The Way of the Warrior Defined ~ Where Have All the Warriors Gone?

Thanks, Bill! This video arrived so very synchronously, just seconds after I hung up the phone from a “Healing Skills Reclamation” Session discussing the spiritual path of the Warrior. I had just described this very dynamic of becoming so strong that you bypass the “need” for violence.

This video gives a passionate description of the differences between a Warrior and a soldier, as well as why our world needs a return of the Warrior. Lately, I’ve felt led to read both “The Upanishads” and “The Poetic Edda,” and both traditions share an appreciation for the role of true Warriors. It’s not about bashing heads or bombing civilians into oblivion. Reclaiming the values, courage and skills of the Warrior has deep implications for spiritual development, human sovereignty and, indeed, the fate of our world. This is 22 minutes well worth the listen:

“Budo (way of the warrior) is not a means of felling the opponent by force or by lethal weapons. Neither is it intended to lead the world to destruction by arms and other illegitimate means. True Budo calls for bringing the inner energy of the universe in order, protecting the peace of the world , as well as preserving, everything in nature in its right form.”
– Moreihei Ueshiba – founder of the art of Aikido

I’ve posted the next video before, but it feels appropriate to share again right now. The video below features “Active Hope” author, Buddhist and eco-activist Joanna Macy telling the 12 centuries old Shambhala Warrior Prophecy. Perhaps this story will resonate more strongly in context of the above video from “If one person has a capacity to be a Bodhisattva, then others do, too. …Listen as if you knew this was about you.” ~Joanna Macy

8 responses to this post.

  1. Reblogged this on Reiki Dawn and commented:
    I wanted to reblog this video from my dear Reiki teacher and all around good egg Laura Bruno. She posted The Way of the Warrior – Where Have All The Warriors Gone? He talks about the difference between a Warrior verses a Soldier. What is a Warrior? This is a thought provoking and inspiring sharing of this subject.



  2. Posted by Cheryl on March 27, 2013 at 1:53 am

    WOW. A little synchronicity going on. Shambhala blessings to you sister warrior… XO So enjoyed this. Was midway through Joanna when you must have been linking the additional videos which knocked it out, but was able to get it back. Been synching into this all day…



  3. Sure opens the mind to possibilities.



  4. Reblogged this on Sophia's Children and commented:
    This seems a very fine time for anchoring ourselves in the sovereign “ground of All Being” and rejuvenating our discerning Spiritual Warrior juju.

    I’ll be sharing a few musings on just that “ripe timing” in a day or two (maybe even today), since the Virgo-Pisces archetypal energies are getting activated in a big way moving forward.

    In the meanwhile, I’m happy to share this blog post from blog-sister Laura Bruno, since it speaks to this Spiritual (Shambhala) Warrior archetype that many of us are ‘here to be’.

    Check this out, and read on for more:

    “Budo (way of the warrior) is not a means of felling the opponent by force or by lethal weapons. Neither is it intended to lead the world to destruction by arms and other illegitimate means. True Budo calls for bringing the inner energy of the universe in order, protecting the peace of the world , as well as preserving, everything in nature in its right form.”
    – Moreihei Ueshiba – founder of the art of Aikido

    That’s what I’m talking about (whatever the spiritual tradition from which you gain Wisdom and inspiration)!

    Big Love and more soon,



    • I have always loved Aikido — it makes so much sense! No need to summon tons of energy, just use what’s being thrown at us in a more constructive way. 🙂 Much love! Laura



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