Ascension Symptoms and Solar Flares

Today I’m sharing an article by Denise Le Fay. She does a nice job describing the Ascension symptoms and reactions to solar flares that so many of my clients and colleagues continue to experience.

I wear a Q-link necklace and a hematite bracelet to help counteract the radical electromagnetic shifts happening right now. One advantage of being so sensitive to energy is that I can offer multi-layered readings for people all over the world from my own living room. The downside of being so sensitive is that when the poles start shifting, I really feel it! When the Sun starts shooting coronal mass ejections of high vibe energy into Earth’s atmosphere, my crown chakra gobbles them up until it wants to explode. I know others have been experiencing this, too, as fevers, headaches, pressure, sleep disruptions (either too much or too little), and inability to concentrate. Last week, during the day following the largest CME’s, every single client had a migraine, and even with my Q-link my head hurt. I sure burned through a bunch of old patterns, though! Holy, moly — intense, then gone.

As Denise explains below, we’re in for a wild Galactic ride through the rest of 2012. Some sources say through 2017. In any case, we all might as well get used to it! If we can find ways to ride that energy instead of letting it consume us, we will find these times extra potent for manifestations. I’ve been seeing tangible results of that in my own life, and the geomagnetic storms have gotten me back in touch with grounding stones like raw ruby, carnelian, Bruneau jasper, jade and sodalite. I’ve also found this is a fabulous time to blast through old barriers. Why not use the excess energy to support the transformation rather than getting swayed all over the place by the rockin’ waves?! The idea for my Ascension Packages came from this sense of radically charged potential. Denise offers some other insights and suggestions below. I hope you find it helpful!

One Month Into 2012 & We’ve Been Solar Fried!

Did your DNA get sunburned during January 2012? Does your head feel like it’s three times larger than normal…whatever “normal” is at this point? How’s your digestive tract been working, or rather, not working? How’s your Pituitary and other brain glands feeling lately? Do the tops of your eyes feel like they’re being pressed from above by the amplified Light energies in your brain/head? Is your body swollen, retaining fluid and/or bloated? How’s your inner antenna—you’re spine feeling? Sore, stiff, tight? How about your entire head and crown chakra? How about your tailbone, hips, pelvic area? How about your heart? Has your heart suddenly been pounding and having thudding palpitations in your chest lately? How about that nearly constant ringing in your ears and head from your brain, brain glands, and DNA being further evolved now?

When my biological Ascension Process started in February 1999, my body reacted to the 1999 (and later) solar energies with those lovely “Ascension Flu” symptoms; body and bone aches, chills, headache, and the occasional sudden stabbing ice pick-like pains in certain bones for a couple of seconds that literally took your breath away. From the mid-1990s on I’ve been periodically incapacitated by solar energies (solar flares, CMEs etc.) and was forced to rest and/or nap if I could while I had chills, severe body and bone aches and pains, and numerous other ascension symptoms. Over the years these solar triggered ascension symptoms have lessened and become more easily dealt with, not because the energies being transmitted have lessened since 1999 because they’ve steadily increased, but it’s the way they affect our bodies and why that’s changed.

These Cosmic and Galactic Light energies being transmitted to and through our Sun are rapidly evolving us, our bodies and consciousness. As we’re increasingly altered and evolved by these energies over the years, the pain we feel from them, the areas of our bodies, brains, DNA and everything else changes and feels different to us. The ascension symptoms that felt like they’d kill me five, ten, thirteen years ago are today both much less painful or non-existent because I’m carrying more Light and less density within me which means I’m vibrating faster and at a higher level now as we all are. However, with our entry into 2012, these solar transmissions have amplified tremendously so we’re once again dealing with what feels like different and more potent Light energies bombarding us, our bodies, brains and consciousness now. Because of this many people are currently feeling the solar energies in different body-parts; our heads, brains, and brain glands primarily. (Please remember those Stair Steps and that every person is not standing on the same step or level or timeline with this Process and because of this everyone experiences these solar ascension symptoms in slightly different ways and in different body-parts.)

With the start of 2010, the solar Light Energies caused pains and pressure in one area in the left (from the old 3D system of duality–female) side of my head/skull. My entire scalp and skull felt bruised and was sore constantly. The previous and familiar “Ascension Flu” solar symptoms had eased considerably with some of them gone entirely, but in 2010 it was painfully clear they were now focused in my/our heads, brains, and brain glands (Pituitary and Pineal primarily). With the larger solar flares/CME in 2010, 2011, and 2012 my body still experiences chills like when you have a fever, but my head has hurt with tremendous inner pains and pressures (not “headaches”) nearly constantly. Even though this head pain and pressure is constant it increases and diminishes in waves. The head pain is always there but sometimes much more painfully so than at other minutes, hours, days and nights.

Since 2010 I’ve felt these energies more in my spine, the left side of my head, and my Crown and Brow chakras. With the start of 2011, these solar transmissions caused my entire head, skull, eyes, jaw and into my sinuses to hurt and feel bruised and sore constantly. There were many months in 2011 when the pain was focused primarily on the right (from the old 3D system of duality–male) side of my head. Eventually the head pain and pressure was everywhere and would move from the whole head to an area on the right side, then back to the left side, then to the back of my head and neck, then to the top, then the front and down into the forehead and Brow chakra. I could feel my Pituitary being changed and connected, Rewired, in more complex ways with my Pineal and other brain glands. Literally our two brain halves have been Rewired to function as a (from the new 5D system of polarity integration and resolution) unified organ. Along with that our Pineal and Pituitary glands are being Rewired, connected, evolved into far more complex unified systems that can perceive much, much more.

With the start of 2012, it’s felt like we’ve lived six months worth of life in only the month of January! This is a clue as to how fast the rest of this year is going to unfold. The solar transmissions have shifted into final year mode and are quickly integrating and transforming our heads/brains/brain glands like never before. In late 2011 and all of January 2012 I’m feeling the energies in the tailbone and hips area too. It seems we’re feeling these energies at both the top and bottom—the head and base areas primarily with the occasional heart expanding palpitations and poundings as it becomes our new ascended base of operations. It’s going to be like this throughout 2012 so rest when you need to and don’t try to push yourself during these tremendous blasts and waves of higher dimensional energies altering us. I’ve tried pushing through the head pains and pressures to work and/or to write which only cause me to become nauseous and forced me to bed. Lesson learned, now I rest and/or nap when these amplified solar energies are doing what they are and I suggest you do the same.

Here’s a list of some 2012 ascension solar symptoms I’m experiencing and know you are too:

* severe head and skull pains and pressures—not traditional “headaches”
* severe eye pains and pressures, blurred vision, sensitivity to light
* sinus pains, pressures and soreness
* head pains and pressures radiating down into the temples and side jaw area
* constant ringing in the ears
* dizziness, sense of tipping or falling, feeling ungrounded
* exaggerated sense of smell
* ultra-sensitive hearing
* hot flashes, cold flashes
* vivid weird dreams, psychically dreaming other people’s dreams (collective)
* sore, bruised, tender scalp
* hair loss and/or thinning hair
* Crown chakra – top of head pains and pressures
* Brow chakra – forehead pains and pressures
* pain and stiffness in spine
* body and legs/feet swelling and/or fluid retention
* pain in tailbone and hip area
* heart palpitations, heart pounding while at rest
* easily becoming breathless or winded
* exhaustion
* feeling like you only have an 1/8th of a tank of fuel (energy) in you & once it’s gone you’re exhausted again
* seeing brilliant white light or light flares emanating from around your head and/or upper body
* seeing brilliant colored lights or balls of colored light
* increasing knowing over linear thinking
* perception of linear time further disintegrating into increasing spherical “NOW” consciousness
* growing happiness, joy, confidence, peace

Denise, January 29, 2012

Copyright © 2012–2013 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

70 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by laurabruno on February 3, 2012 at 3:01 pm

    For those people interested in learning more about grounding crystals useful for this time, my dear friend, artist and healer Tania Marie just wrote an excellent article on this topic: Lots of info and photos, too!



  2. Posted by Michelle on February 4, 2012 at 12:51 pm

    Thanks so much for your article. On the 29th Australian time, after having sore spots on my head and jaw, I had my first migraine and literally thought my head would explode. I also had others dreams and ‘smelt’ fragments of my Dad hanging around me wanting to be felt. Normally I just sense them. And my kitchen cupboard for some reason smelt rank! Bloody solar flares eh?!



  3. Posted by Chris on February 7, 2012 at 10:59 pm

    My partner and I are having many of these symptoms. Though for me, I have very bad hissing in ears/head; my hearing is not good contrary to your above heightened hearing; sensitivity to bright light, neck ache; scalp sores; etc… bring on 2012 now let’s get on with it the world’s waited long enough now. enough is enough. Love. Peace, goodwill, abundance, to the world.



  4. Posted by willowspirit on February 18, 2012 at 3:35 pm

    I stumbled onto your blog through what could only be Divine Intervention. We’ve talked before this and I think I signed up for your blog at one point but it disappeared. I am so thankful for this particular post because it has reminded me what is happening. I was thinking that I was going crazy, losing my mind or I had a brain tumor. I like your explanation better.

    I’ve also noticed lately that energy medicine is working better than it ever has before. On me as well as when I use it for other people and animals. My explanation is that I am lighter and so is everyone else so its easier for the energy to work. Crystals, tapping and Reiki are working wonderfully on my headaches, anxiety and other various symptoms.

    Thank you Laura. Once again, you’ve eased my mind. :o)



  5. […] posted about DNA Activation and Ascension Symptoms before, but activation has increased, rather than decreased since I posted those. Lots of people […]



  6. Posted by Michelle Poppy on March 8, 2012 at 5:49 pm

    Found this very helpful. Thank u :0) . After having very scary heart palpitations for 5 days in a row through the night too in December, I didn’t know what was wrong. These symptoms went as quickly as they came. Of course I checked with doctor too. Many thanks for this helpful information.



    • Posted by laurabruno on March 8, 2012 at 5:51 pm

      Glad it helped. Yes, the doc’s are mystified by these sorts of things, but good to check through many avenues if symptoms to concern you. 🙂



  7. Dear Laura,

    Whew! Thank you so much for this article. Now i can let my Dr. know that I do not need to go to Bellevue Psychiactric anymore! 🙂



  8. Posted by jimmy on March 9, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    “……“NOW” consciousness…..”



  9. Posted by jojo on March 10, 2012 at 1:22 pm

    Thank you for sharing, I’m feeling ALL of these symptoms, and much like Denise – have since around 1999 too… It’s nice to get validation and to be reminded it’s more than just ‘being sick’…



  10. Posted by Shern on March 15, 2012 at 8:22 pm

    I have been getting severe shooting pains in my ankels which subside when I use my tens unit , but the wierd thing is I have not had these pains in at least one year now all of a sudden they are back with a vengeance.
    I do have a bulging disk that presses on my cyatic nerve , but again had no problems in the past year until 3 days ago.



    • Posted by laurabruno on March 15, 2012 at 9:51 pm

      Soooo many people have spinal issues right now! There is so much more energy flowing through those channels that anything out of alignment becomes way more noticeable around the solar flares. It is a good time to be a chiropractor! Business must be booming. I hope your ankles feel better soon!



  11. Thanks for this wonderful article. I am a professional psychic of some 42 years as well as a stone healer animal communicator and astrologer and I can attest to many of the symptoms that you are talking about. I too have experienced my psychic work leaping quantum in depth and accuracy. This last big blast of Solar Flares has really upset my young dog also a Pisces like me and I have had to give her her flower essence mix that I make at least 4x as much as usual.
    I have been making some awesome gem elixirs that are helping a lot, the latest made from Dec 18 – Dec 22 2011 called The Shift 2012. From the more than 25 stones that were a part of this mix in and outside the bowl, seems like the first order of biz is grounding next flow and flexibility and lastly elevation. All the very sensitive people who are using it love it and the one “cooking” right now and due out for Mar 22 is called Lemuria Rising which is emanating some incredible energies from some of the Golden Lemurians in it. for more info check out my site Blessings Flash Silvermoon



    • Posted by laurabruno on March 17, 2012 at 2:38 pm

      Thanks for stopping by! I love the sound of Lemuria Rising! I agree with your order: grounding, flow and flexibility, then elevation. Some amethysts have come into my care for programming, but I’m sensing not quite yet. The crystals are becoming more potent as the Earth shifts, and people need a chance to catch up with the energies a bit. 🙂 Blessings!



      • thanks for responding I love amethyst but have not been drawn to using it. I also know that the chakra colors are being enhanced and changing some so that might have something to do with it I am sharing your post widely as it seems to have a lot of just what people need to make sense of some of what they are feeling.. If you have not yet felt the Golden Lemurians try to quite amazing Blessings Flash



  12. […] getting struck by lightning and thrown from The Tower to get stuck energy moving again! Actually, solar flares, which root out anything that no longer serves, come pretty close. The Major Arcana (first 22 tarot […]



  13. Posted by laurabruno on March 21, 2012 at 1:00 pm

    I have some Golden Lemurians. They are very different energies! Blessings to you 🙂



  14. Posted by Another Lightworker on March 22, 2012 at 7:35 pm

    I have been drawn to aragonite, stilbite, lepidolite, apophyllite, larimar, heliodor, and magnesite. I highly recommend stilbite! I use first aid tape to tape small pieces of these different crystals to my forehead, temples, heart chakra, and solor plexus while meditating and sending out love and healing. Also an energy healer I know recommends quantum quatro crystals to help with the solar flares and increasing vibrations. Good info on these crystals can be found online or in the Crystal Bible books.



  15. […] so much of the energy these days, especially for people conscious enough to notice energetic waves. Solar flares, whistleblowers, 2012 prophecies, Disclosure, and economic “emergencies”: take your […]



  16. Posted by Renee on April 6, 2012 at 7:17 pm

    thanks for this. I have been having lucid dreams of my life flashing before my eyes and experiencing the different paths (lives) past present and future. then i wake up with a horrible headache where my head feels like my skull id too small for my brain. tylenol doesn’t help and it lasts all day. plus i am exhausted. was looking all day for info and now i have found it. thank again



  17. Posted by Michele on May 22, 2012 at 9:13 pm

    Thank you for all this wonderful information…I have been searching for SO long as to what is going on with me and no one could give me an answer, until now. It ALL makes sense now! God Bless you for all that you do, keep doing what you are doing…



  18. Posted by Woolfmoon on July 5, 2012 at 2:41 am

    I never been one for psychics and crystals and all that. To me it all seems like a scam, at least there are tons of people making it look that way. As a man of science i tend to be quite a skeptic about many things but also i hold them to be possible. I never shut anything down completely. I think science and spirituality need to find a common ground because i believe neither side has it 100% right. All of these symptoms i have felt and continue to feel! What the cause is to me is still open to speculation but there is some pretty solid evidence (at least in my own life) that proves this is happening exactly how you,and others like you are saying. I watch solar weather regularly and i will attest that these sensations are much stronger during flares. In fact as of today we are in the middle of another massive flare! Already i feel the pressure in my head and temples, seeing pinprick light flashes and spinal pain. I was JUST diagnosed with spinal arthritis and i am only 29! I’m often tired but get spikes of energy with feelings of joy and reassurance that everything is going to be fine, better than fine! This indeed appears to be very real! Also i must mention the feelings of energy coming off of my face. i do not know how to explain this other than the left side of my face has a tingly almost charged feeling to it like some sort of static energy. Im at a loss for this. It mostly happens in the facial area but ive also felt it in the spine and in my arms. As an anxiety sufferer of 7 years, the past year has been a period of peace for me with literally ZERO panic attacks. Let’s hope this continues!



  19. Posted by Alex V. on July 10, 2012 at 1:53 pm

    @woolfmoon. I tend to be both skeptic and open minded as well. I´ve been feeling heavy dizziness in last few days (since july 3rd on ward) a very close friend of mine as well in fact he was diagnosed of high pressure and the guy is 30 years old, my mom is feeling dizziness and a cousing of mine as well. Coincidence?. I´m almost sure it´s the sunflares, It´s too much energy coming to us and earth´s magnetic field is going to zero so it has to affect us somehow. I don´t know if all of these symptoms come from “ascension” to 4D or 5d, but I can tell they´re happening everywhere. I live in Colombia near to Ecuador line



    • Posted by laurabruno on July 10, 2012 at 2:22 pm

      Yes, there were 9 M class solar flares in 24 hours and then an X class this past weekend. It’s been intense!



  20. […] Keys (Connect with James Tyberonn here. Read more about grounding and dealing with Solar Flares here and here.) Share […]



  21. Posted by Sharon on July 16, 2012 at 9:55 am

    Didn’t know where else to turn.
    I’ve been experiencing the leg swelling along with excruciating pain especially on my left side. From the Ankle up to the kneecap, left shoulder and hand where the knuckles are! Tipping, falling.This also happened when earth had the solar flares earlier this year. I don’t like that I can’t get up and go out until this passes by. I remember the only thing that helped a little bit was to just “FAST”, pray and if you do eat – let it be veggies only!



  22. Posted by Barbara on July 16, 2012 at 8:20 pm

    Hi Laura:

    We’ve been in touch a few times via other websites, but I just wanted to send you a note to tell you how much I love your work, not to mention that I recently learned that you, too, are Arcturian. That was such a huge confirmation for me and I do so much want to go home at the end of this year, or at the very least have the capability to flip back and forth in those timelines we’ve discussed. Starseed work is extremely fatiquing, not to mention painful, and it’s difficult at times to keep the vibes high. I thought I was okay with these recent X-flares, but today, I’m dragging my butt, dizzy, and hurting. Just wanted to mention a couple of things that came my way during some recent conversations with the “Arcs”. I’m advised that ALL crystals are connected, so if one is programmed to send/receive love, All are and it’s because of their holographic nature. I also wanted to mention that Starseeds may want to re-ground their “sanctuaries” as in breathing in light and breathing out love where they call this Now Home, and do it often, because my dears, the sh** is hiting the fan! Love to you, Laura, thank you again, and here we go! B.



    • Posted by laurabruno on July 17, 2012 at 1:48 am

      Yep, here we go again! Love to you and yes, I’ve been getting the same message about the crystals for quite awhile. The solar flares are activating them, too. If all goes well with this Ascension process, Earth will be quite a lovely place to live. If not … show me the faery portal or the exit button to Arcturus. LOL … laugh out loud, love out loud, lots of light …



  23. Posted by Chantel on July 17, 2012 at 6:31 am

    Ive been having major symptoms ongoing now, and consistent in 2012. I am having radiating migraines as I am typing this. I stay in meditation, and work on surrounding myself in pure light. I just looked on line, and we just had another solar flare. Omg these migraines are nothing like I have felt before. Food cravings, senses are overreacting, I am seeing glimmers,clairvoyance, sensing energy, and my dreams have become very interesting. I have had or currently having all stated ascension symptoms and I need help to get through this, its hard to discuss with my friends and family because they will think I’m crazy. I know , understand, and quite aware something is happening.



    • Posted by laurabruno on July 17, 2012 at 1:41 pm

      Hi Chantel,
      Sorry you’re having such a rough go of it! Yes, things have been very intense lately. If you’d like additional, personalized support, please feel free to schedule a Medical Intuitive consultation with me. Since people’s reactions tend to be related to any areas of blockage or resistance, sometimes an intuitive check-in helps to put things back on track and easier to deal with.



  24. Posted by DragonFly on July 25, 2012 at 5:36 pm

    I am experiencing almost all of those symptoms. The ringing in my ears got to a point where it just doesn’t go away causing a lot of pressure on the top of my head. it feels almost as if by brain is swelling. I also began getting spells of numbness in my hands during the day and it wakes me at night verfy often nowa days. I am however, very peaceful and happy in a way i’ve never been. I have lost many friends throughout my awaking but i hope that one day they can experience all this as I am experiencing now. I guess i have to ask myself sometimes if the voices and vibrations mean I am going crazy, but my personal journey throughout all this holds such strong validity that no one could convince me otherwise. Can Anyone out there relate???



    • Posted by laurabruno on July 26, 2012 at 4:04 am

      I am sure lots of people can relate, as I hear their stories all the time. It’s more a matter of allowing yourself to connect with resonant people. Blessings, Laura



  25. Posted by Adamantium on July 31, 2012 at 10:32 am

    OMG! Finally I feel assured. Being a light worker can be a pain in the butt with the ascension flu etc…
    I, like you suffered a brain injury over 8 years ago. It was a blessing in that it showed me qualities within me that I didn’t know were there. I’ve since recovered from my injuries, mainly cos I’ve had to manage myself more now (another blessing).
    Laura, I’ve been having the same symptoms that you’ve listed and although there are postings on youtube and other sites about the ascensions symptoms, none of them resonated or “hit home” as much as your daily postings and the feedback I feel from the other responses to your page are very supportive and very assuring that I’m not alone. I have to myself this every 1-2 days.
    As mentioned before I have the same symptoms (especially the pressure in the head and above the eyes) but lately I have a new symptom. When I rest in bed I feel I’m consciously aware of being in both the waking state and dream state.

    I’m very aware of the changes happening to my body and I’ve got reminding myself that its “ascension flu” BUT its a challenge having to deal with it day to day when I have to go out into the “real world” whether it be work, shopping etc…

    Thank you for your wonderful help Laura.



    • Posted by laurabruno on July 31, 2012 at 3:38 pm

      Hang in there! The more people who wake up, the faster consensus “reality” will shift to a more pleasant and easier to maintain and tolerate vibration. It’s happening, with lots of fits and starts along the way. 🙂



  26. Posted by Gina LaVerde on August 31, 2012 at 5:53 am

    Laura, just took another gander at this post. And, I saw this crazy symptom I have where my eyelids feel like they are being pressed down. At this time it’s when channeled messages come through.



    • Oh, I’ve had that before, too! Like when I need to go to bed right NOW to get a really cool dream message. 🙂



      • Posted by Gina LaVerde on August 31, 2012 at 4:26 pm

        Yes! I’ll have these while outside walking and KNOW that a message is coming through, I wonder if it has something to do with the natural
        Release of DMT. For me, when it comes, it’s a challenge to stay in my body, I’ve got it under better control. But, Doug knows if I tell him “I’m about to go somewhere” that’s what I’m talking about. Wild!



  27. Hi Laura hoping all is well with you. I certainly had al the fluish thins as well as the other body drama you and Denise suggested but one thing that has happened for the last few years actually since Uranus entered my 10th house is the feeling like my head is a big mentholated ball sometimes that extended down my left side as well particularly happening when I am writing Astroflash and hence channeling lots of downloaded stuff BTW here is the latest Astroflash URL should you want it for you or others Blessings Flash Silvermoon



  28. Posted by bunchafungus on August 31, 2012 at 11:55 pm

    If you don’t mind me asking, how old are most of you? (I am 23 years old.) How many people in your social circles and families share your insights? My soul mate is the only person I know in this living reality who is not completely brainwashed by society. It is difficult to talk to society at times because of our detachment to the topics being discussed. We have abundant empathy for our loved ones and for humanity as a whole. This makes simple everyday things like grocery shopping more intense because of the radical display of negative energy. We do a wonderful job at balancing, and we are extremely happy to have uncovered the truth of our existence, but we can’t be the only ones in this stage? I would love to hear details of personal experience. Thank you 🙂 -Bun



    • Hi Bun,
      Thanks for commenting. I’m 39, and I have friends and clients ranging from early 20’s to mid-70’s. Anyone conscious at all of energies tends to be feeling shifts. The degree to which they’re having intense physical symptoms or more emotional or spiritual openings seems to vary with the solar flares and astrology, as well as how much they’re willing to release of the old ways. Best of luck to you!



  29. Posted by manfly on September 24, 2012 at 10:25 am

    Reblogged this on manflyblog.



  30. Posted by Sharon on October 24, 2012 at 7:26 pm

    Very useful info would want more info I’m new in this though I have several symptoms



    • Hi Sharon,
      I hope this post helps, but if you’d like to schedule a private session to discuss your own personal symptoms and spiritual path, please feel free to contact me. We can set something up.



  31. Posted by Elizabeth Mailer on November 20, 2012 at 4:33 am

    Hi Laura,
    I just happened to stumble upon your blog. It’s really fascinating and helpful. I am writing this to you on Nov. 19, 2012. Off and on for the last three weeks, I’ve been feeling a lot of pressure at the top of my head or behind my eyes or on the bridge of my nose or inside my nose or in my sinus area or along my upper jaw. It comes and goes and it moves around to different areas of my head. Sometimes it is very intense; and then I won’t feel it for a few hours or a few days. The last time I had it was during the third week in August 2012. It feels like I am in an airplane that is climbing in altitude but without my ears popping. Do you know anyone else who is currently experiencing this symptom? do you think it is related to the solar flares? and if it is an Ascension symptom, why is this happening? Also, is there anything you would recommend that I do? I am particularly drawn to your work as I, too, feel a connection with the Arcturian frequency. Also Sirius. I often call upon the Ascended Space Master Hilarion and Clarion. Thank you for any information or guidance you can give me. Also: are you still doing individual readings/energy healings? Sincerely, Elizabeth



  32. […] this right now, and I know many, many clients, friends and family members are, too. I’ve posted before about Ascension Symptoms and Solar Flares, and we have had some doozies lately. People almost […]



  33. […] this right now, and I know many, many clients, friends and family members are, too. I’ve posted before about Ascension Symptoms and Solar Flares, and we have had some doozies lately. People almost […]



  34. […] feeling this right now, and I know many, many clients, friends and family members are, too. I’ve posted before about Ascension Symptoms and Solar Flares, and we have had some doozies lately. People almost […]



  35. […] feeling this right now, and I know many, many clients, friends and family members are, too. I’ve posted before about Ascension Symptoms and Solar Flares, and we have had some doozies lately. People almost […]



  36. […] feeling this right now, and I know many, many clients, friends and family members are, too. I’ve posted before about Ascension Symptoms and Solar Flares, and we have had some doozies lately. People almost […]



  37. Posted by Marie Winqvist on May 25, 2013 at 2:47 pm

    I´m not sceptic,not at all, it´s just that the symtoms are exactly the same as when you are reacting to the increasing levels of microwaves. So how do we know that this is not just reactions to the biologically harmful wireless radiation that is 10.0000000000000 times higher than we are “designed” to manage ? And it is increasing all the time. I know about the photon field, emerging from the center of the galaxy, and that is helping us to expand and transform. But the negative side effects, they just might be a reaction to the unlimited expansion of the wirwless technology. I experience these symtoms when I am in a place with high levels of microwaves, like cities. I immediately get better when I go back home, where there is relatively calm concerning WiFi and mobile towers. Just give it a thought. Many children and teachers all over the world get sick when they install WiFi in scools. Just for example.



  38. Thanks for commenting, and yes, I’ve addressed these other topics in other articles. The solar flares do make a noticeable difference for many people, even if nothing else changes in the environment, but certainly we are not designed for WiFi and SMART Meters. I’ve written numerous articles on how to protect ourselves from such things. Blessings, Laura



    • So glad to see your stuff up again been really going through some hellish symptoms. Inner heat like sunburn inside my body and you can almost see and you can feel the heat rising of of me as if I were a heater only on my left side so hot through my colon and bladder finally relief today using homeopathics Knowing that this is energetic and not illness but still hard to deal with for sure.



      • Whew! Sounds intense. Have you tried larimar? For some reason that sounds nice and cooling, too. Blessings!



        • Yeah I wear a piece on my bracelet usually water is the thing. Seems like my temperature goes up and down and my job is to find the way to keep it comfortable keeping myself cool with water inside or externally and then bundling up will be glad when this part is over. Psychic stuff off the charts with accuracy. This change is good for something. Using Lithium quartz also and I make great Gem Elixirs and my Aura Cleanse and especially Golden Armor do help manage the constant shifting and the heat but it is taking some serious managing. Thanks and Love Flash ps must get Astroflash written these changes are slowing that up.


  39. […] and all manner of undiagnosable symptoms. I’ve written about ways to deal with those here. The sun itself isn’t toxic or “evil,” but the intensity of radiation and the […]



  40. Posted by Maat on March 17, 2014 at 7:45 pm

    Thank you for this, I found your blog because I have been feeling symptoms such as, serious lower back pain where I cannot currently touch my toes, tingling in my nostril (right), very sensitive scalp, thinning dry hair and tiredness. This has been pretty sudden. I generally sleep and feel refreshed but of late the tiredness remains throughout the day. Im in my early 40’s but feel 60 yet I have always been my ideal weight for my age and height and am very active, I walk everywhere and eat organic no mac Donalds, Burger King or anything of that sort, no cheap food so this makes no sense. So this article brings great relief as I have also been aware of clairvoyant changes within myself. I have on a few occasions read my best friends mind after the 4th time she cried. I know things without knowing how I know, I see no reason for proof. I am confident that this is the theme for the future.

    The mind tends to go to familiar ground and a doctor will be too happy to help you over there by stating the closest medical condition.

    Basically Thank you.



  41. […] Ascension Symptoms and Solar Flares […]



  42. […] getting struck by lightning and thrown from The Tower to get stuck energy moving again! Actually, solar flares, which root out anything that no longer serves, come pretty close. The Major Arcana (first 22 tarot […]



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