those feelings. I get a wicked headache if I wear amethyst during a Solar Flare or if I’ve spent too much time in my upper chakras, but I love the high vibe uptick on a dreary day.

Hematite: This one’s an update, because I forgot to add it during the first go-round, even though I was wearing a hematite bracelet! I use hematite in the area right behind our Smart Meter to buffer the EMF’s, and I wear a hematite bracelet most of the time. I find the combo of a Q-link and hematite bracelet provides a noticeable boost to my energy.


The THORN Rune and the AR Rune are particularly protective against electromagnetic or HAARP manipulations, nasty thoughts projected at you, as well as empathic bleedthrough of others’ emotions, including the societal pulse.

THORN (also known as “Dorn,” “Thurisaz” and “D’hoarrn”) acts like a semi-permeable membrane, allowing good energies through, but preventing the passage of anything untoward. Think of the thorny hedge in Sleeping Beauty that kept everyone away for 100 years until just the right prince came along to penetrate the hedge and awaken the kingdom.

The AR Rune works more specifically against ghosts, spirits, “ill-witching” energies, or subconscious sabotage programs.

Runes in general work on the subconscious level, so they can effectively bypass negative programming, past life blocks, or split intentions. I have studied several systems of Runes in-depth for many years. I find the Runa Faery tradition and the Armanen system the most powerful for reprogramming the subconscious mind. Since the subconscious mind creates our reality, finding conscious ways to influence it can dramatically alter our external projections. Both the Runa Faery tradition and the Armanen system are self-protecting in that few people find and delve into these Runic patterns. The above links include basic instructions on how to use these Runes for protection. Deeper information than the links I provided is out there for those with a desire and resonance to find it. contains some comprehensive courses on Runes and energy direction for those who feel drawn to a different relationship with Runes than the more commonly known Elder Futhark offers.

Good Old-Fashioned Prayer

Simply put, prayer works. It really does. Focus more on what you want, feeling gratitude for already receiving that protection and peace, and you will feel stronger and faster effects. A blanket, “Holy Spirit, please fill me and flood me with your Holy Presence” works wonders. Some people may substitute “Great Spirit” with similar effects.

Get Dirty

Actually, Mama Earth prefers you use the term, “soil,” but whatever you call it, make contact. Put your hands or bare feet on or in the ground and feel the natural rhythm of Mother Earth. Hug a tree. Smell the grass. Eat real food. Hint: real food comes from the ground. You might even need to wash it! Eating organic, fresh, real, minimally processed food creates an energy signature in you that more closely matches the natural world. You become what you eat, and when you eat Nature, then your own frequency mirrors Nature more than all the artificial stimulants and distractions of the post-modern, illusory world.

Charge Your Energy Field Before Leaving Home

I learned these exercises over a decade ago from kundalini yoga:

1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart and arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Swing from left to right with your breath. Some instructors say to keep your feet flat on the floor. Others allow for a bit of shift as you twist. Feel which works best for you. You’ll know it’s working if you feel a surge of energy and electrical charge spreading around you from your fingertips.

2. Stand and bend your knees, hip distance apart, arms hanging at your sides. On the in-breath sweep your arms over your head as you straighten your legs and lift onto your tip toes. Exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat until you feel charged above, below and around you.

3. Practice the Breath of Fire. Sit in a comfortable position with feet or buttocks on the ground. Inhale and then begin to exhale only, using your belly to push the air out. Your lungs will naturally refill between exhales. Practice 30 seconds- 2 minutes as you feel able to strengthen and charge your vitality and energy field.


Release energy by making a joyful noise unto the heavens. Watch what words you’re repeating through song, since music intensifies the power of words. Once you find sacred chants or affirmative songs you love, let ‘er rip. You’ll strengthen your throat and heart chakras, enabling you to align your words with your heart. You’ll also increase your intuition and spiritual awareness, joy (2nd chakra), confidence, and feel more grounded in your body through the physical act of singing instead of just mentally mumbling the words.

Experiment to find other things that work for you, and then make note of these.

When you find a repertoire that helps you feel balanced, you can more easily choose the right thing at the right time to shift you into the vibration and comfort level you desire.

All the best to each of you in these wild and potent times!

6 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Lin Svitko on April 26, 2013 at 9:11 pm

    Great post! It almost sounds like an exact recap of the recommendations you made yesterday….and most helpful. Lin



  2. […] In line with my message received about the Heart Chakra focus as a way to support these shifts, synchronously, Laura Bruno shared some very helpful ways and tools to help you keep balanced and grounded amidst everything going on and from not absorbing things around you in her blog post: How to Protect Yourself from Empathing Societal Angst and EMF Madness. […]



  3. Hi Lin, you would not believe how many people are going through similar challenges with EMFs and societal emotions! Blessings, Laura



  4. […] got my Q-link and hematite bracelet on, so I haven’t felt off balance, just a bit sleepy. (Check out this article for tips on dealing with the effects of Solar Flares and […]



  5. Really helpful–thank you! -Julie



  6. […] How To Protect Yourself from Empathing Societal Angst and EMF Madness […]



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