Synchronicity, Reiki and Finding the Right Reiki Master Teacher

I’ve had many students tell me that finding the right Reiki Master Teacher felt like “completing a lifelong quest.” Some had felt simultaneously led to and resistant to Reiki for decades. Some sensed they’d never maximized their previous training, yet they still felt drawn to move onto the next level. Others felt they’d grown so much since their initial training that they wanted to retake levels with a different Reiki Master Teacher who resonates with who they are now. Still others had completed Reiki Master training, but didn’t know how to teach. When asking their earlier RMT to train them as a teacher, they found the person had either retired or refused to train them a “competing” teacher.

Reasons for seeking the right Reiki Master Teacher vary widely. Joy at finding the right Reiki Master Teacher seems both magical and standard. “It felt like the Universe just clicked into place.” “When the student is ready the teacher appears.” “When I saw YOU post that class, I just knew I had to be in it.”

Synchronicity often plays a mischievous role. Back in 2003, in very windy Santa Fe, I tried to hang a Reiki Level 1 flyer on the bulletin board outside a spiritual bookstore. I kept trying and trying to hang this paper, but the wind caught it every time, finally blowing it fast and furiously down a railroad track. Not wanting to litter, I chased the paper for an eighth of a mile or so before I eventually gave up. In our next class, a student described how she had left her dance class and felt an urge to walk along the railroad tracks. As she prayed for guidance about her “next step,” my Reiki Level 1 flyer flew into her face. Talk about “in your face messages!” She immediately registered for the class and continued her training to the point of teaching her own Reiki students.

In October 2011’s Reiki Master Teacher Certification Class, I had many students from Madison and nearby towns as well as one who drove in all the way from Woodstock, NY! This month’s Reiki Master Teacher Certification Class has students from Chicago and New Jersey arriving for the event. In all the many (many!) places I’ve lived, I’ve found that people often feel called to travel to find a Reiki Master Teacher who resonates with them. I’ve taught students from NYC in Sedona; Monterey students in San Luis Obispo; Virginia and Santa Monica students in Chicago; and Reno students in Sonoma County.

This criss-crossing of the country and synergy among different students and locales seems like a synchronous part of the Reiki process. If you feel called to begin (or complete) your Reiki training beyond your city or town, please know that’s perfectly normal. Sometimes you luck into having just the right relationship with a local teacher, but sometimes the journey itself becomes part of the process. Universal Life Force Energy always knows where and how to flow.


As always, taking any level of Reiki Certification with me (Laura Bruno) entitles former students to audit (for free, space permitting) any additional Reiki Certification Classes up to and including the level to which I’ve certified them. Many of my students –especially Master Teacher students — embrace this opportunity as repetition builds confidence. People also notice subtleties they may have missed in their initial concern with learning new information. I tailor each class to the day’s participants, which means I may use different metaphors to explain tricky concepts, or may share different stories to illustrate points. I find that the students themselves create a unique synergy in each class, and they often keep in touch with each other long after their Reiki certification.

5 responses to this post.

  1. I LOVE YOU!



  2. […] if you feel ready to take this next step and if you resonate with me as a teacher. You can click here for an article called, “Synchronicity, Reiki and Finding the Right Reiki Master […]



  3. […] how change happens, people! And this is one of the reasons I’ve felt called to train so many Reiki Master Teachers, especially in the past year. As Albert Einstein so wisely said, “You can never solve a […]



  4. […] if you feel ready to take this next step and if you resonate with me as a teacher. You can click here for an article called, “Synchronicity, Reiki and Finding the Right Reiki Master Teacher,” which […]



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