Healthy Skin: A Medical Intuitive Perspective

This old article from 2009 just popped up for me … quite synchronously, indeed. Sometimes old “Laura Bruno posts” give me exactly the insight I had begun to seek elsewhere. LOL, but true. I decided to repost this piece because four years later than the original article, I’m again hearing from many, many clients experiencing outbreaks of acne, rosacea, strange rashes, shingles and other skin ailments — especially people for whom long awaited goals have suddenly begun to manifest. If I’m getting that many calls for sessions about this, as well as experiencing some skin issues myself and hearing the same from friends and family members who normally have “perfect skin,” then I figure there are many more silent people out there who would benefit from this information. Blessings to all in these unusually intense and expansive times!

from 2009:

I’ve been having a “rash” of Medical Intuitive clients complaining about acne, rashes or other unpleasant skin issues. Although many people face these issues, calls about them have become more frequent lately. It seems that rounds of doctor visits, natural or steroid creams, water or juice fasts, visualization and liver cleanses have not managed to alter the symptoms.

I find this very interesting! It’s not the same rash or the same location, and these clients live all over the world, so the same environmental factor seems unlikely. I do sense some similar root causes, though, so I thought I’d share the most common observations here.

1 ) Check Your Superfood and Beta-Carotene Consumption. Although getting too much vitamin A through diet seems unlikely on a SAD or SUKD, in the realm of raw foods and superfoods, it does happen. High sources include: goji berries, spirulina, carrot juice, AFA algae, mango, spinach, kale, beets, and many seaweeds. People who load up on antioxidant rich foods can easily slip into a beta-carotene glut in which they’re consuming many, many times the recommended daily allowance for vitamin A. Unlike B-vitamins that we excreet through urine, vitamin A goes into the liver. Too much can cause a strain.

I have had many raw food clients call me complaining of excessive skin dryness, flushing and/or a burning itch that seems to creep under the skin. In most cases, once they backed down high beta-carotene foods for a few days the itch completely resolved. Depending on severity, they may need to avoid seaweeds, mango, goji and spirulina for a few weeks to a few months, but I’ve yet to meet anyone that hasn’t been able to work some of these back in with time.

2 ) “Face” Your Fears of Increased Visibility. Skin represents the face we show the world–the wrapping on the package of our soul. So many of the most visible people in our society have suffered severe battles with acne, rosacea, or other skin issues. In many cases, the fear of people seeing their skin kept these folks in the shadow much longer than was natural for them. Having suffered mild acne myself, I totally understand the urge to think, “Oh, I can’t possibly teach about health if I don’t look perfect. No one will listen to me if I have a zit. They’ll think I don’t know what I’m talking about.” This attitude kept me from putting myself “out there” as a medical intuitive until 2006, even though I had been a practicing medical intuitive since 2001.

I get it. When skin issues present themselves, the last thing people want to do is increase their visibility. But sometimes that’s exactly what needs to occur in order for the symptoms to resolve. My own skin cleared as I grew more courageous about admitting what kind of work I do. Each time I feel challenged to raise that visibility a little more, I still experience an occasional blemish. I know from working with so many other leaders that this is extremely common, so now I just roll with it. The more people can embrace the beauty of what wants to flow through them and allow that message whatever size stage it needs, the more the acne or other unsightly things seem to resolve.

Even when it does not resolve right away, the energy takes over. I know many people who have acne who routinely get told how radiant and beautiful their complexions are! Sometimes they want to argue with whoever bestows the compliment, but in reality, they are living more honestly by letting their gifts and energy flow. Other people perceive that as beauty.

3 ) Look to the Past to Understand the Present. As one of our major detox organs, the skin offers an easy exit for all sorts of things we really don’t want clogging up our system. Many already understand the importance of cleaning the colon and liver and how that can affect the health of the skin.

From an intuitive standpoint, the colon represents control and the liver houses anger, especially anger stemming from frustration. Just as the body will release toxins when it feels strong enough to handle them, so it will release old emotions or issues when it senses enough of a support system to process these away. Skin offers a dramatic way of “coming out” about formerly repressed or embarrassing events, feelings or issues.

On a global scale, many people are getting ready to release their gifts into the world in huge ways beyond what they dreamed of doing. In preparation of this next level of visibility and awareness, we’re going through a global purge on this planet and as individuals. I believe this accounts for why so many people who “never” have skin issues suddenly do. These rashes and other challenges represent a call to look very deep and to send compassion to ourselves in earlier times when we did not have the necessary tools to handle trauma or disappointment.

By way of example, I’m experiencing this in my own life right along with so many of my clients. I have had an odd rash on my right thigh for the last couple months. I found it fascinating because it exactly traces my “bladder meridian,” which is an energy channel in Chinese medicine. While recovering from my brain injury, I learned that fluorescent lights would “blow out” my bladder meridian. It would just short circuit and leave me hopelessly fatigued and unable to function until my holistic doctor “reconnected it” through energy work and some herbs. “How interesting,” I thought, “that I’m finally at a place where my body can let the rest of that go.”

When the rash continued to creep its way down my leg in a straight line, I contacted a dermatologist. She gasped because she had “never seen this in an adult before.” She biopsied it and found that it was, in fact, a childhood rash, which usually occurs at age 3. Hmmm … even more interesting! My paternal grandfather died when I was 3. He was my absolute favorite person in the world, my very best friend. I have memories of drawing with him when I was 2, as well as vague memories from even earlier than that. I vividly remember the day he died. I also remember a quick recognition (especially for a 3 year old) that other people were hurting and that my grief would only upset them more.

Over the years, I’ve done a lot of work around that grief, and it certainly helps to have so many intuitive gifts of communication! Still, my reaction — that stuffing of the grief and shock that someone could just disappear — had left a mark on my inner terrain. The dermatologist urged me to use a steroid cream, even though the rash typically resolves on its own. It’s not contageous, infectious or in any way dangerous. It just looks like a red line running down the limb. If the location and diagnosis (Lichen striatus) did not so obviously tie into old trauma, I might feel worried or frustrated. But in reality, I see this as a celebration that my soul feels ready to release those traumas in a final way before moving on to the next level. I opted not to use the steroid cream, since that only represses the symptoms. If this is an old drama coming to the surface after 33 years, then it feels right to let it play itself out.

I’ve seen this pattern so many times in clients. Sometimes dietary shifts or creams help, but sometimes the skin simply announces progress — making visible what occurs beneath perception. Sometimes “ugly” skin makes us infinitely more conscious of our inner pathos, vulnerability and beauty. And whenever that happens, I rejoice.

Peace to you!

Related posts: Natural Beauty, 2012 and the Mayan Calender: What’s Happening?, Coaching Yourself through Food Issues, Breast Health: Some Medical Intuitive Observations.

21 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Cheryl on January 31, 2013 at 6:04 am

    Thank you – just what I needed as I have been experiencing this as well. XO



  2. Posted by Michelle on June 20, 2013 at 6:10 pm

    My skin has been unbearably itchy for the past month. Any ideas greatfully received please. Ive tried so much, best being oregano oil mixed with olive oil. Doctors creams don’t help. Now trying high zinc, but obviously being careful. Doing reiki everyday. kind regards. Michelle



    • Sorry your skin is so itchy! Without tuning in and doing an actual Medical Intuitive session, nothing jumps out at me for you right now. Maybe try a homeopathic allergy medication to at least relieve the itch until you get to the bottom of it? Blessings, Laura



  3. Posted by Michelle on June 22, 2013 at 4:57 pm

    Thank you anyway. Much love xx



  4. Posted by Michelle on December 14, 2015 at 10:39 pm

    Hi there, my husband and I just read you blog post and it we both feel it was just so powerful!! Thank you for such amazing insight on a skin condition! We love where you said a steroid cream suppresses releasing! Wow! What a concept and thought! Thank you again! We look forward to more!

    The Aldo’s

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Posted by Samira on April 14, 2016 at 3:02 pm

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom as it helps so many people. For some years now, I am experiencing my share of a variety of skin issues and your article offered me so much deeper insight on this topic. I have been doing a lot of releasing these past few years and I always thought my skin issues were a sign that it was not working. But in fact, it may be a sign that it is working quite well and that I am finally letting go of old worries and traumas. Makes so much sense to me. Looking forward to reading more of your work!

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Laura, This is extremely good food for thought. MOST of what you said is applying to me right now (way more raw foods/salads, long-supressed issues seemingly ‘sensing’ that I now have the means to deal with them, and long-awaited goals looking to be attainable).

    I’ve been working (voraciously) with a wealth of newfound spiritual and subtle body energies over the past year and a half, but more importantly have been actively expressing them and making sure I don’t squelch this new(ly obvious) side of myself just because it makes “framily” members uncomfortable. I think this is why very consistent and specific spots of my body (upper right arm/elbow, and lower left forearm) have been extremely itchy. The most “logical” rhyme I can see to it is that it flares up the most during relationship issues. Despite my analytical and health nutty nature, that’s honestly the most rational conclusion I can come to.

    Thanks for hearing my story! In addition to the fact of it all, I’ve been listening to messages and synchronicities from my inner guide that prove to be instructions for “Kriya” postures that result in healing energy blocks. Through this work, I’ve come to think of the different parts of my body as a literal map of my inner psychology. I would urge anyone who has had similarly strange phenomena (Kundalini rising symptoms) to think about their own “body map” as I’ve come to call it, and what each parts of the body might psychologically represent. In my case, upper right arm to me means the secret/internal “doing” with my feelings, while the lower left arm means obvious/external “doing” with my thoughts. I know that might sound ridiculous (if I weren’t the one saying this, I might think so too), but I’ve put in so much work and experimented on this concept to such an extent that I now take it literally. I feel the upper right arm itch come strong when I feel like I cannot easily just do what my inner feelings compel me to, and it seems to most consistently go away when I drop whatever is frustrating me and take the dog for a walk or something pleasant.

    Sorry for such a long post, I tried to keep it short! All the best,


    Liked by 2 people


  7. Posted by Vanessa on September 21, 2016 at 5:37 am

    I have been reading this and for me it struck a cord I have been feeling guilty for years for having add and allowing myself to stuff my talents deep inside me just because I was afraid of people seeing my “skin”. For years I’ve hidden and everyone can say it was allergy to make-up but the reality was I never had an allergic reaction like this and no matter what antibiotic and cream I shove down my system it doesn’t help. The problem with my skin will just show somewhere else. This year I went to Portugal and I normally don’t have any allergic reaction to mosquitos but I did it itched and it burned. I took every antihistamine and every cream my skin didn’t care the symptoms were gone but the soul hurt of throwing away who I am and my talents were still seeping deep. I think it doesn’t matter what I take to control it. if I don’t somehow clear my guilt for being born with ADHD and stuffing down my talents which I had a divine right to express my skin and body wouldn’t be warning me to look deeper before I lose what means the most to me.



  8. Posted by stephanie on October 4, 2016 at 4:52 pm

    Very interesting!
    I was searching for answers bcse my bf is often very itching in my company.
    our relasionship is exclusive-non committed!
    I understand that maybe he finds it hard to realise we have been in a relationship for 18 months and it needs to be acknowledge, accepted, celebrated and brought to the light that we good together! haha
    Please tell me more!
    Thank you

    Liked by 1 person


    • Thanks for your comment, Stephanie. If you’d like a personal reading addressing your specific situation, then that would require setting up a private session via my contact page:

      Medical Intuitive readings are $90/half hour or $175/ hour. The blog provides general information for free, but sometimes people have more subtleties and specific details going on than the general patterns. 🙂



  9. Posted by Gio on November 26, 2016 at 1:32 pm

    I loved everything you wrote on this article and I just met you. This is exactly what I needed to know. Thanks a lot 🙏🏼

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Thank you! This has been very helpful. I’ve always had great skin, now I have a whole raft of minor skin issues…warts, psoriasis, and (suddenly) ringworm, lol. Sure enough, I’m one of those ready for greater visibility…after a lifetime of hiding. Guess I just have to get my nerve up & get started. This article helped a lot.



  11. Help! I’m pretty sure the eclipse brought on a rash. This morning I woke up to itchy, hot, red skin. At first I noticed it on my face but as the day went on it’s started to itch on my legs, breast, arms…all over. I notice the reddness on my face and breasts. What is going on? What can I do to cure??



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