The Healing Power of Love

I’ve gotten into the habit of drawing a single Avalon Oracle Card each morning as a point of focus for the day. Sometimes I ask specific questions; sometimes I simply draw a card and let it speak for itself. Today, I found myself holding the deck and silently saying, “Great Goddess, what do I need to focus upon today to most support my own and the world’s deepest healing?” I pulled the LOVE card:

“This marker reminds you to show kindness and compassion to all whom you meet on your path — be it a beggar on a street corner, a co-worker, a family member, an animal or a plant whose leaves need pruning.

“This marker asks you to shift perceptions from yourself as a solitary person on the earth to one who’s part of a living system. Love is what made you, so keep it flowing. Remember to receive love as well. Ask yourself, ‘Am I blocking love?’

“This marker reminds you that you’re as connected to all of life as it is to you, and that you’re responsible to be the steward of the love of the God/Goddess. Love is without conditions — it is respectful, mindful, sees all life as sacred, and acts in accordance. Love reminds you that this very planet is a living being.

“Love is the very essence of the Divine in you, and it sees the Divine in others. This is the time to see through the eyes of Love and always ask before you act, ‘What would Love do?’ The answer will always bring you extraordinary power.

“This marker is a very fortunate and transformative omen.”

When I came downstairs, I absentmindedly flipped our Abraham-Hicks “Ask and It is Given” perpetual flip calendar for today’s message, which quickly drew my full attention:

“July 20

“Unconditional love is really about wanting so much to remain in connection with your Source of love that you deliberately choose thoughts that allow your connection (no matter what manifestations may be happening nearby). And when you are able to control your point of attraction by deliberately choosing better-feeling thoughts, the conditions that surround you have to change. The Law of Attraction says that they must.”

Well, then! Back to the basics. Love, love, love … everyone, everything, every moment, everywhere. From me to you, on this gloriously green sunny morning after recent rain(s): Much Love! Pass it on. šŸ™‚

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  1. […] Laura Bruno’s Blog | July 20 2012 […]



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