Empaths and Paradise

Just a quick reminder that we’re crossing some bizarre energy ripples right now, which have the power to distort in strange and sometimes scary ways. Whether you call it Mercury Retrograde in dreamy, illusion-inducing Pisces, Archontic influence of off-world beings instigating and surfing negative emotions, or simply empathing some of the intense disaster posturing of our world right now, many people are experiencing flare-ups. Emotions, spiritual issues, identity crises, physical pain that outreaches the actual diagnosis, thoughts that won’t stop recycling: yep. I’m feeling it, and I know so many others are as well, because I’m hearing from you in sessions!

Take a breath.

And another breath.

Release the long exhale.

Now breathe again.

This, too, shall pass. There seems to be some sort of collective die-off happening right now, a global healing crisis in which the human immune system has suddenly realized, “Holy, freakin’ conspiracy FACT, we have been invaded. Our world’s been hijacked by psychopaths, and things seem very dire, indeed.” The good news is: that human immune system has finally started kicking in. I’m saddened that it took the possibility of drone killing American citizens on American soil in order for more than a handful of Americans to care about mass murder, but at least something has triggered an awakening. I’m sorry that it took the possibility of our entire global food supply being completely contaminated, patented and destroyed for people to wake up to the dangers of GMO’s and Codex Alimentarius, and I’m sorry that it took fire coming out of individuals’ faucets in order for people to recognize that fracking is an obscene violence on Mother Earth. But at least more people are now screaming, “No! Not on my watch. Not while I live on this planet. I did not incarnate for this sick version of some psychopath’s master-slave dystopia.”

When an immune system (even a collective one) suddenly realizes that it has been invaded and needs to take action, the initial response can hurt. For those of us empaths, that collective shock and hurt often registers hyper-locally — in our own body, mind, emotions and spirit. I know many, many of my blog readers and clients are empaths. If you’ve ever “felt” someone else’s emotions or physical pain, you at the very least have empathic tendencies. Most people do, to varying degrees. Empathy is actually a normal part of the human condition, since we’re all interconnected by an invisible Web of Life. In fact, a complete lack of empathy is one of the definitions of a psychopath, so empathy is not something to avoid or reject. It is something incredibly human and beautiful. We just need to maintain our own balance in the midst of the intense, rapid and sometimes panicked awakenings around us.

Maintaining balance in the midst of others’ chaos presents challenges, but here’s some more good news to make it worth our while:

1) Empathy resonates with the principles “As Above, So Below,” and “As Within, So Without.” If we find ourselves so overwhelmed by external conditions that our body, mind, emotions and spirit actually begin to suffer and imitate the large outer on the small inner scale, then guess what? We can reverse that trend, too. We can treat ourselves in tangible small ways with the intention of our inner healing radiating outwards to effect change on the macro level.

2) We can remind ourselves first and foremost that any and all symptoms have some connection to outer events. Just asking the question, “Is this mine?” helps us to release the energy of fear that often keeps symptoms around much longer than a quick pass-through.

3) We can also use this period of potent energetic interconnections as a way to expand how we view our world and our place in it. Sometimes feeling like one isolated individual in a sea of chaos feels overwhelming, but if we remember our connection to everyone else and recall that the vast majority of humanity wants peace, prosperity, a healthy planet, good health, loving neighbors, and the chance to shine, then we help to bolster that energy. We strengthen ourselves when we remember how interwoven our lives really are.

Empathing others’ symptoms can feel scary and frustrating. Believe me, I know! Even knowing this I realize that I can do a much better job clearing my own energy after sessions or after dealing with sick or frightened people I encounter socially. But the flip side of empathing others’ conditions is a keen awareness of just how much influence we each have over our environment. It’s not just negativity that leaks through; positivity does, too. Inspiration is contagious. So is enthusiasm. So are ideas. Victor Hugo said, “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”

The time has come for many powerful ideas: liberty; sovereignty over body, mind, emotions, spirit, food and medicine; recognition of our planet as a living, breathing being; understanding ourselves as “uniquely you, divinely one”; recognizing Natural Law; a return to balance of all things; knowing that we have the power to imagine, demand and implement an entire reality that honors and respects ourselves and Nature. If symptoms can bleed through, so can solutions. This might feel like a time to hunker down in the faery bunker, but now is also the time to let ourselves shine so brightly that the rest of the decayed and crumbling, ugly, old paradigm fades out of existence, ushering in the new. I pray we use our powers of empathy to build bridges into Paradise, then cross those bridges until they become such well-worn paths that anyone who chooses can easily find the way.

“Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” ~ Author Unknown

24 responses to this post.

  1. […] Laura Bruno’s blog February 27 2013 […]



  2. Great post! πŸ™‚



  3. Thanks, Cassie!



  4. Posted by vega1013 on February 27, 2013 at 10:51 pm

    Nice blog entry, Laura. Good timing as I have been contemplating today how being sensitive or empathic is a gift, but can feel like a curse when you’re absorbing too much negativity from the world and others. So I think you’re right–we need to learn to strengthen and nurture our own inner light and develop the courage to shine that light out onto the world and others. Who says our one statement or action won’t be the one that changes the world (the butterfly effect)? πŸ™‚



  5. Posted by Marlet on February 28, 2013 at 2:20 am

    A big thank you from South Africa!



  6. just what I needed to hear (read). thank you!



  7. Posted by Zee on February 28, 2013 at 3:55 am

    What a WONDERFUL post! It is so right on the money, that I am grateful to have found it…..and of course, EXACTLY right on Time! Thank you! πŸ™‚



  8. Thank you! Great post … liked the one about the monkey bars! πŸ™‚



  9. Posted by debbymanynations on February 28, 2013 at 7:26 am

    Reblogged this on cedarridge2007.



  10. Right action, mutual aid is a sustainable way..



  11. One of the rare posts explaining simple logic to us all – Empathy is normal for us lightworking people to keep among other facts our torches shining and manifesting Nova Earth ! Thks for sharing this great post – I re-blogged on Illuminations Now !



  12. […] Posted February 27, 2013 by laurabruno in Uncategorized. Tagged: As Within So Without, Ascension, empathy, Food Sovereignty, Human Evolution, Reality Creation, Sovereignty. 8 Comments […]



  13. Thanks for confirming that turbulence is all around, stirring and shaking our roots! Thank God it’s not just me – meaning there must be a point to all of this chaos, and also a turning point!



  14. Reblogged this on dreamweaver333 and commented:
    Thanks to Laura Bruno



  15. Glad so many people resonated with this post! I hope it brought some calm to the storms. Blessings and healing … Laura



  16. thank you Laura for this Loving and comforting post. Greetings to all from Canada East . I Love you my Family!! ❀



  17. Propably there is many empaths in the world wich feels alone – but with that kind of messages – not really more! πŸ™‚ A always knew there is big power with emphaty, it layed dormant until now, with light it gaining more and more bright side with wich we can at last share, not scare! Wonderful times are coming, and empaths have special role in it, share the light, thank You Laura for this entry, best regards!



  18. Posted by Carolyn on March 2, 2013 at 6:58 pm

    Thank you so much. I’ve definitely been feeling it. I needed this message. πŸ™‚



  19. Thank you for this message…& a big Thanks for speaking out to the harm humanity has been & continues to inflict on our sacred Mother-Earth ! It makes me so angry & I often find myself telling her how ‘Sorry’ I am for All that is being done to her….All of it is so very disturbing to me, but you mention Fracking…..& this especially is such a violation in itself & those doing this act are mindlessly biting off the very hand that feeds us All ! & to make matters worse, re-injecting the chemical back wash back into the ground….sometimes I wish these very people would be subjected to some of these toxic injections into themselves….well that is abit harsh…but the angry side of me thinks it would be justified ! Being empathic…the pain can be at times quite over-whelming & one’s reaction can be a want to lash out, but the truth I know will always lie in spreading the right knowledge & information…so keep shouting it out my friend ! I hear some channelers using the phrase ‘our toxic planet’….oh how I hate this….as I believe our sacred Mother-Earth is the physical embodiment of the Divine LOving Mother of All that Is, a pure & perfect cradle of creation souly designed with the intent to LOve, support & provide the foundation for All her pure & perfect life forms…..she has never been toxic, it is humanity that has made her unhealthy….with the endless abuse, taking & destroying ! I pray each & everyday for her strength & healing & that time will expediate humanity into knowing the cost of this harm, & very-very-very soon that this madness will stop & her healing transformation to be completely restored !!! Much of the other things you’ve talked about are wonderfully true & Thank you for that too…but I just felt I needed to focus my response to the harm inflicted on Mother-Earth ! Have a delightful day & Blessings in All your future ‘positive’ postings !…..Bev



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